Mostrando 26,481 - 26,500 Resultados de 33,727 Para Buscar 'BTCC~', tiempo de consulta: 1.27s Limitar resultados
  1. 26481
    por Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987
    Publicado 1999
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. / Andy Warhol -- The Warhol portrait : from art to business and back again / Candice Breitz -- "The Red Lobster's beauty" : correction and pain in the art of Andy Warhol / Karin Schick -- "Progress is very important and exciting in everything except food" / Reva Wolf -- "Oh when will I be famous, when will it happen?" …”
  2. 26482
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Orders of Pluralism and Rights / Stefan Grundmann -- Global Threats and Global Emergencies: Legal Reactions / Anna-Bettina Kaiser -- The Protection of the Adult and Respect for his/her Autonomy / Christoph Benicke -- Civil Liability for Autonomous Vehicles / Martin Ebers -- The Impact of force majeure on Contractual Obligations / Ivo Bach -- The Financial Obstacles of the Access to the Judge / Ann-Kristin Mayrhofer / Beate Gsell -- Contractualisation of Civil Litigation Felix Maultzsch, Stefan Klingbeil -- The Social Enterprise: A New Form of the Business Enterprise? …”
  3. 26483
    por Çalışlar, İpek
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Fikriye: The Former Consort Comes Back; 26. Kick-starting the Economy; 27. Autumn Tour; 28. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 26484
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 11 Cybercrime Task Force -- The Cryptocurrency Intelligence Program -- Cyber Fraud Task Force -- The DOJ's Cryptocurrency Enforcement Framework -- Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce -- The EU's Proposed Digital Asset Legislation -- Notes -- Chapter 12 Money Laundering -- Shuttering of Bulgaria-Based BTC-e Bitcoin Exchange-FinCEN's First Action Against a Foreign-Located MSB and Second-Highest Penalty of 110 Million -- Suex, 2021 -- BitMEX -- Tian Yinyin and Li Jiadong -- Helix13 -- Notes -- Chapter 13 Theft Hacking and Ransom Payments -- Notes -- Chapter 14 Cryptocurrency Bribes -- Notes -- Chapter 15 Corruption -- Notes -- Chapter 16 US Tax Evasion -- Bob Brockman -- John McAfee -- Notes -- Chapter 17 Intellectual Property Espionage and Cryptocurrency -- Notes -- Chapter 18 The US Government Implements Blockchain Programs to Improve Transparency and Efficiency -- The General Services Administration (GSA) -- Department of the Treasury -- US State Department -- Department of Defense (DOD) -- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) -- Notes -- Chapter 19 Supply Chain Management with Blockchain Amid the COVID Pandemic -- Blockchain Adoption by US Federal Food and Disease Regulators -- Blockchain Adoption to Track Meat Supply Chain in Australia -- Operation Carne Fraca and Other Violations in the Meat Industry -- Blockchain for Tracking Corruption in Government Funds and Grants -- Tracing Fishy Risks with Blockchain Tech Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Seafood Industry-Related Malpractices -- COVID-19-Related Risks in Seafood Supply Chains -- Seafood Safety in the United States -- Seafood Fraud in the United States -- Mislabeling, Fraud, and Tax Evasion -- Price Fixing and Collusion -- Notes -- Chapter 20 Are NFTs Here to Stay? …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 26485
    por Stratten, Scott
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Chapter 2: Nobody Likes Them; Making It Rain; Well, That's One Way to Reply; Putting Your Foot Down on Fonts; Oh, I Know; BCC Is the New ABC; Social SEO; The Secret to Making You're Book or Blog Go Viral; Lead to Nowhere; Never, Ever; Pin the Tail on the Jackasses; Please Prove Your Business Is a Moron; Not So Special…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 26486
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Other publications -- Online resources -- How to get IBM Redbooks -- Help from IBM -- Index -- Back cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 26487
    por McFedries, Paul
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…30 Working with Mice, Keyboards, and Other Input Devices -- Choosing an Input Device -- Choosing, Installing, and Configuring a Keyboard -- Choosing, Installing, and Configuring a Mouse -- Choosing, Installing, and Using a Trackball -- Choosing, Installing, and Using Bluetooth Devices -- Getting the Most from Keyboard Shortcuts -- 31 Working with Your Mac's Display -- Getting the Most out of Your Mac's Displays -- Configuring a Mac's Display -- Setting Up and Using Multiple Displays -- Synchronizing Color Among Devices -- 32 Working with Your Mac's Sound -- Understanding Mac Audio -- Understanding Audio Output Options -- Choosing Speakers -- Installing Speakers -- Understanding Audio Input Options -- Controlling a Mac's Audio -- Installing Additional Alert Sounds -- 33 Installing, Configuring, and Using Printers -- Finding, Installing, and Using Printers -- Configuring Printers -- Managing Printers -- Working with Shared Printers -- Printing Under Mac OS X -- Sending Faxes with Mac OS X -- Creating a PDF File -- 34 Using Data Storage Devices -- Using Disks and Discs -- Installing and Using a Hard Drive -- Working with Optical Discs -- Burning Discs from the Finder -- Burning CDs/DVDs with Disk Utility -- VI: Maintaining, Protecting, and Repairing Your Mac -- 35 Maintaining Your Mac -- Basic Mac Maintenance -- Using Software Update to Maintain Your System Software -- Maintaining Your Disk Drives -- Maintaining Alternative Startup Volumes -- Maintaining Your Applications -- Building and Maintaining a Mac Toolkit -- Going Further with Disk Utility -- 36 Backing Up Your Mac -- Backing Up Your System -- Defining a Backup Strategy -- Backing Up Your Mac with Time Machine -- Backing Up Your Mac with Apple's Backup -- Using a Backup System -- 37 Securing Your Mac -- Making Your Mac More Secure -- Securing Your Mac with the Security Pane…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 26488
    por Benedetelli, Daniele
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…the timer block -- conclusion -- Comic continued -- 11. building the SUP3R CAR -- main assembly -- hood assembly -- main assembly -- car roof assembly -- main assembly -- steering assembly -- main assembly -- building the R3MOTE -- conclusion -- Comic continued -- 12. programming the SUP3R CAR -- electronic vs. mechanical differentials -- using variables -- using arrays -- using the variable block with numeric and logic arrays -- using the array operations block -- using the switch block with multiple cases -- running parallel sequences (multitasking) -- building the My Blocks -- the ResetSteer My Block -- the Steer My Block -- the Drive My Block -- the ReadRemote2 My Block -- programming the car to drive around -- programming the car for remote control -- using arrays to clean up the Read Remote My Block -- programming the car to follow the beacon -- the Sign My Block -- the Saturation My Block -- the ReadBeacon My Block -- the range block -- the Followbeacon program -- adding a siren effect to the SUP3R CAR -- the loop interrupt block -- the stop program block -- conclusion -- Comic continued -- 13. building the SENTIN3L -- main assembly -- right leg assembly -- main assembly -- left leg assembly -- main assembly -- chest assembly -- main assembly -- left arm assembly -- right arm assembly -- main assembly -- back shield assembly -- back shield middle subassembly -- continuing the back shield assembly -- head subassembly -- completing the back shield assembly -- main assembly -- building the COLOR CUB3 -- conclusion -- Comic continued -- 14. programming the SENTIN3L -- the file access block -- creating and deleting a file and writing data -- reading data from a file -- detecting the end of a file -- the random block -- building the My Blocks -- the ResetLegs My Block -- the WalkFWD My Block -- the Laser My Block -- the Turn My Block…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 26489
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.1.3 Eine möglichst große Schärfentiefe -- 2.2 Bewegte Wasseroberfläche -- 2.3 Vom Boot aus fotografieren -- 2.3.1 69° Nord -- am Inarijärvi zur Mitternachtssonne -- Bach und Fluss -- 3.1 Mit oder ohne Himmel? -- 3.2 Die richtige Belichtung -- 3.2.1 Das Histogramm -- 3.2.2 Expose to the Right -- 3.2.3 High Dynamic Range (HDR) -- 3.3 Komposition mit fließendem Wasser -- 3.3.1 Der visuelle Fluss -- 3.4 Wasserfälle -- 3.4.1 Größenverhältnisse zeigen -- 3.5 Das beste Wetter am Bach -- Meer und Wellen -- 4.1 Ebbe und Flut -- 4.2 Dramatische Wellen -- 4.3 Sanfte See -- 4.4 Licht macht den Unterschied…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 26490
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Introduction 5 Joined the Military 6 Set Backs 8 A Navy SEAL and Beyond 11 Formal Education 13 Carrier Change 15 Fail Between the Lines 17 What to Expect 17 1 Remove the Dead Weight 20 Creating a Masterpiece 20 Assets and Liabilities 22 The Backpack 23 Evaluate the Weight 25 2 No More Excuses 28 Fall from Perfect 29 Take Action 30 Find Your Optimal Performance 31 Inverted U and Stress Control 31 Find Peace in Admitting Your Fear 33 The Potential of Failure is Not an Excuse 34 3 Take Control of Your Thoughts 36 The Confidence Dial 36 Insecurity 37 Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Thoughts 40 Put things into Perspective 41 Levity 43 Make Big things Small 44 Arrogance 46 Be Confident, Not Arrogant 47 Humility 48 4 Be Mentally Tough 51 Climbing High 51 Humble Beginnings 52 A Long Way to Go 53 The Assent 54 In Over Our Heads 56 Final Stretch 57 Lessons Learned 58 Crawl Walk Run 59 5 Choosing the Warrior Mentality 62 Marathon is Half the Word 62 Be Better Today than Yesterday 66 Almost a Victim 67 Look Forward, not back. 69 My Accelerator Moment 70 6 Be Self Aware 74 What is your personality type? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 26491
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Staying Strong; Fighting Back; Navigating the Legal System; Getting a Restraining Order; Getting Your Private Photos Offline; Doing It Yourself; If You're a Minor; Outsourcing the Work; Preventative Maintenance; 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 26492
    por Collins, Mike, 1949-
    Publicado 2004
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mac software problems - freezes, foibles and crashesStart-up problems; A hard drive problem; A true story; Repairing disk permissions and disk volumes; Battery-backed RAM; Zapping the PRAM; Unreadable CD; More help; Summary; 5 Recording and Editing MIDI; MIDI features overview; Recording MIDI data; Configuring the Apple MIDI setup for Mac OSX; Setting up to record MIDI into Pro Tools; Recording onto a MIDI track; Loop recording MIDI; Playing back a recorded MIDI track; Assigning multiple destinations to a MIDI track; Recording Sysex into Pro Tools…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 26493
    por Dechter, Rina, 1950-
    Publicado 2003
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…General Search Strategies: Look-Back; 6.1 Conflict Sets; 6.2 Backjumping Styles; 6.3 Complexity of Backjumping; 6.4 Learning Algorithms; 6.5 Look-Back Techniques for Satisfiability; 6.6 Integration and Comparison of Algorithms; 6.7 Summary; 6.8 Bibliographical Notes; 6.9 Exercises; Chapter 7. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 26494
    por Sierra, Kathy
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…"; You really don't want to spill that...; Back away from that keyword!; This table reserved.; Controlling your Dog object; An object reference is justanother variable value…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 26495
    por Hurtarte, Jeorge S.
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.1 Foundry Revenue Growth2.2 Semiconductor Back-End Services; 2.3 Semiconductor Equipment; Chapter 3: Qualities of Successful Fabless Companies; 3.1 Defining Events for the Fabless Market; 3.2 Thriving in the Fabless Model; 3.3 Key Qualities for Success; 3.4 The Future of Fabless; PART 2 - An In-Depth Understanding of the Fabless Semiconductor Business Model; Chapter 4: Semiconductor Manufacturing Basics; 4.1 Semiconductor Processes; 4.2 Semiconductor Manufacturing Steps; 4.3 Wafer Size; 4.4 Manufacturing Costs; 4.5 Conclusion; Chapter 5: Fabless ASICs; 5.1 Introduction…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 26496
    por Seibold, Chris
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CONTENTS; PREFACE; How to Use This Book; How This Book Is Organized; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Acknowledgments; We'd Like to Hear from You; 1 BEFORE YOU HACK; HACK 01: Back Up Now with Disk Utility; Backing Up with Disk Utility; That's Great, But I've Got One Mac and No External Hard Drive!…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 26497
    por Young, Rick
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Capturando e transferindoDefinindo Scratch Disks usando Log and Capture; Definindo Scratch Disks usando System Settings; Log and Transfer; Automatic Transfer; Transferência de mídia AVCHD para ProRes; Transferência de filmagem XDCAM EX a partir de mídia SxS; Métodos para capturar filmagens em fita; Controle do deck; A janela Capture; Capture Clip; Capture Now; Batch Capture; Capturando seletivamente com Batch Capture; Definindo uma Logging Bin; Apagando uma Logging Bin; A guia Clip Settings; Capturando multicanais de áudio; DV Start/Stop Detection; Capturando HDV; Importando música do CD…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 26498
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Overview of the Performance of Asset-Backed Securities; 3.1 The Size and Growth of the ABS Market; 3.2 The Default and Ratings Performance of ABS; 3.3 ABS Performance in Terms of Spreads; 3.4 Performance During the Financial Crisis…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 26499
    por Chaffer, Jonathan
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface; _GoBack; OLE_LINK2; Getting Started; What jQuery does; Why jQuery works well; Making our first jQuery-powered web page; Downloading jQuery; Deciding on the version of jQuery to use; Setting up jQuery in an HTML document; Adding our jQuery code; Finding the poem text; Injecting the new class; Executing the code; The finished product; Plain JavaScript versus jQuery; Using development tools; Chrome Developer Tools; Summary; Selecting Elements; Understanding the DOM; _GoBack; Using the () function; CSS selectors; OLE_LINK20; OLE_LINK21; Styling list-item levels; OLE_LINK1; OLE_LINK2…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 26500
    por Lewis, Rory
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 2 FundamentalshelloAlien: A Quick Example Application; Preliminaries; Step1: Create a Button That Segues to a Secondary View; Step 2: Pass Information Back from a Secondary View (Alien View) to the Main View; Step 3: Send Information Out to the Secondary View (Alien View); Step 4: Custom Segue; Chapter 3 Storyboarding with MapView; flickrPhotoMap: A Single View App; Preliminaries; Step 1: Setting Up the Data Connection and Displaying Geotagged Photos on a Map; Step 2: Making a Transition to a Secondary Scene from Annotation Callouts…”
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