Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 451
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 313
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 303
Publicado 1989
Libro electrónico -
17382por VipIMAGE (Conference)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Prediction-assisted moving objects tracking in severe occlusions and background cluttersScale and orientation adaptive histogram-based object tracking in video sequences; Wavelet approach for studying motor strategy patterns of diabetic neuropathic individuals in gait cycle; Fully discrete, nonlocal models for image processing: Properties and applications; Image smoothing using the Perona-Malik equation with a new estimation method of the contrast parameter; Speckle ultrasound image filtering: Performance analysis and comparison…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
17383por Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computer Science and Industrial ApplicationTabla de Contenidos: “…Integrated marketing of micro-film in advertisingResearch on the operation mechanism of direct trading market between power consumers and power generation corporations; Logistics enterprise's employee health and performance management; E-commerce security policy analysis; Explore the impact of E-commerce network on development of regional economic; The development trend of China's agricultural economic management disciplines; Economic growth, convergence of Chinese provinces and industry sectors; Research on industrial tourism-led Dabancheng wind farm area development in Xinjiang region…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
17384Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…E-training adoption in Nigeria civil service: Role of power supply, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulnessThe issue of accountability in terms of disclosures and timeliness of annual report; Monetary and fiscal policy in internal and external balance; Sustainable harvesting strategy for natural resources having a coupled Gompertz production function; Determinants of capital structure: Case of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB); An empirical study of working capital management efficiency; Performance measures use, government regulation, risk management and accountability…”
Libro electrónico -
17385Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 Asking for Money -- Three Propositions -- Different Organizations and Their Needs -- How to Get Started -- Making the Ask -- Your Role as a Solicitor -- Book Organization -- Chapter 2 Governance -- Governance Committee Composition -- A Case Study -- Board Recruiting and Structure -- Term Limits -- Trustee Career Path -- Building Trustee Engagement -- Donor Recognition -- Multigenerational Trustees -- Summary -- Chapter 3 The Players -- The Development Director -- Managing an Annual Fund -- Managing Major Gift and Capital Campaign Officers -- Managing Research -- Supervising Operations -- Stewardship -- Sourcing Matching Gifts -- Establishing Giving Societies -- Creating Corporation/Overseer Support -- Advisory Committees -- Appropriately Distributing and Coordinating Development Staff -- Head of Development Committee -- Great Interpersonal and Listening Skills -- Highly Persuasive but Sensitive -- Persistence -- Fearlessness -- Comfortable in a Networked Environment -- The CEO -- Chair of the Governance Committee -- Chairman of the Board -- Head of Capital Campaign Committee -- Summary -- Chapter 4 The Annual Fund -- Last Year's Target and Results -- Performance Against Similar Organizations -- Are There Special Opportunities This Year? …”
Libro electrónico -
17386por Silva, AlexandraTabla de Contenidos: “…-Regular Properties with Decoupled Search -- AIGEN: Random Generation of Symbolic Transition Systems -- GPU Acceleration of Bounded Model Checking with ParaFROST -- Pono: A Flexible and Extensible SMT-based Model Checker -- Logical Foundations -- Towards a Trustworthy Semantics-Based Language Framework via Proof Generation -- Formal Foundations of Fine-Grained Explainability -- Latticed k-Induction with an Application to Probabilistic Programs -- Stochastic Systems -- Runtime Monitors for Markov Decision Processes -- Model Checking Finite-Horizon Markov Chains with Probabilistic Inference -- Enforcing Almost-Sure Reachability in POMDPs -- Rigorous Floating-Point Roundo Error Analysis of Probabilistic Computations -- Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Branching Markov Decision Processes -- Software Verification -- Cameleer: a Deductive Verification Tool for OCaml -- LLMC: Verifying High-Performance Software -- Formally Validating a Practical Verification Condition Generator -- Automatic Generation and Validation of Instruction Encoders and Decoders -- An SMT Encoding of LLVM's Memory Model for Bounded Translation Validation -- Automatically Tailoring Abstract Interpretation to Custom Usage Scenarios -- Functional Correctness of C implementations of Dijkstra's, Kruskal's, and Prim's Algorithms -- Gillian, Part II: Real-World Verification for JavaScript and C -- Debugging Network Reachability with Blocked Paths -- Lower-Bound Synthesis using Loop Specialization and Max-SMT -- Fast Computation of Strong Control Dependencies -- Di y: Inductive Reasoning of Array Programs using Difference Invariants…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
17387por Fuller, DavidTabla de Contenidos: “…Breath—as Subject, in Form, in Performance: An Interview with Michael Symmons Roberts., Michael Symmons Roberts, with David Fuller -- 25. …”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
17388por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Policy reforms can boost productivity through digital diffusion -- Ensuring communication infrastructure for all -- The Spanish telecommunication sector performs well -- The digital divide between urban and rural areas should be reduced -- Digital public services are an integral part of the digital transformation -- Cybersecurity underpins the digital transformation of the society -- Enhancing capabilities to make full use of digital technologies -- Intangible capital and innovation to foster digitalisation -- R& -- D tax incentives -- R& -- D grants and loans -- Partnerships between public research and business -- Adapting skills of workers to digitalisation and changing nature of work -- ICT in formal education -- Primary and secondary education -- Universities -- Vocational education and training -- Lifelong learning and ICT -- Sharpening incentives to take advantage of digital technologies -- Market regulation should be revamped further to generate competitive pressures -- Insolvency regimes could be reformed further to encourage risk taking activities -- Access to capital is key to diffusion of technologies -- Equity Financing -- Venture Capital -- References…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
17389por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Students' access to ICT equipment -- Students' access to teachers with high self-efficacy in the use of ICT -- Students' access to teachers who use ICT for teaching on a regular basis -- Teacher allocation and learning divides -- How access to effective teachers is related to socio-economic inequality in student performance -- How access to effective teachers is related to school autonomy and competition -- What these findings imply for policy -- Ensure that all schools have the capacity to recruit and retain effective teachers -- Provide incentives for teachers to work in high-need areas Review criteria for recruitment and transfers of teachers -- Provide support to teachers working in more challenging schools -- Ensure equitable and transparent funding allocation for schools -- References -- Notes -- 2 Do students have equitable access to effective teachers and learning environments? …”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
17390por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Préface -- Avant-propos -- Résumé -- L'Australie doit se donner pour grandes priorités de renforcer la politique climatique et d'améliorer l'efficacité d'utilisation des ressources -- De bonnes pratiques voient le jour mais la coordination entre les niveaux d'administration reste problématique -- Un développement bas carbone passera obligatoirement par un renforcement des signaux-prix -- Des actions coordonnées et à grande échelle sont indispensables pour améliorer l'état de conservation des espèces menacées -- Les réformes de la gestion des produits chimiques en cours d'élaboration peuvent aider à protéger la santé humaine et l'environnement -- Évaluation et recommandations -- 1. Performances environnementales : tendances et faits récents -- Transition vers une économie bas carbone et économe en énergie -- Transition vers une gestion efficiente des ressources -- Gestion des actifs naturels -- 2. …”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
17391por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Reducing regional disparities for inclusive growth -- Challenges for lagging regions -- Regional disparities in well-being are more pronounced than disparities in income -- Regional dispersion in labour market outcomes is high -- Low skills can be a barrier to growth in lagging regions -- Low productivity growth also contributes to regional disparities -- Barriers to economies of scale can hold back productivity growth of regions and firms -- Lack of an environment conducive to productivity growth in lagging regions -- Addressing regional disparities in labour market outcomes Improving the employability of low-skilled unemployed -- Boosting labour mobility -- Better integrating labour market and social policies -- Making housing more flexible and affordable -- Lowering regional disparities in education outcomes -- Improving the adaptability of workers through lifelong learning -- Ensuring a better matching of skills with labour market needs -- Training vouchers -- Vocational education and training -- Boosting digital skills -- Raising the overall level of basic skills and increasing equality of opportunity -- Boosting productivity and firm dynamism across regions Reducing regulatory differences -- Raising the ability of regions to benefit from spillovers -- Improving allocation of resources -- Enhancing innovation performance -- Boosting international spillovers -- Getting the most out of decentralisation -- Improving evaluation, coordination and sharing of best practices -- Strengthening the fiscal framework and rules -- High degree of fiscal decentralisation -- Reforming the regional financing system -- Improving fiscal rules --…”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
17392por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Résumé -- Le bien-être est élevé, mais doit être préservé sur la durée -- L'économie est vulnérable vis-à-vis des risques concernant les échanges et le marché immobilier -- La marge budgétaire devrait s'élargir plus lentement au cours des prochaines années -- La productivité progresse peu et le taux d'activité est orienté à la baisse -- 1 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- Perspectives, risques et réponses des pouvoirs publics sur le plan macroéconomique -- La croissance de la production devrait être robuste, mais ralentir -- La politique monétaire se resserre et la politique budgétaire est globalement neutre -- Les risques extérieurs sont orientés à la baisse -- Le marché de l'immobilier reste le principal facteur de vulnérabilité intérieur -- Stabilité financière : les autorités de réglementation du secteur financier doivent rester vigilantes -- Politique budgétaire, fiscalité et réforme des dépenses publiques -- Budgétisation publique : s'accommoder d'une situation budgétaire moins favorable -- Il conviendrait de ne pas recourir à des mécanismes de financement spéciaux dérogeant à la règle -- La réforme fiscale demeure un axe central de la politique économique -- Améliorer l'efficience de la dépense publique -- Pour une hausse de la productivité dans le secteur des entreprises -- Des performances très satisfaisantes en ce qui concerne la corruption, mais des difficultés existent néanmoins -- Les niveaux d'emploi doivent s'affermir -- La Norvège doit réformer en profondeur le système des congés de maladie rémunérés et les prestations d'invalidité -- Pensions de vieillesse et âge de la retraite : la réforme des retraites dans le secteur public est un progrès, mais tous les problèmes n'ont pas été résolus -- Améliorer l'intégration des immigrés sur le marché du travail -- Améliorer le système d'enseignement et les compétences…”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
17393por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Relative risk of being a low performer depending on personal circumstances (2012); Table 2.3. …”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
17394por Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Avant-propos -- Table des matières -- Résumé -- Objet et contenu du rapport -- Planification budgétaire -- Information financière, audit interne et évaluation -- Conformité aux nouvelles obligations européennes -- Le pilotage des entités administratives exécutives -- Notes -- Introduction -- Objet et contenu du rapport -- Statistiques de base -- Les institutions budgétaires -- La politique budgétaire -- Notes -- Bibliographie -- Planification budgétaire -- Estimations budgétaires à moyen terme à politique inchangée -- Cadre de dépenses à moyen terme -- Règles budgétaires -- Réexamens des dépenses -- Discipline budgétaire -- Structure budgétaire (budgétisation par programmes) -- Documentation budgétaire (explications horizontales et verticales) -- Fonds spéciaux -- Conclusions -- Notes -- Bibliographie -- Information financière, audit interne et évaluation -- L'information financière -- Le contrôle interne -- L'audit interne -- L'évaluation, outil d'élaboration des politiques publiques -- Conclusions -- Notes -- Bibliographie -- Compatibilité avec les nouvelles obligations européennes -- Aperçu général des propositions de la Commission européenne -- Renforcement des obligations de l'UE applicables aux cadres budgétaires nationaux -- Comparaison entre les pratiques budgétaires du Luxembourg et les nouvelles obligations de l'UE en matière de cadres budgétaires nationaux -- Conclusions -- Notes -- Bibliographie -- Le pilotage des entités administratives -- L'organisation de l'État -- Séparation de la budgétisation et du pilotage des performances -- Le pilotage des entités administratives au Luxembourg -- Les coupes au titre de la productivité -- Conclusions -- Notes -- Bibliographie -- Annexe A. …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
17395por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…""; ""...but left a legacy of corporatism and extensive state collaboration with powerful private firms, and fostered the growth...""; ""Economic performance deteriorated sharply after 1974, in the midst of historic change and international economic turbulence""…”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
17396por Syngress Media, Inc. StaffTabla de Contenidos: “…; What Are the Advantages?; What Are the Performance Issues?; Proxies and Firewall Capabilities; Summary; FAQs; References & Resources; Chapter 5. …”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
17397por Bolles, DennisTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Cover -- Half title -- Title -- Dedication -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Section I Establishing the PMCoE -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- The Driving Forces -- Giving It a Name -- The Importance of Positioning -- Project Management Must Be Viewed as a Business Function -- Organization Structure -- PMCoE Organization Roles -- Summary -- Chapter 2 Initiating the PMCoE Project -- Assess Knowledge and Skill Levels -- Writing a Charter -- Writing a Scope Statement -- Assembling Project and Steering Teams -- Hold a Kick-off Event -- Create Task Force Teams -- Four Key PMCoE Elements -- Summary -- Chapter 3 Creating and Managing A Project Portfolio -- Identifying Organizational Goals and Objectives -- Achieving Corporate Goals and Objectives -- Hosin Kanri -- Establish Project Portfolios -- Capacity and Capability -- The Project Portfolio and Capital Budget Plan -- New Opportunities -- Managing the Project Portfolio -- PMCoE Logo -- Summary -- Chapter 4 Key Ingredients of a Methodology -- Key Ingredients -- Generic Methodology -- Creating Classifications -- Minimum Requirements for Early Implementers -- Distributing a Project Management Methodology -- Summary -- Chapter 5 Education and Training -- Critical Success Factors -- The Importance of Education and Training -- Elements of an Education and Training Program -- The Internal Project Management Certification Program -- Developing the Education and Training Program -- Summary -- Chapter 6 Ready-Set-Go! -- Performing a Readiness Review -- Post Project Reviews -- Summary -- Chapter 7 Maturity Takes Time -- Stages of Maturity -- Benchmarking -- Summary -- Section II Project Management Methodology Guidelines -- Chapter 8 Introduction to a Methodology -- Vision -- Purpose -- Implementation -- Methodology Overview -- Core Process Integration -- Project Phase Definitions…”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
17398por Bradt, George B.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 5: Choose the Right Approach for the Business Context and the Culture You Face Chapter 6: Embrace and Leverage the Fuzzy Front End before Day One; Chapter 7: Take Control of Day One: Make a Powerful First Impression; Chapter 8: Motivate and Focus Your Team with Ongoing Communications (Including Social Media); Part IV: Implement Your 100-Day Action Plan; Chapter 9: Embed a Burning Imperative by Day 30; Chapter 10: Exploit Key Milestones to Drive Team Performance by Day 45; Chapter 11: Overinvest in Early Wins to Build Team Confidence by Day 60…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
17399Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…The switch StatementFunctions; Understanding Arguments; No Overloading; Summary; Chapter 4: Variables, Scope, and Memory; Primitive and Reference Values; Dynamic Properties; Copying Values; Argument Passing; Determining Type; Execution Context and Scope; Scope Chain Augmentation; No Block-Level Scopes; Garbage Collection; Mark-and-Sweep; Reference Counting; Performance; Managing Memory; Summary; Chapter 5: Reference Types; The Object Type; The Array Type; Detecting Arrays; Conversion Methods; Stack Methods; Queue Methods; Reordering Methods; Manipulation Methods; Location Methods…”
Libro electrónico -
17400Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…; Section I: Financial Analysis; Part One: Fundamental Concepts in Financial Analysis; 2: Cash Flow; 3: Earnings; 4: Capital Employed and Invested Capital; 5: Walking Through From Earnings to Cash Flow; 6: Getting to Grips with Consolidated Accounts; 7: How to Cope With the Most Complex Points in Financial Accounts; Part Two: Financial Analysis and Forecasting; 8: How to Perform a Financial Analysis…”
Libro electrónico