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  1. 26581
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Warren Buffet and the Dalai Lama IOU Company specific risk Luxuries and necessities Five destroyed brands Chapter 3 The leap of faith Risk and return Safety and danger Hero and villain - Jerome Kerviel Buys and sells The sad case of Millwall Holdings Part Two Welcome to the jungle Chapter 4 Damn clients The trading floor Proprietary trading How an investment bank makes money It s raining middlemen Bernie Madoff Primary and secondary market Chapter 5 An equitable solution Shares and bonds contrasted Income, profit and loss Earnings per share Dividend yield Market capitalisation P/E ratio Growth stocks and value stocks The Google growth story Front, back and middle Chapter 6 Promises, promises What goes up must come down The time value of money Inflation, opportunity cost, borrower risk Discounting Insider trading Bonfire of the Vanities and Wall Street Control Chapter 7 Very interesting, Mr Bond Maturity and principals Bonds and shares compared Ratings measure risk, usually What you need to know about rating agencies Safety and Control From triple A to single, solitary D Chapter 8 Chinese walls come tumbling down Deal toys George Soros Income and profit Front running Private equity Every Mistake Imaginable Sting stung EBIT doh! …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 26582
    por Trivedi, Vinay. author
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents; About the Author; Acknowledgments; Preface; Chapter 1: The Internet; Packet Switching, IP, and TCP; HTTP and Using the Internet; Conclusion; Chapter 2: Hosting and the Cloud; Hosting; Hosting Considerations; The Different Types of Hosting; The Cloud; Benefits of Cloud Computing; Disadvantages of the Cloud; Conclusion; Chapter 3: The Back End: Programming Languages; Classifying Programming Languages by Level; Processing High-Level Languages; Other Taxonomies of High-Level Languages; Choosing the Right Language; Technical and Design Considerations; Practical Considerations; Conclusion…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 26583
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Begegnungen in Deutschland -- "Go back to your hometown." Jüdisch-nichtjüdische Konfrontationen im ländlichen Hessen 1945/1946 -- Strange encounters: Expat and refugee Polish-Jewish journalists in Poland and Germany shortly after World War II -- Living in the house of the hangman. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 26584
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Moving images and home comforts; A world in transmission; Towards a global sports network; A screen with a view: sport television and cultural citizenship; Global sports television and its futures; 4 Digital Media, Networking and Executive Fandom; Sports broadcasting under different gods; Determining sport news and the national interest; Executive fandom in a digital world; New prospects for global media sport; 5 From West to East - and Back Again; Sport beyond nations?; Founding a global media sport behemoth…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 26585
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…List of figures -- List of legislation -- List of cases -- List of abbreviations -- List of contributors -- Acknowledgements -- Executive summaries -- Part I: Introduction -- 1 The importance of taking English planning law scholarship seriously Maria Lee -- 2 Introduction to English planning law Maria Lee -- Part II: Place Shaping, Place Framing -- Introduction to Part Two <i>Carolyn Abbot and Maria Lee -- 3 Backstreet's back alright: London's LGBT + nightlife spaces and a queering of planning law and planning practices Steven Vaughan and Brad Jessup -- 4 The highway: a right, a place or a resource? …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 26586
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…11 Pin-Curling Grandpa's Hair in the Comfy Chair: Parents' Stories of Growing Up and Potential Links to Socialization in the Preschool Years12 The Cultural Context of Parent-Child Reminiscing: A Functional Analysis; 13 Listening Is Active: Lessons From the Narrative Practices of Taiwanese Families; Part V: Aging and Grandparenthood in Narrative; 14 Telling Stories and Getting Acquainted: How Age Matters; 15 "As Long as They Go Back Down the Driveway at the End of the Day": Stories of the Satisfactions and Challenges of Grandparenthood…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 26587
    por Fristad, Mary A.
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…ReferencesIndex; About Guilford Publications; From the Publisher; Discover More Guilford Titles; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 26588
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Front Matter; Title Page; Copyright; About the Editors; Contributors; Preface; Contents; Introduction; Chapter 1--Poor and Low-Income Families, Infant/Toddler Development, and the Prospects for Change: Back to the Future; Part I--Cognitive Development; Chapter 2--The Development of Attention in Infancy and Early Childhood: Implications for Early Childhood and Early Intervention; Chapter 3--Facilitating Learning and Memory in Infants and Young Children: Mechanisms and Methods; Part II--Language Development; Chapter 4--How Babies Talk: Six Principles of Early Language Development…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 26589
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Letzte Lebensjahre -- Zusammenfassende Schlussbetrachtung -- Back Matter…”
  10. 26590
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Series Information -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of figures -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Modern cities and ruin -- A brief history of the end of the world in sf -- The pleasures of urban ruins -- State of the field -- Parameters of study -- Structure of the book -- Notes -- 1 Urban apocalypse in the magazines -- The Scarlet Plague -- Cycles of urbanization and modernization -- The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire -- The publication of The Scarlet Plague -- Critical responses to The Scarlet Plague The afterlife of The Scarlet Plague -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 2 Listening to ruins on the radio -- Audio fiction and the imagination -- The roots of radio's golden age sf -- Post-war sf on the airwaves -- The heights of radio sf -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 3 Cinema and the aesthetics of destruction -- Urban destruction on film -- Aerial warfare and the imagination of disaster -- Destruction and renewal in The War of the Worlds -- Rebuilding the future in The Time Machine -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 4 Urban decay in the transmedia universe of Blade Runner -- Marginalization The glamour of decay: Los Angeles and New York City -- The policing of sexual identities -- Permeable boundaries -- Illicit relationships -- Deviancy and class -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 5 Playing in virtual ruins from Wasteland to Wasteland 2 -- Virtual space and the post-apocalyptic city -- Gameplay motivation and immersion -- Wasteland and 2D worlds -- 2.5D spaces and Fallout -- Choices in virtual worlds -- 3D game spaces -- Ruins in 3D worlds -- Narrative choices in Fallout 3 and 4 -- Wasteland 2 -- Conclusion -- Notes -- 6 Cities and sanctuary in The Walking Dead The Walking Dead as transmedia fictional world -- 'We are the walking dead' -- Atlanta -- Resurgens -- Unsalvageable cities -- Alexandria -- Gated communities -- Cities and violence -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 26591
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Presentació / Maria Palmer i Clar, Pere Rosselló Bover -- Maria Sevilla : la poesia com a hack lingüístic / Caterina Riba -- La musicalització de la poesia en Joan Fuster : un estudi intermedial dels poemes "Bach" i "Chopin" / Xavier Hernàndez Garcia -- El crac financer del 200 8: seqüeles psicològiques i esfondrament efectiu de Maria Guasch / Teresa Iribarren, Júlia Ojeda -- Sobre el teatre popular vuitcentista: fantasia, viatges i ciència-ficció / Magí Sunyer -- El somni d'una nit d'estiu en la traducció de Josep Carner : la recepció / Marcel Ortín -- Viatge en autobús de Josep Pla : un retrat moral de la postguerra / Xavier Pla -- Agents i vies alternatives de construcció del cànon : el cas de la literatura catalana / Maria Àngels Francés Díez -- El subjecte arbori en la darrera narrativa de Mercè Rodoreda : una mirada ecocrítica i posthumanista / Irene Zurrón i Servera -- La pirateria de l'edat moderna a les Illes Balears a partir de tres poemes de Miquel Costa i Llobera i d'Els captius (1665) de Maria Antònia Salvà / Ivan A. …”
  12. 26592
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Didaktik and curriculum in ongoing dialogueEllen Krogh, Ane Qvortrup, and Stefan Ting Graf -- Part I: Contemporary educational discussions within a Didaktik/curriculum frame -- 1 Bringing content back in: Rethinking teaching and teachers Zongyi Deng -- 2 From Didaktik to learning (sciences)Tobias Werler -- 3 Content in American educational discourse: The missing link(s)Norm Friesen -- 4 Outline of a taxonomy for general Bildung: Deep learning in the anglophone tradition of curriculum studies and the Didaktik of north west EuropeStefan Ting Graf -- 5 Curriculum development as a complex policy process in Denmark and Germany: Two cases of competence-oriented curricula in social science educationAnders Stig ChristensenPart II: Directions of educational scholarship within the field of didactics -- 6 Towards laboratories for meta-reflective didactics: On dialogues between general and disciplinary didacticsEllen Krogh and Ane Qvortrup -- 7 Bildung as the central category of education? …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 26593
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Foreword -- Preface -- Glossary -- In the Beginning there was Bread and Freedom and Apathy -- One or Two? -- A Journey Back in Time -- Quo Vadis? -- The Amphibian Feet and the Soprano Voice -- Three Levels of Knowing -- Getting High on Zinger Tea -- Carrying the Armband Jude -- A Tom Sawyer Adventure -- Caught in the Web -- From the Armband to the Yellow Triangle -- A World that Has to be Imagined to Make it Real -- A Mother Mourning her Children -- The Plasticity of Human Nature -- Dodging the Muselmann's Netherworld Virtual Reality -- Beware the Yellowish-Green Colour -- Irena - My Willowy Sister -- Protecting my Lebensraum -- Looking into the Pistol's Muzzle -- Mottos Reflecting the Shifting Situations -- The Messiah is Nigh -- The Predator Matrons -- Jedem das Seine - To Each his Own -- The Bond and the Rule -- April is the Cruellest Month -- Latter-Day Messiahs Have Come -- Death Stalking Life -- At the Birth of a Dream -- My Initiation into Scooping Humus -- The Schnitzel Riddle -- Israel and I - An Uneasy Co-Existence The Sabra Model -- The Other -- The New Day's Rhythm -- The Temptation of the Cross -- Harold Fisch - My Patron Saint -- A Subject of Interest -- The Lure of the London Stage -- Humouring the Jewish Agency -- The Fateful Sukkah Meeting -- My Brother - Yusuf -- In the Aftermath of the Six-Day War -- A Critic at Large -- Kosher Style -- Black Cats versus White Cats -- An Immodest Proposal -- Hosanna -- Chomsky and I -- From Providence to the Holy Land -- The Yom Kippur War -- Touching the Past with Dieter -- Pfefferkorn versus the State of Israel -- The Latter-Day Hellenists -- Imitatio Dei -- The Bitburg Offence to Memory -- The Water Cooler Metaphor -- In Image and Word -- The Life of Pi -- My Secret Garden -- Speak No Evil of Man: He, Himself, is Testimony to It -- The Lost Generation -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 26594
    por Bober, Sergiusz
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Significance of Plebiscites in Solving Nationality and Border Conflictsin Europe since World War I -- List of Contributors -- Index -- Back cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 26595
    por López Sáenz, Ma del Carmen
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- _GoBack -- _Hlk126612100 -- _Hlk123833554 -- _Hlk126421359 -- _Hlk126684244 -- _Hlk126685691 -- _Hlk126685702 -- _Hlk54860420 -- _Hlk42146881 -- _Hlk126685595 -- _Hlk126685615 -- _Hlk117506949 -- _Hlk117506606 -- _Hlk117508061 -- _Hlk106012458 -- _Hlk106012482 -- _Hlk106012587 -- _Hlk106012795 -- _Hlk77863106 -- _Hlk100910504 -- _Hlk78020307 -- FNanchor_33 -- _Hlk77596757 -- _Hlk126442242 -- _Hlk126310636 -- _Hlk126445873 -- PRESENTACIÓN -- I. -- Darse tiempo. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 26596
    Publicado 1994
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Abalos & Herreros : Ordenación del área de Abandoibarra, Bilbao ; Bach/Mora : Estadio Olímpico de Hockey hierba y Club Natación Terrassa, Terrassa ; Bonell & Gil : Palacio Municipal de Deportes de Girona - Fontajau, Girona ; Cruz/Ortiz : Estación de ferrocarriles Santa Justa, Sevilla ; David Chipperfield : Wakehurst Place, Londres ; Carlos Ferrater, José Ma Cartañà : Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I, Barcelona ; Aurelio Galfetti : Biblioteca Chambéry ; J. …”
  17. 26597
    por Smith, Bessie, 1894-1937
    Publicado 1991
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Disco 2: Graveyard dream blues -- Cemetery blues -- Far away blues -- I'm going back to my used to be -- Whoa, Tillie, take your time -- My sweetie went away -- Any woman's blues -- Chicago bound blues -- Mistreatin' daddy -- Frosty mornin' blues -- Frosty mornin' blues -- Haunted house blues -- Eavesdropper's blues-- Easy come, easy go blues -- Sorrowful blues -- Pinchbacks - take 'em away -- Rockin' chair blues -- Ticket agent ease your window down -- Boweavil blues -- Hateful blues…”
    Disco musical
  18. 26598
    por Felt, James W., 1926-
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Invitation to a Philosophic Exploration 1.1 On Asking Philosophic Questions 1.2 Human Knowing Is Distinct from Brain Activity -- Chapter 2: On Perceiving Real Objects 2.1 The Myth of the Theater 2.2 The Absurdity of the Myth 2.3 Systematic Grounds for the Myth 2.4 Relational Realism -- Chapter 3: Foundations of Relational Realism 3.1 Fundamental and Apparent Perception 3.2 How the Cause is in the Effect 3.3 How the Perceiver "Becomes" the Perceived 3.4 The Independence of the Object 3.5 Looking Back -- Chapter 4: The Remarkable Structure of Perceiving 4.1 The Sensed World Presents Itself to Me as Something that Matters 4.2 Perceiving is an Inclusive Activity 4.3 A Rough Picture of Perceiving -- Chapter 5: Beyond Perceiving: Some Aspects of Knowing 5.1 Uncovering the Universal in the Particular 5.2 Grasping the Meaning of Universal Concepts: Understanding 5.3 Affirming Extramental Existence 5.4 Some Other Aspects of Knowing: Values, and Practical Knowing 5.5 Perceiving, Knowing, and Horizons -- Chapter 6: Scientific Knowing and the World of Science 6.1 More about Horizons: a Matter of Meaning 6.2 Discovery Structures and Worlds 6.3 The Horizon of Physical Science 6.5 The Scientific World and the Perceptual World -- Chapter 7: Philosophic Knowing, Part I: Some Classic Cases 71. …”
  19. 26599
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The institutional perspective on strategic communication: bringing culture and society back in -- 11. Democracy, strategic communication and lobbying -- 12. …”
  20. 26600
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using written response for reading comprehension of literary text / Reading persuasive texts / Writing a biography: creating powerful insights into history and personal lives / Monumental ideas for teaching report writing through a visit to Washington, DC / Writing summaries of expository text using the magnet summary strategy / Looking back, looking forward…”