Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 451
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 313
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 303
9801por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Structure and governance of the education system; 2. Performance of the education system; 3. Strategies to reduce early school-leaving and to deal with drop-outs; 4. …”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
9802por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Technology Transfer Structures and Public Research Organisations -- Regulatory Regime Governing Management of Intellectual Property of Korean Public Research Organisations -- Development of a Policy to Ensure the Sharing of Unique Biomedical Research Resources in the Research Community -- Trends in Patenting and Licensing across OECD Countries -- Intellectual Property in the German Biotechnology Sector -- Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Intellectual Property at Public Research Organisatons -- Executive Summary -- Trends in ICT World and the Impact on IPR -- IP-based Spin-offs of Public Research Organisations in the Dutch Life Sciences and ICT Sectors -- Legal Regulation of Protection and Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Created by Russian Public Research Organisations -- Changing IPR Regulations for Researchers in Denmark -- French Technology Transfer and IP Policies -- Policy on Title to Intellectual Property under Crown Procurement Contracts in Canada -- The Evolution of Knowledge Management Strategies in PROs -- Management of Intellectual Assets by German Public Research Organisations -- University Technology Transfer in Switzerland Organisation, Legal Framework, Policy and Performance -- Introduction and Overview…”
Publicado 2003
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9803Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter 1 Inhalt 5 Tanz - Diversität - Inklusion 7 Inklusive Tanzdidaktik und -methodik für den Schulsport 19 Eine inklusive Lesart von Ohad Naharins Gaga Movement Language 31 Devising Dance Performance with adults with learning disabilities 43 Inklusive Tanzerfahrungen als Beitrag zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung 61 Tanz im Kontext Migrationsgesellschaft 73 Die Einzigartigkeit im Alter 83 Tanzpraktische Qualitäten von Teilhabe in Vermittlungskontexten 97 Queere Körperbilder des Voguing 111 Kultur- und Bildungsverein »Ich bin O.K.« 123 Teilhabe im Tanz 135 Un-Label - Neue inklusive Wege für die darstellenden Künste 157 Die Verhältnisse zum Tanzen bringen 167 Multifil identity 181 Heterogenität & Inklusion 191 Angewandte Polyästhetik in der Kunst der Inklusion 205 tanzfähig - Unterwegs zu einer Ästhetik der Differenz 219 Biografien 233…”
Libro electrónico -
9804por Drewitt, TonyTabla de Contenidos: “…7 Support - establishing a range of resources that underpin the BCMS, including:Awareness; 8 Operation - planning and implementing processes that deliver:; Business impact analysis; Business continuity strategy; Business continuity planning; What the BCP should include; Exercising; 9 Performance Evaluation - determining and documenting arrangements for:; 10 Improvement - establishing procedures for:; Assurance; CHAPTER 5: CERTIFICATION; CHAPTER 6: TERMINOLOGY; ITG RESOURCES; Other Websites; Toolkits; Training Services; Professional Services and Consultancy; Publishing Services; Newsletter…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
9805Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: Language -- Chapter 1: Values, Types, and Operators -- Chapter 2: Program Structure -- Chapter 3: Functions -- Chapter 4: Data Structures: Objects and Arrays -- Chapter 5: Higher-Order Functions -- Chapter 6: The Secret Life of Objects -- Chapter 7: Project: A Robot -- Chapter 8: Bugs and Errors -- Chapter 9: Regular Expressions -- Chapter 10: Modules -- Chapter 11: Asynchronous Programming -- Chapter 12: Project: A Programming Language -- Part II: Browser -- Chapter 13: JavaScript and the Browser -- Chapter 14: The Document Object Model -- Chapter 15: Handling Events -- Chapter 16: Project: A Platform Game -- Chapter 17: Drawing on Canvas -- Chapter 18: HTTP and Forms -- Chapter 19: Project: A Pixel Art Editor -- Part III: Node -- Chapter 20: Node.js -- Chapter 21: Project: Skill-Sharing Website -- Chapter 22: JavaScript and Performance -- Exercise Hints -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
9806Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Discovering the paralegal profession -- Membership has its privileges : paralegal associations and their certification exams -- The hunt is on : securing a paralegal position -- "All rise" : the American judicial system -- The big three : categories of law -- Taking a case to trial : the litigation process -- How it's done : important rules of civil procedure and evidence -- Because I said so : the categories of legal authority -- The substantive law areas most commonly practiced by paralegals -- The paper chase : preparing documents -- Elementary my dear Watson : legal investigation -- Chewing the fat : legal interviewing -- Burning the midnight oil : legal research -- Where the rubber hits the road : trial performance -- The official word : ethical codes for legal professionals -- Presenting a clear, concise legal writing style -- Using technology in law -- Law office management 101 -- The ten most important rules of ethics -- Ten things every paralegal should know -- Ten survival tips to thrive in the legal environment…”
Libro electrónico -
9807Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…From prototype to production -- Chapter 8. High-performance stylesheets -- Part 4. Advanced Sass and Compass -- Chapter 9. …”
Libro electrónico -
9808Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Degradation Assessment of Natural Stone Claddings over Their Service Life: Comparison between Tehran (Iran) and Lisbon (Portugal) -- Most Frequent Problems of Building Structures of Urban Apartment Buildings from 2nd Half of 19th Century and the Start of 20th Century -- Critical Analysis about Emerging Technologies for Building's Fac ̧ade Inspection -- Microclimate of Air Cavities in Ventilated Roof and Fac ̧ade Systems in Nordic Climates -- Structural Performance Assessment of Innovative Hollow Cellular Panels for Modular Flooring System -- Insurance Policies for Condition-Based Maintenance Plans of ETICS -- Integrated Building Maintenance and Safety Framework: Educational and Public Facilities Case Study…”
Libro electrónico -
9809Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…U.S. presidential candidates, COVID-19, and social issues on Instagram -- 8 A fringe mainstreamed, or tracing antagonistic slang between 4chan and Breitbart before and after Trump -- 9 Political TikTok . Playful performance, ambivalent critique and event-commentary -- Afterword: The misinformation problem and the deplatforming debates -- Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
9810Practical Business Analytics Using R and Python Solve Business Problems Using a Data-driven ApproachPublicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Section 1: Introduction to Analytics -- Chapter 1: Business Analytics Revolution -- Chapter 2: Foundations of Business Analytics -- Chapter 3: Structured Query Language (SQL) Analytics -- Chapter 4: Business Analytics Process -- Chapter 5: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) -- Chapter 6: Evaluating Analytics Model Performance -- Section II: Supervised Learning and Predictive Analytics -- Chapter 7: Simple Linear Regressions -- Chapter 8: Multiple Linear Regressions -- Chapter 9: Classification -- Chapter 10: Neural Networks -- Chapter 11: Logistic Regression -- Section III: Time Series Models -- Chapter 12: Time Series – Forecasting -- Section IV: Unsupervised Model and Text Mining -- Chapter 13: Cluster Analysis -- Chapter 14: Relationship Data Mining -- Chapter 15: Mining Text and Text Analytics -- Chapter 16: Big Data and Big Data Analytics -- Section V: Business Analytics Tools -- Chapter 17: R programming for Analytics -- Chapter 18: Python Programming for Analytics…”
Libro electrónico -
9811por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Effectiveness of Voluntary Agreements: Results of the Second Follow-up to the Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment """"PART II: DRIVERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION AND INNOVATION POLICIES FOR ENHANCING ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE ""; ""Chapter 7. Sustainable Innovation: Drivers and Barriers ""; ""Chapter 8. …”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
9812por Cao, YimingTabla de Contenidos: “…Examining junior high school students’ collaborative knowledge building based on the comparison of high & low performance groups’ mathematical problem-solving -- Chapter 2. …”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
9813por Marenzi, IvanaTabla de Contenidos: “…Effect of Unknown and Fragmented Tokens on the Performance of Multilingual Language Models at Low-resource Tasks -- Part II: Event-centric Multilingual Knowledge Technologies -- 6. …”
Publicado 2025
Libro electrónico -
9814por Ortega Delgado, Ma. LuisaTabla de Contenidos: “…previamente sometido a podas o sequía en vivero -- Resumen -- Palabras clave: -- Introducción -- Abstract -- Key words -- Introduction -- Materiales y métodos -- Ubicación del experimento -- Material vegetal y manejo -- Materials and methods -- Locations of field trials -- Seedling material and cultural practices -- Field performance traits -- Variables evaluadas en el campo -- Análisis estadístico -- Statistical analysis -- Results and discussion -- Seedling mortality -- Resultados y discusión -- Porcentaje de mortandad -- Acumulación de biomasa -- Tasas instantáneas de asimilación neta de CO2 -- Biomass accumulation -- Instantaneous net CO assimilation rates -- Contenido de azúcares solubles y almidón -- Conclusiones -- Soluble sugars and starch content -- Literatura citada -- Conclusions…”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
9815Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Brilliant Presentation -- Contents -- About the author -- Author's acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Part 1 Changes in expectations -- Changes, technology, the media and you -- This is your career we're talking about -- Really understanding your audience -- Part 2 Knowing yourself helps you improve -- Fear - how to understand and control it -- The five levels of mastering presenting -- Part 3 The presenter's toolkit -- The context of the presentation -- How to write a brilliant story -- How to give your story colour -- How to illustrate your presentation -- Giving a brilliant performance -- Part 4 How technology and technique impacts on presentations -- Technology is here to make us more powerful -- Technique: learning from the best - the X Factor -- Part 5 How to become brilliant - pulling it all together -- Moving from good to brilliant -- So you've made it - brilliant, well done! …”
Libro electrónico -
9816Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- Work -- Gender -- Colonialism -- Death -- Subversive Walks -- Pedestrian Performance -- Digressive Literature -- Walking in Games -- 2. …”
Libro electrónico -
9817por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…What is the Newcastle city region?; 2.3. Economic performance of the region; 2.4. Major assets; 2.5. Conclusion: building a strategic region of Newcastle; CHAPTER 3. …”
Publicado 2006
Libro electrónico -
9818por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…Health-care reform: Challenges for the next phase; Health-system performance; The fiscal sustainability challenge; The clinical sustainability challenge; Incentives for efficient health care choices ("value for money"); Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
9819Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Kazuyori Ito -- The governance of global issues through regionalism / Isidro Morales -- Financial sector development in Latin America and East Asia / Barbara Stallings -- Restructuring the financial and corporate sector / Choong Yong Ahn -- Economic performance, crisis, and institutional reforms in East Asia and Latin America / Akira Suehiro -- Business groups as an organizational device for economic catch-up / Keun Lee -- Will inward internationalization foster economic development in Latin America? …”
Libro electrónico -
9820por Kreines, David C.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Elements of SQL Naming in SQL Schema Objects Datatypes Data Conversion Relational Operators Structure of a SQL Statement SQL Statements Data Definition Statements SQL DDL Statements by Task SQL Statement Syntax Data Manipulation and Control Statements SQL DML and Control Statements by Task SQL Statement Syntax Common SQL Elements SQL Functions Aggregate Functions Numeric Functions Character Functions Date Functions Conversion Functions Other Functions SQL*Plus Command-Line Syntax SQL*Plus Editing Commands Formatting SQL*Plus Output Miscellaneous SQL*Plus Commands SQL*Plus Variables and Related Commands SQL*Plus System Variables PL/SQL Structure of PL/SQL Block Header Declaration Section Execution Section Exception Section Procedures and Packages Triggers SQL Statement Tuning Using EXPLAIN PLAN Using Oracle's SQL Trace Facility SQL*Plus Tuning Aids Improving Query Performance…”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico