Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Primates 69
- hábitos y conducta 29
- Primats 21
- Església Catòlica 15
- Papes 13
- Primacia 12
- Evolución 11
- evolución 10
- History 9
- Història 9
- Hombre 9
- Hàbits i conducta 9
- Psicología comparada 9
- Research 9
- Brain 8
- Hombre prehistórico 8
- Laboratory animals 8
- -Primado 7
- Caridad 7
- Comunicación animal 7
- Etologia 7
- Evolución humana 7
- Origen 7
- Animal welfare 6
- Animales 6
- Animals 6
- Conducta (Psicologia) 6
- Evolució humana 6
- Historia 6
- Home 6
461por Fouts, Roger“…El autor enseñó este sistema de comunicación a Whasoe, una chimpancé que a su vez lo transmitió a su hijo adoptivo y lo hizo extensivo a toda una comunidad de primates…”
Publicado 1999
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462Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part III Pathogenesis, clinical disease, host response, and epidemiology: alphaherpes viruses VZVPart III Pathogenesis, clinical disease, host response, and epidemiology: betaherpesviruses; Part III HHV-6A, 6B, and 7; Part III Pathogenesis, clinical disease, host response, and epidemiology: gammaherpesviruses; Part IV Non-human primate herpesviruses; Part V Subversion of adaptive immunity; Part VI Antiviral therapy; Part VII Vaccines and immunotherapy; Part VIII Herpesviruses as Therapeutic Agents; Index…”
Libro electrónico -
463por National Research Council (U.S.)Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Standards of Veterinary Care for Laboratory Animals""""STATE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL MEDICINE AROUND THE WORLD""; ""A PATH FORWARD""; ""INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES FOR DISTRESS, PAIN, AND EUTHANASIA""; ""INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES FOR HUMANE ENDPOINTS""; ""Coordination of International Rodent Resources""; ""International Coordination of Nonhuman Primates""; ""Framing the Issues""; ""SUPPLY AND USE OF NHP AROUND THE WORLD""; ""CHALLENGES IN OUTSOURCING STUDIES""; ""Abbreviations""; ""Appendix A: Workshop Agenda""; ""Appendix B: Steering Committee Bios""…”
Publicado 2011
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464Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…We -- Assessment of Animal Housing Needs in the Research Setting Using a Peer-reviewed Literature Approach: Dogs and Cats--Graham Moore -- Housing for Captive Nonhuman Primates: The Balancing Act--Melinda Novak -- Assessment of Animal Housing Standards for Rabbits in a Research Setting--Markus Stauffacher and Vera Baumans…”
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465Publicado 2021“…Other chapters cover practical global conservation of primates, amphibians, bats, birds, forests, peatlands, subtidal benthic invertebrates, shrublands and heathlands, as well as the conservation of European farmland biodiversity and some aspects of enhancing natural pest control, enhancing soil fertility, management of captive animals and control of freshwater invasive species. …”
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466Publicado 2019“…The system has been field-tested on more than 500 individuals from cultures of five continents, including healthy adults and children as well as individuals with mental illness or brain damage, and further, on non-human primates. Following up on the first book on theoretical background of the NEUROGES® system, which was published in 2013, this book contains the complete coding manual for the application of the system in research including an interactive video learning tool with video examples of all NEUROGES® hand movement and gesture types, training videos, and a template file for the Multimedia Annotator ELAN…”
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467Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…; 4 Facial Expression, Emotion, and Hemispheric Organization; 5 Recognizing Emotions by Ear and by Eye; 6 The Enigma of the Amygdala: On Its Contribution to Human Emotion; 7 Cognitive-Emotional Interactions: Listen to the Brain; 8 The Role of the Amygdala in Primate Social Cognition; 9 Electrodermal Activity in Cognitive Neuroscience: Neuroanatomical and Neuropsychological Correlates…”
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468por Workshop on the Biodemography of Fertility and Family BehaviorTabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Preface -- Contents -- Tables and Figures -- 1 Biodemography of Fertility and Family Formation -- 2 Genetic Influences on Fertility: Strengths and Limitations of Quantitative Inferences -- 3 Education, Fertility, and Heritability: Explaining a Paradox -- 4 The Neural Basis of Pair Bonding in a Monogamous Species: A Model for Understanding the Biological Basis of Human Behavior -- 5 Hormonal Mediation of Physiological and Behavioral Processes That Influence Fertility -- 6 Intraspecific Variability in Fertility and Offspring Survival in a Nonhuman Primate: Behavioral Control of Ecological and Social Sources -- 7 An Evolutionary and Ecological Analysis of Human Fertility, Mating Patterns, and Parental Investment -- 8 Sexually Antagonistic Coevolution: Theory, Evidence, and Implications for Patterns of Human Mating and Fertility -- 9 Pubertal Maturation, Adrenarche, and the Onset of Reproduction in Human Males -- 10 Energetics, Sociality, and Human Reproduction: Life History Theory in Real Life -- 11 Evolutionary Biology and Rational Choice in Models of Fertility -- 12 Reflections on Demographic, Evolutionary, and Genetic Approaches to the Study of Human Reproductive Behavior -- Contributors and Other Workshop Participants -- Index…”
Publicado 2003
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469Professionalisierung für Digitale Bildung im Grundschulalter Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts P3DiGPublicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Vorwort: Inhaltliche Rahmung und Entstehung des Sammelbandes 7 -- Traugott Böttinger, Thomas Irion & Rudolf Kammerl -- Grundlagen -- Die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung schulischer Medienkonzepte als -- Gelingensbedingung digitalisierungsbezogener Schulentwicklungsprozesse 15 -- Johanna Schulze, Kerstin Drossel & Birgit Eickelmann -- Digitalisierung (in) der Lehrer:innenbildung - ein Blick auf -- Gelingensbedingungen entlang der Lehrer:innenbildungskette 31 -- Mandy Schiefner-Rohs -- Professionalisierung in der Lehrer:innenbildung für einen -- digital-inklusiven Unterricht 49 -- Traugott Böttinger & Lea Schulz -- Ergebnisse des Projekts P3 -- DiG -- Professionalisierung für das Primat des Pädagogischen in der Digitalen Grundbildung -- Projekteinführung und -überblick zum BMBF-Projekt "Grundsatzfragen und -- Gelingensbedingungen in der Professionalisierung von pädagogischen -- Akteur:innen für Kinder im Grundschulalter" (P3 -- DiG) 77 -- Thomas Irion, Rudolf Kammerl, Traugott Böttinger, Niels Brüggen, -- Andreas Dertinger, Sabine Martschinke, Marlen Niederberger, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, -- Melanie Stephan, Mareike Thumel & Carina Ziegler -- Digitale Bildung in der Grundschule -- Ergebnisse eines Gruppendelphi-Prozesses 113 -- Marlen Niederberger, Carina Ziegler, Thomas Irion & Ann-Kathrin Käfer -- Das Primat des Pädagogischen in der Professionalisierung für die Digitale -- Grundbildung in der Grundschule -- Zielsetzungen und Rahmenbedingungen in der zweiten Ausbildungsphase aus der -- Perspektive von Seminarlehrbeauftragten 139 -- Kristin Taust -- Individuelle Strategien bei Professionalisierungsprozessen für eine -- Digitale Grundbildung -- Eine Grounded-Theory-Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung von -- Lehramtsanwärter:innen in der zweiten Phase der Lehramtsausbildung 171 -- Thomas Irion, Carina Ziegler, Stefanie Nickel, Traugott Böttinger, -- Carolin Herle & Nina Autenrieth -- Bildung in der digitalen Welt außerschulisch -- Wissen über Haltungen und Bildungspraxis als Gelingensbedingungen für die -- Zusammenarbeit von außerschulischen und schulischen Partner:innen 195 -- Mareike Thumel, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger & Niels Brüggen -- Professionalisierung angehender Lehrkräfte für eine -- digitale Grundbildung im Primarbereich 217 -- Cindy Bärnreuther, Melanie Stephan, Mareike Thumel & Sabine Martschinke -- Professionalisierung für Digitale Bildung -- Ein Rahmenmodell zur Untersuchung der Kompetenzen angehender Lehrpersonen 235 -- Cindy Bärnreuther, Rudolf Kammerl, Melanie Stephan & Sabine Martschinke -- Einstellungen pädagogisch Tätiger als Stellschrauben -- "Digitaler Bildung" im Grundschulalter 251 -- Mareike Thumel, Melanie Stephan & Sabine Martschinke…”
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470Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Chapter 5: Audiovisual Integration in Nonhuman Primates: A Window into the Anatomy and Physiology of Cognition…”
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471Publicado 2012“…El lector podrá encontrar en este volumen breves presentaciones y revisiones en campos específicos tan relevantes como el pensamiento de los primates y su relación con el desarrollo cognitivo humano, la emergencia de la morfología y las estructuras verbales de hablantes españoles, la génesis de los conocimientos sobre la sociedad, la complejidad de las decisiones morales, la vigencia de las concepciones constructivistas en la educación, el cambio conceptual en historia o el desarrollo de las concepciones infantiles sobre el origen de las especies…”
Enlace del recurso
Electrónico -
472Publicado 2016“…Neurogenesis persists within the adult brain of both rodents and primates. As such, neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are found within distinct niches like the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. …”
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473Publicado 2019“…In regards to zoology, the book highlights endemic primates and reptiles. Additionally, the book presents other environmental issues relevant to conservation. …”
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474Publicado 2022“…In doing so, he sheds light on a history of relationships that continues to this day, whereby the intensity of this relationship between humans and primates has been redefined again and again over the centuries…”
Libro electrónico -
475Publicado 2005Tabla de Contenidos: “…Paul -- The law of the jungle : conflict resolution in primates / Frans B.M. de Waal -- Reflections on the future of life / E.O. …”
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
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476Publicado 2000Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- Contributors -- 1 Depression Seen through An Animal Model: An Expanded Hypothesis of Pathophysiology and Improved Models -- 2 Depression in Rodents and Humans: Commentary on Jay Weiss -- 3 The Regulation of Defensive Behaviors in Rhesus Monkeys: Implications for Understanding Anxiety Disorders -- 4 Adaptive and Maladaptive Fear-Related Behaviors: Implications for Psychopathology from Kalin's Primate Model -- 5 Affective Style, Mood, and Anxiety Disorders: An Affective Neuroscience Approach -- 6 Anterior Cerebral Asymmetry, Affect, and Psychopathology: Commentary on the Withdrawal-Approach Model -- 7 Cognitive Functioning in Depression: Nature and Origins -- 8 Cognitive Functioning in Depression: A Commentary -- 9 Mood, Personality, and Personality Disorder -- 10 Mood, Personality, and Personality Disorder: A Commentary -- 11 The Development of Empathy, Guilt, and Internalization of Distress: Implications for Gender Differences in Internalizing and Externalizing Problems -- 12 The Role of Emotion in the Development of Child Psychopathology: A Commentary on Zahn-Waxler -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- K -- L -- M -- N -- O -- P -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Y -- Z.…”
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477Publicado 2022“…Stanislas Dehaene, uno de los líderes mundiales en neurociencia cognitiva, desentraña esta inquietante paradoja y nos enseña cómo nuestro cerebro de primates logra traducir esos signos llamados letras en lenguaje. …”
Otros -
478Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quirk -- Neural bases of emotion regulation in nonhuman primates and humans / Richard J. Davidson, Andrew Fox, Ned H. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
479Publicado 2018“…These models or rather approaches seem to be fast, cost-effective, and easy to maintain compared to primates. This book is a collection of expert essays on animal models of human diseases of global interest. …”
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480Publicado 2014“…Proof of concept studies from Glaxo Smith Kline, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Merck have now consistently demonstrated the efficacy of dual OXR antagonists (DORAs) in promoting sleep in rodents, dogs, non-human primates and humans. Some of these antagonists have completed late stage clinical testing in primary insomnia. …”
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