Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 445
- Historia 114
- Història 108
- Philosophy 102
- Politics and government 100
- Social aspects 90
- History and criticism 79
- Religion 69
- Civilization 57
- Political aspects 54
- Economic conditions 53
- Enciclopedias 53
- Foreign relations 52
- Social conditions 50
- Law 49
- Education 46
- Islam 44
- Religious aspects 41
- Filosofía 38
- Political science 38
- Antiquities 37
- Economics 34
- Economic aspects 33
- Globalization 33
- Government policy 33
- Economic policy 31
- Management 31
- Christianity 30
- Emigration and immigration 30
4521Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Capítulo 1: Consideraciones generales sobre la afasia Definición de afasia Punto de vista neurológico Punto de vista lingüístico Etiología de las afasias Enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV) Traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) Procedimientos quirúrgicos (PQx) Epilepsia Tumores intracraneales Parasitosis Infecciones Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 2: Antecedentes históricos de la afasia Primeras descripciones de la afasia Del Renacimiento al siglo XVIII Frenología: Franz Joseph Gall y Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud Localizacionismo: Pierre Paul Broca Conexionismo: Carl Wernicke Modelo conexionista clásico: Ludwig Lichtheim Modelo jerárquico: John Hughlings Jackson Modelos globales: Pierre Marie, Karl Lashley y Kurt Goldstein Modelo neolocalizacionista: Korbinian Brodmann Perspectiva lingüística de las afasias: Roman Jakobson Modelo de procesos: Alexander Romanovich Luria Modelo neoconexionista: Norman Geschwind Panorama actual Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 3: Clasificación de los síndromes afásicos Modelo neoconexionista Afasia de Broca Afasia de Wernicke Afasia de conducción Afasia motora transcortical Afasia sensorial transcortical Afasia mixta transcortical Afasia anómica Afasia global Modelo de Luria Afasias sintagmáticas Afasia dinámica Afasia estilo telegráfico Afasia motora eferente Afasias paradigmáticas Afasia motora aferente Afasia acústico agnósica Afasia acústico amnésica Afasia semántica Comparación entre el modelo neoconexionista y el modelo de Luria Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 4: Afasias especiales, atípicas y papel del hemisferio derecho Afasias especiales Afasia primaria progresiva Afasia cruzada Afasias subcorticales Afasia causada por lesión en el tálamo Afasia causada por lesión en los ganglios basales Afasia en poblaciones atípicas Afasia infantil Zurdera Analfabetismo Bilingüismo Lenguaje de señas Alteraciones lingüísticas en las lesiones del hemisferio derecho Asimetría cerebral Alteraciones comunicativas del hemisferio derecho Articulación Sintaxis Denominación Discurso Pragmática Prosodia Lectura Escritura Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 5: Proceso de evaluación y diagnóstico Historia clínica Proceso de valoración Consideraciones durante la evaluación Tipos de valoración Valoración clínica Expresión Comprensión Denominación Repetición Lectura Escritura Valoración mediante pruebas estandarizadas Modalidades a evaluar Pruebas para el diagnóstico de la afasia Baterías con estandarización Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) Test Barcelona Baterías sin estandarización Cuestionario para el Estudio Lingüístico de las Afasias (CELA) Evaluación del Procesamiento Lingüístico en la Afasia (EPLA) Pruebas para evaluar una modalidad específica Token Test Prueba de Denominación de Boston Pruebas de Fluidez Verbal Everyday Life Activities (ELA) Diagnóstico diferencial de las afasias Sordera verbal pura Agnosia visual Disartria Apraxia verbal Disfonía Mutismo Demencia Psicosis Síndrome prefrontal Métodos de neurodiagnóstico Técnicas de neuroimagen estructural Tomografía Axial Computarizada (TAC) Imagen por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) Técnicas de neuroimagen funcional Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones (TEP) Imagen por Resonancia Magnética funcional (IRMf) Electroencefalograma (EEG) Referencias ecturas recomendadas Capítulo 6: Recuperación de la afasia Plasticidad cerebral Adaptación, reconectividad y reorganización: mecanismos de plasticidad regenerativa Etapas de recuperación Recuperación en la fase aguda Recuperación a largo plazo Pronóstico Daño cerebral Tamaño de la lesión Comorbilidad Severidad y tipo de afasia Etiología Antecedentes personales Edad Lateralidad Género Nivel lingüístico Escolaridad y alfabetización Entorno y aspecto emocional Motivación y estado psicológico Medio familiar y social Rehabilitación lingüística Terapia de lenguaje Intervalo entre la lesión y el inicio de la terapia Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 7: Rehabilitación de la afasia Organización general de la terapia de lenguaje Inicio, frecuencia y finalización de la terapia La terapia, el paciente y su familia Enfoque terapéutico Rehabilitación de las alteraciones de la expresión verbal Problemas articulatorios Ejercicios orofaciales generales Masajes de cara, cuello y hombros Nivel morfosintáctico Nivel discursivo Rehabilitación de las alteraciones de la comprensión verbal Nivel fonológico Nivel léxico Nivel morfosintáctico Nivel discursivo Rehabilitación de la anomia Ejercicios de fluidez Denominación por confrontación Denominación por contexto facilitador Juegos con palabras Denominación en lenguaje espontáneo Rehabilitación de la alexia Rehabilitación de la agrafia Recomendaciones para iniciar la terapia de lenguaje en casos de afasia global Primer nivel Segundo nivel Tercer nivel Lecturas recomendadas Capítulo 8: Impacto de la afasia en el paciente, en su entorno y en su vida cotidiana Cambios neuroconductuales Labilidad emocional Reacciones catastróficas Indiferencia Anosognosia Hipomanía Reacciones emocionales Negación Depresión Enojo Ansiedad y angustia Culpa La familia del paciente afásico Relación de pareja Relación con los padres Relación con los hijos Sugerencias básicas para la familia El cuidador del paciente afásico Vida social Terapia grupal Vida laboral Tiempo libre y pasatiempos El paciente ante la afasia Referencias Lecturas recomendadas Glosario Anexo Correlatos neuroanatómicos básios Índice analítico…”
Lectura en línea. Acceso restringido con credenciales UPSA
Tutorial de uso de Eureka
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4522Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- C Matthew Snipp -- Colonialism's and postcolonialism's fellow traveller: the collection, use and misuse of data on indigenous people -- Ian Pool -- Part 2: Critiques of official statistics -- Data politics and Indigenous representation in Australian statistics -- Maggie Walter -- Indigenising demographic categories: a prolegomenon to indigenous data sovereignty -- Frances Morphy -- Governing data and data for governance: the everyday practice of Indigenous sovereignty -- Diane E Smith -- Part 3: Data sovereignty in practice -- Pathways to First Nations' data and information sovereignty -- First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) -- Tribal data sovereignty: Whakatōhea rights and interests -- Maui Hudson, Dickie Farrar and Lesley McLean -- The world's most liveable city-for Māori: data advocacy and Māori wellbeing in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) -- James Hudson -- Indigenous data sovereignty: a Māori health perspective -- Rawiri Jansen -- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community wellbeing: identified needs for statistical capacity -- Ray Lovett -- Data sovereignty for the Yawuru in Western Australia -- Mandy Yap and Eunice Yu -- Building a data revolution in Indian country -- Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear -- Part 4: State agency responses -- The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enumeration and engagement strategies: challenges and future options -- Paul Jelfs…”
Libro electrónico -
4523Publicado 1992Tabla de Contenidos: “…PLANT DERIVATIVES -- 12 Cassava Processing In Africa -- TRADITIONAL PROCESSING -- RESEARCH APPROACH -- PROCESS OPTIMIZATION -- BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS -- FUTURE RESEARCH -- 13 Improving the Nutritional Quality of Ogi and Gari -- PROCESSING OF OGI -- CYANIDE REDUCTION DURING CASSAVA PROCESSING -- ROLE OF FERMENTATION -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- 14 Solid-State Fermentation of Manioc to Increase Protein Content -- MATERIALS -- METHODS -- RESULTS -- CONCLUSION -- REFERENCE -- 15 Leaf and Seed Fermentations of Western Sudan -- PREPARATION -- MICROBIOLOGY…”
Libro electrónico -
4524Publicado 2016“…Gender Equality has not yet been achieved in many western countries. Switzerland in particular has failed as a forerunner in integrating women in politics and economy. …”
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4525Publicado 2013“…The chapters critically interrogate the current Eurocentric and Western cultural hegemonic practices that dominate the field of psychological assessment. …”
Libro electrónico -
4526por Kaufmann, Franz-Xaver“…The volumes expound the contribution of the German tradition to the rise of social policy in the Western world in the 19th and 20th centuries. Germany pioneered modern social policy in the 19th century when Bismarck introduced social insurance. …”
Publicado 2013
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4527Publicado 2011“…Unlike the traditional vitamins, they are not essential for short-term wellbeing, but there is increasing evidence that modest long-term intakes can have favourable impacts on the incidence of cancers and many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes, which are occurring in Western populations with increasing frequency. This book covers the latest science on the metabolism and potential health benefits of teas, cocoa, coffee…”
Libro electrónico -
4528por KAMUSELLA, TOMASZ“…The main storyline opens with the emergence of the Western European concept of the nation, in accord with which the ethnolinguistic nation-states of Italy and Germany were founded. …”
Publicado 2021
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4529Publicado 2007“…Discover how to use Manga Studio to begin creating comics in manga or Western styles, add color to your creations, and share them with your adoring public. …”
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4530por Jha, Pravin KumarTabla de Contenidos: “…Historical Account of Human Rights Situation in China -- Human Rights Practise in China -- Human Rights Defenders -- Justice System and Unfair Trial -- Freedom of Expression -- Detention Without Trial -- Death Penalty -- Torture And Other Ill-treatment -- Coercive Family Planning -- Tibet Autonomous Region -- Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region -- Falun Gong -- Comparison Between India and China -- Notes and References -- Chapter 8: Religion in Politics: Secularism and Communalism -- Mahatma Gandhi's Views on Religion and Politics -- Nehru's Views on the Relationship Between Religion and Politics -- Secularism -- Indian Notion of Secularism -- Western Notion of Secularism -- Contemporary Debates on Secularism -- Communalism: An Onslaught on the Principle of Secularism -- Political Economy of Communalism and Communal Violence -- Majority Communalism in India -- Minority Communalism in India -- Solutions to Address the Problem of Communalism in India -- Notes and References -- Chapter 9: Strategies of Development in India Since Indenpendence -- Historical Perspective: A Unique Model of a 'Mixed' Economy -- Planning Process in India -- Planning in India -- The First Five Year Plan (1951-56) -- The Second Five Year Plan (1956-61) -- The Third Five Year Plan (1961-66) -- Annual Plans (1966-69) -- The Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-74) -- The Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-78) -- The Sixth Five Year Plan (1980-85) -- Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-90) -- The Eighth Five Year Plan (1992-97) -- The Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-02) -- The Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) -- Approach to the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) -- Monitorable Social-economic Targets of the Eleventh Plan -- Economic Crisis of 1990-91 and Reforms -- Rationalization and Simplification of the Tax System -- Infrastructure Reforms -- Impact of Economic Reforms -- Growth and Structural Change…”
Publicado 2012
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4532Publicado 2013“…Currencies and exchange rates make up another important aspect of finance. If the Western model of finance is discredited, does that mean the dominance of Western currencies is also eroded? …”
Libro electrónico -
4533Publicado 2021“…The subject of this book is Maximus the Greek's testimony regarding the Western religious orders contained in the Terrible and Memorable Narration, and the Perfect Form of Monastic Life and the Letter on the Franciscans and the Dominicans. …”
Libro electrónico -
4534Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Metabolic Control of Mitochondrial Dynamics: The Role of AMPK -- Concluding Remarks -- References -- NADPH Oxidase System Mediates Cholesterol Secoaldehyde-Induced Oxidative Stress and Cytotoxicity in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes -- Introduction -- Materials and Methods -- Chemicals, H9c2 Cardiomyocytes, and Cell Culture Supplies -- Synthesis of Cholesterol Secoaldehyde -- Cell Culture and Treatments -- Cell Proliferation and Metabolism -- Trypan Blue Exclusion Assay -- Measurement of Intracellular Peroxides -- Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide -- Thiobarbituric Acid-Reactive Substances (TBARs) -- Measurement of Reduced Glutathione Levels -- Assay of Superoxide Dismutase Activity -- Measurement of Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential -- Western Blot Analysis -- Statistical Analysis -- Results -- Apocynin Exacerbates While DPI Reduces the ChSeco-Induced Cytotoxic Response in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes -- NOS Inhibitors Attenuate the Formation of Peroxide or Peroxide-Like Substances in ChSeco-Exposed H9c2 Cardiomyocytes -- Apocynin Lowers the GSH Levels in ChSeco-Exposed Cardiomyocytes -- Apocynin But Not DPI Enhances the ChSeco-Induced Activation of SOD Activity in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes -- Apocynin and DPI Pretreatment in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes Reduces TBARs Formed in Response to the Exposure of ChSeco -- ChSeco-Induced Loss in Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential Is Reversed by Pretreatments with Apocynin and DPI -- ChSeco-Induced Overexpression of pp38 and pSAPK in H9c2 Cardiomyocytes Is Mitigated by Pretreatments with Apo and DPI -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- Lipid Mediators in Cardiovascular Physiology and Disease -- Introduction -- Lipid Mediators -- Oxylipins -- PUFA Reservoirs -- Oxylipin Synthesis -- Cyclooxygenase-Derived Oxylipins -- Lipoxygenase-Derived Oxylipins -- Cytochrome P450-Derived Oxylipins -- Conclusion and Future Perspectives…”
Libro electrónico -
4535por Chung, Edward Y. J.Tabla de Contenidos: “… An Introduction to Part II, Chap. 8 and Part III, Chap. 12: Confucianism and Social Emotions: Jeong, Han, Heung, and Women -- 1.4.3 Korean Buddhist and Contemporary Perspectives -- Wonhyo and Jinul on Emotions and Emotional Control -- Great Compassion and Joy -- An Introduction to Part III, Chaps. 9 -11: Emotions in Won Buddhism, Modern Buddhism, and Korean Buddhist Cinema -- References -- Abbreviations -- Primary Sources and Translations: Confucian, Buddhist, and Other Texts -- Secondary Sources and Modern and Comparative Studies -- Part I: Confucian Perspectives -- Chapter 2: Moral Psychology of Emotion in Korean Neo-Confucianism and Its Philosophical Debates on the Affective Nature of the Mind -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The Four-Seven Debate and the Moral Emotions -- 2.3 Two Approaches to Emotion in the Four-Seven Debate -- 2.4 The Horak Debate and the Unaroused Emotions -- 2.5 Two Approaches to Emotions in the Horak Debate -- 2.6 Conclusion -- References -- Further Reading -- Chapter 3: The Idea of Gyeong/Jing 敬 in Yi Toegye's Korean Neo-Confucianism and Its Availability in Contemporary Ethical Debate -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Zhu Xi and the Neo-Confucian Connotations of the Word Gyeong/Jing -- 3.3 Toegye on Gyeong/Jing -- 3.4 Gyeong/Jing in Contemporary Ethical Debate -- 3.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Yi Yulgok on the Role of Emotions in Self-cultivation and Ethics: A Korean Confucian and Comparative Interpretation -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Emotions: Basic Nature and Types -- 4.3 The Meaning and Role of Emotions in Self-cultivation -- 4.4 Yulgok's Ethics of Emotions: Passion for Political Reform -- 4.5 Conclusion: Confucian and Comparative -- References -- Abbreviations -- Primary Sources and Translations -- Secondary Sources: Western and East Asian Works…”
Publicado 2022
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4537Publicado 2018“…Making use of the leading scholars in the field from Poland, Eastern and Western Europe, North America, and Israel, the volume provides a definitive overview of the history and culture of one of the most important communities in the long history of the Jewish people…”
Libro electrónico -
4538por Dobler, Constanze“…However, the differences between Arab countries and the Western states exist not only economically. The countries also differ regarding their political, legal, and social systems. …”
Publicado 2011
Tesis -
4539por Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936“…For four months he toured the United States, publishing accounts of his journey in the Pioneer, a major newspaper in western India. A few years later, when he lived in Vermont, Kipling wrote several syndicated articles published in both England and the U.S. …”
Publicado 2003
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4540por Haque, A. K. Enamul“…South Asian countries have been dealing with the impact of climate change for decades and thus offer valuable learning opportunities for developing countries within and beyond the region as well as many western countries that are confronting the wrath of climate induced natural disasters more recently. …”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico