Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 451
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 313
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 303
17301Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Academia in the context of constraint and a performative SDG agenda : a perspective on South Africa / Suriamurthee Maistry and Erlend Eidsvik -- part II. …”
Libro electrónico -
17302Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Drugs used in gastrointestinal disorders -- Cannabinoid drugs -- Dietary supplements & herbal medications -- Important drug interactions & their mechanisms -- Strategies for improving test performance -- Key words for key drugs…”
Electrónico -
17303por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…-- The broader context in which science, technology and innovation are digitalising -- Measuring the digitalisation of science and innovation Digitalisation, science and science policy -- Accessing scientific information -- Enhancing access to research data -- Broadening engagement with science -- Artificial intelligence for science -- Recent drivers of AI in science -- AI can also combine with robot systems to perform scientific research -- Digitalisation and innovation in firms -- Does innovation policy need to be adapted for the digital age? …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
17304por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…-- The broader context in which science, technology and innovation are digitalising -- Measuring the digitalisation of science and innovation Digitalisation, science and science policy -- Accessing scientific information -- Enhancing access to research data -- Broadening engagement with science -- Artificial intelligence for science -- Recent drivers of AI in science -- AI can also combine with robot systems to perform scientific research -- Digitalisation and innovation in firms -- Does innovation policy need to be adapted for the digital age? …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
17305por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Abbreviations and acronyms -- Executive summary -- Key findings -- Key recommendations -- Country profile: Croatia -- 1 Macroeconomic and political context -- Political context: Croatia's path from independence to EU membership -- Government structure -- Local government structure -- Economic context -- Current economic situation: Croatia's path of recovery from one of the EU's most severe recessions -- Market regulation and competition -- Investment in Croatia -- Public sector integrity and trust in government -- Grey economy -- References -- Notes 2 The context for Better Regulation in Croatia -- Regulatory policy and core principles -- History of Better Regulation in Croatia -- Regulatory impact assessment -- Transparency, e-government and Better Regulation -- Ex post evaluation of regulatory policy -- Assessment and recommendations -- References -- Notes -- 3 Institutional framework and capacities for regulatory policy -- Key institutions and regulatory policy oversight of the regulatory process in Croatia -- Government Legislation Office -- Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts -- Government Office for Co-operation with NGOs Information Commissioner and his/her Office (OIC) -- Ministry of Finance -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs -- Ministry of Justice -- Ministry of Administration -- Other institutions -- Parliament -- State Audit Office -- Judiciary -- Local governments -- National Competitiveness Council (NCC) -- Co-ordination of the Better Regulation policy across government -- Inter-ministerial co-ordination during the development of regulations -- Resources, training and guidance -- Resources -- Training and guidance -- Assessment and recommendations -- References -- Note 4 Stakeholder engagement and public consultations -- Regulatory framework for stakeholder engagement -- Electronic consultations -- Public consultations and RIA -- Early stage consultations -- Institutional set up for overseeing the quality of stakeholder engagement -- Stakeholder engagement in reviewing regulations -- Access to regulations -- Assessment and recommendations -- References -- Notes -- 5 The development of new regulations in Croatia -- RIA in OECD countries -- The legislative process in Croatia -- Trends in new regulation -- Procedures for new regulation in Croatia Forward planning -- Process for developing new regulations in the executive -- Oversight and inter-ministerial co-ordination -- Legal quality -- Ex ante analysis of regulations -- The RIA process in Croatia in detail -- Considering risk and performance-based alternatives to regulation -- Public consultation and communication on RIA -- Guidance, resources and training -- Assessment and recommendations -- RIA twinning projects in Croatia -- IPA 2011 Strengthening capacity for implementation of Regulatory Impact Assessment Strategy 2013 -- 2015.…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
17306por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Relaxing central input controls (Q. 50, 70-84) 59 -Number of line-items (Q.50a) 60 -Lump-sum appropriations (Q.70a) 62 -Reallocation of appropriations (Q.72) 64 -Authority to increase or cut appropriations after the budget is approved by the legislature (Q.74-83) 66 -Carry-over of unused appropriations (Q.78, 81, 84) 70 -Borrowing against future appropriations (Q.73) 73 Chapter 6. Performance budgeting 75 Chapter 7. Budget transparency (Q. 6, 39, 51, 60-67) 81 -Examples of available budget information and reporting in OECD countries (Q.6, 39, 51, 61) 82 -Ensuring an effective role for the legislature (Q.6, 60, 64-67) 88 -Independent fiscal institutions 96 Bibliography 101 Statistical annex 103…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
17307por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Extraction techniques; 1.1 Performances of the extraction techniques; 1.2 Processes related to water and solute extraction; 1.3 Current understanding; 2. …”
Publicado 2000
Libro electrónico -
17308Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- A brief tour of ML algorithms -- Netflix - making recommendations -- Shadow draw - real-time user guidance for freehand drawing -- Shutterstock - image search based on composition -- iOS keyboard prediction - next letter prediction -- A typical ML workflow -- Summary -- Chapter 2: Introduction to Apple Core ML -- Difference between training and inference -- Inference on the edge -- A brief introduction to Core ML -- Workflow -- Learning algorithms -- Auto insurance in Sweden -- Supported learning algorithms -- Considerations -- Summary -- Chapter 3: Recognizing Objects in the World -- Understanding images -- Recognizing objects in the world -- Capturing data -- Preprocessing the data -- Performing inference -- Summary -- Chapter 4: Emotion Detection with CNNs -- Facial expressions -- Input data and preprocessing -- Bringing it all together -- Summary -- Chapter 5: Locating Objects in the World -- Object localization and object detection -- Converting Keras Tiny YOLO to Core ML -- Making it easier to find photos -- Optimizing with batches -- Summary -- Chapter 6: Creating Art with Style Transfer -- Transferring style from one image to another -- A faster way to transfer style -- Converting a Keras model to Core ML -- Building custom layers in Swift -- Accelerating our layers -- Taking advantage of the GPU -- Reducing your model's weight -- Summary -- Chapter 7: Assisted Drawing with CNNs -- Towards intelligent interfaces -- Drawing -- Recognizing the user's sketch -- Reviewing the training data and model -- Classifying sketches -- Sorting by visual similarity -- Summary -- Chapter 8: Assisted Drawing with RNNs -- Assisted drawing…”
Libro electrónico -
17309por Kull, Hans. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…Part IV: Making Mass Customization HappenChapter 10: Optimizing System Performance; Solving Complex Engineering Problems; Complexity; The Problems; The Need for Mathematics; Math Matters; Optimization; Stock Access; Other Optimization Problems; Sophisticated User Interfaces; Complex Business Problems; Simulation; Chapter 11: Commissioning; The Media Equation; Reading and Literacy; Summary; Chapter 12: Implementation Process; Building the Vision; Assembling the Team; Communicate the Vision; Iteration; Assessment; Design; Implement; Install and Test; Maintenance and Support…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
17310Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents; Read Me First; Updates and More; What's New in the Second Edition; Introduction; Why Dropbox Is Boring (and That's Good); Why Dropbox Is Cool; Dropbox Quick Start; Check Your Dropbox Skills; Sync Files on a Mac or PC; Set Up Dropbox on a Mac or PC; Decide What to Put in Your Dropbox; Use Selective Sync on a Mac or PC; Deal with Version Conflicts; Use the Dropbox Web Site; Learn about Web-only Tasks; Perform Common Web Tasks; Edit Microsoft Office Documents; Use Dropbox with Gmail; Use Dropbox on a Mobile Device; Use Dropbox in iOS; Use Dropbox in Android…”
Libro electrónico -
17311Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Editors vii -- Preface to "Advanced Materials for Societal Implementation" ix -- Quantitative Analyses of Biofilm by Using Crystal Violet Staining and Optical Reflection 1 -- Proposal for Some Affordable Laboratory Biofilm Reactors and Their Critical Evaluations from Practical Viewpoints 11 -- Deformation Texture of Bulk Cementite Investigated by Neutron Diffraction 23 -- Novel Dry Spinning Process of Natural Macromolecules for Sustainable Fiber Material -1- Proof of the Concept Using Silk Fibroin 31 -- Improved On-Site Characterization of Arsenic in Gypsum from Waste Plasterboards Using Smart Devices 41 -- Tensile Examination and Strength Evaluation of Latewood in Japanese Cedar 49 -- Athermal Phase and Lattice Modulation in Binary Zr-Nb Alloys 65 -- Application of the Sinter-HIP Method to Manufacture Cr-Mo-W-V-Co High-Speed Steel via Powder Metallurgy 79 -- Simple Methods for Evaluating Acid Permeation and Biofilm Formation Behaviors on Polysiloxane Films 89 -- Characteristics of Vibrating Fluidization and Transportation for AI2O3 Powder 97 -- Mechanical and Lubrication Properties of Double Network Ion Gels Obtained by a One-Step Process 115 Solid-State-Activated Sintering of ZnAUQ* Ceramics Containing CU3ND2O8 with Superior Dielectric and Thermal Properties 125 -- Properties of Magnetic Garnet Films for Flexible Magneto-Optical Indicators Fabricated by Spin-Coating Method 145 -- Morphology Control of Monomer-Polymer Hybrid Electron Acceptor for Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cell Based on P3HT and Ti-Alkoxide with Ladder Polymer 155 -- Magnetic Adsorbents for Wastewater Treatment: Advancements in Their Synthesis Methods 165 -- Self-Pierce Riveting of Three Thin Sheets of Aluminum Alloy A5052 and 980 MPa Steel 209 -- Effect of Sb and Zn Addition on the Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Sn-Bi-Based Alloys 227 -- Copper Surface Treatment Method with Antibacterial Performance Using "Super-Spread Wetting" Properties 239 -- Lithium-Ion-Conducting Ceramics-Coated Separator for Stable Operation of Lithium Metal-Based Rechargeable Batteries 253 -- Tool for Designing Breakthrough Discovery in Materials Science 265 -- High-Resolution Mapping of Local Photoluminescence Properties in CuO/Cu20 -- Semiconductor Bi-Layers by Using Synchrotron Radiation 281.…”
Libro electrónico -
17312Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Remerciements -- Statistiques de base de la Croatie, 2022 -- Résumé -- L'économie de la Croatie fait preuve de résilience -- La dette publique diminue, mais les tensions liées au vieillissement démographique restent un défi majeur -- Il faut accélérer la transition écologique -- Améliorer l'environnement des affaires peut être bénéfique pour l'investissement et la productivité -- Renforcer l'emploi et les compétences peut faire augmenter les revenus et améliorer le bien-être -- 1 Parvenir à une convergence durable -- 2 Principaux éclairages sur l'action publique -- La Croatie devra encore relever certains défis pour pérenniser son rattrapage -- La flambée d'inflation a ralenti la croissance -- Le vigoureux redressement de la Croatie après la pandémie de COVID-19 a été freiné par la flambée des prix -- L'inflation recule progressivement -- Le secteur financier semble solide, mais la vigilance reste de mise -- Le budget renouera avec les déficits, sur fond de durcissement des conditions monétaires -- La croissance devrait rester soutenue -- Des finances publiques saines en appui à une croissance plus soutenue -- Améliorer l'affectation et l'exécution des dépenses -- Fournir des biens et services publics à de nombreux organismes publics et échelons de l'administration -- Mieux gérer l'investissement public et les marchés publics -- Doter la fonction publique des effectifs nécessaires pour garantir sa performance -- Élargir la base d'imposition pour dynamiser les recettes -- Stimuler la transition énergétique pour améliorer la qualité de l'environnement -- Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre -- Abaisser le niveau, actuellement élevé, des émissions dues aux transports -- Multiplier les sources d'énergie renouvelables et restreindre la consommation d'énergie -- Abaisser le niveau, actuellement élevé, des émissions dues aux déchets…”
Libro electrónico -
17313por Klein, Scott, 1966-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Extending BindingsSummary; Chapter 12: Interoperability and Integration; Interoperability; Integration; Summary; Part III: Deploying Windows Communication Foundation; Chapter 13: Deploying Windows Communication Foundation; Installing WCF Services; Upgrading Services; Troubleshooting WCF Installations; Summary; Chapter 14: Managing Windows Communication Foundation; Tracing; Message Logging; Service Configuration Editor; Performance Counters; Summary; Chapter 15: Hosting Windows Communication Foundation Services; Hosting versus Self-Hosting; Hosting Options; Hosting Example; Summary…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
17314Publicado 2021Tabla de Contenidos: “…Application of Markov Reward Processes to Reliability, Safety, Performance Analysis of Multi-State Systems with Internal and External Testing. …”
Libro electrónico -
17315por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- ... to address these issues, regional innovation system partners must consider demographically targeted programmes for delivering entrepreneurship and innovation support services, including for women, youth and older workers -- References -- 1 Assessment and recommendations -- Assessment -- Switzerland is one of the leading OECD countries, systematically performing highly on innovation -- yet, some areas within Switzerland still face acute challenges The size and structure of the economy matter for how firms innovate in rural regions -- There is a strong level of entrepreneurship and competition in Switzerland -- Research and development (R&D) activities gain importance in non-metropolitan areas -- Activating female, young and older workers can help mobilise untapped potential for innovation and entrepreneurship in rural labour markets -- How is Switzerland supporting innovation in rural places? …”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
17316Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…I Choose Me Every Day -- Chapter 10 Greater Than You Can Imagine -- Move Out of Your Own Way -- 22 Years of Experience and Beyond -- People Who See You, Seeeee You -- Chapter 11 Character, Allyship, and Finding Your People -- The Story of Lisa Stone: Character Meets Allyship -- Diverse Teams Perform Better -- The Impact of Allyship -- Chapter 12 In Closing -- Reflecting on My Key Lessons -- Acknowledgments -- About the Author -- Index -- EULA…”
Libro electrónico -
17317Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Key lesson: Security mitigation is also a business risk management decision; Key lesson: Performing the assessment with confidence in the results; Key lesson: Convince the product unit; Closing thoughts on the key lessons; Chapter 7 - The Benefits of a Security Framework Approach; Convincing the CFO; Chapter 8 - Correcting Our Path - What Will it Take?…”
Libro electrónico -
17318Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…O'Donnell; Chapter 12. Pay for Performance and Other Innovations in Reimbursement for Behavioral Care Services: Nicholas A. …”
Libro electrónico -
17319por Ege, MoritzTabla de Contenidos: “…"Unpolitical in this time/truly one can no longer be so": The raw anti-elitism of hooligans in GermanyRichard Gebhardt -- Chapter 13. Nazi-Barbies: performing ultra-femininity against the "Feminist Elite" in the Alt-Right movementDiana WeisPart V. …”
Publicado 2023
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17320Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Djamil General Hospital Padang -- Farmers And Disaster : A Phenomenology Study -- The Reason Why People Living with HIV Perform Delayed Test in High Density Stigma City of Indonesia: A Qualitative Study -- Sleep Quality among Hemodialysis Patients -- The Correlation Between Transcultural Nursing Competencies and Hospital-based Nursing Therapeutic Communication in Jember, Indonesia -- The Influence of Locus of Control on Burnout Among Nurses -- Therapeutic Group Therapy to Mother's Knowledge and Ability About Personality and Psychosocial Development of Preschool-Age Children -- Risk Factors of Early Menarche Among Adolescent Girls -- Development of Health Education Model of Diarrhea Endemic in Celagen Village Kepulauan Pongok Subdistrict -- The Related Factors to Hypertension among Young Adults in Pakis Village, Jember East Java -- IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY NURSING CARE BASED ON NURSES' CHARACTERISTIC AND WORK ENVIRONMENT IN HEALTH CENTER OF JAMBI CITY -- Reminiscence - A Counseling Therapeutic Approach Among Hospitalized Elderly -- UNDERSTANDING OF PERSON-CENTERED CARE CONCEPT: MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSES PERSPECTIVE -- First Time Experiencing Episiotomy: Views and Perceptions of Saudi Women -- Analysis of risk factors and quality of antenatal services in pregnant women and its impact on the incidence of severe preeclampsia in Padang City West Sumatera -- A Qualitative Study About Schizophrenia Caregiver's Experiences and Needs -- Correlation Between Family Support and Medication Adherence of School-Age Thalassemic Patients at The Thalassemia Clinic in Indonesia -- Sexual Risk Behaviors of Brothel Customer in Bangka Belitung Province -- The Influence of The Element Warmer of Intravenous Fluid in Increasing The Body Temperature on Post-Surgical Patients in The Recovery Room Grandmed Hospital -- The Effectiveness of The Use of Pelawan Leaf Boiled Water (Tristaniopsis Merguensis (Griff.) as a Traditional Medicine for Reducing Blood Cholesterol -- Comparison "Piosokie" Culture on Involution of Uterus among Postpartum Women at Tanjung Gunung Village, Central Bangka Regency of Bangka Belitung Islands Province…”
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