Tabla de Contenidos:
“…Preliminary Material -- Introduction -- Antilope cervicapra, the blackbuck -- Axis axis, the spotted deer -- Bandicota indica, the bandicoot rat -- Bos gaurus, the gaur -- Bos indicus, the zebu -- Bos primigenius, the aurochs -- Boselaphus tragocamelus, the nilgai -- Bubalus bubalis, the water
buffalo -- Camelus bactrianus, the Bactrian camel -- Camelus dromedarius, the dromedary -- Canis aureus, the golden jackal -- Canis familiaris, the domestic dog -- Capra hircus, the domestic goat -- Capra sibrica, the Asiatic ibex -- Cervus unicolor, sambar deer -- Cuon alpinus, the red dog -- Elephas maximus, the Indian elephant -- Equus caballus, the domestic horse -- Equus hemionus, the khur -- Felis spp., the small cats -- Funambulus spp., the striped palm squirrels -- Gazella bennetti, the chinkara -- Giraffa camelopardalis, the giraffe -- Herpestes spp., the Indian mongooses -- Hylobates hoolock, the white-browed gibbon -- nigricollis, the Indian hare -- Lutrogale perspicillata, the smooth Indian otter -- Macaca mulatta, M. radiata, the rhesus monkey and bonnet macaque -- Melursus ursinus, the sloth bear -- Muntiacus muntjak, the Indian muntjac -- Mus musculus, the common house mouse -- Ovis aries, the domestic sheep -- Panthera leo, the lion -- Panthera pardus, the leopard -- Panthera tigris, the
tiger -- Platanista gangetica, the river dolphin -- Rhinoceros unicornis, the Indian rhinoceros -- Semnopithecus entellus, the common langur -- Sus scrofa, pigs and boars -- Tapirus indicus, the Asian tapir -- Tetracerus quadricornis, the chousingha -- Vulpes bengalensis, the Indian fox -- Who are Missing? …”
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