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  1. 6901
    por Innes, James, 1975-
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part 4: When the usual rules don't apply . 15 Ten solutions for ten potential problems 16 Special cases - professions where the rules are different 17 CVs and resumes - looking for work abroad Part 5: Tailoring your CV 18 How to adapt your CV for every application Part 6: Digital considerations 19 Applying for jobs online 20 LinkedIn Part 7: Looking at the whole picture 21 Cover letters 22 Application forms 23 Job hunting 24 Interviews 25 Your new job Part 8: CV and cover letter examples and templates 26 Twenty-one CV examples to help you write yours Part 9: My five top tips to make your CV stand out 27 How to make your CV stand out! …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 6902
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Foreword; Preface; About the Editor; Contributors; Chapter 1: Canadians Studying Abroad and the Development of Statistics in Canada; Chapter 2: Some of Statistics Canada's Contributions to Survey Methodology; Chapter 3: Watching Children Grow Taught Us All We Know; Chapter 4: Modeling Dependence beyond Correlation; Chapter 5: Lasso and Sparsity in Statistics; Chapter 6: Optimizing and Adapting the Metropolis Algorithm; Chapter 7: Design of Computer Experiments for Optimization, Estimation of Function Contours, and Related Objectives…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 6903
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Great Depression, 1929-1932 -- Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1941 -- Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945 -- Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960 -- Contesting Futures: America in the 1960s -- Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980 -- From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000 -- The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 6904
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Endorsement Page -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- Contributors -- Abbreviations list -- Introduction: Institutional translation and training -- Part I Competences -- Chapter 1 Institutional translation - EMT Competence Framework and beyond -- Chapter 2 Skills and knowledge required of translators in institutional settings -- Chapter 3 Institutional translation profiles: A comparative analysis of descriptors and requirements -- Chapter 4 Institutional translator training in language and translation technologies -- Chapter 5 Institutional translation and the translation process: Cognitive resources, digital resources, and translator training -- Chapter 6 Translating for EU institutions: External translation service providers and training -- Part II Practices of translator training at university level -- Chapter 7 Institutional translation training in university settings: The current landscape -- Chapter 8 Institutions' outreach to and involvement with universities: How international organizations collaborate with universities in training translators -- Chapter 9 Value-creating pedagogy in the context of institutional translation training in Argentina: A case study -- Part III Practices of translator training: Continuing professional development in institutions around the world -- Chapter 10 Taking Canadian revision workshops to institutions abroad -- Chapter 11 CPD practices in China's institutional translation: A case study of the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration -- Chapter 12 Translation-related CPD at the European Parliament -- Chapter 13 Translation-related CPD at the European Commission -- Chapter 14 Training lawyer linguists at the Court of Justice of the European Union: Induction and continuing professional development…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 6905
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…A conceptual investigation of the trade-off between privacy and algorithmic performance -- CHAPTER 12 Information manoeuvre and the Netherlands armed forces -- CHAPTER 13 The use of biometrics in military operations abroad and the right to private life -- CHAPTER 14 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War -- Epilogue -- Chapter 15. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 6906
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. - (Administración lírico-dramática) -- Esperanza : balada lírico-dramática en dos actos y en verso / música del maestro Cereceda. - Imp. de José Rodríguez, 1872. - 47 p. - (Bufos Arderius) (Galería de obras literarias, dramáticas y líricas) -- El figle enamorado : sainete origianl y en verso / música del maestro Arrieta. - Imp. de José Rodríguez, 1868. - 29 p. - (Repertorio de los bufos madrileños) (El teatro y administración lírico-dramática) -- Los lobos marinos : zarzuela cómica refundida en un acto y dos cuadros / Miguel Ramos Carrión y Vital Aza ; música del maestro Chapí. - 1904. - 52 p. -- Un palomino atontado : zarzuela en tres actos y en verso / música de Rogel. - Imp. de José Rodríguez, 1871. - 75 p. -- La primera cura : comedia en tres actos y en verso / Miguel Ramos Carrión y Vital Aza. - Imp. de José Rodríguez, 1880. - 76 p. - (Administración lírico-dramática)…”
  7. 6907
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Leadership for the twenty-first century library director / Rhea Ballard-Thrower -- 14. Playing nicely with others : managing work relations / Faye Jones -- 15. …”
  8. 6908
    por Serra, Narciso, 1830-1877
    Publicado 1857
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. - 32 p. -- Luz y sombra : balada lírico-dramática en dos actos y en verso / por Narciso Serra ; música por Manuel Fernández Caballero. - Imprenta de José Rodríguez, 1867. - 54 p. - (El teatro. …”
    Biblioteca Digital Hispánica
  9. 6909
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Antonio Cánovas del Castillo versus Gumersindo de Azcárate / Francisco M. Balado Insunza -- Después de la Sociedad Abolicionista Española: La Sociedad Antiesclavista de Cánovas del Castillo (1889-1895) / Ignacio Martínez García -- La escisión silvelista en las elecciones de 1896 en Valencia / Alejandro Martínez Relanzón -- Las dietas de los diputados como elemento de desgaste del parlamentarismo: la recepción en la prensa de la subida en 1922 / Concepción Ma. …”
  10. 6910
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Maroc -- Malaisie -- Pays européens hors OCDE et pays d'Asie centrale : Profil des diasporas -- Ghana -- Grèce -- El Salvador -- Guinée -- Pays européens hors OCDE et Asie centrale -- RDP lao -- Gambie -- Liban -- Taux d'émigration selon le pays de naissance, 2010/11 -- Myanmar -- Haïti -- États-Unis -- Libye -- Taux d'expatriation des médecins et infirmiers, aux alentours de 2010 -- Allemagne -- Guatemala -- Cambodge -- Estonie -- Inde -- Libéria -- Finlande -- Cuba -- Royaume-Uni -- Danemark -- Fidji -- France -- Soudan -- Madagascar -- Suisse -- Équateur -- Indonésie -- Qatar -- République dominicaine -- Arabie saoudite -- Turquie -- Kenya -- Chili -- Mali -- Tunisie -- Suède -- Brésil -- Maurice -- Émirats arabes unis -- Canada -- Costa Rica -- Syrie -- Malawi -- République tchèque -- Slovénie -- Espagne -- Colombie -- Chine -- Belize -- Portugal -- Namibie -- Autriche -- Barbade -- Niger -- Afrique subsaharienne -- République slovaque -- Serbie -- Pologne -- Bolivie -- Yémen -- Afrique subsaharienne : Profil des diasporas -- Belgique -- Mozambique -- Ukraine -- Rwanda -- Fédération de Russie -- Norvège -- Pays de l'OCDE : Profil des diasporas -- Amérique latine et Caraïbes : Profil des diasporas -- Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord : Profil des diasporas -- Venezuela -- Burkina Faso -- Bénin -- Argentine -- Australie -- Pays-Bas -- Botswana -- Tadjikistan -- Roumanie -- Nigéria -- Nouvelle-Zélande -- Amérique latine et Caraïbes -- Pays de l'OCDE -- Lituanie -- Résumé -- Trinité-et-Tobago -- Algérie -- Afrique du Sud -- Cameroun -- Mexique -- Thaïlande -- Tanzanie -- Tchad -- Acronymes et abréviations -- Pérou -- Moldova -- Viet Nam -- Burundi -- Sierra Leone -- Sénégal -- Lettonie -- Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord -- Uruguay -- Avant-propos -- Luxembourg -- Tonga -- Italie -- Singapour -- Ouganda -- Panama -- Kirghizistan -- Asie et Océanie : Profil des diasporas -- Iran -- Japon -- Philippines -- République démocratique du Congo -- Corée -- Bahreïn -- Croatie -- Sri Lanka -- Israël -- Profil des diasporas contemporaines -- Paraguay -- Côte d'Ivoire -- Kazakhstan -- Égypte -- Togo -- Congo -- Koweït -- Jordanie -- Bangladesh -- Bulgarie -- Éthiopie -- Arménie -- Irlande -- Gabon -- Népal -- Honduras -- Sources de données et définitions -- Afghanistan -- Hongrie -- Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée -- Érythrée -- Nicaragua -- Iraq -- Zambie -- Albanie -- Zimbabwe -- Asie et Océanie -- Islande -- Pakistan -- Jamaïque…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 6911
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sources of R&D funding from abroad; G.5. International collaboration in science; G.6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 6912
    Publicado 1986
    “…En este collage donde se recorre un largo y variado itinerario con la misma liviandad que empleara Phileas Fogg en dar la vuelta al planeta, Julio Cortázar vuela, navega y camina hacia escalas tales como: Soliloquio ante una hoguera, Para llegar a Lezama Lima, De la seriedad en los velorios, Grave problema argentino: querido amigo, estimado o el nombre a secas, Jack the Ripper Blues, Del sentimiento de no estar del todo, Julios en acción, -Yo podría bailar este sillón -dijo Isadora, Louis enormísimo cronopio, Mi amistad con Teodoro W. …”
  13. 6913
    Publicado 2013
    “…McKenzie y Brady contemplan asombrados como Surferos y Moteros se enfrentan por el control de la playa... cuando de pronto y espontáneamente, ¡todo el mundo empieza a cantar y a bailar! Brady y McKenzie deben intentar volver al presente, pero su vida podría dar un giro de 180 grados cuando, sin quererlo, cambian la historia romántica de la película: el apuesto protagonista, el surfero Tanner, se está enamorando de McKenzie, y la motera Lela pierde la cabeza por Brady. …”
  14. 6914
    Publicado 2019
    “…But to keep the whole manufacturing process in sync, the firms also shipped their marketing, managerial, and technical know-how abroad along with the offshored jobs. The new possibility of combining high tech with low wages propelled the rapid industrialization of a handful of developing nations, the simultaneous deindustrialization of developed nations, and a commodity super-cycle that is only now petering out. …”
  15. 6915
    Publicado 2008
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cooperman -- The boundaries of community : urban space and intercultural interaction in early modern, Sephardi Amsterdam, and London / Adam Sutcliffe -- Amsterdam, the forbidden lands, and the dynamics of the Sephardi diaspora / Yosef Kaplan -- Mosseh Pereyra de Paiva : an Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish merchant abroad in the seventeenth century / Jonathan Schorsch -- Amsterdam as "locus" of Iberian printing in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Harm den Boer -- The Temple mount in the Lowlands / Gary Schwartz -- The persistence of images : reproductive success in the history of Sephardi sepulchral art / Michael Studemund-Halévy -- Patrocinio and authority : assessing the metropolitan role of the Portuguese Nation of Amsterdam in the eighteenth century / Evelyne Oliel-Grausz -- Philosophy, deism, and the early Jewish enlightenment (1655-1740) / Jonathan Israel -- Yiddish book production in Amsterdam between 1650-1800 : local and international aspects / Shlomo Berger -- "In Hamburg a High German Jew was murdered" : the representation of foreign Jews in the Dinstagishe un Fraytagishe Kuranten (Amsterdam, 1686-1687) / Hilde Pach -- Amsterdam and the inception of the Jewish Republic of Letters / Avriel Bar-Levav -- Ashkenazi-Dutch pinkassim as sources for studying European-Jewish migration : the cases of Middelburg and The Hague in the eighteenth century / Stefan Litt -- The Hague, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Jerusalem : David de Pinto and the Jesiba Magen David, 1750-1767 / Gérard Nahon -- From Amsterdam to Bombay, Baghdad, and Casablanca : the influence of the Amsterdam Haggadah on haggadah illustration among the Jews in India and the lands of Islam / Shalom Sabar -- A maskil reads Zunz : Samuel Mulder and the earliest Dutch reception of the Wissenschaft des Judentums / Irene E. …”
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    Libro electrónico
  16. 6916
    por Witt, Heinrich, 1799-
    Publicado 2015
    “…The diary gives a unique version of commerce and trade, politics and politicians, and of lawsuits and corruption in nineteenth-century Peru and abroad. It abounds in details about family life, customs and culture, and is a truly unique source for everyone interested in the history of Peru and of international trade and migration…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 6917
    Publicado 1986
    “…Refusing to assimilate abroad and unable to return home, the émigrés political orientations were influenced by intellectual and social currents in both Russia and Europe. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 6918
    por Garnett, John. author
    Publicado 2007
    “…It has had a great impact on the early careers of many leading analysts and has been widely adopted as a textbook for graduate courses and learning seminars in both the US and abroad. - From the Citation for the 2003 Leroy P. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 6919
    “…Growing labour costs and strain on land availability have increasingly challenged the province’s traditional model of development, as have new competitors in China and abroad. Meanwhile, regional disparities within the province have increased, with a high concentration of economic activities and foreign direct investment in the Pearl River Delta area, an agglomeration of nine prefectures of 47.7 million inhabitants that represents 79.4% of the province’s total GDP. …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 6920
    “…This report also analyses the linkages between the production and R&D activities of foreign affiliates in OECD countries, and of affiliates of domestic firms abroad, on a sectoral level. It highlights the need to reassess each country's potential for R&D and innovation, in the light of what is being done both within and beyond its borders…”
    Libro electrónico