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  1. 18901
    Publicado 2024
    “…As you progress, you'll delve into the efficiency of algorithms, understanding how to evaluate and optimize them for better performance. The course will also cover various basic algorithm types, providing a solid foundation for further exploration. …”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 18902
    Publicado 1991
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Southern California Sport Fishery -- Conclusions -- Consumer Information and Labeling Programs, and Fishing Advisories -- PROBABLE HEALTH RISKS FROM FISH AND SHELLFISH CONSUMPTION-RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RESEARCH -- Classic Acute and Chronic Toxic Effects -- Reproductive Effects -- Carcinogenesis -- Chronic Cumulative Toxic Effects -- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- Significance of the Risk -- Potential for Control -- Performance of Current Federal Regulatory Authorities in Assessing and Managing Risks -- Data Gathering for Risk and Control Analysis -- Risk Assessment Practices -- Risk Management -- NOTES -- REFERENCES -- 7 Statistical Sampling Issues in the Control of Seafood Hazards -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- SURVEILLANCE AND COMPLIANCE SAMPLING -- ATTRIBUTES AND VARIABLES SAMPLING PLANS -- Two-Class Attributes Plans -- Three-Class Attributes Plans -- Most Probable Number (MPN) -- SURVEY OF CURRENT SAMPLING PLANS -- Salmonella Sampling Plans -- Staphylococcus aureus Plans -- Plans for Fish, Fresh or Frozen -- Fish-Adulteration by Parasites -- Crabmeat-Adulteration with Filth Containing Escherichia coli -- Langostinos-Adulteration by Bacterial Contamination -- Canned Salmon-Adulteration Involving Decomposition -- Shrimp - Adulteration Involving Decomposition -- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- NOTES -- REFERENCES -- 8 Seafood Surveillance and Control Programs -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- RESPONSIBILITIES AND PROGRAMS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT -- Standards and Guidelines -- Tolerances -- Action Levels -- Seafood Deemed Injurious to Public Health -- National Shellfish Sanitation Program -- Inspection and Enforcement -- U.S. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 18903
    Publicado 1991
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…PART VII Confronting Special Implementation Issues -- Confronting Special Implementation Issues: -- INTRODUCTION -- REFERENCES -- 13 Confronting Special Implementation Issues: The Epidemiology of Quality Problems -- THREE TYPES OF QUALITY PROBLEMS -- Evidence of Quality Problems -- The Overlap Between Overuse and Poor Technical Quality -- Discouraging Overuse and Overcoming Underuse -- Improving Technical Quality -- CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 14 Confronting Special Implementation Issues: Legal Concerns -- MALPRACTICE -- LEGAL INCENTIVES TO PERFORMANCE -- Positive Inducements -- Protection for Peer Review -- Interventions and Sanctions -- DUE PROCESS -- Shifting Standards of Behavior -- DATA PROTECTION AND RELEASE -- CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 15 Confronting Special Implementation Issues: Translating the Institute of Medicine Report Strategy Beyond Medicare -- MAJOR THEMES OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE REPORT -- Antecedent Processes and the Outputs of Health Care -- Seven Derivative Themes -- NEEDS OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS -- STRATEGIES FOR DIFFUSION -- Gain Acceptance of Shared Responsibility -- Remove Major Barriers -- Develop and Disseminate Models -- Enhancing Coordination -- CLOSING REMARKS -- REFERENCES -- PART VIII New Directions: The Research, Training, and Capacity Building Agendas -- New Directions: The Research, Training, and Capacity Building Agendas -- INTRODUCTION -- 16 Research and Capacity Building: Issues Raised by the Institute of Medicine Report -- VARIABILITY -- PROCESS MEASURES -- ART OF CARE -- OUTCOMES -- Severity Adjustment -- Health Status -- CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT -- LINK BETWEEN PROCESS AND OUTCOME -- PRACTICE GUIDELINES -- SPECIAL SETTINGS -- Ambulatory Care -- Long-Term and Community-Based Care -- Health Maintenance Organizations -- Rural Settings -- FINANCING -- DIFFUSION -- CAPACITY BUILDING -- FUNDING…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 18904
    Publicado 1996
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF FEMALE NUTRITIONAL STATUS: TAKING A LIFE SPAN PERSPECTIVE -- Mortality and Morbidity -- Mortality -- Morbidity -- Cognitive Development and School Performance -- Reproductive Function -- Physical Work Capacity -- CONCLUSIONS -- RESEARCH NEEDS -- Notes -- References -- 4 Obstetric Morbidity and Mortality -- GENDER BURDEN -- THE LIFE SPAN: AN APPROACH TO MATERNAL MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY -- Childhood -- Adolescence -- Menopause and Postmenopause -- THE MAGNITUDE OF PREGNANCY-RELATED MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY -- Quantification of Maternal Mortality -- Vital Statistics -- Health Services Statistics -- Population-Based Data -- Alternative Approaches -- The Burden of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity -- Percent of Pregnancy-Related Deaths and Lifetime Risk of Dying -- Estimates of Maternal Morbidity -- Trends -- THE NATURE OF MATERNAL MORTALITY AS A PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM -- Prediction, Prevention, and Cure -- Prediction: Risk Factors and the Utility of Risk Scores -- Maternal Characteristics -- Community Characteristics -- Calculations of Risk -- Prevention -- Cure -- THE MULTIPLE CAUSALITY OF MATERNAL DEATH -- Clinical Causes -- Anemia -- Complications of Pregnancy and Delivery -- Sociocultural Factors: Traditional Medical Practices -- The Traditional Birth Attendant -- Gishiri Cuts -- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) -- Health Services -- Access to Antenatal and Intrapartum Care -- MATERNAL HEALTH AND FAMILY PLANNING -- Provision of Family Planning Services -- Abortion -- Lactation -- MENOPAUSE -- CONCLUSIONS -- RESEARCH NEEDS -- References -- 5 Nervous System Disorders -- LIFE SPAN PERSPECTIVE -- TOXIC AND NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM -- HEADACHE SYNDROMES -- Migraine -- Tension Headache -- CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES AND USE OF ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES -- OTHER NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS -- Epilepsies -- Demyelinating Diseases…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 18905
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  6. 18906
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Calderón de la Barca, El alcalde de Zalamea, Madrid, Editex, 2010 / Susan L. Fischer, Reading Performance: Spanish Golden-Age Theatre and Shakespeare on the Spanish Stage,Woodbridge,Tamesis, 2009 / Jesús López-Peláez Casellas, «Honourable Murderers». …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 18907
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…6.2 Foundations of Goal Based Investing6.3 About Personal Needs, Goals, and Risks; 6.4 Goal Based Investing Process; 6.5 What Changes in Portfolio Modelling; 6.6 Personal Values; 6.7 Goal Elicitation; 6.8 Goal Priority; 6.9 Time Horizons; 6.10 Risk Tolerance; 6.11 Reporting Goal-Centric Performance; 6.12 Conclusions; Chapter 7: The Investment Journey: From Model Asset Allocations to Goal Based Operational Portfolios; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Main Traits of Modern Portfolio Theory; 7.3 Main Traits of Black-Litterman; 7.4 Mean-Variance and Mental Accounts…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 18908
    por Dobler, Constanze
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Institutions and economic development in the MENA region 123; 4.1 Introduction 123; 4.2 Arab economic performance 126; 4.3 Economic development in the second half of the 20th century 129; 4.4 Total factor productivity 132; 4.5 Investment 133; 4.6 Public sector 136; 4.7 Demography and education 138…”
  9. 18909
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Emotions of Animals and Humans""; ""Preface""; ""References""; ""Contents""; ""Part I: Emotion in Animals""; ""Chapter 1: Emotions Are at the Core of Individual Social Performance""; ""1.1 Introduction""; ""1.2 Common Mechanistic Grounds in Vertebrate Emotionality and Sociality""; ""1.3 Conservative Vertebrate Brains""; ""1.4 Coping with Stress: In the Context of Emotionality""; ""1.5 Individuality, Temperament, Personality""; ""1.6 Why Are Humans Drawn into Companionships with Animals?""…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 18910
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- How Azure helps with DevOps -- Summary -- Questions -- Further reading -- Chapter 7: Putting It All Together -- Technical requirements -- Our journey -- Dashboards -- Azure Advisors -- High Availability Advisor -- Security Advisor/Security Center -- Performance Advisor -- Cost Advisor -- Monitoring -- Core capabilities -- Shared capabilities -- Infrastructure capabilities -- Application capabilities -- Advanced topics -- What is Azure Front Door? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 18911
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Urban Hunt -- Smart Urban Golf -- XR applications in media -- XR with HoloLens -- Getting Mixed Reality ready -- Project overview -- Playing with Mixed Reality -- Setting up the camera -- Performance and quality control -- Targeting the Windows 10 SDK -- Do the robot -- Building and deploying from Visual Studio -- Summary -- Questions -- Further reading -- Other Books You May Enjoy -- Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 18912
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Introducing artificial intelligence and machine learning -- The machine learning way -- Scenario #1: Predicting market prices -- Scenario #2: Segmenting customers -- Scenario #3: Finding the best ad strategy -- The business value of learning machines -- Three types of learning algorithms -- Supervised learning -- Unsupervised learning -- Reinforcement learning -- Selecting the right learning algorithm -- Evaluating performance -- Regression -- Classification -- Underfitting and overfitting -- Validating a model -- Pulling it all together -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Applying Machine Learning at Work -- Predicting numbers through regressions -- Statistics -- Partitioning…”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 18913
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Data Sources -- Performance -- Upgrade Snippets to Views -- Stage 3 Data Warehouse aka the Single Source of Truth -- Chapter 9 The Power of Layers and Views -- Make Readable Views -- Layer Views on Views -- Start with a Single View -- Chapter 10 Staging Schemas -- Orient to the Schemas -- Pick a Table and Clean It -- Other Staging Modeling Considerations -- Building on Top of Staging Schemas -- Chapter 11 Model Data with dbt -- Version Control -- Modularity and Reusability -- Package Management…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 18914
    por OECD
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Préface -- Avant-propos -- Résumé -- La Hongrie doit hâter la transition vers une économie bas carbone -- Il faut redoubler d'efforts dans la lutte contre la pollution de l'air et de l'eau -- Les autorités environnementales devraient être renforcées et encouragées à adopter des pratiques réglementaires optimales -- La mise en œuvre des dispositions légales relatives à la démocratie environnementale doit être améliorée -- Les taxes environnementales pourraient apporter de nouvelles recettes pour financer des investissements dont le pays a grand besoin -- La gestion des déchets municipaux s'est améliorée, mais l'efficacité d'utilisation des ressources et le recyclage doivent encore progresser pour faire avancer la transition vers une économie circulaire -- Le vaste réseau de zones protégées doit être mieux géré et mieux financé -- La prise en compte des questions de biodiversité est satisfaisante dans certains secteurs, mais pourrait être améliorée dans d'autres -- Évaluation et recommandations -- 1.1. Performances environnementales : tendances et développements -- 1.1.1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 18915
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Strengthening public governance, integrity and trust -- Illustrative medium-to-long term growth scenarios and policy recommendations -- References -- 2 Helping the business sector to cope with new opportunities and challenges -- COVID-19 induced structural change, adaptation to climate change and population ageing pose challenges to the Austrian growth model -- COVID-19 will accelerate structural change -- The Austrian growth model has proven successful -- Within-sector improvements are a key driver for this success -- Fostering Austria's digitalisation potential -- Adapting to climate change will transform the business sector -- The population is ageing -- Adapting business framework conditions to promote productivity growth, an efficient allocation of resources and investments -- Productivity growth before the pandemic has slowed down -- More vibrant service markets would spur productivity growth -- Austria has a well-functioning insolvency and restructuring system -- Stimulating the adoption of key digital technologies -- Relatively low business dynamism constrains the diffusion of digital technologies -- The adoption of digital technologies lags behind innovation leaders -- Better access to high-speed broadband and improving digital skills promise large gains -- Strengthen digital security -- Reinvigorating investments for a resilient recovery -- Investment in intangible assets lags behind top performers -- Corporate balance sheets have weakened -- The capital structure of Austrian businesses risks constraining investment -- Tax incentives to stimulate equity financing -- Making the most out the available pool of talent -- Structural change will require a more efficient allocation of labour -- Ageing risks exacerbating labour market mismatches -- Underutilised labour resources need to be better mobilised -- Upgrading and adjusting skills…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 18916
    por OECD
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Statistiques de base de la Suisse, 2018 -- Résumé -- L'activité économique est propice à de très bons résultats en termes de bien-être -- La croissance devrait rester modérée, et les risques s'accumulent -- Prendre dès maintenant des mesures plus vigoureuses permettrait de mieux se préparer au vieillissement de la population -- La Suisse peut tirer un meilleur parti des évolutions technologiques -- 1 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- L'activité économique a légèrement ralenti, mais le bien-être est globalement élevé -- L'activité économique a ralenti -- Le bien-être est élevé selon plusieurs dimensions -- Sur le plan des performances environnementales, la Suisse soutient généralement bien la comparaison avec les autres pays -- La politique monétaire non conventionnelle est devenue ordinaire -- Le secteur financier évolue pour répondre à de nouveaux défis -- Adopter les innovations dans le secteur financier -- Identifier les risques liés au changement climatique -- Lutter contre le blanchiment de capitaux et la corruption -- La politique budgétaire est saine et l'endettement est faible -- Se préparer aux conséquences budgétaires du vieillissement de la population -- La transformation technologique a commencé -- Diffuser les technologies numériques dans les entreprises -- Moderniser les services administratifs -- Promouvoir les nouvelles technologies pour atteindre les objectifs environnementaux -- Les inégalités ont été limitées jusqu'à présent, mais elles pourraient se creuser -- Accroître l'adaptabilité des travailleurs -- Atténuer les risques d'inégalités entre les seniors -- Références -- Annex 1.A. …”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 18917
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Figure 1.8 R&D expenditures by performing sectorTable 1.2 Broad indicators of innovation activity; BIBLIOGRAPHY; ANNEX 1.A1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 18918
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Avant-propos""; ""Éditorial""; ""Remerciements""; ""Table des matières""; ""Résumé""; ""Synthèse : Vers des stratégies de développement localisées et plus inclusives en Afrique""; ""PARTIE I : Performances et perspectives en Afrique""; ""Chapitre 1 : Perspectives macroéconomiques en Afrique""; ""En bref""; ""La croissance en Afrique est en passe de se consolider""; ""En 2014, la demande intérieure a largement sous-tendu la croissance en Afrique""; ""La croissance économique régionale reste inégale""; ""La chute des cours des matières premières""…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 18919
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Guide du lecteur""; ""Résumé""; ""Définir une stratégie globale pour améliorer les compétences et l'employabilité des jeunes""; ""Améliorer la situation des jeunes pour favoriser une croissance inclusive ""; ""Une stratégie d'ensemble cohérente pour obtenir de meilleurs résultats""; ""PERFORMANCES DES PAYS, CES DERNIÈRES ANNÉES, EN TERMES DE COMPÉTENCES ET D'EMPLOYABILITÉ DES JEUNES""; ""POUR ALLER DE L'AVANT""; ""Améliorer les compétences et l'instruction des jeunes""; ""Intégrer les jeunes sur le marché du travail""; ""Exploiter les compétences des jeunes au travail""…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 18920
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- SUPPLY CHAIN REGULATION -- The Cycle of Regulation -- Containerization -- THE SECURITY-EFFICIENCY TRADE-OFF -- THE ECONOMICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY REGULATION -- ISSUES AND PROBLEMS GOING FORWARD -- Bibliography -- 8 - Mitigating Risk and Measuring Success -- COMPLEXITY AND RISK IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN -- Complexity -- Risk Mitigation -- Engagement -- Intelligence Gathering -- MEASURING SUCCESS -- The Basics -- Some Key Performance Indicators -- The Perfect Order Index and Security -- ISSUES AND PROBLEMS GOING FORWARD -- Bibliography -- 9 - The Future of Supply Chain Security -- NOWHERE TO HIDE -- Criminals and Terrorists Under Surveillance -- Businesses Under Surveillance -- Government Under Scrutiny -- GOALS DESIRED AND GOALS MISSED -- Automated Commercial Environment -- Container Scanning…”
    Libro electrónico