Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Terrorismo 334
- Terrorism 301
- Historia 218
- Prevention 129
- History 107
- Política y gobierno 78
- Cuentos de terror 61
- Politics and government 56
- Història 52
- Terrorisme 51
- Cine de terror 46
- National security 46
- Islam 43
- Política 42
- Security measures 42
- Psychological aspects 41
- Political aspects 39
- Social aspects 36
- Violence 36
- Violencia política 36
- Government policy 35
- Political Science 35
- Derecho internacional 34
- War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 34
- Historia y crítica 33
- Guerra 32
- Foreign relations 31
- Aspectos religiosos 30
- Derechos humanos 30
- International relations 30
3741Publicado 2021“…Social disintegration, political polarization, geopolitical anxieties and threat of terrorism are often dominant themes. In this book, we focus on what appears a paradox: countries with low income differences, high faith in social institutions, and relatively high cultural homogeneity becoming fixated on the fear of polarization, disintegration and diminished social trust. …”
Libro electrónico -
3742Publicado 2019“…New societal threats like terrorism, and new technologies of communication continually reshape our understanding of what speech should be allowed. …”
Libro -
3743por Albertone, Manuela“…Il valore normativo della tradizione viene, d’altra parte, contestato, negli ultimi decenni del diciottesimo secolo, da vari sommovimenti politici che sconvolgono l’ordine tradizionale delle nazioni europee: la Rivoluzione americana crea un governo razionale fondato sul diritto naturale; la Rivoluzione francese recide traumaticamente i legami con i valori di una monarchia secolare; i suoi drammatici sviluppi, il Terrore, le guerre europee, il crollo dell’impero napoleonico impongono, nel corso degli anni, la consapevolezza concreta dell’incidere storico. …”
Publicado 2017
Electrónico -
3744Publicado 2020“…Markers of social differentiation and social reaction -- Security governance and racialization in the "War on Terror" / Baljit Nagra and Jeffrey Monaghan -- Unruly women in neoliberal times : still bad, mad, and sluts / Tuulia Law, Brittany Mario, and Chris Bruckert -- On the weighing of protections : "exerting power and doing good" with child sexual abuse legislation / Christopher Greco and Patrice Corriveau -- Disadvantage, crime, and criminal justice / Carolyn Côte-Lussier, Katrin Hohl, and Jean-Denis David -- section 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
3745Publicado 2016“…Their indecisiveness between monarchical and popular sovereignty was established through the discrediting of the Republic in the Jacobean reign of terror and the ‘renaissance’ of the monarchy in the military resistance against the French revolutionary and later Napoleonic campaigns. …”
Libro electrónico -
3746Publicado 2014“…It brings to life the raw excitement and sheer terror of being an entrepreneur. Guy Browning, Writer, Broadcaster, Creativity Guru Chris manages to map the DNA of successful entrepreneurs in an entertaining and hugely readable way. …”
Libro electrónico -
3747Publicado 2010“…A focus on fighting insurgencies and terrorism has led to the military deployment of biometric tools to enable recognition of individuals as friend or foe. …”
Libro electrónico -
3748por Rawsthorn, Alice“…From the macabre symbol with which eighteenth-century pirates terrorized their victims into surrender, to one woman’s quest for the best prosthetic legs, to the evolution of the World Cup soccer ball, Hello World describes how warlords, scientists, farmers, hackers, activists, and professional designers have used the complex, often elusive process of design to different ends throughout history. …”
Publicado 2014
Libro -
3749Publicado 2024“…Accomunati da un odio profondissimo verso ogni aspetto del mondo presente, condividono entrambi lo stesso obiettivo: distruggere la società borghese, considerata un luogo putrido e nauseabondo da ripulire attraverso un uso spropositato del terrore rivoluzionario. Dal sogno teocratico di Thomas Müntzer alla rivoluzione cambogiana di Pol Pot, vengono ricostruite le origini e l'evoluzione di una tradizione rivoluzionaria che, con la parabola brigatista, giunge fino ai giorni nostri. …”
Libro -
3750por Olmo Ramon, Alex del“…La segona part de l'estudi canalitza la figura del zombi dins del circuit cinematogràfic com la consecució lògica de l'arribada d'aquesta figura de terror a occident, explorant el seu éxit com arquetip fílmic a partir del considerat primer film del subgènere "White Zombie" i de la seva primera explotació fílmica entre els anys 1930 i 1950. …”
Publicado 2013
Accés lliure
Tesis -
3751por Eduardo Punset“…De hecho, la política y la religión, dos invenciones sofisticadas de la especie humana para proteger a los homínidos del miedo y abrirle paso a la felicidad, se han convertido en fuentes de terror. Pero la ciencia, esa otra gran construcción humana, se viene planteando desde hace algunos años el reto de iluminar ese camino. …”
Publicado 2010
Texto completo en Odilo
Otros -
3752Publicado 2006“…En ellos cobran vida los personajes del drama revolucionario y sus banderas políticas, con las secuelas del Terror y la guerra, al lado del ataque al trono y al altar; que llevaron finalmente al despliegue de actitudes que oscilaban entre la tolerancia y la represión, orquestadas por una política contrarrevolucionaria inspirada entre otros factores por el miedo a la revolución en una sociedad poblada de indios, negros y casta. …”
Libro electrónico -
3753Publicado 2020“…Hunger, exhaustion, and violence, along with the conflict's growing political complexity, challenged the DRV leaders' mobilization efforts, forcing patriotic appeals to be supplemented with coercion and terror. This trend reached its revolutionary climax in late 1952 when Hò̂, under strong pressure from Stalin and Mao, agreed to carry out radical land reform in DRV-controlled areas of northern Vietnam. …”
Libro electrónico -
3754por Ajil, Ahmed“…Politico-ideological Mobilisation and Violence in the Arab World will be of great interest to criminologists, political scientists, sociologists, and other scholars interested in the study of terrorism, radicalisation and extremism. It will also appeal to journalists, policymakers, practitioners working in the field"--…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
3755“…Use the harvested data in different scenarios such as financial, crime, and terrorism investigations as well as performing business competition analysis and acquiring intelligence about individuals and other entities. …”
Libro electrónico -
3756por Thomas, Andrew R.“…Rising fuel costs, economic uncertainty, and future terror attacks could cause tumult once again. Plus, airline companies intend to charge us extra for everything from the weight of our own bodies to use of the bathroom. …”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
3757por Friedman, Benjamin M.“…Finally, Friedman shows us why, if America is to strengthen democratic institutions around the world as a bulwark against terrorism and social unrest, we must aggressively pursue growth at home and promote worldwide economic expansion beyond what purely market-driven forces would create. …”
Publicado 2005
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra, Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
3758Publicado 2018“…Y, sobre todo, ¿ha desaparecido realmente o solo ha pasado a ser un terror en la sombra?…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
3759por Hillman, James“…En un mundo en el que la violencia es omnipresente y multiforme, James Hillman concluye que ±la guerra es el fundamento del ser, como lo son la muerte y el amor, la belleza y el terror, y que no hay solución racional ante el amor que provoca sino el encauzamiento de éste hacia la pasión estética. …”
Publicado 2010
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra)Libro -
3760Publicado 2021“…Gracias a décadas de confianza mutua y muchas horas de conversaciones, la autora arma una crónica negra sutil y humana en la que se entretejen la nostalgia, el terror, los reproches, los fracasos, los miedos y los traumas. …”