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  1. 3801
    Publicado 2023
    “…"This timely volume responds to the epic impacts of cancer as a global phenomenon. Through the fine-grained lens of ethnography, the contributors present new thinking on how social, economic, race, gender and other structural inequalities intersect, compound and complicate health inequalities. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 3802
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….: morphology, hybrid sterility and gametocidal genes -- Part III Cytogenetics and Allopolyploid Evolution -- 7 Wheat chromosome analysis -- 8 New aneuploids of common wheat -- 9 Chromosomal changes over the course of polyploid wheat evolution and domestication -- Part IV Toward Whole Genome Sequencing -- 10 Comprehensive functional analyses of expressed sequence tags in common wheat -- 11 Development of the BAC physical maps of wheat chromosome 6B for its genomic sequencing -- Part V Structural and Functional Genomics -- 12 Sequencing of wheat chromosome 6B: toward functional genomics -- 13 Genetic mechanisms of vernalization requirement duration in winter wheat cultivars -- 14 Building ultra-dense genetic maps in the presence of genotyping errors and missing data -- Part VI Functional Gene Analysis and Molecular Tools -- 15 Exploiting comparative biology and genomics to understand a trait in wheat, Ph1 -- 16 The specific features of anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation in wheat -- 17 Association of wheat miRNAs with hybrid incompatibility in interspecific crosses of Triticum and Aegilops -- 18 High efficiency wheat transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens -- 19 extra early-flowering (exe) mutants in einkorn wheat generated by heavy-ion beam irradiation -- Part VII Biotic Stress Response -- 20 Stem rust resistance - two approaches -- 21 Germplasm enhancement for resistance to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in wheat -- 22 Next Generation Sequencing enabled genetics in hexaploid wheat -- Part VIII Abiotic Stress Response -- 23 Genomics approaches to dissect the genetic basis of drought resistance in durum wheat -- 24 Hybrid breeding in wheat -- 25 Broadening the genetic diversity of common and durum wheat for abiotic stress tolerance breeding -- 26 Early maturity in wheat for adaptation to high temperature stress -- 27 Gene expression profiles involved in development of freezing tolerance in common wheat -- Part IX Improvement of Grain Quality -- 28 Coping with wheat quality in a changing environment - Proteomics evidence for stress caused by environmental changes -- 29 Starch modification: a model for wheat MAS breeding -- 30 Quality characteristics of soft kernel durum - a new cereal crop -- 31 Proposal of international gluten research group -- 32 Enlargement of the genetic diversity for grain quality in bread wheat through alien introgression -- 33 Complex G x E interactions and QTL clusters govern end-use quality traits in hexaploid wheat -- 34 A consistent QTL for flour yield on chromosome 3B in the soft winter wheat variety, Kitahonami -- Part X Marker-Assisted Breeding -- 35 Recent improvements in Japanese wheat varieties -- 36 Determining the order of resistance genes Qsng-3BS, Fhb1 and Sr2 and combining them in coupling on wheat chromosome 3BS -- 37 Meta-analysis of resistance to Fusarium head blight in tetraploid wheat – implications for durum wheat breeding -- 38 Interest of a multiparental and outcrossing wheat population for fine mapping -- 39 The effect of Earliness per se (Eps) genes on flowering time in bread wheat -- Part XI Toward Sustainable Wheat Production -- 40 Recapitulating the OECD-CRP session (sponsored by the OECD’s Co-operative Research Program on Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems -- 41 Exploring genetic resources to increase adaptation of wheat to climate change -- 42 Genomic approaches towards durable fungal disease resistance in wheat -- 43 Review and new progress in wheat wide hybridization for improving the resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses -- 44 Global crop improvement networks to bridge technology gaps -- 45 Genomic selection in plants: empirical results and implications for wheat breeding -- 46 Dietary fibre: wheat genes for enhanced human health -- BM Appendix I: Program -- Appendix II: Poster Presentation List -- Appendix III: Committees…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 3803
    por Shin, Jitae
    Publicado 2004
    “…Coverage includes: New video-categorization schemes for assigning video-packet-to-network differentiated service classes Adaptive packet-forwarding mechanisms that improve cooperation between multimedia applications and networks Dynamic QoS mapping-control schemes that let DiffServ networks deliver variable media streams with consistent quality Fine-Grained Scalable MPEG-4-based video streamingoseamlessly integrating rate adaptation, prioritized packetization, and loss-based differential forwarding Joint-source-network approach: layered video combining application-level UEP with network-level QoS support New network service models for layered video multicasting across DiffServ networks Whether you're a multimedia researcher, designer, developer, or implementer, these advanced techniques can help you optimize performance, content categorization, and quality control…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 3804
    Publicado 2022
    “…The interdisciplinary and comparative perspective of the chapters in this book provide fine-grained analyses of different new institutions introduced in the Andean countries and discusses their findings in the light of the resource curse approach. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 3805
    Publicado 2018
    “…Our research efforts have been focused on three main areas: ultrafine-grained aluminum alloys produced by severe plastic deformation; aluminum matrix composites; and aluminum-based composite materials (including material combinations such as magnesium/aluminum or steel/aluminum and the corresponding joining and forming technologies). …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 3806
    Publicado 2020
    “…Many organizations face significant challenges to manage this deluge of unstructured data, such as the following examples: Pinpointing and activating relevant data for large-scale analytics Lacking the fine-grained visibility that is needed to map data to business priorities Removing redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data Identifying and classifying sensitive data IBM® Spectrum Discover is a modern metadata management software that provides data insight for petabyte-scale file and Object Storage, storage on-premises, and in the cloud. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 3807
    Publicado 2017
    “…It is an incredibly powerful layout system that allows us to design pages using a two-dimensional grid - offering the kind of fine-grained layout control that print designers take for granted! …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 3808
    Publicado 1999
    “…Just as natural pearls grow from grains of sand that irritate oysters, programming pearls have grown from real problems that have irritated real programmers. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 3809
    por Jungck, Peder
    Publicado 2011
    “…Such application requirements translate to requirements for a network programming language that leverages massively-parallel systems and ensures a high level of security, while representing networking protocols and transactions in the simplest way possible. packetC meets these requirements with an intuitive approach to coarse-grained parallelism, with strong-typing and controlled memory access for security and with new data types and operators that express the classic operations of the network-oriented world in familiar programming terms. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 3810
    Publicado 2012
    “…Surtout, il met en lumière un nouveau risque de société : nos systèmes ultrasophistiqués sont en réalité à la merci du moindre grain de sable. Fruit de deux années d'enquête, cet ouvrage montre comment une série d'erreurs, de rêves fous et de négligences a mené la planète financière au bord du gouffre. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 3811
    por Gide, André
    Publicado 2022
    “…Au cours de leur voyage en Afrique du Nord en 1893-1894, épisode décisif longuement évoqué dans Si le grain ne meurt, et auquel les lettres ici rassemblées apportent quantité d’éclairages inédits, Laurens et Gide partagent leurs découvertes touristiques et sexuelles et nouent une relation fraternelle, au point d’en faire une des plus durables et profondes que Gide ait connues. …”
  12. 3812
    Publicado 2020
    “…Drawing on Coach McCallie's experiences at Maine and Duke and throughout her career, Choice Not Chance highlights lessons for building a fierce competitor, such as "Going against the grain" and "Never become satisfied."…”
    Grabación no musical
  13. 3813
    Publicado 2023
    “…"This timely volume responds to the epic impacts of cancer as a global phenomenon. Through the fine-grained lens of ethnography, the contributors present new thinking on how social, economic, race, gender and other structural inequalities intersect, compound and complicate health inequalities. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 3814
    Publicado 2018
    “…Fe deficiency is particularly widespread in low-income countries because of a general lack of consumption of animal products (which can promote non-heme Fe absorption and contain highly bioavailable heme Fe) coupled with a high consumption of a monotonous diet of cereal grains and legumes. Such diets are low in bioavailable Fe due to the presence of phytic acid and certain polyphenols that are inhibitors of Fe bioavailability. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 3815
    Publicado 2022
    “…Papyri document the diverse investments of an ancient Egyptian businessperson, from grain-yielding land to flax for linen cloth. What do these figures have in common with renowned modern entrepreneurs, and how do their similarities help us achieve a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship as well as the potential for a healthier, wealthier, and more equitable and sustainable future? …”
    Grabación no musical
  16. 3816
    Publicado 2023
    “…An important tool is a fine-grained table of the components of character, their failure modes, and corresponding therapies. …”
  17. 3817
    por Collier, Marsha
    Publicado 2008
    “…Her books help eBay users get started, find bargains, make their first purchases, sell their first items, and start generating a steady income on eBay. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 3818
    Publicado 2006
    “…Lecia Barker, ATLAS, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, broadened our perspective on students' experience of power and gender, through her speech Defensive climate in the computer science classroom, originally written by Dr Barker together with Kathy Garvin-Doxas, and Michele Jackson for the 33rd SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, 2002. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 3819
    Publicado 2014
    “…Para cambiar esa tendencia, Alberto Garzón Espinosa plantea en este libro un objetivo ambicioso para España, que va más allá de redactar una nueva Constitución: se trata de construir una base social suficientemente amplia que apoye y sostenga un cambio radical en las instituciones públicas, con el fin de consolidar una democracia plena, en la que los únicos reyes que quedarán serán los de la baraja…”
  20. 3820
    Publicado 2024
    “…Ses derniers mots, rédigés quelques heures avant son exécution dans la clairière du Mont-Valérien le 6 octobre 1943 avec vingt-quatre de ses camarades résistants, éclairent ses engagements.À travers une recherche minutieuse et des témoignages poignants, ce livre retrace la vie fascinante de Chuna Bajtsztok, depuis sa naissance à Varsovie et son enfance passée à Livry-Gargan jusqu'à son implication dans la lutte contre l'occupant hitlérien et ses collaborateurs, preuve de son dévouement total à la liberté et de son rôle dans l'histoire de la Résistance -- Contracubierta…”