Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 2,406
- Crítica e interpretación 1,024
- Història 1,000
- Biblia 887
- Filosofía 767
- History 678
- Peirce, Charles S. 367
- Clara de Asís 365
- Novela inglesa 339
- Computer programs 326
- Historia y crítica 325
- Política y gobierno 323
- Iglesia Católica 310
- Teología 307
- Management 305
- Bíblia 298
- Taxation 268
- Literatura 267
- Església Catòlica 259
- Darwin, Charles 252
- Law and legislation 252
- Business & Economics 247
- Biografia 238
- Data processing 235
- Política 235
- Development 216
- Novela norteamericana 214
- Derecho 210
- Economía 207
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 201
50321por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Patrimoine des ménages -- Graphique 3. Dette et charge du service de la dette des ménages -- Graphique 4. …”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
50322por OCDE, OECD /.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Composition modale des déplacements quotidiens -- Une réglementation des entreprises de meilleure qualité pourrait stimuler la croissance et la création d'emplois -- Graphique 18. La charge réglementaire est élevée dans l'ensemble de l'économie -- Recommandations visant à résorber les goulets d'étranglement au niveau des infrastructures et à améliorer la réglementation des entreprises -- Comment mettre à contribution le système fiscal pour générer les recettes requises ?.…”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
50323por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…La dette publique japonaise est la plus élevée des pays de l'OCDE, mais les charges d'intérêts sont faibles -- Graphique 15. L'écart entre les dépenses de l'État et ses recettes reste considérable -- Graphique 16. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
50324por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Paramètres provenant des données de l'enquête : charges et défauts nets en 1998.…”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
50325por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Méthode d'estimation -- Estimation de la contribution des migrants temporaires à partir des données de l'OCDE sur les permis -- Estimer la contribution des migrants temporaires de travail -- Estimer la contribution des autres migrants temporaires autorisés à travailler -- Hypothèses faites pour estimer la contribution des personnes à charge -- Hypothèses faites pour estimer la contribution des titulaires d'un permis vacances-travail -- Hypothèses faites pour estimer la contribution des étudiants en mobilité internationale -- Estimation de la contribution des migrants temporaires bénéficiant du droit de libre circulation dans l'UE/AELE -- Estimer la contribution des migrants temporaires de travail bénéficiant de la libre circulation -- Estimer la contribution des étudiants en mobilité internationale bénéficiant de la libre circulation -- Estimer la contribution des travailleurs détachés bénéficiant de la libre circulation -- Annexe 3.C. …”
Publicado 2019
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50326Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Indicateur du coin fiscal dans l'impôt sur le revenu applicable au second apporteur par rapport à celui du principal apporteur de revenus -- Placer les services financiers sur un pied d'égalité avec les autres secteurs -- Réduction des distorsions affectant les décisions financières des ménages -- Atténuer certains effets négatifs de la décentralisation et de la concurrence fiscale sur l'efficience et l'équité -- La décentralisation de l'impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés a favorisé des taux faibles mais génère par ailleurs certaines distorsions -- Graphique 1.6. Charge de l'impôt sur les sociétés dans les différents cantons suisses en comparaison internationale -- La concurrence en matière d'impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques pose certains problèmes d'équité -- Graphique 1.7. …”
Libro electrónico -
50327por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…SPE et organisme connexes : structure des bureaux et effectifs, 1997 -- Tableau 2.13. Indicateurs de la charge de travail -- I. Le financement du service public de l'emploi -- J. …”
Publicado 2000
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50328Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.2 Current cooling technologies for concentrating solar thermal power plants -- 9.2.1 Wet cooling towers -- 9.2.2 Dry cooling towers -- 9.3 Air-cooled heat exchanger and cooling tower sizing -- 9.3.1 Thermohydraulics of air-cooled heat exchanger -- 9.3.2 Mechanical draft cooling tower -- 9.3.3 Natural draft cooling tower -- 9.4 Advances in dry cooling technologies for concentrating solar thermal power plants -- 9.4.1 Solar hybrid natural draft dry cooling tower -- 9.4.2 Water hybrid cooling -- Inlet air precooling with wet media -- Inlet air precooling with nozzle spray -- 9.4.3 Windbreak wall hybrid natural draft dry cooling tower -- CFD modeling -- Experimental study -- 9.4.4 Advances in tower structure -- 9.5 Conclusions -- References -- 10 - High-temperature latent heat storage for concentrating solar thermal (CST) systems -- 10.1 General introduction -- 10.2 Introduction to latent heat storage -- 10.3 General challenges for concentrating solar thermal latent heat storage systems -- 10.3.1 Phase change material selection -- 10.3.2 Corrosion and containment compatibility -- 10.3.3 Latent heat storage sizing for a concentrating solar thermal power plant -- 10.3.4 Understanding charge/discharge characteristics -- 10.3.5 Exergetic efficiency -- 10.4 Latent heat storage configurations for concentrating solar thermal applications -- 10.4.1 Tank phase change material latent heat storage -- Finned tubes -- Heat pipe/thermosyphons -- Particles and metal structures -- Metal foams -- 10.4.2 Encapsulated phase change material latent heat storage -- 10.4.3 Heat transfer comparison between the tank phase change material latent heat storage-based and encapsulated phase change materialebased latent heat…”
Libro electrónico -
50329Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “… Basic methods for infrared-thermal detection and diagnosis -- Infrared detection application in line equipment -- Instructions and advice for infrared detection -- The application standards of infrared diagnosis technology on power industry electricity charged equipment -- 2.2 UV Detection Technology -- 2.2.1 Characteristics and Principles of UV Detection Technology -- Characteristics of UV detection technology -- The basic principle of UV detection -- Current situation of UV detection technology at home and abroad -- 2.2.2 Introduction of UV Measurement Device -- UV imaging detection system and the key technology -- Measurement of ultraviolet pulse -- Measurement of UV power -- 2.2.3 UV Detection on Line Equipment and its Application -- Examples of UV detection on line equipment -- Influential factors in ultraviolet detection -- The comparison between ultraviolet detection and infrared detection -- UV diagnostic technology application standards for live equipment in the electric power industry -- 2.3 Wide Area Line Monitoring Based on Satellite Remote Sensing -- 2.3.1 Characteristics and Principles of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology -- Remote sensing summary -- Remote sensing technology classification -- 2.3.2 Monitoring Transmission Tower and Conductor Safety Status on the Basis of Satellite Remote Sensing Technology -- The target characteristics of the transmission tower in the satellite remote sensing image -- Transmission line tower and conductor safety status monitoring -- High-resolution synthetic aperture radar satellite wide area monitoring of transmission lines -- 2.3.3 Transmission Line Corridor Monitoring Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Technology…”
Libro electrónico -
50330Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.5 Detecting Memory Objects Written by a Kernel -- 5 SnuCL extensions to OpenCL -- 6 Performance evaluation -- 6.1 Evaluation Methodology -- 6.2 Performance -- 6.2.1 Scalability on the medium-scale GPU cluster -- 6.2.2 Scalability on the large-scale CPU cluster -- 7 Conclusions -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 3: Thread communication and synchronization on massively parallel GPUs -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Coarse-Grained Communication and Synchronization -- 2.1 Global Barrier at the Kernel Level -- 2.2 Local Barrier at the Work-Group Level -- 2.3 Implicit Barrier at the Wavefront Level -- 3 Built-In Atomic Functions on Regular Variables -- 4 Fine-Grained Communication and Synchronization -- 4.1 Memory Consistency Model -- 4.1.1 Sequential consistency -- 4.1.2 Relaxed consistency -- 4.2 The OpenCL 2.0 Memory Model -- 4.2.1 Relationships between two memory operations -- 4.2.2 Special atomic operations and stand-alone memory fence -- 4.2.3 Release and acquire semantics -- 4.2.4 Memory order parameters -- 4.2.5 Memory scope parameters -- 5 Conclusion and Future Research Direction -- References -- Chapter 4: Software-level task scheduling on GPUs -- 1 Introduction, Problem Statement, and Context -- 2 Nondeterministic behaviors caused by the hardware -- 2.1 P1: Greedy -- 2.2 P2: Not Round-Robin -- 2.3 P3: Nondeterministic Across Runs -- 2.4 P4: Oblivious to Nonuniform Data Sharing -- 2.5 P5: Serializing Multikernel Co-Runs -- 3 SM-centric transformation -- 3.1 Core Ideas -- 3.1.1 SM-centric task selection -- Correctness issues -- 3.1.2 Filling-retreating scheme -- 3.2 Implementation -- 3.2.1 Details -- 4 Scheduling-enabled optimizations -- 4.1 Parallelism Control -- 4.2 Affinity-Based Scheduling -- 4.2.1 Evaluation -- 4.3 SM Partitioning for Multi-Kernel Co-Runs -- 4.3.1 Evaluation -- 5 Other scheduling work on GPUs -- 5.1 Software Approaches…”
Libro electrónico -
50331por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos:
Publicado 2008Libro electrónico -
50332por OCDE, OECD /.Tabla de Contenidos: “…La gestion des ressources humaines laisse à désirer dans le secteur public -- Réduire les charges administratives inhérentes aux cadres de la concurrence et de l'administration de la justice…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
50333por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…La République tchèque est très intégrée dans la chaîne de valeur mondiale -- Un dispositif plus rigoureux de promotion de la concurrence stimule les moteurs internes de la croissance -- Rendre la réglementation plus propice à la concurrence et réduire les charges administratives…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
50334por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Solde financier primaire des administrations publiques corrigé des variations cycliques -- Tableau 32. Charges d'intérêts nettes des administrations publiques -- Tableau 33. …”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
50335Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.4.4 Evaluation Function of Logic Gate -- 9.4.5 Evaluation Function of Automaton -- 9.4.6 Automatically Designed Logic Gates Driven by Hybridization Reaction -- 9.4.7 Automatically Designed AND Gate Driven by Enzymatic Reaction -- 9.4.8 Automatically Designed Automaton Sensing the Stimuli from Environment -- 9.5 Discussion and Conclusion -- 9.5.1 Discussion -- 9.5.2 Conclusion -- References -- 10 Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Study the Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks Controlling Biological Development -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Computational Approaches for the Evolution of Developmental GRNs -- 10.2.1 Coarse-Grained Approaches -- 10.2.2 Fine-Grained Approaches -- 10.3 Using Evolutionary Computations to Investigate Biological Evolution -- 10.3.1 Evolvability and Robustness -- 10.3.2 Crossover -- 10.3.3 GRN Outgrowth -- 10.3.4 Characterization of GRN Space -- 10.3.5 Epistasis -- 10.3.6 Body Segmentation -- 10.4 Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 11 Evolving GRN-inspired In Vitro Oscillatory Systems -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 PEN DNA Toolbox -- 11.2.1 Overview -- 11.2.2 Simplified Model -- 11.2.3 Internal State of the Templates -- 11.2.4 Sequence Dependence -- 11.2.5 Enzymatic Saturation -- 11.3 Related Work -- 11.4 Framework for Evolving Reaction Networks (ERNe) -- 11.4.1 Encoding -- 11.4.2 Mutations -- 11.4.3 Crossover -- 11.4.4 Speciation -- 11.5 ERNe for the Discovery of Oscillatory Systems -- 11.5.1 Fast-Strong Oscillator -- 11.5.2 Robust-Fast-Strong Oscillatior -- 11.6 Discussion -- 11.7 Conclusion -- References -- IV Application of GRN with EAs -- 12 Artificial Gene Regulatory Networks for Agent Control -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Computation Model -- 12.2.1 Representation of the Proteins -- 12.2.2 Dynamics -- 12.2.3 Encoding and Genetic Evolution -- 12.3 Visualizing The GRN Abilities…”
Libro electrónico -
50336por Guidetti, OliverTabla de Contenidos: “…1.7.1 Systemic resilience: an overview -- 1.7.2 Role of systemic resilience in cybersecurity -- 1.7.3 Building systemic resilience in critical infrastructures -- 1.8 The future of cybersecurity and AI's role: the next frontier -- 1.8.1 Emerging trends in cybersecurity -- 1.8.2 AI and cybersecurity: a new paradigm -- 1.8.3 The future of AI in mitigating human-related risks -- 1.9 Conclusions and recommendations: charting the path forward -- 1.9.1 Summary of key findings -- 1.9.2 Recommendations for practice -- 1.9.3 Avenues for future research -- References -- 2 Analysing cyber-physical attacks: the human operator challenge in mining -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Mining process plants (MPP) -- 2.2.1 Mining -- 2.2.2 Overview of SCADA systems in MPP -- 2.3 Cyber-physical systems and attacks -- 2.3.1 Cyber-physical attacks (CPA) -- 2.4 Humans and human operators in mining -- 2.4.1 Human operations in mining -- 2.4.2 Human operator -- 2.5 Human psychological challenges in mining -- 2.5.1 Impact of cyberattacks on mental health -- 2.5.2 Human operator mental health -- 2.6 Autonomous cyber-physical security (CBPS) -- 2.7 Autonomous operator for cyber-physical systems -- 2.7.1 A theoretical CPS model for an autonomous operator -- 2.8 Conclusions -- References -- 3 Building cognitive resilience for enhanced cyber governance -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Human psychology and cognitive abilities -- 3.3 Digital world and cybersecurity governance -- 3.4 Social engineering and human psychology -- 3.4.1 Example 1: malicious actors use whaling attack to defraud bank of US75.8 million -- 3.4.2 Example 2: malicious actors use AI voice impersonation to defraud organisation of US243,000 -- 3.4.3 Example 3: malicious actors exploit human nature to defraud australians of more than AU7.2 million -- 3.5 Public trust and citizen engagement…”
Publicado 2024
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50337Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.3 PATHOGEN REDUCTION IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES -- 2.3.1 High-rate treatment processes -- 2.3.2 Pathogen reduction data from operating high-rate treatment systems -- Activated sludge treatment plants without disinfection in Tunisia -- Activated sludge treatment plant with chlorine disinfection in the US -- Activated sludge treatment plants with microfiltration and disinfection in Spain -- 2.3.3 Natural system treatment processes -- 2.4 NATURAL SYSTEM TREATMENT PROCESSES FOR INTEGRATED WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT -- 2.4.1 Facultative.maturation pond systems -- Simplicity -- Land requirements -- Low cost -- Minimal sludge handling -- Process complexity and operation and maintenance requirements -- Energy consumption -- Process stability and resilience -- 2.4.2 Anaerobic.secondary facultative.maturation pond systems -- 2.4.3 UASB.secondary facultative.maturation pond systems -- 2.4.4 UASB.trickling filter.batch stabilization reservoir -- Chapter 3: Wastewater flows, design flowrate, and flow measurement -- 3.1 SOURCES OF WASTEWATER -- 3.2 WASTEWATER FLOWS -- 3.2.1 Domestic wastewater flow and urban water consumption -- 3.2.2 Infiltration and inflow -- 3.2.3 Industrial wastewater flows -- 3.3 DESIGN FLOWRATE -- 3.3.1 Design flowrate from wastewater flow data: the ideal case -- 3.3.2 Design flowrate by equation: the non-ideal case (but most common) -- 3.4 DESIGN EXAMPLE: DESIGN FLOWRATES FOR THE CITY OF TRINIDAD, HONDURAS -- 3.5 CASE STUDY: DESIGN FLOWRATE FOR SAYLLA, PERU -- Chapter 4: Preliminary treatment -- 4.1 INTRODUCTION -- 4.2 REMOVAL OF COARSE SOLIDS: BAR SCREENS -- 4.2.1 Design of bar screens -- 4.2.2 Design equations for bar screens and approach canal -- 4.2.3 Final disposal of screenings -- 4.3 GRIT REMOVAL: DESIGN OF GRIT CHAMBERS…”
Libro electrónico -
50338Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgment -- Part 1: Soft Computing and Evolutionary-Based Optimization -- Chapter 1 Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer with Levy Flight to Solve Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem with Electric Vehicle Profiles -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Problem Formulation -- 1.2.1 Power Output Limits -- 1.2.2 Power Balance Limits -- 1.2.3 Ramp Rate Limits -- 1.2.4 Electric Vehicles -- 1.3 Proposed Algorithm -- 1.3.1 Overview of Grey Wolf Optimizer -- 1.3.2 Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer with Levy Flight -- 1.3.3 Modeling of Prey Position with Levy Flight Distribution -- 1.4 Simulation and Results -- 1.4.1 Performance of Improved GWOLF on Benchmark Functions -- 1.4.2 Performance of Improved GWOLF for Solving DED for the Different Charging Probability Distribution -- 1.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 Comparison of YOLO and Faster R-CNN on Garbage Detection -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Garbage Detection -- 2.2.1 Transfer Learning-Technique -- 2.2.2 Inception-Custom Model -- 2.3 Experimental Results -- 2.3.1 Results Obtained Using YOLO Algorithm -- 2.3.2 Results Obtained Using Faster R-CNN -- 2.4 Future Scope -- 2.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3 Smart Power Factor Correction and Energy Monitoring System -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Block Diagram -- 3.2.1 Power Factor Concept -- 3.2.2 Power Factor Calculation -- 3.3 Simulation -- 3.4 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4 ANN-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Configured Boost Converter for Electric Vehicle Applications -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Block Diagram -- 4.3 ANN-Based MPPT for Boost Converter -- 4.4 Closed Loop Control -- 4.5 Simulation Results -- 4.6 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5 Single/Multijunction Solar Cell Model Incorporating Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme Based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm -- 5.1 Introduction…”
Libro electrónico -
50339Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…7.3.3 Methodology Flow Chart -- 7.3.4 Data Pre-Processing -- 7.3.5 Models Deployed -- 7.3.6 Training and Testing -- 7.4 Analysis -- 7.4.1 Datasets -- 7.4.2 Feature Extraction -- 7.4.3 Splitting of Data into Samples -- 7.4.4 Algorithms Used -- Multinomial Logistic Regression -- K-Nearest Neighbors -- Decision Tree -- Support Vector Machine (SVM) -- Random Forest -- 7.5 Results and Discussion -- 7.5.1 Importance of Classification Reports -- 7.5.2 Importance of Confusion Matrices -- 7.5.3 Decision Tree -- 7.5.4 Random Forest -- 7.5.5 K-Nearest Neighbors -- 7.5.6 Logistic Regression -- 7.5.7 Support Vector Machine -- 7.5.8 Comparison of the Algorithms -- Accuracies -- Precision and Recall -- 7.6 Conclusions -- 7.7 Scope of Future Work -- References -- Chapter 8 Smart Vision-Based Sensing and Monitoring of Power Plants for a Clean Environment -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.1.1 Color Image Processing -- 8.1.2 Motivation -- 8.1.3 Objectives -- 8.2 Literature Review -- 8.2.1 Gas Turbine Power Plants -- 8.2.2 Artificial Intelligent Methods -- 8.3 Materials and Methods -- 8.3.1 Feature Extraction -- 8.3.2 Classification -- 8.4 Results and Discussion -- 8.4.1 Fisher's Linear Discriminant Function (FLDA) and Curvelet -- 8.5 Conclusion -- 8.5.1 Future Scope of Work -- References -- Chapter 9 Implementation of FEM and Machine Learning Algorithms in the Design and Manufacturing of Laminated Composite Plate -- Abbreviations -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Numerical Experimentation Program -- 9.3 Discussion of the Results -- 9.4 Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Part II: Integration of Digital Technologies to Operations -- Chapter 10 Edge Computing-Based Conditional Monitoring -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.1.1 Problem Statement -- 10.2 Literature Review -- 10.3 Edge Computing -- 10.4 Methodology…”
Libro electrónico -
50340por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Se necesita una definición clara y realista de las circunstancias y relaciones que conducen a un conflicto de interés -- 3.2.3. …”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico