Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Iglesia Católica 658
- Historia 589
- Biblia 541
- Liturgia 526
- Església Catòlica 511
- Derecho canónico 481
- Teología dogmática 456
- Teología 419
- Breviarios 369
- Litúrgia 345
- Concilio Vaticano 276
- Misales 270
- Filosofía 239
- Moral cristiana 235
- Libros litúrgicos 233
- Jesuitas 200
- Història 175
- Derecho Canónico 168
- History 161
- Tàpies, Antoni 161
- Utopies 160
- Crítica e interpretación 158
- Teología moral 153
- Obres anteriors al 1800 146
- Iglesia católica 140
- Bíblia 128
- Teologia 127
- Documentos pontificios 122
- Tomás de Aquino 117
- Derecho romano 116
4661Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Siete acciones revisitadas en la obra de Lacaton & Vassal, Herreros, Juan, p. 386 – Projectes: Casa Latapie, p. 48 -- Casa en Dordoña, p. P. 58 -- Casa en Lége-Cap-Ferret, p. …”
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4662Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface / Maja Hoffmann, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Tom Eccles -- Morbid symptoms: curating in times of uncertainty and de-globalization, an introduction / Simon Sheikh -- Section I After the global: diagnoses of the current conjuncture -- Introduction: political imaginaries after the global / Mick Wilson -- In the ruins of the present / Vijay Prashad -- Formations of political-aesthetic criticality: decolonizing the global in times of humanitarian viewership / Athena Athanasiou and Simon Sheikh -- Globaphobia / Nkule Mabaso -- The seventh wonder of the Zad / Kristin Ross -- Zone of being and non-being / Qalandar Bux Memon -- The way things are organized: the mesoscopic, the metastable, 'the curatorial' / Joshua Simon -- A 'world' for art and the material turn / Sumesh Sharma -- Beyond the colonial discourse of lack: a humble and difficult art / Franc̦oise Vergès -- Section II -- After the global: exhibition histories Introduction: activating what might have happened to shape what could be / Lucy Steeds -- Archives, struggles and exhibitions / María Berríos and Jakob Jakobsen -- Imagining curatorial practice after 1972 / Yaiza Hernández Velázquez -- Performing pan-Africanism / Ntone Edjabe and David Morris -- L'atelier Gallery: the museum without walls of trans-Mediterranean Modernism / Morad Montazami -- Projeto Terra / Lucy Steeds -- What does the elephant remember? …”
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4663Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Neural Substrates, Embodied Simulation, and Cognitive Insufficiencies -- The Network Organization of the Human Brain -- The Neural Substrate That Supports Dreaming -- Lesion and Electrical Brain Stimulation Studies Support the Neuroimaging Findings -- Dreaming during Sleep Onset, NREM 2 Sleep, and Drifting Waking Thought -- Atypical States of Waking Consciousness and Dreaming -- The "How" of Dreams: Dreaming as a Form of Embodied Simulation -- The Importance of Cognitive Factors in Dream Recall -- Cognitive Insufficiencies in Dreaming -- Under What Conditions Does Dreaming Occur? …”
Libro electrónico -
4664por Uffelen, Chris vanTabla de Contenidos: “…EM2N -- 102 Minimetro, Arq. Ateliers Jean Nouvel -- 106 Brentwood town center station, Arq. …”
Publicado 2010
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4665Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- RL algorithm -- How RL differs from other ML paradigms -- Elements of RL -- Agent -- Policy function -- Value function -- Model -- Agent environment interface -- Types of RL environment -- Deterministic environment -- Stochastic environment -- Fully observable environment -- Partially observable environment -- Discrete environment -- Continuous environment -- Episodic and non-episodic environment -- Single and multi-agent environment -- RL platforms -- OpenAI Gym and Universe -- DeepMind Lab -- RL-Glue -- Project Malmo -- ViZDoom -- Applications of RL -- Education -- Medicine and healthcare -- Manufacturing -- Inventory management -- Finance -- Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision -- Summary -- Questions -- Further reading -- Chapter 2: Getting Started with OpenAI and TensorFlow -- Setting up your machine -- Installing Anaconda -- Installing Docker -- Installing OpenAI Gym and Universe -- Common error fixes -- OpenAI Gym -- Basic simulations -- Training a robot to walk -- OpenAI Universe -- Building a video game bot -- TensorFlow -- Variables, constants, and placeholders -- Variables -- Constants -- Placeholders -- Computation graph -- Sessions -- TensorBoard -- Adding scope -- Summary -- Questions -- Further reading -- Chapter 3: The Markov Decision Process and Dynamic Programming -- The Markov chain and Markov process -- Markov Decision Process -- Rewards and returns -- Episodic and continuous tasks -- Discount factor -- The policy function -- State value function -- State-action value function (Q function) -- The Bellman equation and optimality -- Deriving the Bellman equation for value and Q functions -- Solving the Bellman equation…”
Libro electrónico -
4666Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Credits -- About the Author -- About the Reviewers -- -- Customer Feedback -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Python Libraries -- Installing Python 3 -- Installing data analysis libraries -- On Linux or Mac OS X -- On Windows -- Using IPython as a shell -- Reading manual pages -- Jupyter Notebook -- NumPy arrays -- A simple application -- Where to find help and references -- Listing modules inside the Python libraries -- Visualizing data using Matplotlib -- Summary -- Chapter 2: NumPy Arrays -- The NumPy array object -- Advantages of NumPy arrays -- Creating a multidimensional array -- Selecting NumPy array elements -- NumPy numerical types -- Data type objects -- Character codes -- The dtype constructors -- The dtype attributes -- One-dimensional slicing and indexing -- Manipulating array shapes -- Stacking arrays -- Splitting NumPy arrays -- NumPy array attributes -- Converting arrays -- Creating array views and copies -- Fancy indexing -- Indexing with a list of locations -- Indexing NumPy arrays with Booleans -- Broadcasting NumPy arrays -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3: The Pandas Primer -- Installing and exploring Pandas -- The Pandas DataFrames -- The Pandas Series -- Querying data in Pandas -- Statistics with Pandas DataFrames -- Data aggregation with Pandas DataFrames -- Concatenating and appending DataFrames -- Joining DataFrames -- Handling missing values -- Dealing with dates -- Pivot tables -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 4: Statistics and Linear Algebra -- Basic descriptive statistics with NumPy -- Linear algebra with NumPy -- Inverting matrices with NumPy -- Solving linear systems with NumPy -- Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors with NumPy -- NumPy random numbers -- Gambling with the binomial distribution -- Sampling the normal distribution…”
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4667Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Recasens, p.18; Planos dos centros históricos – Tavira, Moura, Ponte da Barca = Planes de los centros históricos – Tavira, Moura, Ponte da Barca / José Manuel Ressano Garcia Lamas, p.30; Os revestimentos antigos e identidade dos edifícios = Los revestimientos antiguos y la identidad de los edificios / Rosário Veiga, p.36; Intervenções contemporâneas em património paisagístico, urbano e arquitectonico – A cura pela morte = Intervenciones contemporaneas en patrimonio paisagístico, urbano y arquitectónico – La cura por la muerte / Vitoe Mestre, p.46; A propósito de um projecto = A propósito de un proyecto / João Santa-Rita, p.54; Recuperação de edifícios na quinta dos olhos de água, Marvão / Alberto de Souza Oliveira, p.64; Remodelação de um apartamento na Vila Grandela / César Freitas, Manuela Fonte & João Castelão | FFCB Arquitectos, p.85; Centro de Emprego de Pinhel / Conceição de Macedo, Dante Campo Pereira & José Amaral Pólvora, p.128; Rehabilitación de la antigua iglesia de San Agustín para Archivo Municipal de Valladolid / Gabriel Gallegos Borges & Primitivo González Pérez, p.140; Restauro da antiga prisão e reconversão em Biblioteca Municipal de Tavira / João Luís Carrilho da Graça, p.156; Ayuntamiento de Tomares, Rehabilitación de la Hacienda Santa Ana, Tomares / Guillermo Vásquez Consuegra, p.170; Casa Setecentista, Porto / José Barbosa & Pedro Gumarães, p.180; Valorização da Cerca do Castelo da Vila de Óbidos / José Manuel Ressano Garcia Lamas | Ateliê José Lamas & Associados, p.198; Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta, Guimarães / Manuel Roques, Fernando Seara de Sá, Raúl Figueiredo & Alexandre Lima | Pitágoras, p.206; Descubrimiento de tres industriales (séc. …”
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4668por Lefaivre, LianeTabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Preface, p. 6 ; Introducing an Architecture of the Present: Critical Regionalism and the Design of Identity (Alexander Tzonis), p. 8 ; Critical Regionalism: A Facet of Modern Architecture since 1945 (Liane Lefaivre), p. 22 ; Projects, p. 56 ; Oscar Niemeyer (Dance Hall, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerals, Brazil 1942), p. 58 ; Richard Neutra (The Kaufmann Desert House, Palm Springs, Callfornia, USA 1946-47), p. 62 ; Alvar Aalto (Säynätsalo Town Hall, Säynätsalo, Finland 1948-52), p. 66 ; Dimitris Pikionis (Pathway up the Acropolis and the Philopappos Hill, Athens, Greece 1953-57), p. 70 ; Ricardo Porro (School of Plastic Arts, Havana, Cuba 1961-65), p. 74 ; Moshe Safdie (Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem, Israel 1976-88), p. 78 ; Renzo Piano Building Workshop (Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre, Nouméa, New Caledonia 1993-98), p. 82 ; Berger + Parkkinen ( The Nordic Embassies, Berlin, Germany 1995-99), p. 88 ; Jacques Ferrier and Jean-François Irissou (Siége Social de Toral énergie La Tour-de-Salvagny, Lyon, France 1998-99), p. 92 ; p. 102 ; Kengo Kuma (Hiroshige Ando Museum, Batoh, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan 1998-2000), p. 110 ; Leslie Elkins and James Turrell (Live Oak Friends Meeting Hall, Houston, Texas, USA 1995-2001), p. 116 ; MVRDV (Hageneiland, Ypenburg, The Netherlands 1997-2001), p. 120 ; Santiago Calatrava (Ysios Winery, Laguardia, Álava, Spain 1998-2001), p. 124 ; NavarraOfficeWalkArchitecture (Strin Park between Caltagirone and Piazza Armerina, Catania, Italy 2001), p. 128 ; foreign office architects (Yokohama International Port Terminal, Yokohama, Japan 1995-2002), p. 132 ; Gary Chang / Edge Design lnstitute Ltd (Suitcase House, Beijing, China 2001-02), p. 138 ; Ateliers Jean ouvel (Museum on Quai Branly, Paris, France, since 1999), p. 144 ; The Archltects, p. 151 ; Selected Bibliography, p. 154 ; Author Biographies, p. 157 ; lllustratlon Credits, p. 158.…”
Publicado 2003
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4669Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tracing Inequality from Assur to Kültepe/Kanesh : Merchants, Donkeys, and Clay Tablets / Levent Atici -- Chapter 12. Animal, Human, God : Pathways of Shang Animality and Divinity / Roderick Campbell -- Chapter 13. …”
Libro electrónico -
4670Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of Contents -- About the Author -- About the Technical Reviewer -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning -- Reinforcement Learning -- Machine Learning Branches -- Supervised Learning -- Unsupervised Learning -- Reinforcement Learning -- Core Elements -- Deep Learning with Reinforcement Learning -- Examples and Case Studies -- Autonomous Vehicles -- Robots -- Recommendation Systems -- Finance and Trading -- Healthcare -- Game Playing -- Libraries and Environment Setup -- Alternate Way to Install Local Environment -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Markov Decision Processes -- Definition of Reinforcement Learning -- Agent and Environment -- Rewards -- Markov Processes -- Markov Chains -- Markov Reward Processes -- Markov Decision Processes -- Policies and Value Functions -- Bellman Equations -- Optimality Bellman Equations -- Types of Solution Approaches with a Mind-Map -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Model-Based Algorithms -- OpenAI Gym -- Dynamic Programming -- Policy Evaluation/Prediction -- Policy Improvement and Iterations -- Value Iteration -- Generalized Policy Iteration -- Asynchronous Backups -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Model-Free Approaches -- Estimation/Prediction with Monte Carlo -- Bias and Variance of MC Predication Methods -- Control with Monte Carlo -- Off-Policy MC Control -- Temporal Difference Learning Methods -- Temporal Difference Control -- On-Policy SARSA -- Q-Learning: An Off-Policy TD Control -- Maximization Bias and Double Learning -- Expected SARSA Control -- Replay Buffer and Off-Policy Learning -- Q-Learning for Continuous State Spaces -- n-Step Returns -- Eligibility Traces and TD(λ) -- Relationships Between DP, MC, and TD -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Function Approximation -- Introduction -- Theory of Approximation -- Coarse Coding -- Tile Encoding -- Challenges in Approximation…”
Libro electrónico -
4671Publicado 2015Libro electrónico
4672Publicado 1786“…Tomo settimo del Testamento Nuovo che contiene gli Atti degli Apostoli…”
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4673Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Sentido e significado das transparências na arquitectura = Sentido y significado de las transparencias en la arquitectura / Rui Barreiros Duarte, p.22; A transparência em cascata = la transparencia en cascada / Jorge Figueira, p.26; Insite/Outsite / Paolo Mestriner, p.30; A magia das novas transparências = La magia de las nuevas transparencias / Ana Bulanda-Jansen, p.34; Transparências – a cidade moderna = Transparencias – la ciudad moderna / Paulo Tormenta Pinto, p.40; A propósito de um projecto_Estaçao de autocarros em Casar de Cáceres = A propósito de un proyecto_Estación de autobuses del Casar de Cáceres / Justo García Rubio, p.46; Cuidados intensivos – Nave industrial em Cervelló = Cuidados intensivos – Nave industrial en Cervelló / Toni Gironés Saderra y Alfredo Vidal Alvarez, p.64; Torre de elevador e edificios de escritórios en Cartagena = Torre de ascensor y edificios de oficinas en Cartagena / Atzu Amann, Andrés Cánovas y Nicolás Maruri, p.72; Sede da empresa municipal de transportes en Madrid = Sede de la empresa municipal de transportes en Madrid /Diego Cano Pintos | Estudio Cano Lasso, p.88; Apeadeiro de autocarros em Écija, Sevilha = Apeadero de autobuses en Écija, Sevilla / Eva Luque Garcia y Alejandro Pascual Soler | Elap Arquitectos), p.104; Centro cívico do Estreito de Câmara de Lobos, Madeira = Centro cívico del Estrecho de Câmara de Lobos, Madeira / Freddy Ferreira César y Carla Baptista | Risco A4, p.116; Estação parque da Maia = Estación parque da Maia / João Santa-rita | Santa-rita Arquitectos p.144; Loja Poi, Lisboa = Tienda Poi, Lisboa / José Guedes Cruz, p.156; Stand de venda automóvel e escritórios, Aveiro = Stand de venta Automóviles y oficines, Aveiro / José Martinez y Miguel Beleza | Atelier Central Arquitectos), p.166; Porto recreio. …”
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4674Publicado 2001Tabla de Contenidos: “…Housing complex in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) / Atelier Zeinstra, van der Pol. Housing development in Rungsted (Denmark) / Boje Lundgaard & Lene Tranberg. …”
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4675por Cramer, Johannes, 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Features: Casa de las Conchas, Salamanca, Spain, 1990s / Victor Lopez Cotelo, Carlos Puente Fernandez, Javier Garcia Delgado - Naumburg City Museum, Germany, 1991-1999 / Johannes Cramer - Houses on the Muhlenstrasse, Havelberg, Germany, 1999 - Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway, research project, 1999-2004 - Heubach Castle, Germany, 1991-1997 / Johannes Cramer - Balbarini townhouse, Pisa, Italy, 1989 / Massimo Carmassi - Bernhard chapel, Owen, Germany, 1991-2002 / Hans Klumpp - Schminke house, Lobau, Germany, 1933/2000 / HansScharoun/Pitz & Hoh- Municipal archives in the Church of San Agostin, Valladolid, Spain, 2004 / Primitivo Gonzales and Gabriel Gallegos - Tabourettli Theatre in the old Spalenhof, Basel, Switzerland, 1988 / Santiago Calatrava - Bank in a 19th century building, Budapest, Hungary, 1997 / MECANOO, Erick van Egeraat - Private residence, Venice, Italy, 2006 / Piana and Schubert- Medieval house, Bamberg, Germany, 2005 - Palazzo as museum, Venice, Italy, 1963 / Carlo Scarpa - Loft in an industrial building, Madrid, Spain, 2005 / Manuel Serrano - Conversion and extension of an industrial building, Gottelborn, Germany, 2004 / Augustin und Frank - Hotel in a monastery church, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2005 / Rob Brouwers, SATIJNplus Architecten - Tyrolean Museum of History, Tyrol Castle, Italy, 2003 / Scherer & Angonese/Hellweger - Single family houses, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2004 / ZECC Architects - Historic office building, Zurich, Switzerland, 2002 / Atelier 5 - Swimming pool, Spexhall Manor, Great Britain / Purcell Miller Tritton - German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany, 1940/1999 / Hans Kollhoff/Helga Timmermann - Town hall conversion and extension, Utrech, Netherlands, 1999 / Enric Miralles - Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid, Spain, 1940/2004 / Jesus Aparicio Guisado and Hector Fernandez-Elorza - British Museum, Queen Elizabeth II Great Court, London, Great Britain, 2003 / Sir Norman Foster - Documentation centre of the former Nazi party rally ground, Germany, 2001 / Gunther Domenig - Library, Eichstatt, Germany, 1625/1980 / Karljosef Schattner - Naumburg City Museum, Germany, 1991-1999 / Johannes Carter - Villa, Buchschlag, Germany, 1997 / Johannes Cramer - Heubach Castle, library and museum, Heubach, Germany, 1991-1997 / Johannes Cramer…”
Publicado 2007
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4676Publicado 1994Tabla de Contenidos: “…Sincerity: a study in the atmosphere of human relations (1971); CHAPTER 13. Towards an atelier system (1971); CHAPTER 14. Routine and inspired Interpretations: their relation to the weaning process in analysis (1973); CHAPTER 15. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4677por Kishi, Waro, 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Detached houses -- Kim House, Ikuno, Osaka 1986-87 -- House in Nipponbashi, Naniwa, Osaka 1990-92 -- House in Shimogamo, Sakyo, Kyoto 1992-94 -- House in Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 1995-97 -- House in Suzaku, Nara 1996-98 -- House in Kurakuen I, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 1996-98 -- House in Kurakuen II, Nishinomiya, Hyoho 1996-2001 -- House in Fukaya, Saitama 1999-2001 -- House in Sakai, Osaka 2001-02 -- House in Wakayama, Wakayama 2001-02 -- Hu-tong House, Western Japan 2001-02 -- House in Higashi-Otsu, Shiga 2001-03 -- Residence annex for K House, Aichi 2002-03 -- Standard house 2004, Sakyo, Kyoto 2003-04 -- House in Yoyogi-Uehara, Tokyo 2003- -- Urban projects -- Auto lab car showroom, Ukyo, Kyoto 1989 -- Kyoto-Kagaku research institute, Kizu, Kyoto 1987-90 -- Yunoka footbridge, Ashikita, Kumamoto 1989-91 -- Sonobe SD office building, Sonobe, Kyoto 1991-93 -- Max Mara headquarters competition project, Reggion Emilia 1994-95 -- Murasakino Wakuden restaurant, Kita, Kyoto 1994-95 -- Competition project for the national library Kansai division, Seika, Kyoto 1996 -- Yamaguchi memorial hall, Ube, Yamaguchi 1994-97 -- Kazurasei antique gallery, Nagayo, Kyoto 1998-2000 -- Urban project of the Teresitas beachfront, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands 2000 -- Stadium 600 Pachinki arcade, Nagoya, Aichi 2000-01 -- Competition project for the Eda housing complex, Yokohama, Kanagawa 2002 -- Competition project for the Nam June Paik museum, Kyonggi, South Korea 2003 -- Meridian line Akashi ferry terminal, Akashi, Hyogo 2002-03 -- Competition project for the Kumano forest information center, Owase, Mie 2003 -- Sumida dental clinic, Amagasaki, Hyogo 2002-04 -- Paju SW office, Seoul, South Korea 2001-04 -- Gifu Kitakata housing, Gifu 2002- -- LT Aoyama building, Minato, Tokyo 2003- -- Installations and design -- Via bus stop chain of Garment stores, Shinjuku, Tokyo 1997 / Otaru, Hokkaido 1998-99 / Kakata, Fukuoka 1998-99 -- Interior of the iCB, Paris 1998-99 -- Interior of Room 435, Atami, Shizuoka 2002 -- Interiors of the Ono store/Kyoto, Nakagyo, Kyoto 2003 -- Aqua cube furniture, Cassina 2002-04…”
Publicado 2005
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4678por French, HilaryTabla de Contenidos: “…Conté EL MOVIMIENTO MODERNO TRAS LA II GUERRA MUNDIAL: Unité d'Habitation / Le Corbusier ; Conjunto de viviendas Pedregulho / Affonso Eduardo Reidy ; Conjunto de viviendas Churchill Gardens / Powell y Moya ; Conjunto de viviendas Golden Lane / Chamberlin, Powell y Bon ; Casa de la Marina / José Antonio Coderch ; Viviendas obreras / Giancarlo De Carlo ; Edificios de viviendas en Lake Shore Drive / Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ; Torre Price / Frank Lloyd Wright ; Keeling House / Denys Lasdun ; Edificio de viviendas Harumi / Kunio Maekawa ; Edificio de viviendas en Beacon Street / The Stubbins Associates ; Edificio de viviendas en Hansaviertel / Alvar Aalto ; Torre en Hansaviertel / Van der Broek en Bakema ; Viviendas en Bellevue Bay / Arne Jacobsen ; Conjunto de viviendas en Halen / Atelier 5 ; Conjunto de viviendas en Tapiola / Aulis Blomstedt…”
Publicado 2009
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4679Publicado 2018“…How to disassemble every last byte of an Atari game and how to bypass every classic form of copy protection on Apple ][. …”
Libro electrónico -
4680Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté "Ordenaciones densas de poca altura": Atelier 5 : Urbanización Halen, Berna ; Reinhard Gieselmann : Ludwig- Windhorst-Strasse : Karlsrue; J.P. …”