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  1. 12601
    por Alt, Kurt W.
    Publicado 2019
    “…Traditionnellement, les colloques de l’A.F.E.A.F. se découpent en deux parties : la première fait le point de l’actualité de la recherche régionale et la seconde aborde un thème plus transversal et spécialisé. Colmar n’a pas échappé à cette règle et le lecteur lira d’abord dans les Actes ce qui appartient à la zone rhénane de Bâle à Karlsruhe, et ensuite ce qui concerne l’apport des habitats et des mobiliers domestiques à la définition des groupes régionaux de l’Âge du Fer. …”
  2. 12602
    por Causin, Éric
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…--Hanard, G. Interpretatio et normes de droit privé sous la République et le principat.…”
  3. 12603
    por Bailly-Maître, Marie-Christine
    Publicado 2020
    “…Odile Maufras nous en présente les résultats pour la période médiévale ; pas moins de quatorze opérations ont en effet porté sur des occupations rurales non villageoises des viie-xve siècles. Les sites sont d’abord décrits dans une suite de monographies concises, parmi lesquelles le lecteur évoluera facilement grâce à leur plan systématique. …”
  4. 12604
    por Cattan, Nadine
    Publicado 2021
    “…La transition post socialiste en Tchéco-Slovaquie a d’abord signifié la fragmentation en deux États indépendants. …”
  5. 12605
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Filippi, Anna Maria Lanza, Maria Sartori Modena, Salvatore Zipparri -- Narcissisme, fondamentalisme et intégrisme / Victor Hernández, Marta Trepat -- La personnalité du fondamentaliste / Rogeli Armengol, Antoni Fontova, Antoni Gomis -- Les relations d'objet, leur évolution et quelques déviations : perspectives psychanalytiques / Josep Beà, Alexandre Escarrà, Antoni Gomis -- Fanatisme, intégrisme et expérience de la culpabilité / Angelo Sabatelli -- Fanatisme et intégrisme : le risque du monothésime / Leonardo Ancona, Angiola MAria MAngiarotti, en collaboration avec F. …”
  6. 12606
    por Argant, Thierry
    Publicado 2023
    “…L'ouvrage présente tout d'abord les recherches conduites sur le site, de la découverte à la valorisation des résultats, ainsi que la méthodologie d'intervention. …”
  7. 12607
    por André, Louis
    Publicado 2018
    “…Ces défis ne datent pas d’aujourd’hui. Ils sont d’abord ceux de la guerre de 1914-1918. Les entreprises, leurs syndicats professionnels, les ouvrières et les ouvriers, les ingénieurs, les militaires et les fonctionnaires les affrontent dans l’urgence. …”
  8. 12608
    por Gonon, Emmanuel
    Publicado 2011
    “…Généralisée par l’empire carolingien, la marche fut largement utilisée par la couronne anglaise, d’abord dans les îles britanniques puis sur les terres conquises au cours de son expansion territoriale. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 12609
    Publicado 2008
    “…Cette interrogation, certes d'abord philosophique, s'est renouvelée au gré des vagues de découvertes scientifiques. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 12610
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Théâtre, normes et regardsPoesie voraussetzen; Einzigartige Poetiken; Theater, Normen und Blicke; Presupporre la poesia; Poetiche singolari; Teatro, norme e sguardi; Presupposing Poetry; Singular Poetics; Theatre, Norms and Visions; Benjamin Wihstutz; Lust am Scheitern; Behinderung als künstlerisches Potential; Scheitern als Chance; Ketty Ghnassia; Präsenz in Jérôme Bels Inszenierung Disabled Theater und die Figur des 9 eistig Behinderten: Körperlichkeit in Aufführungen; Geistig behinderte Laien; Unüberwindbare Machtstruktur; Kati Kroß; Matthias Brücker: Augen auf ich komme! …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 12611
    por Apiano
    Publicado 2021
    “…Ayant échoué dans sa tentative de redressement des institutions, Pompée tombe sous la coupe des aristocrates, hostiles à César, ce qui conduit à un conflit ouvert. Appien relate d’abord les opérations menées contre Pompée lui-même, jusqu’à Pharsale et à la mort pitoyable de Magnus. …”
  12. 12612
    Publicado 2020
    Libro electrónico
  13. 12613
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…PART I: Basic Science of Pulmonary Development and Pulmonary Arterial Disease -- 1 Perspective for Part I -- 2 The alveolar stem cell niche of the mammalian lung -- 3 Lung development and Notch signalling -- 4 Specialized smooth muscle cell progenitors in pulmonary hypertension -- 5 Diverse Pharmacology of Prostacyclin Mimetics: Implications for Pulmonary Hypertension -- 6 Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in pulmonary hypertension -- 7 Extracellular vesicles, MicroRNAs and Pulmonary Hypertension -- 8 Roles of Tbx4 in the lung mesenchyme for airway and vascular development -- 9 A lacZ reporter transgenic mouse line revealing the development of pulmonary artery -- 10 Roles of stem cell antigen-1 in the pulmonary endothelium -- 11 Morphological characterization of pulmonary microvascular disease in bronchopulmonary dysplasia caused by hyperoxia in newborn mice -- 12 Involvement of CXCR4 and stem cells in a rat model of pulmonary arterial hypertension -- 13 Ca2+ signal through inositol trisphosphate receptors for cardiovascular development and pathophysiology of pulmonary arterial hypertension -- PART II: Abnormal pulmonary circulation in the developing lung and heart -- 14 Perspective for Part II -- 15 Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Circulation in Congenital Heart Disease -- 16 Development of Novel Therapies for Pulmonary Hypertension by Clinical Application of Basic Research -- 17 Using Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Understand and Treat Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension -- 18 Modeling pulmonary arterial hypertension using induced pluripotent stem cells -- 19 Dysfunction and restoration of endothelial cell communications in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Therapeutic implications -- 20 Inflammatory Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension -- 21 Genotypes and Phenotypes of Chinese Pediatric Patients with Idiopathic and Heritable Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension- Experiences from A Single Center -- 22 Fundamental Insight into Pulmonary Vascular Disease : Perspectives from Pediatric PAH in Japan -- 23 Risk stratification in paediatric pulmonary arterial hypertension -- 24 The Adaptive Right Ventricle in Eisenmenger Syndrome: Potential Therapeutic Targets for Pulmonary Hypertension -- 25 Impaired right coronary vasodilator function in pulmonary hypertensive rat assessed by in vivo synchrotron microangiography -- 26 Relationship between mutations in ENG and ALK1 gene and the affected organs in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia -- 27 A genetic analysis for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension -- 28 Evaluation and visualization of right ventricle using three dimensional echocardiography -- 29 Pulmonary hypertension associated with post-operative Tetralogy of Fallot -- 30 Microscopic Lung Airway Abnormality and Pulmonary Vascular Disease Associated with Congenital Systemic to Pulmonary Shunt -- 31 Respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants with heart and lung diseases -- PART III: Ductus arteriosus: bridge over troubled vessels -- 32 Perspective for Part III -- 33 The ductus arteriosus, a vascular outsider, in relation to the pulmonary circulation -- 34 Molecular, genetic, and pharmacological modulation of the ductus arteriosus: KATP channels as novel drug targets -- 35 New mediators in the biology of the ductus arteriosus: Lessons from the chicken embryo -- 36 Constriction of the Ductus Arteriosus with KATP Channel Inhibitors -- 37 New insights on how to treat patent ductus arteriosus -- 38 Antenatal Administration of Betamethasone Contributes to Intimal thickening of the Ductus Arteriosus -- 39 Prostaglandin E-EP4-mediated fibulin-1 up-regulation plays a role in intimal thickening of the ductus arteriosus -- 40 Transcriptional profiles in the chicken ductus arteriosus during hatching -- 41 Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase Contracts Chicken Ductus Arteriosus -- 42 Prostaglandin E2 receptor EP4 inhibition constricts the rat ductus arteriosus -- 43 Dilatation of the Ductus Arteriosus by Diazoxide in Fetal and Neonatal Rats -- 44 The Effect of Long-term Administration of Plostaglandin E1 on Morphological Changes in Ductus Arteriosus -- 45 Significance of SGK1 as a protein kinase transcriptionally regulated by ALK1 signaling in vascular endothelial cells -- 46 Fabrication of Implantable Human Arterial Graft by Periodic Hydrostatic Pressure -- 47 Optimum preparation of Candida albicans cell wall extra (CAWE) for the mouse model of Kawasaki disease -- PART IV: Development and Regeneration of the Cardiovascular System -- 48 Perspective for Part IV -- 49 Advances in the second heart field -- 50 Novel cardiac progenitors for all components of the heart except for the right ventricle -- 51 Regional and TBX5-dependent gene expression in the atria: Implications for pulmonary vein development and atrial fibrillation -- 52 The Endocardium as a Master Regulator of Ventricular Trabeculation -- 53 The Role of Alternative mRNA Splicing in Heart Development -- 54 Progress in the Generation of Multiple Lineage Human-iPSC-derived 3D Engineered Cardiac Tissues for Cardiac Repair -- 55 Quantification of contractility in stem cell derived cardiomyocytes -- 56 A neurotrophic factor receptor GFRA2, a specific surface antigen for cardiac progenitor cells, regulates the process of myocardial compaction -- 57 Cardiac cell specification and differentiation by the defined factors -- 58 A Temporo-Spatial Regulation of Sema3c is Essential for Interaction of Progenitor Cells during Cardiac Outflow Tract Development -- 59 Spatiotemporally restricted developmental alterations in the anterior and secondary heart fields cause distinct conotruncal heart defects -- 60 Significance of transcription factors in the mechanisms of great artery malformations -- 61 The different c-kit expression in human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells between with feeder cells and without feeder cells -- 62 Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from immortalized B cell lines and their differentiation into cardiomyocytes -- 63 Establishment of an in vitro LQT3 model, using induced pluripotent stem cells from LQT3 patient-derived cardiomyocytes -- 64 Genetic Assessments for clinical courses of Left ventricle noncompaction -- 65 Elucidating the pathogenesis of congenital heart disease in the era of next-generation sequencing…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 12614
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Contents at a Glance -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Part I: Development Components -- 1 Architecture -- General Client-Server Computing Model -- Oracle Database 11g -- Client Software: SQL*Plus -- Oracle 11g Server Software -- Oracle Data Dictionary -- Oracle MySQL 5.6 -- Client Software: The MySQL Monitor -- MySQL Server Software -- MySQL Data Dictionary -- Summary -- Mastery Check -- 2 Client Interface -- SQL*Plus -- Connecting to and Disconnecting from SQL*Plus -- Working in the SQL*Plus Environment -- Writing SQL Statements with SQL*Plus -- Saving SQL Statements with SQL*Plus -- Editing SQL Statements with SQL*Plus -- Rerunning SQL*Plus SQL Statements from the Buffer -- Aborting Entry of SQL Statements in SQL*Plus -- Calling and Running SQL*Plus Script Files -- Passing Parameters to SQL*Plus Script Files -- Calling PL/SQL Programs -- Writing SQL*Plus Log Files -- MySQL Monitor -- Connecting to and Disconnecting from MySQL Monitor -- Writing MySQL SQL Statements -- Saving MySQL SQL Statements -- Editing MySQL SQL Statements -- Aborting MySQL SQL Statements -- Calling and Running MySQL Script Files -- Setting a Session Variable -- Calling SQL/PSM Programs -- Writing MySQL Log Files -- Summary -- Mastery Check -- 3 Security Models -- Security Barriers -- Securing the Network -- Securing the Operating System -- Securing the Database -- Security Privileges -- Data Control Language -- Definer and Invoker Rights -- Definer Rights -- Invoker Rights -- Summary -- Mastery Check -- 4 Transaction Models -- Data Transactions -- ACID-compliant SQL Statements -- INSERT Statement -- UPDATE Statement -- DELETE Statement -- Stored Programs -- Triggers -- Summary -- Mastery Check -- 5 Constraints -- NOT NULL Constraints -- Oracle NOT NULL Constraints -- MySQL NOT NULL Constraints -- UNIQUE Constraints -- Oracle UNIQUE Constraints…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 12615
    por Pro Velasco, María Luisa
    Publicado 2022
    Libro electrónico
  16. 12616
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 6 Purpose: From Your Small Game to Your Big Game -- Playing Your Small Game versus Your Big Game -- Finding Your Purpose -- Shift Your Focus to Those You're Serving -- Be the Champion and Steward of Your Beneficiaries -- Chapter 7 Psyche: From React to Reclaim -- The Stories You Tell Determine the Quality of Your Life -- You Have the Power to Choose a New Story -- Why You Chose Your Story -- Change Your Lead Story into a Life Story -- You Can Own the Narrative of Your Life -- Assign Your Story to a Part of You -- You Can Move beyond Your Storyline -- Chapter 8 Proficiency: From Invisible to Invaluable -- Be Confident-and Objective-about Your Proficiency…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 12617
  18. 12618
  19. 12619
    por El-Ali, Leena
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Historical Evidence of Women Exercising Their Nuptial Rights -- Chapter 14: Marriage: A Sublime Institution, Not Mere Social Contract -- Qur'anic Verses on Marriage -- How Monogamy Is the Norm in the Qur'an (as in Reality) -- The Pushback of Myth: But Any Man Can Have Four Wives! …”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 12620
    por Hodler, Juerg
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico