Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 3,581
- Development 1,157
- Història 1,091
- Application software 985
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 963
- Management 873
- Legislación- 641
- Computer networks 638
- Computer Science 617
- Historia- 581
- Derecho 577
- Artificial intelligence 558
- Data processing 543
- Sermones 540
- Derecho civil 507
- Python (Computer program language) 499
- Crítica e interpretación 497
- Examinations 495
- Machine learning 489
- Cloud computing 447
- Computer programs 438
- Security measures 412
- Computer security 409
- Filosofía 406
- Certification 388
- Computer programming 386
- Computer software 370
- Web site development 361
- Business & Economics 352
- Design 342
70441Tabla de Contenidos: “…s Origins""; ""Converting From Other Programming Languages""; ""Dart Names are Simpler and More Structured""; ""Searching for DOM Elements is Easier""; ""Dart Has Real Data Collections""; ""Constructors to Create New DOM Elements""; ""Dart Improves and Unifies the Events System""; ""Say Goodbye to Vendor Prefixes""; ""Future-Based APIs""; ""Libraries""…”
Libro electrónico -
70442Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Four Common Mistakes -- Note -- Chapter Two Progress through the Revolutionary Storm: Why Data Science Matters -- Taking an Iterative Approach -- Not a Replacement for Good Judgment -- Blending and Observing Data in Real Time -- Combining Data Science and Behavioral Economics -- Break Down the Silos -- Overcoming Big Data Fatigue -- Note -- Chapter Three The Digital Media Revolution Creates Completely New Business Models -- Relational versus Transactional -- Chapter Four Breaking the Branding Sound Barrier: The Role of Reputation Strategy -- The Dark Matter of Marketing -- Why Reputation Matters -- Building Reputation over Time -- Boots on the Ground -- Chapter Five Reputation and Your Brand's DNA -- New Times Demand New Ideas -- Put Your Best Foot Forward -- Customers Reward Brands That Share Information -- Note -- Chapter Six The Economics of Reputation…”
Libro electrónico -
70443por Stackowiak, Robert. author, Licht, Art. author, Mantha, Venu. author, Nagode, Louis. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…; Developing the Vision; The Current State and Future State Data Warehouse; Determining Where Hadoop and NoSQL Databases Fit; Linking Hadoop and the Data Warehouse Infrastructure ; Real-Time Recommendations and Actions; Validating the Vision; Chapter 3: Understanding the Business; Understand Business Initiatives; Big Data and IoT Impact on Business; Data Gathering Methods ; Plan Discovery ; Conduct Preliminary Research…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
70444por Buchanan, CameronTabla de Contenidos: “…Enabling command and control using steganographyChapter 7: Encryption and Encoding; Introduction; Generating an MD5 hash; Generating an SHA 1/128/256 hash; Implementing SHA and MD5 hashes together; Implementing SHA in a real-world scenario; Generating a Bcrypt hash; Cracking an MD5 hash; Encoding with Base64; Encoding with ROT13; Cracking a substitution cipher; Cracking the Atbash cipher; Attacking one-time pad reuse; Predicting a linear congruential generator ; Identifying hashes; Chapter 8: Payloads and Shells; Introduction; Extracting data through HTTP requests; Creating an HTTP C2…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
70445Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…A First C# ProgramCompilation; Syntax; Identifiers and Keywords; Literals, Punctuators, and Operators; Comments; Type Basics; Predefined Type Examples; Custom Type Examples; Conversions; Value Types Versus Reference Types; Predefined Type Taxonomy; Numeric Types; Numeric Literals; Numeric Conversions; Arithmetic Operators; Increment and Decrement Operators; Specialized Integral Operations; 8- and 16-Bit Integrals; Special Float and Double Values; double Versus decimal; Real-Number Rounding Errors; Boolean Type and Operators; Bool Conversions; Equality and Comparison Operators…”
Libro electrónico -
70446Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Setting Up the Lab and Introduction to Python ctypes; Setting up the Lab; Ubuntu; Python virtual environment (virtualenv); Introduction to Python ctypes; Working with Dynamic Link Libraries; C data types; Defining Unions and Structures; Summary; Chapter 2: Forensic Algorithms; Algorithms; MD5; SHA256; SSDEEP; Supporting the chain of custody; Creating hash sums of full disk images; Creating hash sums of directory trees; Real-world scenarios; Mobile Malware; NSRLquery…”
Libro electrónico -
70447Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Living with Immutable Data StructuresRecursion Instead of for/while; Function Composition Instead of Attribute Mutation; Cool Things to Do with Pure Functions; comp; memoize; Peg Thing; Playing; Code Organization; Creating the Board; Moving Pegs; Rendering and Printing the Board; Player Interaction; Summary; Exercises; Chapter 6: Organizing Your Project: A Librarian's Tale; Your Project as a Library; Storing Objects with def; Creating and Switching to Namespaces; refer; alias; Real Project Organization; The Relationship Between File Paths and Namespace Names; Requiring and Using Namespaces…”
Libro electrónico -
70448Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Wireless gateways versus Intelligent edge devices -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Real-World Environmental Monitoring -- Technical requirements -- Exploring wireless networks and protocols -- Standardizing your approach -- Data capture architecture -- Understanding gateway and network setup -- Setting up a TTN IoT gateway -- Setting up Milesight UG65 -- Configuring and deploying sensors -- Connecting the AM319 multi-sensor -- Collecting data in the cloud -- Cloud data ingestion -- Data transformation and storage layer -- Setting up a basic dashboard -- Putting the layers together -- Summary Part 2: IoT Integration for Industrial Protocols and Systems -- Chapter 5: OT and Industrial Control Systems -- Technical requirements -- Revisiting the basics of manufacturing -- Understanding industrial control systems -- Exploring PLCs -- History and evolution of PLCs -- Deconstructing PLCs -- PLC programming -- PLCs versus microcontrollers -- The industrial communication of the future -- PROFINET and OP CUA -- Single Pair Ethernet -- Advanced Physical Layer -- Time-Sensitive Networking -- Industrial 5G -- Mapping your integration strategy -- Differentiating OT cybersecurity from IT…”
Libro electrónico -
70449por Peter, HenryTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Corporate Purpose : How the Board of Directors can Achieve an Inclusive Corporate Governance Regime -- Social Enterprise: Conceptual Debates and Approaches -- Models and Trends of Social Enterprise Regulation in the European Union -- Social enterprises in the social cooperative form -- How social entrepreneurs create systemic change A comparative analysis of for-profit and non- profit models -- PART II: Benefit Corporations and B Corp Certification -- Benefit Corporations: Trends and Perspectives -- Behavioral Perspectives on B Corps -- B Lab and the process of certificating B Corps -- Introduction to the law of Benefit Corporations and other public purpose-driven companies -- Benefit Corporations and the Common Law Tradition -- Viability of non-recognized benefit corporations -- Real-World Lessons on Stakeholder Capitalism: How B Lab & B Corp movement catalyze change in society -- PART III: Purpose-Driven Companies: An International Overview -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Argentina -- The Failed Attempt to Enact Benefit Company Legislation in Australia and the Rise of B Corps -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Brazil: Projects for Corporate Qualification and Capital Market Regulation -- The suitability of Belgian Law to B-Corp -- B Corps, Benefit Corporations and socially oriented enterprises in Canada -- Purpose-driven companies and the projected legal system for benefit and collective interest companies in Chile -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in China -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Colombia -- Social Enterprises and B-Corps in Ecuador -- The suitability of French Law to B-Corp -- Social Purposes in German Corporate Law and Benefit Corporations in Germany -- Social Enterprises and Certified B Corporations in Hong Kong: Development, Key Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward -- B-Corps in India: A Sustainable Business Model -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Italy -- Corporations with Social Aims in the Japanese Legal System -- The suitability of Luxembourgish Law to B-Corp -- Certified B Corps in Mexico -- Benefit Corporations in the Peruvian legal ecosystem -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Portugal -- Finding space for the B-Corporation within the South African legal landscape -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in South-Korea -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Spain -- Social Enterprises and Benefit Corporations in Switzerland -- Social Enterprises in the Netherlands: Towards more institutional diversity? …”
Publicado 2023
Libro electrónico -
70450Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…The moral perils when positioning student entrepreneurs in real-life contexts: balancing the nature-nurture of educative live case experience -- Methods for Case Teaching in Entrepreneurship Education -- 9. …”
Libro electrónico -
70451Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Key Takeaways -- Chapter 5 How Hyperautomation Can Change the World -- Hyperautomation Swings a Mighty Axe -- Where There's Hyperautomation, There's Hyperdisruption -- It's the Internet of Things, but For Real This Time -- Key Takeaways -- Chapter 6 This Journey Has Been Personal -- Key Takeaways -- Part II Planning an Ecosystem of Intelligent Digital Workers -- Chapter 7 Learning the Terms -- Key Takeaways -- Chapter 8 The Dream vs. …”
Libro electrónico -
70452por Hoeller, PeterTabla de Contenidos: “…Eu antidumping initiations and real GDP growth""; ""Figure 5. Trade openness and specialisation""; ""Figure 6. …”
Publicado 1998
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70453Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
70454por Ambrosius, LeeTabla de Contenidos: “…Accessing Layer SettingsGrouping and Filtering Layers; Creating and Using Layer States; Creating and Managing Annotation Styles; Text Heights; Text Styles; Dimension Styles; Table Styles; Multileader Styles; Annotative Styles and Annotation Scaling; Defining and Managing Other Nongraphical Objects; Removing Unused Nongraphical Objects; Chapter 3: Building the Real World One Block at a Time; Defining and Editing a Block Definition; Defining a Block Definition; Editing a Block Definition; Using the Block Editor; Using and Managing Block Definitions; Inserting or Replacing a Block Reference…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
70455Publicado 2025Tabla de Contenidos: “…Increasing Your Anabolic Energy -- Limiting Beliefs -- Interpretations -- Assumptions -- Gremlins -- Strategies to Stop the Spiral -- Chapter 5 Alignment Fundraising Strategy -- The Layers of Alignment Fundraising -- Case Study: Hilary Wolkan -- Alignment Fundraising in Practice -- Understanding Your Funders -- Mapping Alignment -- You and Your Organization Have So Much Value (Beyond What You Think) -- Your Inventory of Assets -- Matching Funders and Assets -- Not All Money Is Created Equal -- Chapter 6 Building Connected Relationships -- Trust in Nonprofits -- Building Real Relationships -- Authenticity and Vulnerability -- Honesty and Dealing with Conflict Productively -- Connection in Practice -- Effective Engagement -- Reaching Out to Aligned Prospects -- The Myth of Donor Fatigue -- Preparing for Funder Meetings -- Making the Offer -- The Funder Says Yes, Now What? …”
Libro electrónico -
70456Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Model Maintenance -- How to Create a Stateful Model - Example -- Efficiency, Advantages, and Disadvantages -- Stateless and Stateful Together - Action-State Testing -- The Action-State Model -- Test Selection Criteria for Action-State Testing -- Creating Action-State Model -- Comparison with Stateful Modeling -- How a Real Bug Can Be Detected? -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Domain Testing -- Equivalence Partitioning -- Obtaining Partitions Without Partitioning -- Example: Price Calculation -- Equivalence Partitioning and Combinatorial Testing -- Domain Analysis -- Test Selection for Atomic Predicates -- Selecting Tests for Predicates Comprising Two Atomic Components -- Closed Borders -- One Open and One Closed Border -- Two Open Borders -- Other Cases -- Summary…”
Libro electrónico -
70457por Església Catòlica.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Francisco Armañá ... en la primera Junta General de la Sociedad, que despues de eregida en real aprobacion, se celebró el dia 10 de febrero de 1787…”
Publicado 1794
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991005369459706719 -
70458Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…: sobre la situación ecuménica un cuarto de siglo después de Ut unum sint / Kurt Koch -- De unitatis redintegratio at Ut unum sint / Antoni Matabosch -- La novedad de la encíclica Ut unum sint / Juan Usma Gómez -- Bekehrung mit und durch di Anderen : die Mission der Kirche im Licht von Ut unum sint und Fratelli tutti = Conversión con y por los otros : la misión de la Iglesia a la luz de Ut unum sint y Fratelli tutti / Margit Eckhol -- El camino espiritual de la encíclica Ut unum sint / Manuel Ángel Martínez Juan -- Ut unum sint e l'ecumenismo dei martiri = Ut unum sint y el ecumenismo de los mártires / Sergio Tanzarella -- Diálogo para la unidad en la legítima diversidad / Martín Gelabert Ballester -- 25 años de la encíclica Ut unum sint en España : recepción y desafíos / Rafael Vázquez Jiménez -- Unidad y unicidad de la Iglesia en el dinamismo de la comunión según Ut unum sint / Eloy Bueno de la Fuente -- La comprensión de los ministerios y la mediación eclesial en el diálogo ecuménico / Jorge A. Scampini -- Cambio real en el ministerio petrino : una propuesta valiente de Juan Pablo II / Fernando Rodríguez Garrapucho -- La via percorsa è giusta : il dialogo teologico con le Antiche chiese d'Oriente = El camino recorrido es justo : el diálogo teológico con las Antiguas iglesias de Oriente / Hyacinthe Destivelle -- Ut unum sint: une impulsion oecuménique pour les Églises de la Réforme = Ut unum sint: un impulso ecuménico para las Iglesias de la Reforma / Frédéric Chavel -- Ut unum sint and the challenge of shared primacies : an orthodox reflection = Ut unum sint y el desafío de las prmacías compartidas : una reflexión ortodoxa / Dimitrios Keramidas -- "Quanta est nobis via?" …”
991009747739406719 -
70459por Vergara Reina, RolandoTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- 3.2.3- Factores técnicos de actividad con influencia en la producción -- 3.3- Los factores naturales -- 3.4- Los factores técnicos de estructura -- IV- Desviaciones generales de la ganancia planificada -- 4.1- Los factores y las formas de influencia -- 4.1.1- Factores técnicos de actividad con influencia en los ingresos -- 4.1.2- Factores técnicos de actividad con influencia en los costos -- 4.1.3- Factores técnicos de actividad con influencia en la producción -- 4.1.4- Los factores naturales -- 4.1.5- Los factores técnicos de estructura -- 4.2- Las desviaciones de la ganancia planificada -- 4.2.1- Ganancia o pérdida para la producción técnicamente obtenible con la estructura idónea -- 4.2.2- Ganancia o pérdida para las condiciones idóneas de la estructura real…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
70460Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Asset Protection and Asset Protection TheoryQuestions; Unit I-4: Explaining Crime: Contemporary Criminological Theory; The Classical and Neoclassical Schools of Thought; The Positivist School of Thought; Other Explanations of Criminality; Criminological Theories in the Real World; References; Appendix: Quick Reference Theory Matrix; Quiz; Unit II: Human Resource Management; Unit II-1: Recruitment and Retention of Security Personnel: Understanding and Meeting the Challenge; Introduction; Recruitment; Internal Recruitment; External Recruitment; Turnover Costs…”
Libro electrónico