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  1. 26221
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The case of the West Arsi Woreda in Ethiopia -- Visualize and communicate extreme weather risk to improve urban resilience -- Climate change adaptation and resilience in Mali -- Building resilience to drought in the Sahel by early risk identification and advices -- Risk analysis and evaluation to improve climate adaptation planning in Western Niger -- A simplified hydrological method for flood risk assessment at sub-basin level in Niger -- Socio-technical transitions and resilient infrastructure: analyzing changes in access to water following infrastructure upgrade in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -- Monitoring and evaluating advocacy and mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in Haiti -- Knowledge for transformational adaptation planning: comparing the potential of forecasting and back casting methods for assessing people vulnerability -- Possible impact of pelletized crop residues use as a fuel for cooking in Niger -- An effective Mainstreaming DRR and Resilience approach in La Paz (Mexico) and San Jose (Costa-Rica) -- Climate vulnerability reduction credits: measuring results of adaptation; potential applicability for sub-Saharan communities -- Review of pilot projects on index-based insurance in Africa: insights and lessons Learned -- A new perspective for integrating climate change in local development plans…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 26222
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Understanding mobile technology from a sociological perspective 23 The social and economic implications of mobile telephony in Rwanda: An ownership/access typology 37 Postal presence: A case study of mobile customisation and gender in Melbourne 53 The age of the thumb: A cultural reading of mobile technologies from Asia 67 Communication problems 89 From teenage life to Victorian morals and back: Technological change and teenage life 101 Emotional attachment and mobile phones 117 The mobile phone and the dynamic between private and public communication: Results of an international exploratory study 123 The role of interspace in sustaining identity 137 The mobile phone as technological artefact 149 The mobile telephone as a return to unalienated communication 161 Mobile communication and the transformation of daily life: The next phase of research on mobiles 171 Facing the future, changing customer needs 185 Loading mobile phones in a multi-option society 189 Mobile mania, mobile manners 199 Your life in snapshots: Mobile weblogs (moblogs) 211 Designing the future: Fables from the mobile telecoms industry 225 The future of mobile in the 3G era 235 Mythology and mobile data 251 People, mobiles and society. …”
  3. 26223
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The Position of the Jews in Egypt and Syria in the Late Middle Ages -- The Impact of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Discovery of the “Original” Version of the Ten Commandments upon Biblical Scholarship: The Myth of Jewish Particularism and German Universalism -- The Interpretation of Second Temple Judaism as “Spätjudentum” in Christian Biblical Scholarship -- The National Socialist Bible: “Die Botschaft Gottes”: Theological Legitimation of Antisemitism -- Christian Antisemitism in Biblical Studies: Two Examples -- Against the Mainstream: Muhammad Abduh’s Reading of Q1:7 and its Implications for Current Muslim-Jewish Relations -- The Dead Sea Scrolls and Antisemitism: Past Results and Future Possibilities -- Antisemitism, Christianity, and the Churches in Europe -- Antisemitism and Protestant Churches: A Quest for Reform -- American Christianity, Jews and Israel: Antisemitism and Faith -- Islamic Antisemitism: Jews in the Qur’an, Reflections of European Antisemitism, Political Anti-Zionism: Common Codes and Differences -- Modern Antisemitism in Iran: Old Themes and New Trends -- “If the Scorpion Comes back, We will Wait for it with a Shoe”: Sheikh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī’s Theo-Political Response to Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration -- Editorial Board -- List of Contributors -- Acknowledgements…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 26224
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Time Line of Events in Anbar Province; Bibliography; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 26225
    por Baiocchi, Dave
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Descriptive Framework Applied to Orbital Debris and the Comparables; Bibliography; Works Consulted for Timelines; Index; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 26226
    por Sabanadze, Natalie
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Guggenheim: Globalization and contemporary Basque nationalism -- 5.6 Conclusion -- CHAPTER 6: Globalization and Nationalism: the Relationship Revisited -- Acknowledgments -- Bibliography -- Index -- Back cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 26227
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Acknowledgments -- Illustrations -- Notes on Contributors -- Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in the Early Colonial Americas / Colonial Encounters in Lucayan Contexts / Treating ‘Trifles’: the Indigenous Adoption of European Material Goods in Early Colonial Hispaniola (1492–1550) / Contact and Colonial Impact in Jamaica: Comparative Material Culture and Diet at Sevilla la Nueva and the Taíno Village of Maima / European Material Culture in Indigenous Sites in Northeastern Cuba / Breaking and Making Identities: Transformations of Ceramic Repertoires in Early Colonial Hispaniola / Rancherías: Historical Archaeology of Early Colonial Campsites on Margarita and Coche Islands, Venezuela / Santa María de la Antigua del Darién: the Aftermath of Colonial Settlement / Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in Early Colonial El Salvador / Hybrid Cultures: the Visibility of the European Invasion of Caribbean Honduras in the Sixteenth Century / Exotics for the Lords and Gods: Lowland Maya Consumption of European Goods along a Spanish Colonial Frontier / Resignification as Fourth Narrative: Power and the Colonial Religious Experience in Tula, Hidalgo / Indigenous Pottery Technology of Central Mexico during Early Colonial Times / War and Peace in the Sixteenth-Century Southwest: Objected-Oriented Approaches to Native-European Encounters and Trajectories / ‘Beyond the Falls’: Amerindian Stance towards New Encounters along the Wild Coast (ad 1595–1627) / Colonial Encounters in the Southern Lesser Antilles: Indigenous Resistance, Material Transformations, and Diversity in an Ever-Globalizing World / Situating Colonial Interaction and Materials: Scale, Context, Theory / Back Matter -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 26228
    Publicado 2001
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Provinzialjustizverwaltungen (1945-1947) -- Die DJV, die Neuorganisation des Gerichtssystems und die personelle "Säuberung" der Justiz (1945-1947) -- Rekrutierung, Ausbildung und Einsatz der neuen Juristen: Die akademische Juristenausbildung und die Volksrichterausbildung (1945-1947/48) -- Sowjetische Eingriffe in das Normensystem und die Anfänge der Justizsteuerung durch die DJV (1945-1947) -- Die Versuche zue Reform des Strafvollzugs durch die DJV (1945-1947/48) -- Justizpolitische Weichenstellungen 1947/48 -- Von der DJV zum Mdj: Personelle und strukturelle Veränderungen (1948-1953) -- Von der Gleichschaltung zur Ausschaltung der Landesjustizministerien: Die Zentralisierung der Justizverwaltung (1948-1952) -- Die Weiterentwicklung des Ausbildungswesens und der Personalpolitik (1948-1952/53) -- Der Strafvollzug im Übergang von der Justiz- zur Innenverwaltung (1948-1952) -- SMAD-Befehl Nr. 201: Weichenstellung für ein neues Strafprozeßrecht, Justizsteuerung und die politische Strafjustiz (1947-1950) -- Das Oberste Gericht und die Oberste Staatsanwaltschaft: Entstehung, Entwicklung und Justizsteuerung (1949-1952/53) -- DJV und Mdj in der Justizsteuerung (1949-1951) -- Vom Justizbeschluß der SED zum Neuen Kurs (1951-1953) -- Back Matter…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 26229
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…De-doxifying Miriam / Alice Bach -- Goddess worship-ancient and modern / Gary Beckman -- Numinous Nomos: on the relationship between narrative and law / Adele Berlin -- A "literary sermon" in Deuteronomy 4 / Marc Z. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 26230
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ A multi-dimensional approach to fair access / International perspectives on equality of higher education opportunities: Models and strategies for accessibility and availability / How higher education research using the capability approach illumnates possibilities for the transformation of individiuals and society in South Africa / The conceptualisation of students' personal transformation through their engagement in South African undergraduate education / Understanding the relationship between institutional cultures and pedagogical change / The lenses we use to research student experiences / the rising challenge of university access for students from low-income families / #FeesMustFall: A media analysis of students' voices on access to universities in South Africa / Curriculum transformation: looking back and planning forward / Understanding student experiences through the lens of academic staff development practice and research / students' experiences of university life beyond the cirriculum / Exploring differences in South African graduate outcomes / Destination and outcome trends for graduates from sub-Saharan African countries: Implications for South Africa / Engineering graduates in South Africa and Brazil: A common good perspective / What have we learned about pathways to the public good from South African undergraduate education?…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 26231
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Actors and practices in transcultural transmission and reception -- Cross-border collaboration and the construction of memory narratives in Europe / Sara Jones -- The Polish elites' struggle for recognition of the experience of communism in the European Union / Zdzislaw Mach and Magdalena Gora -- Answering back to presumed accusations: Serbian First World War memories and the question of historical responsibility / Ismar Dedovic and Tea Sindbæk Andersen -- Beyond local memories: exhumations of Francoism's victims as counter-discourse during the Spanish transition to democracy / Zoe de Kerangat -- Double victims and agents of change in Europe's margins: Estonian emigrants sharing "their" repressive Soviet past in the Netherlands / Inge Melchior -- Part II. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 26232
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Finland: excellent basics, selective continuation -- 11. Iceland: getting back on track -- Part IV: The German-speaking Countries -- 12. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 26233
    por Camm, Frank A., 1949-
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; CHAPTER FOUR: Conclusions; APPENDIX: Inventory of Key Elements Relevant to How a Performance-Based Accountability System Works; Glossary of Related Ways to Improve an Organization's Performance; Bibliography; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 26234
    por Bodilly, Susan J.
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER FIVE: Lessons for Other Cities References; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 26235
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using the policy cycle: Practice into theory and back again -- 9. Succeeding and failing in crafting environment policy: Can public policy theories help? …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 26236
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ John Ellis and Nick Hall -- Why hands on history matters / John Ellis -- Bringing the living back to life : what happens when we re-enact the recent past? …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 26237
    por Lamprecht, Manfred
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 13: Methodological Considerations When Evaluating the Effectiveness of Dietary/Supplemental Antioxidants in SportChapter 14: Common Questions and Tentative Answers on How to Assess Oxidative Stress after Antioxidant Supplementation and Exercise; Chapter 15: Biomarkers Part I : Biomarkers to Estimate Bioefficacy of Dietary/Supplemental Antioxidants in Sport; Chapter 16: Biomarkers Part II : Biomarkers to Estimate Bioefficacy of Dietary/Supplemental Antioxidants in Sport; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 26238
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Preface; Contents; Figures; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; CHAPTER ONE - Introduction: Leadership Dynamics in the Islamic Republic of Iran; CHAPTER TWO - Assertiveness and Caution in Iranian Strategic Culture; Iran: The Conquering and Conquered Nation; A New Revolutionary Paradigm; From Revolution to Pragmatism-and Back Again?; Challenges to Iranian Power; CHAPTER THREE - Formal Structures of the Islamic Republic; The Supreme Leader; The President; The Majles; The Assembly of Experts; The Guardian Council; The Expediency Council; The Judiciary…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 26239
    por Jones, Phil
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Immersion and presence -- The evolution of VR -- Structure of this book -- References -- TWO Working with existing VR material: content analysis -- Introduction -- The absence of content analysis -- Lessons from gaming literature -- Analysing embodied engagement -- Case study: approaching a content analysis of Half-Life: Alyx -- Situating the content -- Documenting the experience -- Analysing the materials -- Conclusion -- References -- THREE Working with existing VR material: activities with participants -- Introduction -- Ethical considerations -- User experience -- Therapeutic and training applications -- Case study: surviving the zombie apocalypse -- Conclusions -- References -- FOUR Working with social VR -- Introduction -- Opportunities for collaboration -- Avatars, social cues and harassment -- Case study: VR Church -- Conclusions -- References -- FIVE Creating 360° imagery -- Introduction -- Travelling through 360° -- 360° therapeutic landscapes -- Sensory VR -- Case study: mismatched sensory stimuli -- Creating the VR environments -- The study -- Conclusion -- References -- SIX Creating original VR content -- Introduction -- Scenario testing -- Reproducing environments -- Case study: building urban landscapes -- Conclusion -- References -- SEVEN Conclusion: next steps in VR research -- References -- Notes -- Index -- Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 26240
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 13: Magnetic Inrush Current in Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Power TransformersChapter 14: Eddy Current and Stray Loss Calculations of Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Power Transformer; Chapter 15: Design Considerations-Inside/Outside Windings for a Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Power Transformer; Chapter 16: Special Tests Consideration for a Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Power Transformer; Chapter 17: Safety Protection and Shipping and Dispatch for Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Transformers; Appendix A; Suggested Reading; Appendix B; Back Cover…”
    Libro electrónico