Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 7,427
- History 2,011
- Història 1,668
- Política y gobierno 906
- Historia y crítica 895
- Iglesia Católica 801
- Filosofía 746
- Descubrimientos y exploraciones 739
- Crítica e interpretación 710
- Política 675
- History and criticism 644
- Educación 563
- Medicina 547
- Economía 507
- Literatura norteamericana 497
- Economic conditions 487
- United States 482
- Politics and government 478
- Education 469
- Derecho 450
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 446
- Relaciones exteriores 430
- Indios 415
- Evangelización 414
- Sociología 412
- Església Catòlica 404
- Relaciones 397
- Latin America 392
- Social conditions 390
89801Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Waging a war on pests: golf comes to America -- 4. Golf in consumer culture and the making of Augusta National syndrome -- III. …”
Libro electrónico -
89802Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Australian embassy in Washington / David Lowe, David Lee and Carl Bridge -- Allies of a kind: three wartime Australian ministers to the United States, 1940-1946 / Carl Bridge -- Norman Makin and postwar diplomacy, 1945-51 / Frank Bongiorno -- Percy Spender and Club America in the 1950s / David Lowe -- "Mr Necessity": Sir Howard Beale, 1958-64 / Matthew Jordan -- Official influence in the making of foreign policy: the Washington Study Group on the South Pacific, 1962 / Christopher Waters -- The ambassador during the Vietnam War: Keith Waller, 1964-70 / Peter Edwards -- "A precious vase": Sir James Plimsoll / Jeremy Hearder -- The career diplomats: Sir Patrick Shaw, Alan Renouf and Sir Nicholas Parkinson, 1974-82 / David Lee -- Australlia's ambassadors in Washington, 1982-89 / David Lee -- Diplomacy in the 1990s: issues for the Washington embassy / James Cotton -- Reflections: from 1940 to the post-9/11 world / Kim Beazley…”
Libro electrónico -
89803Publicado 1998Tabla de Contenidos: “…9 Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the United States of America: Entering the 21st CenturyPart Four: Canada in the International Arena; 10 Of Friends, Interests, Crowbars, and Marriage Vows in Canada-United States Trade Relations; 11 On Track for TAFTA? …”
Libro electrónico -
89804Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…ART – A 30 Years Retrospective -- Current Status of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) -- The Medicalization of Reproduction – A 30 Year Retrospective -- Conceiving a New Right to Procreate -- ART – Mind the Gap -- ‘Can’t Avoid It, Can’t Afford It’: Assisted Reproduction in Israel and Bulgaria -- Assisted Reproduction in Developing Countries: The Debate at a Turning Point -- Ethical and Socio-Cultural Aspects that Influence ART in Latin America -- Gendered Futures -- Women, Work, and Children: Is There a Solution? …”
Libro electrónico -
89805Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction: Perspectives on Trade and Exchange -- Prehistoric Exchange -- Long-Distance Exchange of Obsidian in the mid-Atlantic United States -- Ulua Marble Vases Abroad: Contextualizing Social Networks Between the Maya World and Lower Central America -- Exotic Goods, Chivay Obsidian, and Sociopolitical Change in the South-Central Andes -- The Supply of Stone to the City of Rome: A Case Study of the Transport of Anician Building Stone and Millstone from the Santa Trinità Quarry (Orvieto) -- Interaction and Exchange Across the Transition to Pastoralism, Lake Turkana, Kenya -- Historic Exchange -- “Beholden to Foreign Countries”: Trade and Clothing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire -- The Precarious “Middle Ground”: Exchange and the Reconfiguration of Social Identity in the Hawaiian Kingdom -- Foreign Objects With Domestic Meanings: The Feast of Lanterns and the Point Alones Village -- What if the Local is Exotic and the Imported Mundane? …”
Libro electrónico -
89806Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tomich -- Agency and transnational perspectives on the constitution of waged, unfree, and free labor: the role of mobility in the nineteenth century / Yann Moulier Boutang -- The discovery of progress in Cuba: machines, slaves, businesses / Jose Antonio Piqueras -- Antislavery and nationalism on the two sides of the Atlantic: in search of forgotten links between the nineteenth-century Americas and Europe / Enrico Dal Lago -- African labor in Guyana and the expansion of the second slavery / Wazir Mohamed -- On the blurred boundaries of freedom: liberated Africans in Cuba, 1817-1870 / Ines Roldán de Montaud -- Plantation laboratories: industrial experiments in the Cuban sugar mill, 1830-1860 / Daniel Rood -- Slavery, frontier, and diplomatic relations: Brazil-Uruguay, 1840-1860 / Keila Grinberg and Rachel Cae -- Ruling the household: masters and domestic slaves in the Paraiba Valley, Brazil, during the nineteenth century / Mariana Muaze -- French travelers and journalists debate the Lei do Ventre Livre of 1871 / Claudia Santos…”
Libro electrónico -
89807Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Raub und Rückgabe der Bibliothek und des Nachlasses Guido Adlers : Anmerkungen und Aktualisierungen / Adler in America : a conversation / Kommentierte Liste der 2012/13 restituierten Archivalien Guido Adlers aus dem Bestand des Archivs der Universität Wien / Kommentierte Liste der 2012/13 restituierten Bücher Guido Adlers aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbiblikothek Wien / Die mit Guido Adler assoziierten Tasteninstrumente in der Instrumentensammlung des Instituts für Musikwissenschaft der Universität Wien…”
Libro electrónico -
89808por The World Bank.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introducción: ¿por qué es importante la innovación -Competencia, innovación y crecimiento: teoría, evidencia y desafíos para la política pública -Corea y los BIC (Brasil, India y China): experiencias de recuperación -Prioridades para el crecimiento de las economías de la OCDE -Desarrollo de redes mundiales de innovación y la transferencia de conocimientos -Estrategias de innovación para el crecimiento -Diferentes Estrategias de innovación, Diferentes resultados: Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Corea (los BRICK) -Difusión de la tecnología en el mundo en Desarrollo -La inversiones extranjeras y el Desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones en América Latina -La banda ancha como plataforma para el Desarrollo económico, social y cultural: lecciones de Asia -Innovación impulsada por el usuario y el Desarrollo de las comunicaciones…”
Publicado 2013
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89809por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…CONTENTS; Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment: Lessons from the Mining Sector; Rapporteurs' Report; Part I The Environmental Performance of Foreign Investors in the Mining Sector: Empirical Evidence; Environmental Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment in the Mining Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa; Environmental Effects of Foreign versus Domestic Investment in the Mining Sector in Latin America; Environmental Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment in the Mining Sector: The Russian Federation and Kazakhstan…”
Publicado 2002
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89810Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nation-state defensive and offensive information warfare capabilities : North America -- 7. Nation-state defensive and offensive information warfare capabilities : Middle East nation-states -- 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
89811por Pathe, Michele, 1959-Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 7 The impact of stalking; 8 Reducing your chances of victimization; 9 Evading the stalker; 10 Navigating the criminal justice system in the United States of America; 11 Navigating the criminal justice system in the United Kingdom; 12 Navigating the criminal justice system in Australia; 13 Should I just disappear?…”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
89812por Osorio, JaimeTabla de Contenidos: “…-- La caracterización de América Latina -- La caracterización del Estado -- Observaciones críticas -- El sistema mundial capitalista: un asunto secundario -- Individualismo metodológico -- Un enfoque endogenista -- Una reedición de las teorías de la modernización -- Un recetario formal -- Lo descriptivo por encima de lo explicativo -- El Estado como reino de la razón -- El subdesarrollo: ¿un capitalismo inmaduro? …”
Publicado 2006
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89813Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- List of Abbreviations -- 1 Introduction -- The US Response to Ebola: An Overview -- Global Health Security and the Securitization of Disease -- The US Securitization of Ebola -- Securitization and the Construction of Security -- Studying the Securitization of Ebola -- Book Outline -- 2 Setting Up Securitization -- Introduction -- Securitization, the Copenhagen Way -- Limitations and Gaps -- Revising Securitization -- The Set Up: A Discursive Approach to Securitization -- Conclusion -- 3 The Basic Securitizing Discourses -- Introduction -- The Potential Global Catastrophe Discourse -- The America Under Threat Discourse -- The Helpless West Africa Discourse -- The Fearbola Counterdiscourse -- Conclusion -- 4 Securitizing Ebola -- Introduction -- The Securitization of Ebola -- Conclusion -- 5 Securitizing beyond Ebola -- Introduction -- The US Securitization of Ebola -- Securitization beyond Ebola -- Conclusion -- 6 Conclusion: Global Health beyond Ebola -- Global Health Security as Glimpsed through Ebola -- The Elephant in the Room -- Notes -- Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2 -- Chapter 4 -- Chapter 5 -- Chapter 6 -- References -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
89814Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…A 25 anni dal'Istruzione "Libertatis conscientia" sulla Teologia della liberazione ; La missione evangelizzatrice della Chiesa: La fede: vera ricchezza della Chiesa -- "Dal dio dei morti al Dio dei viventi" -- Sfide per la teologia nell'orizzonte contemporaneo ; Dall'America Latina alla Chiesa universale: L'opzione preferenziale per i poveri ad Aparecida / Gustavo Gutiérrez -- La spiritualità dell'evento conciliare / Gustavo Gutiérrez -- Poverta: la sfida della fede / Josef Sayer…”
991005375839706719 -
89815Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Del nacimiento del islam al descubrimiento de América -- 5. Del siglo XVI al siglo XVIII. los grandes navegantes y los primeros imperios coloniales -- 6. …”
991005003009706719 -
89816Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…International University Rankings as Cultural Imperialism: Implications for the Global South / Marion Lloyd and Imanol Ordorika -- Unfolding National Approaches to University Rankings in Central Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America / Creso M. Sá, Nadiia Kachynska, Emma Sabzalieva, and Magdalena Martinez -- Global University Rankings' Visual Media, Cartography, and Geopolitics of Knowledge / Riyad A. …”
Libro electrónico -
89817por Frock, Roger, 1936-Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- The Marine Corps Boot Camp Mode -- An Inauspicious Beginning -- Rescue at the Edge of a Precipice -- Light at the End of the Tunnel -- A Little Help from Our Friends -- Summoned to a Special Meeting -- A General in the Guerrilla Camp -- Fund Raising / Round Three -- America, You've Got a New Airline -- A Threatened Resignation -- Three Division Offices -- Just Step Out of the Way -- From Caterpillar to Butterfly -- Mach One to Idle -- Concordes, Dirigibles, and Separation -- People are the Wind beneath Our Wings -- Changing How the World Does Business…”
Publicado 2006
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89818Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Robinson -- Chinese soft economic warfare / Chad Dacus -- Steaming up the Hudson : China, the United States, and the problem of misperception / Simon Reich -- The contradictions of US China policy : implications for the US Air Force / Justin Logan -- Shadow dancing in the Indian and Pacific oceans : China, India, and America / Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi -- US role in the Asia-Pacific region : a regional view / Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan -- The security environment in the Asia-Pacific : an Australian viewpoint / Sanu Kainikara -- Conflict and diplomacy in the South China Sea / Sheldon W. …”
Libro electrónico -
89819por Mayer, Christopher W., 1972-Tabla de Contenidos: “…CHAPTER 10: Southeast Asia: Travels Through Thailand, Cambodia, and VietnamCHAPTER 11: Other Places, Other Opportunities: Mongolia, Argentina, Russia, Turkey, and Central Asia; CHAPTER 12: Canada: A Breadbasket's Great Comeback; CHAPTER 13: The United States of America: Home Again; CHAPTER 14: An Investor's Guide to the World Right Side Up; About the Author; Index…”
Publicado 2012
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89820Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Cent anys d’art i cultura a Sitges de Maricel estant / Vinyet Panyella -- L’antic barri de Sant Joan i la seva transformació artística, i arquitectònica / Roland Sierra -- Charles Deering: el llegat d’un nord-americà / Jennifer Tisthammer -- Miquel Utrillo, l’artífex de Maricel / Vinyet Panyella -- Maricel: els anys de plenitud / Vinyet Panyella -- La col·lecció d’art de Charles Deering a Maricel i la repercussió, en el col·leccionisme del seu temps / Sebastià Sánchez Sauleda -- Maricel després de Charles Deering / Ignasi Domènech -- Maricel en trenta-cinc documents / Vinyet Panyella -- Artesans, comerciants, artistes i professionals a Maricel, 1909-1921 -- Cronologia de Maricel / Vinyet Panyella -- Epíleg. …”