Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 451
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 313
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 303
9101por Euchner, James A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Preface: Why this bookAcknowledgementsAbout the AuthorChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Lean Startup in a NutshellChapter 3: What0́9s Different in Large OrganizationsChapter 4: Containing the Chaos: The Innovation Stage-GateChapter 5: Working with the Performance Engine: Graduated EngagementChapter 6: Achieving Strategic Alignment: Asset-Based Opportunity SpacesChapter 7: Introducing a New Business Model: The Business Model PyramidChapter 8: Organizing for Growth: The Separate-but-Connected ModelChapter 9: Making the Bet to Win: Ambidextrous LeadershipChapter 10: Yes0́Œ AND: A Summary of PracticesReferences…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
9102Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contributors -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: PostgreSQL 13 Overview -- Chapter 2: Understanding Transactions and Locking -- Chapter 3: Making Use of Indexes -- Chapter 4: Handling Advanced SQL -- Chapter 5: Log Files and System Statistics -- Chapter 6: Optimizing Queries for Good Performance -- Chapter 7: Writing Stored Procedures -- Chapter 8: Managing PostgreSQL Security -- Chapter 9: Handling Backup and Recovery -- Chapter 10: Making Sense of Backups and Replication -- Chapter 11: Deciding on Useful Extensions -- Chapter 12: Troubleshooting PostgreSQL -- Chapter 13: Migrating to PostgreSQL -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
9103por Lawler, Edward E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Management Reset: Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface: From Change to Sustainable Effectiveness -- 1: Time for a Reset -- 2: Sustainable Management -- Part One: The Way Value Is Created -- 3: Strategies for Sustainable Effectiveness -- 4: Developing a Strategy -- Part Two: The Way Work Is Organized -- 5: Board Governance -- 6: Structures for Sustainable Effectiveness -- 7: Sustainable Work Systems -- Part Three: The Way People Are Treated -- 8: Managing Performance -- 9: Reward Systems -- 10: Managing Talent -- Part Four: The Way Behavior Is Guided -- 11: Leading, Managing, and Following -- 12: Transforming to Sustainable Management -- Notes -- Acknowledgments -- The Authors -- Index…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
9104Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents Installing RHEL8 RHEL8 Advanced Installation Options Basic Commands and Simple Shell Scripts Tools for Regular Operations Securing Systems with Users, Groups, and Permissions Enabling Network Connectivity Adding, Patching, and Managing Software Administering Systems Remotely Securing Network Connectivity with firewalld Keeping Your System Hardened with SELinux System Security Profiles with OpenSCAP Managing Local Storage and Filesystems Flexible Storage Management with LVM Advanced Storage Management with Stratis and VDO Understanding the Boot Process Kernel Tuning and Managing Performance Profiles with tuned Managing Containers with Podman, Buildah, and Skopeo Practice Exercises – 1 Practice Exercise – 2.…”
Libro electrónico -
9105Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents Getting RHEL Up and Running RHEL 9 Advanced Installation Options Basic Commands and Simple Shell Scripts Tools for Regular Operations Securing Systems with Users, Groups, and Permissions Enabling Network Connectivity Adding, Patching, and Managing Software Administering Systems Remotely Securing Network Connectivity with firewalld Keeping Your System Hardened with SELinux System Security Profiles with OpenSCAP Managing Local Storage and Filesystems Flexible Storage Management with LVM Advanced Storage Management with Stratis and VDO Understanding the Boot Process Kernel Tuning and Managing Performance Profiles with tuned Managing Containers with Podman, Buildah, and Skopeo Practice Exercises – 1 Practice Exercises – 2.…”
Libro electrónico -
9106por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Executive summary -- United States: Guidance on framework agreements -- Snapshot of the use of framework agreements in Chile -- Foreword and acknowledgements -- United Kingdom: Stakeholder involvement in tender design -- Enhancing competition to maximise the benefits of framework agreements -- Strategies for implementing collaborative procurement instruments in Chile -- Finland: Template of feasibility studies for the implementation of framework agreements -- An action plan to develop the way forward -- Strategic practices for the effective use of framework agreements in Chile -- Effective management for a better performance of framework agreements in Chile -- New Zealand: Procurement capability index -- Italy: Call for tender structure -- Australia: Raising supplier awareness of tendering processes -- France: Volume consolidation and number of awarded suppliers…”
Publicado 2017
Libro electrónico -
9107por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…The budget reform system (RSP); Annex IV. Performance evaluation systems and incentive schemes for public sector employees; Annex V. …”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
9108por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Turquie -- Danemark -- Allemagne -- Canada -- Suisse -- Corée -- États-Unis -- Fonds de réserve pour les retraites des régimes publics -- Finlande -- Indicateurs de performance des systèmes de pension privés -- Espagne -- Descriptifs des régimes de retraite des pays de l'OCDE -- Hongrie -- Grèce -- France -- Italie -- Irlande -- Islande -- Luxembourg -- Mexique -- Japon -- Nouvelle-Zélande -- Pays-Bas -- Norvège -- Guide du lecteur -- Australie -- République slovaque -- Rôle et typologie des systèmes de pension privés -- Pologne -- Principaux indicateurs des fonds de pension -- Portugal -- Belgique -- Royaume-Uni -- Suède -- Dossier spécial -- République tchèque -- Introduction -- Autriche…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
9109por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Energy Policy and the Environment: Responding to the Threat of Climate Change -- Public Administration Reform: Improving the Performance of the Public Sector -- E-government: Using Technical Progress to Improve Public Service Delivery -- Innovation: Fostering Rapid Productivity Growth -- Employment and Social Policies: Making Formal Employment More Attractive -- SME Promotion: Increasing Competitiveness and Fostering Successful Entrepreneurship -- Education Reform: Improving Human Capital Formation -- Fiscal Policy: Deficit Reduction and Making Taxes and Expenditure More Growth Friendly -- Pension Reform: Providing Old-Age Income Security in the Face of Population Ageing -- Healthcare Reform: Improving Efficiency and Quality of Care -- Overview: Reforms for Stability and Sustainable Growth…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
9110por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Principales caractéristiques du secteur pharmaceutique des pays de l'OCDE -- Conclusions -- Impact des politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur l'innovation pharmaceutique -- Impact des politiques nationales de prix et de remboursement sur les prix et la disponibilité des médicaments dans d'autres pays -- Impact des politiques de prix pharmaceutiques sur les performances obtenues au regard des objectifs de la politique de santé -- Prix et remboursement des produits pharmaceutiques dans le contexte plus large de la politique pharmaceutique -- L'industrie pharmaceutique et ses activités…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
9111por Glen, Paul, 1965-Tabla de Contenidos: “…The Nature of Geekwork; 5. Performing Geekwork; Part Two: The Content of Geek Leadership; 6. …”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
9112por Vohra, Deepak. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Defining the row keys for optimal read performance and Locality -- 16. The HBaseAdmin Class -- 17. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
9113por Alapati, Sam R. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Maintaining, Monitoring, Tuning, and Securing Apache Cassandra -- 9: Maintaining Cassandra -- 10: Monitoring, Logging, and Metrics -- 11: Tuning Cassandra Performance.-. 12: Securing Cassandra…”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
9114Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Storytelling and Facilitating Performance -- 3. Shaping Your Stories -- Part 2: Selecting and Shaping Stories That Teach -- 4. …”
Libro electrónico -
9115Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Testing Redux applications -- Chapter 10. Performance -- Chapter 11. Structuring Redux code -- Chapter 12. …”
Libro electrónico -
9116Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; About the Editor; Contributors; Chapter 1: The Value of Business Analytics; Chapter 2: Producing Insights from Information through Analytics; Chapter 3: Executive/Performance Dashboards; Chapter 4: Data Mining: Helping to Make Sense of Big Data; Chapter 5: Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence; Chapter 6: Text Mining Fundamentals; Chapter 7: Neural Network Fundamentals; Chapter 8: Measuring Success in Social Media: An Information Strategy in a Data Obese World; Chapter 9: The Legal and Privacy Implications of Data Mining…”
Libro electrónico -
9117Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Cover; Contents; Preface; About the Translator; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Basic R Packages; Chapter 2: Basic Packages of Time Series; Chapter 3: Performance Monitoring Packages of R; Chapter 4: Cross-Platform Communication of R; Chapter 5: Server Implementation of R; Chapter 6: Database and NoSQL; Chapter 7: RHadoop; Appendix A: Installation of Java Environment; Appendix B: Installation of MySQL; Appendix C: Installation of Redis; Appendix D: Installation of MongoDB; Appendix E: Installation of Cassandra; Appendix F: Installation of Hadoop…”
Libro electrónico -
9118Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editor vii -- Preface to "Old English Poetry and Its Legacy" ix -- Objects That Object, Subjects That Subvert: Agency in Exeter Book Riddle 5 1 -- The Manuscripts of Solomon and Saturn: CCCC 41, CCCC 422, BL Cotton Vitellius A.xv 11 -- An Unseen Eighth Rune: Runic Legacy and Multiliteral Performativity in Cynewulf's The Fates of the Apostles 25 -- Wyrd Poetics: Collapsing Timescapes and Untimely Desires in The Ruin 37 -- Rereading The Wife's Lament with Dido of Carthage: The Husband and the Herheard 49 -- Old English Enigmatic Poems and Their Reception in Early Scholarship and Supernatural Fiction 81 -- Tearas Feollon: Tears and Weeping in Old English Literature 103 -- Beowulf and the Hunt 127.…”
Libro electrónico -
9119por Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques.Tabla de Contenidos: “…L'intégration de la question environnementale à la politique agricole européenne -- Tableaux et graphiques annexes du chapitre 2 -- Avant-propos -- Tableaux et graphiques annexes du chapitre 3 -- Tableaux et graphiques annexes du chapitre 4 -- Résumé -- Objectifs et contenu de l'étude -- Remerciements -- Réformes de la politique agricole de l'Union européenne -- Tour d'horizon de l'évolution du secteur agricole européen -- Références -- Incidence des réformes des politiques agricoles sur la performance économique et environnementale de l'agriculture -- Évaluation d'ensemble et perspectives…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
9120por WISTP 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…Smart Devices -- Untraceability of RFID Protocols -- A Graphical PIN Authentication Mechanism with Applications to Smart Cards and Low-Cost Devices -- Software Cannot Protect Software: An Argument for Dedicated Hardware in Security and a Categorization of the Trustworthiness of Information -- Network Security -- Probabilistic Identification for Hard to Classify Protocol -- A Self-certified and Sybil-Free Framework for Secure Digital Identity Domain Buildup -- Availability for DHT-Based Overlay Networks with Unidirectional Routing -- Convergence -- Network Smart Card Performing U(SIM) Functionalities in AAA Protocol Architectures -- Using TPMs to Secure Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) -- Cryptography -- Algebra for Capability Based Attack Correlation -- On the BRIP Algorithms Security for RSA…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico