Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 1,126
- Management 1,121
- Development 1,088
- Application software 917
- Computer Science 780
- Computer networks 617
- Database management 610
- Data processing 539
- Business & Economics 517
- Computer programs 516
- Education 487
- Python (Computer program language) 477
- Cloud computing 472
- Economic conditions 461
- Leadership 450
- Machine learning 414
- Economic policy 402
- Operating systems (Computers) 395
- Economics 373
- Examinations 367
- Artificial intelligence 364
- Web site development 345
- Security measures 341
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 317
- History 312
- Computer software 311
- Java (Computer program language) 309
- Information technology 308
- Computer programming 307
- Programming 302
24841Publicado 2021“…Las escalas de valoración más utilizadas son: el Índice de KARNOFSKY; ECOG; Sistema de evaluación de síntomas de EDMONTON- ESAS; PPS (Palliative Performance Scale); PAP score; y, PPI score. La atención al final de la vida es una cuestión compleja llena de aspectos controvertidos. …”
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Tesis -
24842Publicado 2020“…Os átomos, as células, as galaxias, os fósiles, os carteis, os memes, os billetes, as fórmulas matemáticas, os compostos químicos e un longo etcétera estúdanse (pénsanse) hoxe xunto con pinturas, películas, fotografías, performances, bosquexos e un longo etcétera. Este fenómeno transcorre por "Pensar la imagen", libro que de seguro se converterá nunha ferramenta ineludible non só para os que se preocupan polo lugar da imaxe, senón tamén para todos os interesados na cultura contemporánea. …”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
24843Publicado 2014“…Several of the presentations are compiled in this Research Topic that we hope may inspire new research using the MoBI paradigm to investigate natural cognition by recording and analyzing the brain dynamics and behavior of participants performing a wide range of naturally motivated actions and interactions…”
Libro electrónico -
24844por Appel, Cornelia“…Car les réformes en cours impliquent aussi un débat sur les valeurs qui fonderont les nouveaux choix de société allemands et assureront le maintien de la performance économique du pays dans le cadre d’une globalisation assumée. …”
Publicado 2017
Electrónico -
24845Publicado 2013“…En relevant l’industrie française des télécommunications et en dotant le pays d’un réseau moderne et performant, ingénieurs, entrepreneurs et politiques ont permis à la France de prendre, dans le dernier tiers du XXe siècle, une place significative dans cette dynamique au sein de laquelle son rôle était longtemps resté marginal. …”
Electrónico -
24846Publicado 2016“…Only some rare efforts have been performed to achieve this aim. Therefore, the development of novel text mining methods specific for PHI data retrieval is of key importance for efficient use of the available literature. …”
Libro electrónico -
24847Publicado 2015“…What are the key experiences that can be performed in the animal model in order to answer significant science gaps in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders? …”
Libro electrónico -
24848Publicado 2016“…For this Research Topic, we, therefore, solicit reviews, original research articles, and opinion papers, which draw theoretical or empirical connections related to sustained physical activity behavior, self-regulatory strategies, cognitive performance, and brain structure and function. While focusing on work in the neurosciences, this Research Topic also welcomes contributions in the form of behavioral studies, psychophysiological investigations, and methodological innovations. …”
Libro electrónico -
24849por Azémar, Guy“…Au contraire, ils deviennent très performants en condition de forte incertitude spatiale et temporelle, si le temps accordé pour réagir est très bref. …”
Publicado 2016
Electrónico -
24850por Brams, Steven J.“…Marc Kilgur, American Scientist (1984) "Brams has performed a service in deominstrating that rational analysis need not stop where issues involving faith and emotion begin." - Peter Bennett, New Scientist (1 March, 1984) "Does game-theoretic theory exist? …”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
24851Publicado 2007“…Parts IV and V examine the optimal control of systems when performance is measured via a quadratic cost. Boundary control of parabolic and hyperbolic systems and exact controllability are also covered. …”
Libro electrónico -
24852Publicado 2022“…Finally, you'll discover best practices for different operational excellence pillars, including high availability, resiliency, reliability, security, cost optimization, and high performance, which should be applied for large-scale production-grade IoT solutions. …”
Libro electrónico -
24853Publicado 2011“…This allows analysts to create and perform their own data mining experiments using their knowledge of the methodologies and techniques provided. …”
Libro electrónico -
24854por Sabatier, Gérard“…Cela passe par le primat de l’architecture, une boulimie cumulative transformant les jardins en musée de la sculpture antique, la promotion des performances techniques où l’hydraulique somptuaire tient désormais la première place. …”
Publicado 2022
Electrónico -
24855Publicado 2021“…Provides insights into the theory, algorithms, implementation, and application of deep-learning techniques for medical images such as transfer learning using pretrained CNNs, series networks, directed acyclic graph networks, lightweight CNN models, deep feature extraction, and conventional machine learning approaches for feature selection, feature dimensionality reduction, and classification using support vector machine, neuro-fuzzy classifiers Covers the various augmentation techniques that can be used with medical images and the CNN-based CAC system designs for binary classification of medical images focusing on chest radiographs Investigates the development of an optimal CAC system design with deep feature extraction and classification of chest radiographs by comparing the performance of 12 different CAC system designs…”
Libro electrónico -
24856Publicado 2019“…What you will learn Gain a comprehensive working knowledge of ASP.NET Core Integrate third-party tools and frameworks to build maintainable and efficient services Implement patterns using dependency injection to reduce boilerplate code and improve flexibility Use ASP.NET Core's out-of-the-box tools to test your applications Use Docker to run your ASP.NET Core web service in an isolated and self-contained environment Secure your information using HTTPS and token-based authentication Integrate multiple web services using resiliency patterns and messaging techniques Who this book is for This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to build RESTful web services with the ASP.NET Core framework to improve the scalability and performance of their applications. Basic knowledge of C# and .NET Core will help you make the best use of the code samples included in the book." -- Publisher's description…”
Libro electrónico -
24857Publicado 2021“…By the end of this book, you will have experience building a wide variety of single-page web applications with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C#.What you will learn* Discover the power of the C# language for both server-side and client-side web development* Use the Blazor WebAssembly App project template to build your first Blazor WebAssembly application* Use templated components and the Razor class library to build and share a modal dialog box* Understand how to use JavaScript with Blazor WebAssembly* Build a progressive web app (PWA) to enable native app-like performance and speed* Understand dependency injection (DI) in .NET to build a shopping cart app* Get to grips with .NET Web APIs by building a task manager appWho this book is forThis book is for .NET web developers who are tired of constantly learning new JavaScript frameworks and wish to write web applications using Blazor WebAssembly, leveraging the power of .NET and C#. …”
Libro electrónico -
24858Publicado 2018“…What You Will Learn Build ASP.Net Core 2.0 applications using HTTP services with WebApi Learn to unit-test, load test, and perform test applications using client-side and server-side frameworks Debug, monitor and troubleshoot ASP.Net Core 2.0 applications using popular tools Reuse components with NuGet and create modular components with middleware Create applications using client-side technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, and Angular Build responsive and dynamic UIs for your MVC apps using Bootstrap Leverage tools like Karma, Jasmine, QUnit, xUnit, Selenium, Microsoft Fakes, and Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise In Detail The ASP.NET Core 2.0 Framework has been designed to meet all the needs of today's web developers. …”
Libro electrónico -
24859Publicado 2020“…quizzes, which enable you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section · Chapter-ending Key Topic tables , which help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly · The powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software, complete with hundreds of well-reviewed, exam-realistic questions, customization options, and detailed performance reports · A free copy of the CCNA 200-301 Network Simulator Lite software , complete with meaningful lab exercises that help you hone your hands-on skills with the command-line interface for routers and switches · Links to a series of hands-on config labs developed by the author · Online interactive practice exercises that help you enhance your knowledge · More than 2 hours of video mentoring from the author · An online interactive Flash Cards application to help you drill on Key Terms by chapter · A final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategies · Study plan suggestions and templates to help you organize and optimize your study time Well regarded for its level of detail, study plans, assessment features, hands-on labs, and challenging review questions and exercises, this officia..…”
Libro electrónico -
24860Publicado 2020“…quizzes, which allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section Chapter-ending and part-ending exercises, which help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly The powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software, complete with 200 well-reviewed, exam-realistic questions, customization options, and detailed performance reports More than an hour of video mentoring from the author A final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategies Study plan suggestions and templates to help you organize and optimize your study time Well regarded for its level of detail, study plans, assessment features, challenging review questions and exercises, and video instruction, this official study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that ensure your exam success. …”
Libro electrónico