Mostrando 8,261 - 8,280 Resultados de 9,448 Para Buscar 'Bisáu~', tiempo de consulta: 1.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 8261
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mouser -- Lusocreole culture and identity compared : the cases of Guinea-Bissau and Sri Lanka / Christoph Kohl -- Freetown's Yoruba-modelled secret societies as transnational and trans-ethnic mechanisms for social integration / Nathaniel King -- Contested transnational spaces : debating emigrants' citizenship and role in Guinean politics / Anita Schroven -- Identity beyond ID-- diaspora within the nation / Markus Rudolf -- The African "other" in the Cape Verde Islands : interaction, integration and the forging of an immigration policy / Pedro F. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 8262
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Uzbekistan -- Papua New Guinea -- Chad -- Costa Rica -- Guinea-Bissau -- Cuba -- Burkina Faso -- Albania -- Zambia -- Europe and Central Asia -- Jordan -- Guinea -- Botswana -- Armenia -- Uganda -- Lebanon -- Burundi -- Ghana -- Dominican Republic -- Gambia -- Togo -- Kuwait -- Angola -- Timor-Leste -- Iran, Islamic Republic -- Tanzania -- Egypt -- Gabon -- Sub-Saharan Africa -- Brazil -- Israel -- Colombia -- Swaziland -- Ethiopia -- Chile -- Benin -- Iraq -- Viet Nam -- Georgia -- Saudi Arabia -- Malawi -- Haiti -- Oman -- Tunisia -- Jamaica -- Madagascar -- Honduras -- Fiji -- Syrian Arab Republic -- Kazakhstan -- Liberia -- El Salvador -- Glossary -- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya -- Cameroon -- Ecuador -- Azerbaijan -- Lesotho -- Guatemala -- Sources -- Croatia -- Belarus -- Morocco -- Kenya -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Zimbabwe -- Nigeria -- Central African Republic -- Puerto Rico -- South Asia -- Acknowledgements -- Peru -- Niger -- Foreword -- Russian Federation -- Lao, People's Democratic Republic -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Malaysia -- Abbreviations -- Tajikistan -- Namibia -- Turkmenistan -- Serbia and Montenegro -- Afghanistan -- Mozambique -- Hong Kong, China -- Nicaragua -- United Arab Emirates -- Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of -- Kyrgyzstan -- Mauritius -- Moldova -- Yemen -- Mauritania -- Paraguay -- Indonesia -- Palestinian National Authority -- Korea, Democratic People's Republic -- Mali -- Panama…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 8263
    Publicado 2017
  4. 8264
    por Uffelen, Chris van
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Santiago Calatrava Architect & Engineer -- 36 SBB passerelle "Wave of Berne", Arq. smarch - Mathys & Stücheli Architekten -- 40 Bras Basah mass rapid transit station, Arq. WOHA -- 44 St Pancras lnternational, Arq. …”
  5. 8265
  6. 8266
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Imaginario; Noches de luna; Pretendí; Soñé; Tonto corazón; Un beso; Te esperaré; Amor chiquito; Solitarios; Insoportable; Hombre II. Amigo mío; Bésame; Malecón; Mujercita; Toqué la eternidad; Inspiración; Deseo; Disculpa; Descuido; Despedida; Diferente; Corazón; A veces; Amor maldito; Ángel negro; Hombre III. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 8267
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…James Costa, Haley De Korne, and Pia Lane Basque Standardization and the New Speaker: Political Praxis and the Shifting Dynamics of Authority and Value Jacqueline Urla, Estibaliz Amorrortu, Ane Ortega, and Jone Goirigolzarri On the pros and cons of standardizing Scots: Notes from the North of a small island James Costa Legitimating Limburgish: The reproduction of heritage Diana Camps Negotiating the standard in contemporary Galicia Bernadette O'Rourke Language standardisation as frozen mediated actions - the materiality of language standardization Pia Lane Language standardization in the aftermath of the Soviet Language Empire Lenore Grenoble and Nadezhd Ja. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 8268
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introducción. 1.La Psicobiología / Métodos y técnicas de investigación en Psicobiología / La química de la vida / Bases moleculares y celulares de la herencia biológica / Mecanismos de la herencia humana: modelos de transmisión genética y anomalías cromosómicas / Transporte de la membrana / Potencial de reposo y potencial de acción / Comunicación neuronal: transmisión sináptica, neuro- transmisores y señalización entre neuronas / Plasticidad sináptica / Desarrollo del sistema nervioso / Organización anatomofuncional del sistema nervioso central y periférico / Médula espinal, tronco del encéfalo y cerebelo / Diencéfalo, ganglios basales y amígdala / Corteza cerebral ¿Cómo percibimos en mundo? …”
  9. 8269
    por Institute of Medicine (U.S.).
    Publicado 1995
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…KAHN DATED 7 SEPTEMBER 1994""; ""MEMORANDUM FROM TOM MARCHIONE DATED 7 SEPTEMBER 1994""; ""Background""; ""Issue""; ""Request for Professional Determination""…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 8270
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Other European languages; Mood in Maltese; Mood in Turkish; Mood in Modern Georgian; Mood in Basque; Index; The Studies in Language Companion Series…”
  11. 8271
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mediated Terrorism in Comparative Perspective: Spanish Press Coverage of 9/11 vs. Coverage of Basque Terrorism By Teresa S daba and Teresa La Porte 6. …”
  12. 8272
    Publicado 2001
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Glasgow Rangers, Scotland and 'hot' football rivalries / Real and imagined : reflections on football rivalry in Northern Ireland / Lion roars : myth, identity and Millwall fandom / 'Those bloody Croatians' : Croatian soccer teams, ethnicity and violence in Australia, 1950-99 / Football, ethnicity and identity in Mauritius : soccer in a rainbow nation / 'Team loyalty splits the city into two' : football, ethnicity and rivalry in Calcutta / Basque football rivalries in the twentieth century / Players, patrons and politicians : oppositional cultures in Maltese football / Viking and farmer armies : the Stavanger-Byrne Norwegian football rivalry / Competition and cooperation : football rivalries in Yemen / 'Colours make me sick' : America FC and upward mobility in Mexico / Three confrontations and a coda : Juventus of Turin and Italy…”
  13. 8273
    Publicado 1981
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ready Reference and Index: v. 1. A-Bib -- v. 2. Bibai-Coleman -- v. 3. Colemani-Exclusi -- v. 4. …”
  14. 8274
    Publicado 1996
  15. 8275
    Publicado 2014
    “…Brain was shown to be under the continuous surveillance of the immune system, even under basal physiological conditions in the absence of any pathology. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 8276
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Abbreviations -- Executive Summary -- Background -- Summary of Identified Limitations and Key Results -- Conclusions -- Information on the Pharmacoeconomic Submission -- Summary of the Manufacturer's Pharmacoeconomic Submission -- Manufacturer's Base Case -- Summary of Manufacturer's Sensitivity Analyses -- Limitations of Manufacturer's Submission -- CADTH Common Drug Review Re-Analyses -- Issues for Consideration -- Patient Input -- Conclusions -- Appendix 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 8277
  18. 8278
    por Pinheiro, Teresa
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A canção como meio de protesto e desencadeadora da Revolução dos Cravos (1974) -- III Kritische Chronisten der Nelkenrevolution -- José Saramago und die Nelkenrevolution: poetische und politische Spuren (1974-1975)1 -- „De ilusos cravos foi a cambalhota":1 Natália Correia und die Nelkenrevolution -- As repercussões do 25 de Abril na Guiné-Bissau, a partir de contos de Tony Tcheka -- IV Kolonialismus und Erinnerung -- Das Trauma der Afrika-Erfahrung und seine Aufarbeitung im portugiesischen Roman -- Wider das Vergessen. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 8279
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Interplay between Identities, Codes, Stereotypes and Politics in Studying Gender in Western and Non-Western Societies (Andreea ZAMFIRA, Christian de MONTLIBERT and Daniela RADU) -- PART ONE SEXUAL BODIES AND GENDER IDENTITIES AROUND THE WORLD -- CHAPTER I Speaking to the Spirits: Thinking Comparatively about Women in Asian Indigenous Beliefs (Barbara Watson ANDAYA) -- CHAPTER II The Bissu: Study of a Third Gender in Indonesia (Leonard Y. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 8280
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Internetbasierte Kommunikation und Korpuslinguistik: Repräsentation basaler Interaktionsformate in TEI / 15. Topic-Modelle und ihr Potenzial für die philologische Forschung / Register -- Autorinnen und Autoren…”
    Libro electrónico