Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 12,477
- Aspectos religiosos 6,196
- Aspectes religiosos 6,165
- Aspectos sociales 5,781
- Història 5,416
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 4,842
- History 4,107
- Aspectes socials 3,749
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 3,461
- Computer Science 3,312
- Social aspects 3,158
- Església Catòlica 3,137
- Iglesia Católica 3,113
- Filosofía 3,031
- aspectos sociales 2,963
- Cristianisme 2,791
- Aspecto religioso 2,788
- Educación 2,414
- Management 2,412
- Crítica e interpretación 2,399
- Cristianismo 2,347
- Francisco de Asís 2,253
- Psicología 2,209
- Aspectos morales 2,153
- Aspectos económicos 2,142
- Derecho 2,105
- Aspectos psicológicos 2,001
- Development 2,001
- Biblia 2,000
- aspectos económicos 1,946
454201Publicado 2024“…En categoria masculina, tampoc es va detectar cap associació entre la distància recorreguda, ni la direcció del desplaçament previ a la col·locació, i l’èxit del primer atac. …”
Accés lliure
Tesis -
454202Publicado 2020“…The book relies on a stronger engagement between history and anthropology, i.e. the harnessing of concepts (circulation, scale, transnationalism) crossing both of them, and on four domains of intervention: tuberculosis, mental health, medical genetics and traditional (Asian) medicines. The volume analyses how the new modes of 'interventions on the life of others' recently appeared, why they blur the classical divides between North and South and how they relate to the more general neoliberal turn in politics and economy. …”
Libro electrónico -
454203por Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health“…The modifications made to the manufacturer-submitted model include the following: continuation of treatment effect and accrual of treatment costs was based on the same assumptions for all modelled comparators confirmation period for disability progression was modified to 24 weeks annual cost of daclizumab was updated to 27,700 the London, Ontario, data set was used for modelling natural h [...] …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
454204Publicado 2021“…From this starting point on the eve of the Second World War, this article looks back through the complex - and often conflicting - representations of British nursing in the inter-war era, from the impact of the Nursing Registration Act of 1919 to the romanticised figure of Edith Cavell and the lingering spectre of the angelic Nightingale nurse. In what ways, it asks, did attitudes to gender and class influence representations of nursing; and how were these attitudes themselves changing during this period? …”
Revista digital -
454205Publicado 2014“…In sum, gendered support, while important to older people's perception of their situation, and often in the patterns of assistance they actually receive, is not determinant of levels of support or of the diverse network arrangements by which family and community networks respond to elderly needs…”
Revista digital -
454206Publicado 2021“…Using this information, the Corbin and Strauss framework of the lived experience of illness, Bandura's social cognitive theory, and adult learning theory, we developed an 11-session telephone-delivered diabetes self-management intervention that stressed medication adherence, assessed barriers to adherence, and involved strategizing to overcome these barriers. …”
Libro electrónico -
454207Publicado 2021“…Regarding harms of interventions, two RCTs assessing different comparisons enrolled youths with recently diagnosed diabetes. …”
Libro electrónico -
454208Publicado 2019“…Participants underwent a baseline evaluation before the interventions, and a follow-up assessment after the completion of interventions. All participants received referrals for social work services also. …”
Libro electrónico -
454209por Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health“…When considering all comparators using a sequential analysis, subsequent entry biologic (SEB) infliximab is associated with the lowest ICUR (85,983 per QALY versus SoC), followed by ixekizumab ($346,946 per QALY versus SEB infliximab). …”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
454210por Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health“…As SoC was assumed to be the same between groups, only adverse events (AEs) associated with apomorphine were included, with utility decrements and resource costs applied for two months in the first year of treatment…”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
454211Publicado 2024“…Traces of ritual practices necessary to ensure prosperity and avert personal disaster are manifest today in the form of amulets, certain semi-precious stones believed to protect women and children, eye-beads found in large numbers in many archaeological assemblages, possibly various types of terracotta figurines, such as nude female grotesques and various ithyphallic characters, to name a few. …”
Libro electrónico -
454212Publicado 2024“…Basic knowledge of editing text, working with files and folders, having some idea of what "operating systems" are, installing software, and using a development environment is assumed…”
Libro electrónico -
454213Publicado 2023“…By the end of this book, you'll have gained a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of Terraform and IaC, along with the knowledge required to build, manage, and deploy complex infrastructures on AWS. …”
Libro electrónico -
454214Publicado 2022“…La investigación se centra en el lapso comprendido entre los años 1801-1814, durante el cual se puede observar no solo el contacto de la elite letrada rioplatense con el reformismo ilustrado hispánico, sino también el proceso de politización y radicalización que se irá operando en ella, hasta llegar al período revolucionario propiamente dicho (1808-1814), en el que será verificable la articulación de la intelectualidad revolucionaria criolla en redes asociativas y una intensa actividad política a través de la prensa, el catecismo político y la movilización…”
Libro electrónico -
454215Publicado 2023“…Readers will also find: Explorations of the social and emotional components of interacting with apps, digital devices and computers Descriptions about how to design, prototype, evaluate and construct technologies that support human-computer interaction Discussions of the cognitive aspects of interaction design, as well as design and evaluation, including usability testing and expert reviews. …”
Libro electrónico -
454216Publicado 2024“…This project-based approach ensures you understand both the theoretical aspects and gain practical experience using NumPy for scientific computing and data analysis…”
Vídeo online -
454217Publicado 2022“…What's Inside Best practices for writing and documenting maintainable code Testing and refactoring code you didn't write What to expect in a technical interview How to thrive on a development team About the Reader For working and aspiring software engineers. About the Author Fernando Doglio has twenty years of experience in the software industry, where he has worked on everything from web development to big data. …”
Grabación no musical -
454218Publicado 2005“…Esta es sólo una ínfima parte del contenido que encierra esta obra, un trabajo polémico con una sólida base histórica, que nos muestra una visión de la parte más humana y pecaminosa de la Iglesia de Roma, una institución con casi dos mil años de historia a sus espaldas y que, pese a su reducido tamaño sobre el mapa, ostenta un poder inmenso, capaz de influir en asuntos capitales de la política internacional…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca Diocesana de Salamanca)Libro -
454219Publicado 2020“…En esta novela valiente y sobrecogedora, John Boyne- autor de éxitos tan sonados como El niño con el pijama de rayas o La casa del propósito especial- aborda con enorme sutileza y sensibilidad, sin apriorismos ni rencores, asuntos tan universales como el abuso de poder, el peligro de la sumisión ciega a cualquier dogma y, no menos importante, el coraje necesrio para enfrentarse a ellos en solitario…”
Libro -
454220Publicado 2017“…Pese a sus humanas limitaciones, a sus errores o a su irremediable subjetivismo, La velada en Benicarló es la mejor obra de Azaña y, sin duda, una de las obras más importantes del pensamiento político español. Cumple así dos importantes objetivos: por un lado, su valor es inmenso para que las generaciones actuales comprendan mejor la guerra y la República y, por otro, refleja de modo meridiano la real dimensión de Manuel Azaña, el hombre de razón, el liberal insobornable que ni en los momentos más duros de su vida perdió su amor a España y a la libertad. …”