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  1. 14521
    Publicado 2023
    “…Skill Level: Beginner to intermediary Learn How To: Become a better security professional Build your own Zero Trust journey Understand the true meaning of the Zero Trust security framework Determine how to apply security best practices represented in the latest Zero Trust framework to your organization Understand how to assess your existing security capabilities and map out a plan for improving your organization's security practices Understand security best practices for all areas of your business (cloud, endpoint, and network) Course requirement: Fundamental understanding of network and security concepts Who Should Take This Course: Anyone involved in security architecture and decision-making must have a clear understanding of Zero Trust concepts, which cover job roles in cloud, network, and application security, spanning an entire organization. This course benefits those entering security roles as well as existing careers looking to better understand Zero Trust concepts. …”
  2. 14522
    por Carbó Ochoa, David
    Publicado 2013
    “…Hotel companies need to understand that these practices are not only in the enviro n- mental interest, but can potentially offer added benefits for their businesses, such as r e- duced costs, improved public image and better relationships with the local community (Kirk, 1995; Kirk, 2012)…”
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  3. 14523
    por Navarro Martín, Joan
    Publicado 2015
    “…A més d'heretar els beneficis dels repositoris en el núvol en quant a escalabilitat, Epidemia inclou una capa de gestió de transaccions que reenvia les transaccions dels clients a un conjunt jeràrquic de particions de dades, cosa que permet al sistema oferir diferents nivells de consistència i adaptar elàsticament la seva configuració a noves demandes de càrrega de treball. …”
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  4. 14524
    por Cervo, Dalton, 1967-
    Publicado 2011
    “…"As more and more companies recognize the benefits of customer master data management (MDM), they are also learning that effective customer MDM requires careful planning and execution. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 14525
    Publicado 2024
    “…Lesson 4: This lesson covers how to approach estimating for a software development effort. It explores the benefits of focusing more on conversations and less on estimates to best develop a sense of time and scope for a project. …”
  6. 14526
    Publicado 2021
    “…De dicho análisis, concluimos que dicho principio es interpretado y aplicado de una manera sui generis en el mencionado contexto educativo; esa manera diferente de aplicar la proporcionalidad en menores precisa de una explicación -que aportamos a través de esta obra-, en el sentido que se hace necesario el exponer una justificación o fundamentación respecto al por qué la proporcionalidad es diferente en el ámbito de la jurisdicción de menores en comparación con la jurisdicción de adultos. …”
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    Libro electrónico
  7. 14527
    por Rodríguez Jiménez, Andrés
    Publicado 2008
    “…Su novedad radica en el hecho de que, aún cuando en Cuba y otros países existen acciones docentes para la introducción de la educación en valores; no existen antecedentes de este estudio científico que aborde la formación axiológica de los estudiantes con acciones extradocentes, dirigidas por el profesor guía, en una institución educativa sui géneris, como es la ELAM…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 14528
    Publicado 2023
    “…You'll get a few last tips as to how to assess your own projects to see if they're likely to benefit from adopting Acceptance Testing. If you decide that Acceptance Tests might be right for your team, Paul proposes his own 3 laws of Acceptance Testing to guide your implementation. …”
  9. 14529
    Publicado 2020
    “…Les concepcions dels estudiants es van categoritzar en relació al significat, beneficis, procediments, responsabilitat i competències de la indagació. …”
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  10. 14530
    Publicado 2020
    “…We received submissions on a variety of topics including: novel assessments of learning, drawing on computational techniques for automated, peer, or human-assisted assessment; new methods for validating inferences about human learning from established measures, assessments, or proxies; experimental interventions in large-scale learning environments that show evidence of improved learning outcomes; domain independent interventions inspired by social psychology, behavioral economics, and related fields with the potential to benefit learners in diverse fields and disciplines; domain specific interventions inspired by discipline-based educational research that have the potential to advance teaching and learning of specific ideas, misconceptions, and theories within a field; tools or techniques for personalization and adaptation, based on log data, user modeling, or choice; usability studies and effectiveness studies of design elements for students or instructors; tools and pedagogy to promote community, support learning, or increase retention in atscale environments; new tools and techniques for learning at scale; best practices in the archiving and reuse of learner data in safe, ethical ways; fairness in student predictive models; challenges in learning at scale across the globe; exploration of affordable degrees at scale; innovations in platforms for supporting learning at scale; and platforms to broadly engage individuals of all ages in citizen science. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 14531
    por Fernández Baena, Adso
    Publicado 2015
    “…El Pleo s'utilitza per a assistir a nens hospitalitzats en teràpia o simplement per jugar. Tot i els seus beneficis, hi ha una manca de relació emocional i interacció entre els nens i el Pleo que amb el temps fa que els nens perdin l'interès en ell. …”
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  12. 14532
    Publicado 2022
    “…You'll learn what value stream mapping is and the benefits or the "why" of this technique. We'll introduce value stream mapping roles and deliverables and we'll explore each step in the value stream mapping process. …”
  13. 14533
    “…. ** Number of patients who must be treated before one of them is likely to benefit. The lower, the better…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 14534
    Publicado 2007
    “…The alpine population, however, had - at least in the beginning and with but few exceptions - only little understanding for the activities of the alpine tourists, although in the end and as a consequence of the emerging alpine tourism, which was strongly promoted by the Alpine Association, the benefits prevailed. After many years of peaceful development characterized by cooperation not only between the German and the Austrian sections of the club, but also between the Alpenverein and similar clubs in the neighboring alpine countries, the political conflicts before and during World War I resulted in more radical attitudes within the Alpenverein, especially vis-a-vis the Italian side. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 14535
    Publicado 2019
    “…ICMS Australasia provided expert assistance with the logistics of the event, and we thank them for their professional advice and guidance. We also benefited greatly from the support provided by the Melbourne Convention Bureau; and from the knowledge and skills of the many expert staff at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, the venue for WSDM 2019. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 14536
    por Dilernia, Darío A.
    Publicado 2010
    “…In this sense, the initiation of treatment could have an additional benefit in preventing the immune escape by significantly reducing the evolutive capacity of the virus…”
    Enlace del recurso
  17. 14537
    Publicado 2024
    “…Aquests resultats fan necessari establir mecanismes d' identificació dels factors que poden limitar la pràctica d' activitat física en els escolars i fer esment als beneficis que es poden obtenir en realitzar activitat física esportiva en edats primerenques. …”
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  18. 14538
    Publicado 2004
    “…These tools can leverage the wealth of technologyalready present in the Eclipse community, as well as benefit fromintegration with other learning tools developed by otherresearchers and educators. …”
    Libro electrónico