Mostrando 6,221 - 6,240 Resultados de 6,282 Para Buscar '"platón"', tiempo de consulta: 0.10s Limitar resultados
  1. 6221
    Publicado 2011
    “…It blends biblical thought and Middle Platonism. David Winston thoroughly analyzes the book, presenting the philosophical situation clearly and putting forth evidence to suggest that the work was written later than is commonly supposed, during the reign of Caligula (A.D. 37-41), and by a single author. …”
  2. 6222
    por Clark, Elizabeth Ann, 1938-
    Publicado 1992
    “…And although orthodoxy was more narrowly defined by that era than during Origen's lifetime in the third century, his speculative, Platonizing theology was not the only issue at stake in the Origenist controversy: "Origen" became a code word for nontheological complaints as well. …”
  3. 6223
    Publicado 2023
    “…The co-editors of the volume are Jerzy Fiećko, one of the eminent experts in the field of Mickiewicz studies, and Mateusz Stróżyński, an internationally recognized scholar of the Platonic tradition and Western mysticism…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 6224
    por Cameron, Averil, 1940-
    Publicado 2014
    “…Some were philosophical, others more literary, theological, or Platonic; Aristotle also came into the picture as time went on. …”
  5. 6225
    por Juan Bautista de Mantua Beato
    Publicado 1490
  6. 6226
    Publicado 1467
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduçión por el doctor Pero Días de Toledo al muy ylustre e esclaresçido señor su syngular señor el príncipe don Enrique, primogénito en los reynos de Castilla e de León (h . 6 v.-7 v.) . Inc.: Platón, aquel grande maestro del escuela de los filósofos llamados estoycos (h . 6 v.) . 5 . …”
  7. 6227
    Publicado 2010
    “…Essays explore philosophical options for understanding normativity in the space between scientific naturalism and Platonic supernaturalism. They articulate a liberal conception of philosophy that is neither reducible to the sciences nor completely independent of them--yet one that maintains the right to call itself naturalism. …”
  8. 6228
    “…In quest'opera, frutto del più "maturo" pensiero di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, l'enfant prodige del Rinascimento in brevi capitoli di approfondita riflessione teoretica, cesellati con passaggi degni della prosa dei più ispirati mistici, tenta di gettare le basi della conciliazione tra la filosofia di Platone e quella di Aristotele, momento aurorale del suo vagheggiato progetto di riunificazione del sapere universale. …”
  9. 6229
    por Cleary, John J., 1949-2009
    Publicado 1988
    “…Cleary contends that one of the most revealing problems for the ambiguity of Aristotle’s relationship to Platonism is that of the ontological status of mathematical objects. …”
  10. 6230
    por Paulson, Ronald, 1930-2024
    Publicado 2019
    “…William Hogarth, reacting against Shaftesbury's "disinterestedness," replaced his Platonic abstractions with an aesthetics centered on the human body, gendered female, and based on an epistemology of curiosity, pursuit, and seduction. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 6231
    por Bachmann, Viktoria
    Publicado 2013
    “…Die sokratische Prüfung in Platons Tugenddialogen eröffnet eine nichtskeptische Alternative jenseits dieser Dichotomie…”
  12. 6232
    Publicado 2020
    “…Presentación del editor: "This new critical edition aims to provide a new standard text of Apuleius' De Deo Socratis, De Platone et eius dogmate, and De mundo, allowing readers to get closer than ever before to the philosophical writings of the renowned orator, extraordinary prose stylist, and Platonist philosopher. …”
  13. 6233
    Publicado 2016
    “…Griego para Universitarios trata de aportar a los estudiantes del Griego Antiguo un instrumento suficiente para comprender y reflexionar sobre la lengua de Homero, Pindaro, Sófocles, Platón, Jenofonte y también la del Nuevo Testamento. …”
  14. 6234
    por Kromer, Ralf
    Publicado 2007
    “…The philosophical position developed here (inspired by Peircean pragmatism and Wittgenstein) is an interesting alternative to traditional approaches in philosophy of mathematics like platonism, formalism and intuitionism…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 6235
    por Cojocaru, Mara-Daria
    Publicado 2014
    “…Durch eine kritische Rekonstruktion der Geschichte von der »guten Stadt« anhand klassischer sowie zeitgenössischer Beiträge - von Platons Kallipolis bis zu von Borries' Klimakapseln - zeigt Mara-Daria Cojocaru, wie ein gewisser Rest-Utopismus das gesellschaftliche Handeln in den Städten begleiten kann. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 6236
    Publicado 2005
    “…Ética para todos se enfrenta a estos dilemas rastreando las argumentaciones de grandes pensadores morales de la talla de Sócrates, Platón, Aristóteles, Hobbes y Kant, sin olvidar a los críticos posmodernos…”
  17. 6237
    por Duzi, Marie
    Publicado 2010
    “…Such procedures are rigorously defined as so-called constructions residing in a platonic realm. The semantics is tailored to the hardest case, as constituted by hyperintensional contexts, and generalized from there to intensional and extensional contexts. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 6238
    Publicado 2022
    “…L’autore ci accompagna in un excursus vertiginoso ed erudito che va da Platone al Medioevo, da Leonardo da Vinci al Faust di Goethe, dalla divina proportio all’armonia di Giotto, per spiegare perché la bellezza porta con sé non solo un aspetto estetico, ma anche un imprescindibile valore etico. …”
  19. 6239
    por Muñoz Redón, Josep, 1957-
    Publicado 2012
    “…Vendrán en nuestra ayuda sabios de todas las épocas, desde Epicuro hasta Deleuze, pasando por Barthes, Heidegger, Russell, Platón, Fromm, Thoreau o Eugeni d’Ors, por poner sólo algunos ejemplos…”
  20. 6240
    por Ronchi, Rocco, 1957-
    Publicado 2015
    “…Ci mostra come la forza innovativa di questo pensiero nomade ed enigmatico coincida in realtà con la sua piena appartenenza a una linea che discende direttamente da Platone, passa attraverso Plotino e Cusano, arriva a Spinoza, Nietzsche, Bergson, Whitehead. …”