Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 451
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 313
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 303
7961Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Introduction -- Finance fundamentals -- Finance personnel and systems -- Cash versus accruals accounting -- Primary financial statements -- Profit and loss (P & L) -- The balance sheet -- Cash flow statement -- Key elements of financial statements -- Revenue recognition -- Opex and capex -- Business tax -- Tangible fixed assets and depreciation -- Goodwill and other intangibles -- Stock -- Debtors and creditors -- Prepayments and accruals -- Provisions and contingencies -- Capital and reserves -- Group accounting -- Revaluation -- Impairment -- Financial and regulatory environment -- Accounting and financial reporting standards -- External financial audit -- Information in the public domain -- Corporate governance and whistleblowing -- Assessing financial health -- Profitability performance measures -- Working capital and liquidity management -- Insolvency and going concern risk -- Long-term solvency performance measures -- Investor ratios -- Business valuation -- Sources of business finance -- Equity finance -- Debt finance -- Financial management -- Management accounts -- Profitable pricing -- Profit planning -- Budgeting and forecasting -- Investment appraisal -- Glossary -- Appendix: greggs 2015 accounts -- Further resources -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7962Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Title page-Remembering Violence; Contents; List of Illustrations; List of Tables; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1-Introduction; Bodies of Memory; Chapter 2-Rape and Remembrance in Guadeloupe; Chapter 3-Uncanny Memmories, Violence and Indigenous Medicine in Southern Chile; Performance; Chapter 4-Memories of Initiation Violence: Remembered Pain and Religious Transmission among the Bulongic (Guinea, Conakry); Chapter 5-Nationalising Personal Trauma, Personalising National Redemption: Performing Testimony at Auschwitz-Birkenau; Landscapes, Memoryscapes and the Materiality of Objects…”
Libro electrónico -
7963Publicado 2007Tabla de Contenidos: “…. / Evaluation of the Historical Recent Past: Humour as a Possible Collective Coping Strategy / The Medicalization of Emotions: Happiness and the Role of General Practice / Nervios: Lessons from Cuba’s Oriente / The Role of Negative Self-concept in Depression, Stress, and Anxiety of Married Women / Hong Kong’s Female Sex Workers: Stress and Anxietyrelated Consequences of the Intersection of Poverty, Gender, Dangerous Work / We Aim To Pee: Unmasking the Secret Phobia and Reducing Performance Anxiety / Asylum Seekers in Australia: Turning Repression and Stress into long-term Anxiety and Depression / The Hospital Clown: A Cross Boundary Character / Clown Language, Performance and Children’s Hospitals / LaughterBoss – The Court Jester in Aged Care / “Nothing seems funny anymore”: Studying Burnout in Clown-Doctors / Expressing Sensibilities: Healing Functions of Humour in Palliative Care / Collective Bibliography -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7964Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…1. Performance Measures for Evaluating and Communicating Data Quality in Aquatic Environmental Monitoring in the U.S 2. …”
Libro electrónico -
7965Publicado 2008Tabla de Contenidos: “…BOOK COVER; TITLE; COPYRIGTH; CONTENTS; GENERAL EDITOR'S PREFACE; CONTRIBUTORS; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 "I DO, I WILL": Hal, Falstaff and the Performative; 3 MEDIUM-SPECIFICITY AND OTHER CRITICAL SCRIPTS FOR SCREEN SHAKESPEARE 3 4 5 6; 4 SHAKESPEARE 3.0: Or Text Versus Performance, the Remix; 5 SHAKESPEARE FOR READERS; 6 CUTTING BOTH WAYS: Bloodletting, Castration/ Circumcision, and the "Lancelet" of The Merchant of Venice; 7 CYMBELINE, THE FONT OF HISTORY, AND THE MATTER OF BRITAIN: From Times New Roman to Italic Type; 8 PLAYING WITH CUPID: Gender, Sexuality and Adolescence…”
Libro electrónico -
7966Publicado 2003Tabla de Contenidos: “…Haggins -- Low blows? Theorizing performance in post-classical comedian comedy / Philip Drake…”
Libro -
7967Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Create an Elastic Pool and Add Toystore Store Shards to the Elastic Pool -- Elastic Jobs -- Use Cases -- Architecture -- Elastic Job Workflow -- Create an Elastic Job using the Azure Portal -- Activity: Exploring Elastic Pools -- Summary -- High Availability and Disaster Recovery -- High Availability -- Disaster Recovery -- Standard Geo-Replication -- Database Failover -- Active Geo-Replication -- Database Failover -- Synchronous Replication -- Auto-Failover Groups -- Auto-Failover Group Terms -- Configuring Active Geo-Replication and Performing a Manual Failover -- Configuring the Auto-Failover Group -- Activity: Configure Active Geo-Replication -- Activity: Configure Auto-Failover Groups -- Summary -- Monitoring and Tuning Azure SQL Database -- Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal -- Monitoring Database Metrics -- Alert Rules, Database Size, and Diagnostic Settings -- Alert Rules -- Database Size -- Diagnostic Settings -- Query Performance Insight -- Monitor Queries using the Query Performance Insight Blade -- Monitoring an Azure SQL Database using DMVs -- Monitoring Database Metrics -- Monitoring Connections -- Monitoring Query Performance -- Monitoring Blocking -- Extended Events -- Examining Queries -- Tuning an Azure SQL Database -- Automatic Tuning -- Create Index -- Drop Indexes -- Force Last Good Plan -- In-Memory Technologies -- In-Memory OLTP -- Columnstore Indexes -- Activity: Explore the In-Memory OLTP Feature -- Summary -- Index…”
Libro electrónico -
7968Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…What public research will be performed and why? 3.4. Who will perform public research? …”
Libro electrónico -
7969Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Adding and managing Windows 10 applications ; Installing and upgrading Legacy programs ; Getting older programs to run ; Repairing and removing programs ; Setting default programs ; Managing programs and processes ; Troubleshooting software problems -- Hardware and performance tuning. Installing and removing hardware ; Using wireless bluetooth devices ; Performance-tuning your system ; Troubleshooting hardware and performance -- Networking and sharing. …”
Libro electrónico -
7970por Heller, Jon. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: Learn How to Learn -- Chapter 1: Understand Relational Databases -- Chapter 2: Create an Efficient Database Development Process -- Chapter 3: Increase Confidence and Knowledge with Testing -- Chapter 4: Find Reliable Sources -- Chapter 5: Master the Entire Stack -- Part II: Write Powerful SQL with Sets and Advanced Features -- Chapter 6: Build Sets with Inline Views and ANSI Join Syntax -- Chapter 7: Query the Database with Advanced SELECT Features -- Chapter 8: Modify Data with Advanced DML -- Chapter 9: Improve the Database with Advanced Oracle Schema Objects -- Chapter 10: Optimize the Database with Oracle Architecture -- Part III: Write Elegant SQL with Patterns and Styles -- Chapter 11: Stop Coding and Start Writing -- Chapter 12: Write Large SQL Statements -- Chapter 13: Write Beautiful SQL Statements -- Chapter 14: Use SQL More Often with Basic Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 15: Avoid Anti-Patterns -- Part IV: Improve SQL Performance -- Chapter 16: Understand SQL Performance with Algorithm Analysis -- Chapter 17: Understand SQL Tuning Theories -- Chapter 18: Improve SQL Performance -- -- Part V: Solve Anything with Oracle SQL -- Chapter 19: Solve Challenging Problems with Arcane SQL Features -- Chapter 20: Use SQL More Often with Advanced Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 21: Level Up Your Skills with PL/SQL -- Part VI: Appendixes -- Appendix A: SQL Style Guide Cheat Sheet -- Appendix B: Computer Science Topics…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
7971por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Innovation and Economic Performance; 1.1. Macroeconomic performance; 1.2. Structural features and international linkages of the New Zealand economy…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
7972Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conservation Principles and Performance-Based Strengthening of Heritage Buildings in Post-Event Reconstruction -- 16. …”
Libro electrónico -
7973por Barth, WolfgangTabla de Contenidos: “….; 4: Nagios Basics; 5: Service Checks and How They Are Performed; 6: Plugins for Network Services; 7: Testing Local Resources; 8: Plugins for Special Tasks; 9: Executing Plugins via SSH; 10: The Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE); 11: Collecting Information Relevant for Monitoring with SNMP; 12: The Nagios Notification System…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
7974Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 2: Configuring BackupsBackup repositories; Backup transport modes; Backup modes; Incremental backup; Incremental backup with synthetic full; Reversed incremental backup; Configuring a virtual backup proxy; Configuring a backup job; Configuring a tape backup job; Adding a remote repository; Summary; Chapter 3: Restoring Data; Performing Instant VM Recovery; Performing Full VM Restore; Restoring VM files; Restoring VM hard disks; Restoring VM Guest files; Summary; Chapter 4: Replicating Virtual Machines; Replication infrastructure; Setting up a replication job…”
Libro electrónico -
7975Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos:Libro electrónico
7976Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Part I: Learn How to Learn -- Chapter 1: Understand Relational Databases -- Chapter 2: Create an Efficient Database Development Process -- Chapter 3: Increase Confidence and Knowledge with Testing -- Chapter 4: Find Reliable Sources -- Chapter 5: Master the Entire Stack -- Part II: Write Powerful SQL with Sets and Advanced Features -- Chapter 6: Build Sets with Inline Views and ANSI Join Syntax -- Chapter 7: Query the Database with Advanced SELECT Features -- Chapter 8: Modify Data with Advanced DML -- Chapter 9: Improve the Database with Advanced Schema Objects -- Chapter 10: Optimize the Database with Oracle Architecture -- Part III: Write Elegant SQL with Patterns and Styles -- Chapter 11: Stop Coding and Start Writing -- Chapter 12: Write Large SQL Statements -- Chapter 13: Write Beautiful SQL Statements -- Chapter 14: Use SQL More Often with Basic Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 15: Avoid Anti-Patterns -- Part IV: Improve SQL Performance -- Chapter 16: Understand SQL Performance with Algorithm Analysis -- Chapter 17: Understand SQL Tuning Theories -- Chapter 18: Improve SQL Performance -- -- Part V: Solve Anything with Oracle SQL -- Chapter 19: Solve Challenging Problems with Arcane SQL Features -- Chapter 20: Use SQL More Often with Advanced Dynamic SQL -- Chapter 21: Level Up Your Skills with PL/SQL -- Part VI: Appendixes -- Appendix A: SQL Style Guide Cheat Sheet -- Appendix B: Computer Science Topics…”
Libro electrónico -
7977por Pavis, Patrice“…De ahí que nos permita conocer diferentes tipos de espectáculos: clásicos, contemporáneos, performances, dramaturgias del actor, influencia de nuevas tecnologías, teatro de la deconstrucción, experiencias interculturales del gesto... …”
Publicado 2015
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
7978Publicado 1996“…Il y aurait donc deux Colombies et sûrement davantage encore : une Colombie qui améliore ses performances et semble en mesure de s'adapter à un monde ouvert, fortement concurrentiel, et une autre qui s'enfonce dans la dérégulation, l'anarchie, le conflit et la violence. …”
Electrónico -
7979Publicado 2018“…By examining pedagogical texts, rituals, performances, and images, this book illuminates the evolution of virtue through time, helping readers understand the guiding principles of historical action…”
Libro electrónico -
7980por Batt, Noëlle“…L'attrait de l'hybride, dont témoignent des performances plastiques et théâtrales ou simplement des œuvres de littérature hantées par la peinture et la musique, nous contraint-il à résilier une pensée unitaire du principe d'art ? …”
Publicado 2018