Mostrando 7,121 - 7,140 Resultados de 7,660 Para Buscar 'Bârlad~', tiempo de consulta: 1.60s Limitar resultados
  1. 7121
    Publicado 1948
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…[e-t al] 5 : Grégoire le Grand les États barbares et la conquête arabe (590-757) / Par Louis Bréhier, René Aigrain 6: L ́époque carolingienne / Par Émile Amann 7 : L ́Église au pouvoir des laïques (888-1057) / Par Emile Amann, Auguste Dumas 8 : La Réforme grégorienne et la reconquête chrétienne (1057-1123) / Par Augustin Fliche 9 :Du premier Concile du Latran á l ́avénement d ́Inno cent III : 2éme partie / Par Raymonde Foreville, Jean Rousset de Pina 12-1 : Institutions ecclésiastiques de la Chrétienté médiévale : préliminaires & 1ére partie- Livre I / Par Gabriel Le Bras 12-2 : Institutions ecclésiastiques de la Chrétienté médiévale : première partie-Livres II à VI / Par Gabriel Le Bras 13 : Le mouvement doctrinal du XIe au XIVe siècle / Par Aimé Forest, F. van Steenberghen, M. de Gandillac 14 : L ́église au temps du Grand Schisme et de la crise conciliaire (1378-1449) * / Par E. …”
  2. 7122
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Ponencia / Carmen Giménez Morte --Espacios para bailar el "encuentro" en la bienal de flamenco del Théâtre National de Chaillot / Fernando López Rodríguez -- Del mito a la danza: Análisis coreográfico de dos adaptaciones del mito de Medea / Berta Secall Pons -- Aportaciones de la praxeología motriz al estudio de la danza: las emociones del actor / Edurne Martínez Hervías, Clara Urdangarin Liebaert -- La escritura coreográfica y su registro audiovisual / Javier Ramírez Serrano -- Ritmo, movimiento y danza en el sistema de Stanislavski: presencia de la rítmica de Dalcroze / Virginia Analía Soprano Manzo -- Coreografías de la mirada. …”
    Accés lliure a "Apuntes para reescribir la historia: Marina Lie Goubonina (Noreg). Ballet y franquismo" de Ester Vendrell
  3. 7123
    por Brintlinger, Angela
    Publicado 2012
    “…These authors represented official Soviet literature and underground or dissident literature; they fell into and out of favor, were exiled and returned to Russia, died at home and abroad. Most importantly, they were all touched by war, and they reacted to the state of war in their literary works…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 7124
    Publicado 2023
    “…In this edited volume, scholars from the Netherlands and abroad analyse the roles that animals play in Dutch travel literature from 1800 to the present. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 7125
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Transnational aspects of the Burmese democracy movement -- Fault line 5: class, elites and grassroots -- The professionalization of civil society -- The rise of the 'Third Force' -- 4 Room to Manoeuvre under Authoritarian Rule -- Civil society under authoritarian rule -- Restrictions on public speech -- Dealing with surveillance -- 'Contingent symbiosis' between state and civil society -- The contested notion of 'space' for civil society in the run-up to the 2010 elections -- Civil society beyond the overtly political -- Testing the waters during the transition -- 5 Transnational Advocacy Strategies and Pathways to Change -- Framing and marketing in transnational advocacy campaigns -- Strategic framing efforts -- Encounters between civil society from exile and from inside the country -- Post- Nargis counter- voices to the democracy movement -- 6 Competing Frames around the 2010 Elections -- The elections-as-opportunity counterframe -- Lobbying abroad for the election boycott campaign -- Adversarial framing -- Evaluating campaign success -- A strategic shift to international justice campaigns -- 7 Foreign Aid and the (De)politicization of Civil Society Assistance -- Expansion and contraction of foreign aid duringmilitary rule -- Politicization of the aid debate -- Western democracy promotion -- Changing donor priorities during the political transition -- Foreign aid reinforcing societal divisions -- International justice initiatives -- Inequalities in donor relationships -- 8 Interrupted Transition and Post-coup Resistance -- Popular resistance and military repression since the 2021 coup -- Escalation of armed conflict and resistance -- New forms of protest and solidarity -- Political opposition to military rule -- Armed opposition after the 2021 coup -- Contested representation within the opposition -- Contested international legitimacy…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 7126
    Publicado 2022
    “…This is a book about people caught between home and abroad, crossing imperial boundaries in southeastern Europe at the beginning of the modern age.Through a series of life stories, which the author reconstructs with the aid of many new sources, readers discover how certain men and women defined and adapted their loyalties and affiliations, how they fashioned their identities, how they enrolled their linguistic, political, economic, and social resources to build a family and a career. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 7127
    Publicado 1995
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Development of Second- and Third-Generation Procedures (1970s and 1980s) -- THE SURGEON AND ENDOSCOPY: LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY -- SOME CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS AND SPECULATIONS -- REFERENCES -- 5 Cochlear Implantation: Establishing Clinical Feasibility, 1957-1982 -- THE IDEA OF ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE HUMAN EAR -- APPROACHES TO IMPLANTATION -- NEW BEGINNINGS: COCHLEAR IMPLANTATION IN THE 1970S -- Work by House, Simmons, and Michelson -- Climate of Conflicting Opinions -- Developing Interest Abroad -- Threshold of a New Era -- THE "CLINICIANS," THE "EXPERIMENTALISTS," AND THE ESTABLISHING OF CLINICAL FEASIBILITY -- CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 6 Innovation in Cardiac Imaging -- OVERVIEW OF CARDIAC IMAGING -- Nuclear Cardiology -- Echocardiography -- THE INNOVATION PROCESS -- Examples from Echocardiography and Nuclear Cardiology -- Concept -- Prototype -- Commercialization -- Diffusion -- Refinement -- BARRIERS TO INNOVATION -- CONCLUSION: MOVING TOWARD AN OPTIMAL R&amp -- D PROGRAM IN AN INDUSTRIAL FIRM -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- APPENDIX A -- Thallium Imaging -- APPENDIX B -- Tc-99 Sestamibi Tracer -- APPENDIX C -- Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography -- APPENDIX D -- Transesophageal Echocardiography -- APPENDIX E -- Acoustic Quantification -- APPENDIX F -- Color Flow -- PART III Biotechnology Innovation -- 7 Incentives and Focus in University and Industrial Research: The Case of Synthetic Insulin -- THE EMERGENCE OF GENETIC ENGINEERING -- RESEARCH COORDINATORS -- A SHORT HISTORY OF THE RDNA INSULIN RESEARCH PROJECTS -- THE ROLE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 7128
    Publicado 2021
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  9. 7129
    por AA., VV
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Taller I, diciembre de 1938 - VI, noviembre de 1939 -- Página Legal -- Presentación -- Número 1, diciembre de 1938 -- Vigilias -- Verdaderamente", "La poesía enemiga", "Breve canto", "Cuarto canto de abandono -- Retrato de mi madre -- Pequeño vals vienés", "La suite del agua", "Cuatro baladas amarillas", "La selva de los relojes", "Herbarios -- Dibujos (ilustraciones) -- La Iglesia y el hombre -- Sobre la inteligencia -- La Casa de España -- Adonais -- Tres libros españoles -- Un libro de Aníbal Ponce -- María Izquierdo -- Acuarela y viñetas (ilustraciones) -- Número 2, abril de 1939 -- Sobre causas de títeres -- El tiempo contemplado -- El quebranto -- Antonio Machado, Profecía de Espaiia -- Razón de ser -- Las cien mejores poesías mexicanas modernas -- La fatalidad en Kafka -- A los sombreros de mi madre y otras elegías -- Número 3, mayo de 1939 -- Antonio Machado, poeta español -- Preludio breve", " Música de cámara", "Ejercicio de estío -- Amorosamente", "Sólo el hombre -- Antonio Machado -- Las ideas políticas de Ramón López Velarde -- El poeta León Chestov -- El mar (elegía y esperanza) -- Diario, epígrafes y apuntes para la novela La educación de los sentidos -- Música y cine -- En tomo a la vocación (lo popular y lo social) -- Tarjetas -- Número 4, julio de 1939 -- Poesía y filosofía -- Amor condusse noi ad una morte -- Siete sonetos impuntuales -- Cuerpo perseguido -- Enrique González Rojo -- Elegías romanas -- Oda al sueño -- Dos poemas -- Tramontar -- Paisajes y confesiones -- La "Carta a un amigo difunto -- Constante amigo -- Presencias -- Los enemigos del teatro -- Tarjetas -- Temporada en el infierno -- Arthur Rimbaud (ilustración) -- Número 5, octubre de 1939 -- Urna de Alarcón -- Arte y moral de Alarcón -- Soledad de la fisiología -- ¡Qué encantadora fiesta! …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 7130
    por OECD
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Executive summary -- 1 Linking the domestic and international implementation of the SDGs: Governance mechanisms and tools for addressing spillovers and transboundary impacts -- Introduction -- Spillovers and transboundary impacts in an increasingly complex world -- The role of policy coherence for sustainable development -- Institutional mechanisms and tools for addressing spillovers and transboundary impacts throughout the policy cycle -- Political commitment, vision and leadership Coordination mechanisms and tools to address policy impacts and interactions -- Assessing, measuring and monitoring policy impacts -- Lessons learned -- Looking ahead -- References -- Notes -- 2 SDGs integrated impact assessment strategy: A governance tool for identifying and managing the spillover effects and transboundary impacts in the 2030 Agenda -- Impact pathways -- Impacts beyond national borders -- Side effects of policies -- Towards an SDGs integrated impacts assessment framework -- Conclusion -- References -- Notes 3 The path to policy coherence: How OECD members (could) use the SDGs at home and abroad to better support developing countries -- The SDGs as a common platform to help address transboundary impacts -- Opportunities to do more: using the SDGs to reflect policy effects on developing countries -- The mixed effect of the SDGs on commitment to partner-friendly policies -- Increased but not yet systematic assessment and monitoring -- Greater opportunities for debate but limited uptake in government co-ordination -- Building the necessary political will with the help of the 2030 Agenda Aligning development co-operation to the SDGs in developing countries: progress and challenges -- Progress in mainstreaming the SDGs in development co-operation delivery -- Contextual factors limiting the use of the SDGs in development co-operation -- Adopting the SDG framework comes at a cost -- Developing countries strive to align their institutions to the SDGs -- Development co-operation practices affecting the use of SDGs at country level -- Fragmentation of development co-operation delivery is coupled with siloed approaches Synchronised planning cycles and joined-up approaches enhance overall coherent development co-operation support at country level -- Traditional donor co-ordination structures constrain cross-sector work -- Potential to strengthen connections between development co-operation and other policies at home -- Conclusion: the way forward -- References -- Notes -- 4 Private sector resilience: The role of responsible business conduct in 'building back better' globally -- Understanding responsible business conduct -- From risk to resilience: RBC and COVID-19 -- Measuring RBC in the global economy :opportunities and challenges -- 5 Measuring transboundary impacts in the 2030 agenda : Conceptual approach and operationalisation -- 6 Quantitative accounting for transboundary impacts: a new approach -- 7 The omnipresence of transboundary effects : a global systemic model based approach for analysing the SDGs -- 8 assessing transboundary issues through a systemic lens : insights and proposals from EEA sustainability assessment reporting -- 9 Assessing the transboundary effects of EU consumption : applying a life cycle perspective to SDG 12 -- 10 Measuring countries' impacts on the global commons : a new approach based on production and consumption based accounting -- 11 Policy priority inference for sustainable development: a tool for identifying global interlinkages and supporting evidence-based decision making -- Conclusion…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 7131
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Indicator C4 - Who studies abroad and where?; Indicator C5 - Transition from school to work: where are the 15-29 year-olds?…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 7132
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Education and employment among young people, 2010How many students study abroad and where do they go?; Significance; Findings; Trends; Definitions; Going further; Figure 1.13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 7133
    por Kotler, Philip
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Conclusion; Questions; Chapter 5 Grow by International Expansion; Engaging in Foreign Direct Investment; Engaging in Export; Why Go Abroad?; Where Is the Most Growth Occurring in the World?…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 7134
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.5 Intercultural communication effectiveness6.6 A note on intercultural work communication; 6.7 Conclusion; Questions and exercises; Notes and references; 7 Skills for Working Abroad; 7.1 Cultural orientation skills; 7.2 Sojourning; 7.3 Conclusion; Questions and exercises; Notes and references; 8 Culture, Communication and Work Activities; 8.1 Selection interviewing; 8.2 Service encounters; 8.3 Mentoring; 8.4 Mediating; 8.5 Negotiating; 8.6 Working in groups and teams; 8.7 Leadership and management; 8.8 Conclusion; Questions and exercises; Notes and references…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 7135
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Case 2.1: Computex CorporationCase 2.2: Johannes Van Den Bosch Sends An Email; Case 2.3: Carlos Ghosn: Leader Without Borders; Part 3: Training, Performance Management, Appraisal, And Compensation Issues For Global Managers; Reading 3.1: Changing Patterns Of Global Staffing In The Multinational Enterprise: Challenges To The Conventional Expatriate Assignment And Emerging Alternatives; Reading 3.2: Expatriate Performance Appraisal: Problems And Solutions; Reading 3.3: A Local Perspective To Expatriate Success: Executive Overview; Case 3.1: Fred Bailey: An Innocent Abroad…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 7136
    Publicado 1987
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Niaussat Un renouveau de l'histoire de la médecine navale en France -- Eric Rieth Archéologie navale médiévale : quelques problèmes récents -- Etienne Taillemite Réflexions sur quelques recherches récentes en histoire maritime -- Christiane Villain-Gandossi L'iconographie des navires au Haut Moyen Age La navigation et les affaires -- Michel Balard Le film des navigations orientales de Gênes au XIIIe siècle -- Philippe Braunstein La capture d'une coque vénitienne sur la route de Flandre au début du xve siècle -- Jean Favier Les galées de Louis d'Anjou -- R. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 7137
    por Moorthy Kloss, Magdalena
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover -- Half Title -- Series Information -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Preliminary Remarks -- Maps -- Introduction -- 1 Historical Context and Sources -- 1 The Najahids - a Dynasty of (Former) Slaves -- 1.1 Al-Ḥakamī's Chronicle of the Najahid Era -- 1.2 Rise of the Najahids -- 1.3 Early Najahid Rule and First Setbacks -- 1.4 Saʿīd and Jayyāsh Retaliate -- 1.5 Jayyāsh Reconquers Zabīd -- 1.6 Internal Strife and Rule of the Viziers -- 1.7 The Dynasty's Demise -- 2 The Rasulids -- 2.1 Nūr al-maʿārif: a Collection of Rasulid Administrative Texts -- 2.2 Al-Khazrajī's Chronicle and Biographical Collection -- 2.3 Legal Sources on Slavery -- 2 The Medieval Slave Trade to Yemen -- 1 Overview -- 2 The Unknown Origins of Enslaved Soldiers in Medieval Yemen -- 3 Trade Procedures to Rasulid Yemen -- 3.1 The Horn of Africa in the 7th/13th Century -- 3.2 The Slave Trade Reflected in Nūr al-maʿārif -- 3.3 Prices Paid for Slaves in Ethiopia -- 3.4 Additional Expenses Associated with the Slave Trade to Yemen -- 4 Import Taxes -- 5 Transport Charges and Travel Provisions -- 6 Trade Procedures in Yemen -- 6.1 Selection by the Rasulid Administration -- 6.2 Sale on the Public Market -- 7 Conclusion -- 3 Eunuchs -- 1 Eunuchs in Islamic Foundational Texts -- 2 The Eunuch Institution in the First Islamic Centuries -- 3 Terminology -- 4 Early Lives -- 4.1 Castration Abroad -- 4.2 The Question of Origins -- 5 Digression: Slave Names and the Loss of Origins -- 5.1 Mamluks' Names -- 5.2 Eunuchs' Names -- 6 Beginnings in Yemen -- 7 Eunuchs in the Rasulid Military and Political Administration -- 7.1 Biographical Texts as Windows into Eunuchs' Public Lives -- 7.2 Military and Political Positions Occupied by Eunuchs -- 7.3 Case Study: the Chief Eunuch Ahyaf -- 8 Eunuchs and Rasulid Women…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 7138
    por Sarfson Gleizer, Susana
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La educación auditiva en la escuela a través de la obra de Alcántara García La educación artística en la escuela en las publicaciones de Alcántara García La educación musical propiamente dicha en el Compendio de Pedagogía de Pedro Alcántara García Aportaciones a la didáctica de la expresión musical en la obra pedagógica de Blanco y Sánchez Michelle Haller y la pedagogía del canto Albert Lavignac: solfeos y formación de maestros Joan Llongueras y la educación rítmica en la escuela Adolfe Rude y la educación musical en los procedimientos didácticos de la Escuela Nueva hacia 1950 La música y la educación musical en publicaciones periódicas especializadas para el magisterio La Escuela Española La Educación El Magisterio de Aragón La Escuela Moderna Revista de Pedagogía La Escuela en Acción Revista Española de Pedagogía Bordón Revista Nacional de Edvcación Avante Cancioneros La música en los juegos de los niños y de las niñas a través de libros representativos Los juegos de niños en las escuelas y colegios, de Santos Hernández Libro de juegos infantiles, de Julián Bastinos Lolita, cantares y juegos de niñas, de Augusto Santiago y Gadea Jocs cantats de la infantesa: una colección de música infantil para cantar, bailar y disfrutar Manuales de Música para estudiantes de Magisterio y bibliografía musical disponible para los maestros Juan Vancell y Roca: El libro de música y canto. …”
  19. 7139
    por McLeod, Virginia
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté els EDIFICIS PÚBLICS I OFICINES: Allies and Morrison, British Council -- Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Biblioteca y centro de servicios al ciudadano de Ballard -- City of Melbourne / DesignInc, CH2 Casa del Concejo Municipal de Melbourne -- Germán del Sol Architects, Hotel Remota en Patagonia -- Lahz Nimmo Architects, Aseos de Centennial Park -- Matteo Thun & Partners, Edificio de Hugo Boss -- McDowell + Benedetti, Puente de Castleford -- Miralles Tagliabue - EMBT, Mercado de Santa Caterina -- Sanaksenaho Architects, Capilla de arte ecuménico de San Enrique -- Sauerbruch Hutton, Agencia Federal Medioambiental -- Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos…”
  20. 7140
    por Gonzalez Garcia, Sonia
    Publicado 2011
    Libro electrónico