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48221Published 2010Table of Contents: “…-- Creating Tables -- Formatting Tables -- Resizing a Table -- Fill Effects -- Borders -- Table Rotation -- Text Wrapping -- Cell Alignments and Margins -- Table Design -- Table Formats -- Table Layout -- Inserting Rows and Columns -- Deleting Rows and Columns -- Diagonals -- Merging and Splitting Cells -- Importing Excel Spreadsheets -- Importing a Spreadsheet -- Importing Excel Charts -- Importing an Existing Chart -- 7 Finalizing Your Publisher Document -- A Visual Inspection -- Proofreading Techniques -- Adjusting Document Spacing -- Use a Compact Font -- Text Boxes -- Overlapping Frames -- Coming Up Short -- Test Printing the Document -- Document Metadata -- Working with Metadata -- The Design Checker -- Creating PDF and XPS Files -- 8 Printing Your Documents -- Design Checking Your Document -- Printing Documents Yourself -- Basic Printing -- Professional Printing -- What Will the Job Cost? …”
eBook -
48222Published 2023Table of Contents: “…TUSHMAN -- TONY ULWICK -- KRISTIN VON DONOP -- CHARLES VAILLANT -- INDEX -- End User License Agreement…”
eBook -
48223Published 2020Table of Contents: “…Kandel ; Rita Levi-Montalcini ; Benjamin Libet ; Santiago Ramón y Cajal ; Charles Scott Sherrington ; Noam Chomsky…”
Biblioteca Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (Other Sources: Biblioteca del Seminario Diocesano de Jaén, Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca Provicincial Misioneros Claretianos - Provincia de Santiago, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Teología de las Islas Canarias)Book -
48224Published 2002Table of Contents: “…N 12 ; Legal; Índex; Introducció; L'home i el literat; Narracions extraordinàries; Idees sobre el «fantàstic» i la «ciència-ficció»; Les narracions d'aquest volum: una lectura; La nostra gent; Aspectes lingüístics; Bibliografia; Nota sobre l'edició; Narracions extraordinàries; L'organista; La processó; La petita (Tríptic); Cinc boques; La tia morta; Com va caure la Marta Clarissa; El cascavell; El carro dels morts; Retrats: La nostra gent; El doctor Judes Patau; L'advocat en Timoteu Cunillera; El professor Lleònides Tiretes; Don Patrici Llarg de Sangonera…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)eBook -
48225Published 2019“…The book investigates the shortcomings in environment education, including underqualified teachers, the civil service mentality, the still-pervasive chalk-and-talk pedagogy and the effect of the examination system. …”
eBook -
48226by Blacklow, LauraTable of Contents: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- PART I LIGHT-INSENSITIVE METHODS -- Chapter 1 Transfers, Lifts, and DIY Printmaking -- Solvent Transfers -- Inkjet Transfers -- Muscle Rub Transfers -- Heat Transfers -- Polymer Transfers -- Impossible Project Image Lifts -- Magazine and Copier Lifts -- LazertranTM Inkjet Lifts -- Paper Photo-Lithography -- Gelatin Prints -- Chapter 2 Hand Coloring -- Water-Based Method -- Oil-Based Method -- Chalk-Based Method -- Chapter 3 Toning -- Safety -- Method Overview -- Materials -- Tips -- Toning the Entire Print -- Split Toning -- Selective Toning -- Tip -- PART II PREPARATION FOR LIGHT-SENSITIVE METHODS -- Chapter 4 Creating the Photo-Printmaking Studio -- The Light Box -- The Contact Printing Frame -- The Exposure Unit -- Materials and Procedures, Including Paper and Sizing -- Chapter 5 Generating Imagery: Analogue Methods -- With a Darkroom -- Without A Darkroom -- Making Photograms -- Pinhole Photography -- Chapter 6 Making Negatives: Digital Method -- Part I: Capturing and Scanning Images -- Part II: Making a Digital Negative -- Part III: How to Use the Digital Negative to Make a Print -- PART III LIGHT-SENSITIVE METHODS -- Chapter 7 Cyanotypes -- Safety -- Method Overview -- Materials -- Making One of the Stock Solutions -- Making the Other Stock Solution -- Making a Cyanotype -- Tips for Making a Cyanotype -- Cyanotype on Fabric -- Toning Cyanotypes -- Chapter 8 Van Dyke Brown Prints -- Safety -- Method Overview -- Materials -- Making the Solution -- Making a Brown Print -- Tips -- Tips for Brown Printing on Fabric -- Chapter 9 Salted Paper Prints -- Safety -- Method Overview -- Materials -- Making a Salt Print -- Chapter 10 Gum Bichromate Prints -- Safety -- Method Overview -- Materials -- Making the Bichromate Solution -- Making a Gum Print…”
Published 2018
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48227Published 2020Table of Contents: “…Kaya & Matthew Whiting -- The Kurdish insurgency / David Romano -- The perennial Kurdish question and failed peace processes / Cengiz Çandar -- Terrorism, counter-insurgency and societal relations / Gareth Jenkins -- The village guard system : counter-insurgency and local collaboration / Evren Balta -- The 15 July 2016 failed coup and the security sector / Yaprak Gürsoy -- State, society and rights -- Human rights / Zehra F. …”
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48228Published 2014Table of Contents: “…On The Monstrosity of Christ : Karl Barth in conversation with Slavoj Žižek and John Milbank / by Paul Dafydd Jones -- An analysis and diagnosis in response to Paul Jones's "On the Monstrosity of Christ" / by Sigurd Baark -- Karl Barth in conversation with Pauline apocalypticism / by Shannon Nicole Smythe -- Apocalypse ellipsis : a response to Shannon Smythe / by Andrew R. …”
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48229Published 2009Table of Contents: “…Racionalismo moral moderno / Charles Taylor -- 4. ¿Qué ontología tras la metafísica? …”
Acceso restringido con credenciales, usuarios UPSA
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48230Published 2007Table of Contents: “…Kirton -- Globalisation's challenges for governance -- The needs and challenges of global governance / Olivier Giscard d'Estaing -- Globalisation, governance and the G8 summit / Seiichi Kondo -- Cracks in the concrete : the global order under threat of collapse / Kimon Valaskakis -- Corporate governance -- Corporate governance in the twenty-first century / Donald J.S. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Get full text
eBook -
48231by Jonas, GilbertTable of Contents: “…DuBois' militancy -- The law as a weapon against unjust laws : how Charles Hamilton Houston and Thurgood Marshall crafted the strategy which produced Brown v. …”
Published 2005
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Get full text
eBook -
48232Published 2012Table of Contents: “…Las fortificaciones cubanas en el contexto del Caribe ; La plaza del Himno de Bayamo ; La recuperación de Gibara ; El cementerio macabeo de Guanabacoa; El convento de Santa Clara de La Habana en tres siglos y medio / El Camino Real y su significación en la organización del territorio de Cuba / Gestión, turismo, ética. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Other Sources: Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Get full text
eBook -
48233Published 2019Table of Contents: “…Poesias -- Página legal -- Índice -- Invitación -- Las horas -- Es el campo: lo traen -- Dura, la primera -- De noche vive el agua -- ¡Que dure, que se quede -- Con un dedo sobre el labio -- Languidas voces de yedra -- Hay algo joven llorando -- Las horas individuales -- Quisiera tener un nombre -- El no de todo me trae -- Me pongo a pensar en ella -- ¡Quien pudiera ver el agua -- Vida y muerte -- Del árbol descendida -- Agua, te llamas -- Bajo un pie que no lo sabe -- ¿De qué carne bienherida -- Cuando sonreía, olía -- Oigo pasos por un puente -- Toros despavoridos -- Fue el ruído de un portazo: -- Nuevas poesias -- Los relojes señalan horas -- Abril de calle -- El alhogado pensativo -- Ejercicios para manos pequeñas -- 1.…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)eBook -
Published 2012
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)eBook -
48235Published 2013Table of Contents: “…Culturas y conocimientos -- Límpidos días y opresores días de invierno: percepciones, prácticas y afectaciones de los bogotanos asociadas con el clima / Andrea Ivette Prieto-Rozo -- Mingambis: minga de percepciones y concepciones propias de los indígenas pastos sobre tiempo y clima: resguardo Panan, Cumbal (Nariño, Colombia) / Zonia Patricia Puenayán Irua -- Concepción y control del clima entre los hijos del tabaco, la coca y la yuca dulce del resguardo predio Putumayo, La Chorrera (Amazonas, Colombia) / Clara Inés Henao y Gil Farekatde Maribba -- Adivinándole al tiempo: conocimientos locales de indicadores del tiempo atmosférico en la región del Valle de Tenza (Boyacá, Colombia) / Martha Yoleny Correa Casas -- Entre la mitaca y el mercado: clima y cultura en el calendario local de los campesinos de Fosca (Cundinamarca, Colombia) / Magda Murcia -- Ciudadanías -- Ciudadano cero carbono: género, pueblos indígenas y cambio climático en Colombia / Astrid Ulloa -- El consumidor ciudadano: responsabilidad individual y cambio climático / Imke Schmidt…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)eBook -
48236Published 2023Table of Contents: “…El caso alemán / Milagros Beltrán Gandullo -- La utilización propagandística del lenguaje en la primera guerra carlista: eufemismos y disfemismos / Amalia Pedrero González -- Corresponsales pictóricos de las guerras carlistas en el siglo XIX español / María Arriola Jiménez, María Rodríguez Velasco -- La guerra de África (1859-1860) en Le Monde Ilustré. La corresponsalía Charles Yriarte / Pilar García Pinacho, María Solano Altaba -- Janaurius Macgahan, un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano en la tercera guerra carlista / Carlos García-Polavieja -- Winston Churchill y Cuba. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Other Sources: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)eBook -
48237Published 2009Table of Contents: “…Racionalismo moral moderno / Charles Taylor -- 4. ¿Qué ontología tras la metafísica? …”
Acceso restringido con credenciales, usuarios UPSA
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48238by Matzat, WolfgangTable of Contents: “…-- Un cronotopo folcló rico: la noche de San Juan en la novela realista españ ola de los siglos XIX y XX -- Ecos, incrustaciones, reflejos, apropiaciones y otras estrategias en narradores del siglo XX -- Sobre Ladró n de lunas de Isaac Montero ante el fondo de la teorí a bajtiniana -- Inté rpretes, voces y significado: a propó sito de cuatro novelas del Caribe hispano -- Sobre los autores -- Detrás Tapa…”
Published 2012
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48239Published 2016Table of Contents: “…Section 2 Situated Knowledge, Self-Reflexive Practice -- ch. 5 Charting Girlhood Studies / Claudia Mitchell -- ch. 6 Teen Feminist Killjoys? …”
eBook -
48240Imagining Chinese MedicineImagining Chinese medicine /Published 2018Table of Contents: “…Preliminary Material / Introduction / A Survey of Images from the Chinese Medical Classics / Picturing the Body in Chinese Medical and Daoist Texts from the Song to the Qing Period (10th to 19th Centuries) / Imagining Practice: Sense and Sensuality in Early Chinese Medical Illustration / The Iconography of Time: What the Visualisation of Efficacious Movement (Shi 勢) Tells Us about the Composition of the Yijin Jing 易筋經 (Canon for Supple Sinews) / Nurturing the Foetus in Medieval China: Illustrating the 10 Months of Pregnancy in the Ishimpō 醫心方 / The Gendered Medical Iconography of the Golden Mirror, Yuzuan Yizong Jinjian 御纂醫宗金鑑, 1742 / The Limits of Illustration: Animalia and Pharmacopeia from Guo Pu to Bencao Gangmu 本草綱目 / Observational Drawing and Fine Art in Chinese Materia Medica Illustration / Reading Visual Imagery and Written Sources on Acupuncture and Moxibustion / The Fine Art of the Tongue / Diagnostic Images of the Tongue: Aetiology and Pathology Made Visible / A Brief Introduction to Illustration in the Literature of Surgery and Traumatology in Chinese Medicine / Polychrome Illustrations in the Ming Bencao Literature / Illustrations of Drug Collection and Preparation in Buyi Lei Gong Paozhi Bianlan 補遺雷公炮製便覽 / The Relationship between Chinese Erotic Art and the Art of the Bedchamber: A Preliminary Survey / The Vital Role of Illustration in the Literature of Childhood Smallpox / Picturing Medicine in Daily life: Court and Commoner Perspectives in Song Era Paintings / Images of Healing, Hygiene and the Cultivation of the Body in the Dunhuang Cave Murals / Travelling Light: Sino-Tibetan Moxa-Cautery from Dunhuang / Chasing the Vermilion Bird: Late Medieval Alchemical Transformations in The Treasure Book of Ilkhan on Chinese Science and Techniques / Fanciful Images from Abroad: Picturing the Other in Bencao Pinhui Jingyao 本草品彙精要 / Chinese Horse Medicine: Texts and Illustrations / Korean Anatomical Charts in the Context of the East Asian Medical Tradition / Imagining Acupuncture: Images and the Early Westernisation of Asian Medical Expertise / The Body of Laozi and the Course of a Taoist Journey Through the Heavens / Clinical Medicine Texts: The Earliest Stone Medical Inscription / Embodying Animal Spirits in the Vital Organs: Daoist Alchemy in Chinese Medicine / A Phoenix Amid the Flames: Mount Emei Big Dipper Finger-Point Method, Daoyin and Qigong / Moving towards Perfection: Physical Culture in Dzogchen as Revealed in Tibet’s Lukhang Murals…”