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  1. 32841
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Copyright -- Credits -- About the Author -- Acknowledgments -- About the Author -- About the Reviewer -- -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Getting Started with Tableau Public -- A Tableau Public overview -- Telling your story with Tableau Public -- Installing Tableau Public -- Exploring Tableau Public -- Connecting to data -- Opening files and creating your profile -- Discover -- Exploring the visualizations of other authors -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Tableau Public Interface Features -- Touring the Tableau Public user interface -- The side bar -- The Data pane -- Visual cues -- The Analytics pane -- Menus and toolbars -- Canvas and Column/Row shelves -- Using the Columns and Rows shelves -- Using the Marks card -- The Filters and Pages shelves -- The workspace control tabs of Tableau Public -- The Show Me tool -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Connecting to Data -- Public data -- Tables and databases -- The data sources that Tableau Public connects to -- The databases, tables, dimensions, facts, field formats and conventions -- Connecting to the data in Tableau Public -- The data source user interface -- Using the data interpreter -- Pivoting data -- Filtering data sources -- Joining tables -- Connecting to web-based data sources -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Visualization - Tips and Types -- An overview of the development lifecycle -- Ten visualization tips -- The perception of visual clues -- Using the Show Me tool to create charts -- Answering questions using Show Me chart types -- About dimensions and measures -- Continuous and discrete dimensions and measures -- Selecting aggregation types for measures -- Swapping and sorting -- Types of visualization -- Line graphs -- Continuous versus discrete date-time elements -- Tables -- Bar charts -- Geographic maps -- Scatter plots -- Pie charts -- Using groups and sets…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 32842
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; About This Book; Foolish Assumptions; Icons Used in This Book; Beyond the Book; Where to Go from Here; Part I Getting Started with Blender; Chapter 1 Discovering Blender; Getting to Know Blender; Discovering Blender's origins and the strength of the Blender community; Making open movies and games; Getting to Know the Interface; Working with an interface that stays out of your way; Resizing areas; Maximizing an area; The menu that is a pie; Chapter 2 Understanding How Blender Thinks; Looking at Editor Types; General editors…”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 32843
    Publicado 1980
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Quién es Juan Pablo II : un hombre al servicio de los hombres: Nacido al pie de los montes -- De Wadowice a Cracovia -- El ejército nazi invade Polonia -- Cracovia ocupada -- Karol Wojtyla será sacerdote -- Los Papas de la vida de Wojtyla -- Karol Wojtyla canta misa -- El mundo después de la guerra mundial -- La tesis doctoral y el nuncio Roncalli -- El padre Wojtyla tras el telón de acero -- El padre Karol, cura de pueblo y coadjutor en la capital -- "Tío Karol", un cura de vanguardia -- Don Karol destinado a profesor -- Wojtyla profesor, y obispo en la "Iglesia del silencio" -- Hungría y Polonia luchan por la libertad -- Los tiempos del Papa Roncalli -- Karol, arzobispo de Cracovia; y Montini, arzobispo de Milán -- El arzobispo Wojtyla en el Concilio -- Las batallas del cardenal Wojtyla…”
  4. 32844
    por Hacking, Xavier
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adding a line chart to your dashboardUsing the bullet chart; Using sparklines; Using the combination chart; Using the pie chart; Using the XY chart; Using the bubble chart; Using the radar chart; Using the OHLC chart and candlestick chart; Sorting series; Zooming in on charts; Scaling the y-axis; Using the tree map; Showing a trend without a chart; Displaying raw data; Illustrating single values; Chapter 3: From a Static to an Interactive Dashboard; Introduction; Drilling down from a chart; Selecting your data from a list; Using the Filter Selector component for hierarchies…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 32845
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The closing phaseDetermining the needs; Gathering business requirements; The sales by state analysis; The sales trend analysis; The sales and quantity per product analysis; Determining the target audience and devices; Sketching our dashboard; Building the prototype; Dashboard creation process; Preparing the dashboard workspace; Summary; Chapter 3: UI Components; Before we start; Preferences; The Document tab; Grid tab; Excel options; Document properties; Adding our first chart component (pie chart); Linking chart with data; Configuring the main chart properties; Introducing other chart types…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 32846
    por Schmuller, Joseph
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Capabilities; Becoming a Columnist; Slicing the Pie; Drawing the Line; Adding a Spark; Passing the Bar; The Plot Thickens; Finding Another Use for the Scatter Chart; Power View!…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 32847
    por Griffiths, Dawn
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; A tale of two charts; Manic Mango needs some charts; The humble pie chart; Chart failure; Bar charts can allow for more accuracy; Vertical bar charts…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 32848
    Publicado 2009
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Some Fundamentals; Excel's Graphics Capabilities; Becoming a Columnist; Slicing the Pie; Drawing the Line; Passing the Bar; The Plot Thickens; Chapter 4: Finding Your Center; Means: The Lore of Averages; Medians: Caught in the Middle; Statistics À La Mode; Chapter 5: Deviating from the Average; Measuring Variation…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 32849
    por Dewson, Robin
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Error and Usage Report SettingsSecurity; Services Accounts; Looking at the Authentication Mode; Windows Authentication Mode; Mixed Mode; The sa Login; Summary; CHAPTER 2 SQL Server Management Studio; A Quick Overview of SSMS; Query Editor; Summary; CHAPTER 3 Database Design and Creation; Defining a Database; Prebuilt Databases Within SQL Server; master; tempdb; model; msdb; AdventureWorks/AdventureWorksDW; Choosing the Database System Type; OLTP; Backups; Indexes; OLAP; Exam pIe System Choice; Gathering the Data; Determining the Information to Store in the Database; Financial Products…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 32850
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Visualizing proportions using pie chartsVisualizing relationships using scatter plots; Visualizing hierarchical relationships using treemaps; Key Spotfire concept - filters; Enhancing tabular presentations using graphical tables; Summary; Chapter 3: Analyze That!…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 32851
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Identifying the top-referring websitesCharting web page response codes; Displaying web page response time statistics; Listing the top viewed products; Charting the application's functional performance; Charting the application's memory usage; Counting the total number of database connections; Summary; Chapter 3: Dashboards and Visualizations - Make Data Shine; Introduction; Creating an Operational Intelligence dashboard; Using a pie chart to show the most accessed web pages; Displaying the unique number of visitors; Using a gauge to display the number of errors…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 32852
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Validation rulesSummary; Chapter 3: Reports and Dashboards; The report builder; Tabular reports; Report builder components; Data visibility in reports; The Date Field filter; Summary reports; PARENTGROUPVAL; PREVGROUPVAL; Matrix reports; Joined reports; Dashboards; Bar charts; Line charts; Pie charts; Donut charts; Funnel charts; Scatter charts; Metric charts; Procedure for conditional highlighting; Analytic snapshots; Report types; Folders; Summary; Chapter 4: Record-level Access, Security, and Audit Features; Organization-wide sharing defaults; User Visibility Settings…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 32853
    por Murray, Dan
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Maps (Symbol and Filled)Heat Maps, Highlight Tables, Tree maps; Bar Chart, Stacked Bar, Side-by-Side Bars; Line Charts For Time Series Analysis; Area Fill Charts and Pie Charts; Scatter Plot, Circle View, and Side-by-Side Circle Plots; Bullet Graph, Packed Bubble, Histogram, and Gantt Charts; Trend Lines and Reference Lines; Adding Trendlines and Reference Lines to Your Charts; Trend Lines; Reference Lines; Why the Concept of Scope is Important; Changing the Scope of Trend Lines; Sorting Data in Tableau; Manual Sorting via Icons; Calculated Sorts Using the Sort Menu…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 32854
    por Rowell, Eric
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Working with canvas mouse coordinatesAttaching mouse event listeners to regions; Attaching touch event listeners to regions on a mobile device; Attaching event listeners to images; Dragging-and-dropping shapes; Dragging-and-dropping images; Creating an image magnifier; Creating a drawing application; Chapter 7: Creating Graphs and Charts; Introduction; Creating a pie chart; Creating a bar chart; Graphing equations; Plotting data points with a line chart; Chapter 8: Saving the World with Game Development; Introduction; Creating sprite sheets for the heroes and enemies…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 32855
    por Lima (Archidiócesis)
    Publicado 1754
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…., con port . propia con pie: Reimpresas en Lima enla Plazuela de San Christoval año de 1754 . …”
    Acceso a copia facsímil electrónica
  16. 32856
    por Salazar y Castro, Luis de
    Publicado 1751
    Tabla de Contenidos: “….-365 r.) . Inc.: Señor . A los pies de V.M . se pone el Duque de Arcos, con la noticia (h . 356 r.) . 5 . …”
  17. 32857
  18. 32858
    Publicado 2023
    “…La educación en el uso de los medios de comunicación, más que enseñar algo acerca de las técnicas, ayuda a la gente a formarse criterios de buen gusto y juicios morales verdaderos, que constituyen un aspecto de la formación de la conciencia". Tomando pie de esta recomendación y partiendo de la teología subyacente en el fenómeno de la comunicación social, se continúa abordando su ordenación al servicio al bien común de las personas y de la sociedad, sin distorsionar la verdad, la libertad y la justicia. …”
  19. 32859
  20. 32860