Mostrando 4,281 - 4,300 Resultados de 7,513 Para Buscar '"westerns"', tiempo de consulta: 0.10s Limitar resultados
  1. 4281
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methodological Approach -- 3 The European Union -- 3.1 Etymological Origin -- 3.2 Historical Background -- 3.3 Further Development of the Union -- 3.4 Process of Enlargement -- 3.5 Institutions of the European Union -- 4 The Arab Spring -- 4.1 The Political Shift in the Arab World -- 4.2 The Arab Spring - A Spill-Over Effect -- 4.3 Reasons for the Uprising Arab Spring -- 4.4 The Rise of IS and the Significance of Western Imperialism -- 4.5 Ideological Roots and IS Backgrounds. 4.6 Criticism of Western Approaches4.7 Political Outlook -- 5 EU - Challenge 2016 -- 5.1 The Impact of Globalization and the Refugee Crisis -- 5.2 Perceived Heteronomy from Brussels and Isolation Attempts -- 5.3 Political Shift in the European Union -- 5.4 Security Concerns due to Terrorist Attacks Across Europe -- 5.5 In the Cross Hairs of Critics - Which Approach to Choose? …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 4282
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Los Montes de León (north-western Spain) as Case Study -- Castrum Zoelarum, la Edad del Hierro en el valle del río Aliste. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 4283
    Publicado 2005
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….] -- Prevention of malnutrition in Chile / Fernando Mönckeberg Barros -- Effect of westernization of nutritional habits on obesity prevalence in Latin America: analysis and recommendations / Jaime Rozowski, Oscar Castillo, and Manuel Moreno -- Effects of western diet on risk factors of chronic diseases in Asia / Kaichi Kida ... …”
  4. 4284
    por Pastoors, Andreas
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Monitor by Tracks -- The Effects of Sedentarization: Tracks in a World That Closes, Freezes and Fixes Itself -- Tracks in Hunting Practice -- The Increased Difficulties of ``Trace ́ ́ Tracking in a Sedentary World -- References -- Chapter 20: Trackers ́ Consensual Talk: Precise Data for Archaeology -- Introduction: Tracking and Talking -- Trackers ́ Knowledge as Precise Data for Archaeology -- Tracking the Tracking in Caves Project -- Lesson 1 -- Lesson 2 -- Effects of Lessons -- Science and Memory -- Conclusion: Talk, Narrative, and Consensus as Data -- References -- Chapter 21: An Echo from a Footprint: A Step Too Far -- A New Footprint -- An Old Footprint -- References -- Chapter 22: Walking Together: Ways of Collaboration in Western-Indigenous Research on Footprints -- Introduction -- Western and Indigenous Knowledge Systems -- Differences and Similarities -- Relationality and Validity -- The Networked Space -- Horizontal Structures of Living and Learning -- Horizontal Structures of Power -- Implementing Ethics in Research -- Indigenous Guidelines -- Ethics Guide for Tracking Projects -- Project Preparation -- Project Implementation -- Evaluation and Completion of the Project -- The Common Language…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 4285
    por Zürcher, E.
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Culture in an Historical PerspectiveHan Buddhism and the Western Region; The Spread of Buddhism and Christianity in Imperial China: Spontaneous Diffusion Versus Guided Propagation; Nuns and Convents in Old Chinese Buddhism; A New Look at the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Texts; New Preface to the Buddhist Conquest of China; Obscure Texts on Favourite Topics. …”
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  6. 4286
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conceptual framework -- Gender based violence : a framework for public health budgets and policies / Keerty Nakray -- Gender budgets and public health approach : addressing gender based violence in India / Vibhuti Patel -- Gender-based violence as a public health issue and the legal perspective : a critical overview / Ronagh McQuigg -- Gender, gender-based violence, and HIV/AIDS : review of evidence and policy / Rachel Jewkes -- Measuring gender based violence : issues of impact and prevalence / Emma Williamson -- Gender-based violence in Australia : a state-based joined-up approach / Deborah Western and Robyn Mason -- Risks, impacts, and responses to gender based violence -- Gender-based violence in post-disaster recovery situations : an emerging public health issue / Margaret Alston Chapter -- Gender, use and abuse : sexually abused women in alcohol and drug treatment / Jan Breckenridge and Michael Salter -- The impact of intimate partner violence on the mental health of Latin American immigrant women in the U.S. / Blanca M. …”
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  7. 4287
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Barbara Pocock and Karen Brown -- Gender and union leadership : a force field analysis / Michelle Kaminski and Jailza Pauly -- Women leaders riding the whirlwind : leadership and gender in/equality in the Danish labour movement / Lise Lotte Hansen -- Doing, un-doing and re-doing gendered union leadership / Sue Ledwith -- Flexible production and flexible women : the story of union leader Alice / Tuula Heiskanen and Riitta Lavikka -- Merit, individualism, and solidarity : revisiting the democratic deficit in union women's leadership / Linda Briskin -- Rethinking organizing and leadership : lessons from non-traditional, women-centred, labour campaigns in New York City / Sally Alvarez and Pam Whitefield -- Emerging from "deep, dark forests" : women leaders as learners in Eastern and Western European trade unions / Joanna Cain -- Developing and globalizing women's union leadership via a cross-national exchange programme / Gill Kirton, Geraldine Healy, Sally Alvarez, Mary Gatta, Risa Lieberwitz, and Heather Mckay -- Union revitalization through gender equality in the German service sector union ver.di / Anja Kirsch -- Breaking through the union glass ceiling iin france : between organizational opportunities and individual resources / Cecille Guillaume and Sophie Pochic -- Female union leadership, power, dynamism and organised labour in Ghana / Akua Britwum -- Still facing discrimination : impediments to women's representation in Belgian trade unions / Saskia Ravesloot -- Gendering research, researching gender / Sue Ledwith and Lise Lotte Hansen -- Notes -- List of contributors -- Index…”
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  8. 4288
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: mineral revenues, rent seeking and development in aboriginal Australia -- Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh -- Measuring indigenous outcomes from mining agreements in Australia : the role of applied demography / John Taylor -- Papua New Guinea : conflicts, customary landholding and resource exploitation / George Yapao, Lee Godden and Steven Pettigrove -- Mining companies as agents for social development : the case for more effectual corporate-community investments / Ana Maria Esteves -- Legal forms and their implications for long-term relationships and economic, cultural and social empowerment : structuring agreements in Australia / Maureen Tehan and Lee Godden -- Five principles for managing Timor-Leste's natural resource revenue wisely / Jen Drysdale -- The development forum in Papua New Guinea : evaluating outcomes for local communities / Colin Filer -- Tax law and policy for indigenous economic development in Australia / Miranda Stewart -- Native title agreements, taxation and economic development in Australia / Lisa Strelein -- The income tax exempt charitable structure as a vehicle for holding Australian native title interests : some lessons from New Zealand / Fiona Martin -- Turning a benefit agreement into practical development : a case study of a Papua New Guinea development foundation / Tim Offor and Barbara Sharp -- From paternalism to partnership : the good neighbour agreement and the argyle diamond mine indigenous land use agreement in Western Australia / Kim Doohan, Marcia Langton and Odette Mazel -- Engaging communities in resource development initiative in Timor-Leste / Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho and Lisa Palmer -- To be destitute or to benefit : corporate social responsibility and mining in South Africa / Henk Kloppers and Willemien Du Plessis…”
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    Libro electrónico
  9. 4289
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The emergence of the rule of law in Western constitutional history : revising traditional narratives / Randall Lesaffer and Shavana Musa; Part II. …”
  10. 4290
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cushing -- New wine in old skins : remarks on the Collectio Burdegalensis / Herbert Schneider -- A new manuscript of the Collectio Sinemuriensis (New York, Columbia University, Western MS 82) / Franck Roumy -- The influence of eastern patristic fathers on the canonical collections of South Italy in the eleventh and early twelfth centuries / Roger E. …”
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  11. 4291
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The USSR in the Second World War, 1941-1945; 22 June 1941; Consolidation of the Soviet Leadership and Command; The 1943 - Turning Point of the War; Stalingrad and Kursk; 9. The USSR and Western Allies; Connection and contradiction of the Allies; Tehran; 10. …”
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  12. 4292
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mobility, behaviour and phenology of the Violet CopperLycaena helle in North-Western Romania -- Methods article III. Biogeography: From the analysis of distributions to the distribution of genetic variants -- Article VI. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 4293
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Student actions against paradoxical post-apartheid higher education policy in South Africa : the case of the University of the Western Cape / Mlungisi BG Cele, Thierry M Luescher and Teresa Barnes -- 10. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 4294
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Reuther and others / Rod Lucas and Deane Fergie -- Looking at some details of Reuthers work / Luise Hercus -- German Moravian missionaries on western Cape York Peninsula and their perception of the local Aboriginal people and languages / Corinna Erckenbrecht -- Part II: Impact of the Aranda. …”
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  15. 4295
    por Zuur, Alain F.
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Data management and software -- Advice for teachers -- Exploration -- Linear regression -- Generalised linear modelling -- Additive and generalised additive modelling -- to mixed modelling -- Univariate tree models -- Measures of association -- Ordination — First encounter -- Principal component analysis and redundancy analysis -- Correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis -- to discriminant analysis -- Principal coordinate analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling -- Time series analysis — Introduction -- Common trends and sudden changes -- Analysis and modelling of lattice data -- Spatially continuous data analysis and modelling -- Univariate methods to analyse abundance of decapod larvae -- Analysing presence and absence data for flatfish distribution in the Tagus estuary, Portugal -- Crop pollination by honeybees in Argentina using additive mixed modelling -- Investigating the effects of rice farming on aquatic birds with mixed modelling -- Classification trees and radar detection of birds for North Sea wind farms -- Fish stock identification through neural network analysis of parasite fauna -- Monitoring for change: Using generalised least squares, non-metric multidimensional scaling, and the Mantel test on western Montana grasslands -- Univariate and multivariate analysis applied on a Dutch sandy beach community -- Multivariate analyses of South-American zoobenthic species — spoilt for choice -- Principal component analysis applied to harbour porpoise fatty acid data -- Multivariate analyses of morphometric turtle data — size and shape -- Redundancy analysis and additive modelling applied on savanna tree data -- Canonical correspondence analysis of lowland pasture vegetation in the humid tropics of Mexico -- Estimating common trends in Portuguese fisheries landings -- Common trends in demersal communities on the Newfoundland-Labrador Shelf -- Sea level change and salt marshes in the Wadden Sea: A time series analysis -- Time series analysis of Hawaiian waterbirds -- Spatial modelling of forest community features in the Volzhsko-Kamsky reserve…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 4296
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…RÖMISCHE ELITEN IN GALLIEN: TRANSFORMATIONEN IDENTITÄRER BEZUGSFELDER -- Un-becoming Roman / Sundered Aristocracies, New Kingdoms, and the End of the Western Empire / "Bischofsherrschaft" / III. STÄDTISCHER RAUM UND IDENTITÄT: URBANER STRUKTURWANDEL IM SPÄTANTIKEN GALLIEN -- Die spätantiken Städte Galliens: Transformationen von Stadtbildern als Ausdruck einer gewandelten Identität? …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 4297
    por Martin, Jerry L.
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Yes, no, maybe -- 11 Daunting choices in transreligious theology: a case study -- 12 Cognitive science of religion and the nature of the divine: a pluralist, nonconfessional approach -- 13 Love and desire, human and divine: a transreligious naturalist account -- Part IV Theologizing in a multireligious world -- Introduction -- 14 Dialogue and transreligious understanding: a hermeneutical approach -- 15 Strategic religious participation in a shared religious landscape: a model for Westerners? -- 16 How to think globally and affiliate locally -- 17 Theology Without Walls: Is a theology for SBNRs possible? …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 4298
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Following the historical paths of global communication / Allen Palmer, Brigham Young University -- Global economy and international telecommunications networks / Harmeet Sawhney, Indiana University, Bloomington -- The transnational media corporation and the economics of global competition / Richard A. Gershon, Western Michigan University -- Drawing a bead on global communication theories / John D. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 4299
    por Brown, Alan, 1950 Jan. 12-
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- South Florida Ghost Team -- GEORGIA -- Blairsville Paranormal Research Team -- Foundation for Paranormal Research -- The Georgia Ghost Society -- Georgia Paranormal Research Team -- Ghost Hounds Paranormal Network -- Northwest Georgia Paranormal Investigation Team -- Paranormal Investigators of Georgia -- West Central Georgia Investigators of Paranormal Activity -- KENTUCKY -- Appalachian Ghost Hunters Society -- Ghost Chasers International -- Louisville Ghost Hunters Society -- Southern Paranormal Research -- Western Kentucky Ghost Hunters Society -- LOUISIANA -- South Louisiana Ghosthunters -- MISSISSIPPI -- Mississippi Paranormal Research -- Orbservations -- S.P.I.R.E. -- NORTH CAROLINA -- East Coast Hauntings Organization -- Foothills Paranormal Investigations -- Haunted North Carolina -- SOUTH CAROLINA -- Coastal Spirit Chasers -- Ghost Takers -- TENNESSEE -- Memphis Paranormal Investigations Team -- TEXAS -- Central Texas Ghost Search -- Lone Star Spirits -- Metroplex Paranormal Investigations -- Society for Paranormal Investigation -- Texas Paranormal Research Team -- VIRGINIA -- Center for Paranormal Research and Investigations -- Tidewater Paranormal Investigations -- Virginia Science Research -- Conclusion -- Glossary -- A -- C -- D -- E -- G -- H -- I -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- V -- W -- Filmography -- Television Shows -- Bibliography -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D.…”
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  20. 4300
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The power of context / Jerome Kagan -- 4. Eastern and Western ways of perceiving the world / Richard E. …”
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