Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Photography 25
- Digital techniques 23
- Black-and-white photography 7
- Image processing 5
- Nikon digital cameras 4
- Adobe Photoshop 3
- Art, Architecture & Applied Arts 3
- Computer graphics 3
- Technique 3
- Visual Arts 3
- Color photography 2
- Computer animation 2
- Design 2
- Design and construction 2
- Digital television 2
- History 2
- Home video systems 2
- Mental ray (Computer file) 2
- Photography, Artistic 2
- Printing processes 2
- Social aspects 2
- Television broadcasting 2
- 3D print 1
- 3D studio 1
- ABS-M30 1
- Abstraktion 1
- Adobe 1
- Affinity 1
- Anand material model 1
- Ansel Adams 1
41Publicado 2002Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Digital Television MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and principles of the DVB system; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1 Colour television: a review of current standards; 1.1 Monochrome TV basics; 1.2 Black and white compatible colour systems; 2 Digitization of video signals; 2.1 Why digitize video signals?…”
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42Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cup-Bob Viscometer -- Cone and Plate Viscometer -- Units for the Viscosity -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Chapter 4: Surface Tension Determination -- Introduction -- Factors Affecting Surface Tension -- Methods for Determining Surface Tension -- Du Nouy Ring Method -- Drop Shape Method -- Wilhelmy Plate Method -- Stalagmometric Method -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Chapter 5: Particle Size Analysis -- Introduction -- Types of Diameters -- Methods for Particle Size Analysis -- Microscopy -- Sieving Method -- Sedimentation Method -- Zone Sensing Method -- Light Scattering Method -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Chapter 6: X-ray Diffractometry -- Introduction -- Principle -- Theory -- Instrumentation -- Source -- Collimator -- Monochromator -- Detectors -- Types of X-ray Diffraction Methods -- Laue Photographic Method -- Bragg's X-ray Spectrometer Method -- Rotating Crystal Method -- Powder Method -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Chapter 7: Polarimetry -- Introduction -- Theory -- Concept of the Circular Dichroism (CD) and Optical Rotatory Dispersion (ORD) -- Instrumentation -- Applications -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Review Questions -- Chapter 8: Refractometry -- Introduction -- Principle and Theory -- Instrumentation -- Factors Affecting the Refractive Index -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Unit III: Titrimetric Methods -- Chapter 1: Acid-base Titrations (Neutralization Titrations) -- Introduction -- Acid-base Concept -- Role of the Solvent -- Strengths of Acids and Bases -- Law of Mass Action -- Solubility Product -- Common Ion Effect -- Hydrolysis of Salt -- Buffer Solutions -- Handerson-Hesselbach Equation -- Types of Acid-base Titrations and Titration Curves -- Indicators -- Applications -- Review Questions -- Chapter 2: Non-aqueous Titrations -- Introduction -- Principle…”
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43por Thomas, J. DennisTabla de Contenidos: “…D-LightingRed-eye correction; Trim; Monochrome; Filter effects; Color balance; Image overlay; NEF (RAW) processing; Resize; Quick retouch; Straighten; Distortion control; Fisheye; Color outline; Color sketch; Perspective control; Miniature effect; Selective color; Edit movie; Side-by-side comparison; My Menu; Information Display Settings; Chapter 4: Selecting and Using Lenses with the Nikon D800; Deciphering Nikon's Lens Codes; Third-Party Lenses; Wide-Angle Lenses; When to use a wide-angle lens; Understanding limitations; Standard or Midrange Zoom Lenses; Telephoto Lenses…”
Publicado 2012
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44Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.04 Transformimg a selection3.05 Precise control of selection size; Understanding layers; Masking techniques; 3.06 Painting masks with the Selection Brush; 3.07 Fill and adjustment layer masks; 3.08 Using selections with layer masks; Converting color to black and white; 3.10 Changing the mode to grayscale; 3.11 Desaturate the color file; Advanced dodging and burning-in; 3.12 Using selections to change tone; 3.13 Erase back through tonal layers; Enhance your poorly exposed pictures; 3.14 Screening image layers to enhance tones; 3.15 Adding detail to highlights and shadows; Tinted monochromes…”
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45Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Analog Television; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Baseband Monochrome Video and Monaural Audio; 2.3 Modulation; 2.4 Modern Analog Television; 2.5 Signal Quality and Customer Expectations; 2.6 Other Television Systems; 2.7 Summary; Endnotes; Chapter 3. …”
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46por Chateigner, DanielTabla de Contenidos: “…Bragg's law; 1.2.2. Monochromator; 1.2.3. Harmonic radiation components; 1.3. …”
Publicado 2010
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47Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 6.5 Ein Überblick über Modulgruppen -- 7 Grundlegende Entwicklung von Fotos -- 7.1 Weißabgleich -- Weißabgleich in der Kamera -- Weißabgleich in Darktable -- Weißabgleich durchführen -- 7.2 Belichtung -- Belichtungskorrektur -- 7.3 Kontrast, Helligkeit und Sättigung -- 7.4 Entrastern -- 7.5 Basiskurve -- Basiskurve individuell anpassen -- 7.6 Schatten und Spitzlichter -- Schatten und Lichter anpassen -- 7.7 Farbkurve -- Gelbstich entfernen -- Aufhellen und Abdunkeln mit der Farbkurve -- Kontrast erhöhen -- Kontrast verringern -- 7.8 Monochrom -- 7.9 Grundlegende Anpassungen -- 8 Bildaufbau korrigieren…”
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48Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Tip 110: MONOCHROMATIC COLOR: adding color tints to monochrome images -- Tip 111: Using the SMOOTH SKIN EFFECT -- Tip 112: Be careful with CLARITY! …”
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49por Thyagarajan, K. S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.4 FREQUENCY RESPONSE2.5 TWO-DIMENSIONAL FILTERING; 2.6 FIR FILTER DESIGN; 2.6.1 Separable FIR Filters; Window-Based Methods; Frequency Sampling Technique; Optimal Design Techniques; 2.6.2 Nonseparable FIR Filters; 2.7 SUMMARY; REFERENCES; 3 Human Visual Perception; 3.1 INTRODUCTION; 3.2 BRIGHTNESS PERCEPTION; 3.2.1 Intensity, Luminance, and Brightness; 3.2.2 Simultaneous Contrast; 3.2.3 Mach Bands; 3.2.4 Transfer Function of the HVS; 3.2.5 Monochrome Vision Model; 3.2.6 Visual Masking and an Improved HVS Model; 3.3 COLOR PERCEPTION; 3.3.1 Color-Matching Functions…”
Publicado 2006
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50por Stringham, GaryTabla de Contenidos: “…Case Study; 1.6.1. Monochrome Video Block in the Unity ASIC; 1.6.2. A Case Study of a Good Example?…”
Publicado 2010
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51por Kruegle, HermanTabla de Contenidos: “… Analog2.6.2.2 Digital; Internet; 2.6.3 Low-Light-Level Intensified Camera; 2.6.4 Thermal Imaging Camera; 2.6.5 Panoramic 360degree Camera; 2.7 Transmission; 2.7.1 Hard-Wired; Coaxial Cable; Unshielded Twisted Pair; LAN, WAN, Intranet and Internet; 2.7.2 Wireless; 2.7.3 Fiber Optics; 2.8 Switchers; 2.8.1 Standard; 2.8.2 Microprocessor-Controlled; 2.9 Quads and Multiplexers; 2.10 Monitors; 2.10.1 Monochrome; 2.10.2 Color; 2.10.3 CRT, LCD, Plasma Displays; 2.10.4 Audio/Video; 2.11 Recorders; 2.11.1 Video Cassette Recorder (VCR)…”
Publicado 2005
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52Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Digital recorders -- Mixers -- Working with Timecode -- 23.98 vs. 29.97 -- Multi-camera audio -- Proper slate etiquette -- Using the Onboard Audio -- Connections -- Menus and operation -- Postproduction Audio Tips -- First Person POV: Dean Georgopoulos -- CHAPTER 6: Exposing the Image -- Exposure Concepts -- Working RAW -- The ASA system -- Aperture -- Shutter speed/angle -- Color temperature -- External Exposure Tools -- Light meters -- Waveforms and vectorscopes -- Using a color chart -- Onboard Exposure Tools -- LOOK settings -- False color -- Monochrome -- Spot meter -- Histogram -- Zebras -- First Person POV: Arthur Albert -- CHAPTER 7: Exploring Shooting Formats -- Recording Quality -- Choosing Resolution -- 4K -- 3K -- 2K -- Working with Aspect Ratios -- 2:1 -- 16:9 -- HD -- Anamorphic -- Choosing Time Base -- 24p -- 24.00 -- 25 -- 29.97 -- In-Camera Effects -- Varispeed -- Ramping -- First Person POV: Nancy Schreiber, ASC -- CHAPTER 8: Building a Postproduction System -- Choosing a Platform -- Recommended systems -- Postproduction Workflows -- Offline vs. online editing -- File formats -- Finishing RAW vs. …”
Libro electrónico -
53por Steen, Joep van derTabla de Contenidos: “… Exercício: Image Precision (Antialiasing) Exercício: Area to Render; Exercício: Trace limits; Exercício: Botão Monochrome; 2.3.2 Final Gather - luz do dia em ambiente interno; Exercício: Cena interna com luz direta; Exercício: Final Gather com reflexos; 2.3.3 Global Illumination - luz do dia em ambiente interno; Exercício: Ativando a Global Illumination; Exercício: Aumentando sistematicamente Photons per Sample and Radius; 2.3.4 GI e FG combinados; Exercício: Aplicando Final Gather a uma cena com Global Illumination…”
Publicado 2011
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54Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “… Exercise: Area to Render2.3.1.6 Exercise: Trace Limits; Exercise: Monochrome Button; 2.3.2 Final Gather-Interior Daylight; Exercise: Interior Scene with Direct Light; Exercise: Final Gather with Bounces; 2.3.3 Global Illumination-Interior Daylight; Exercise: Enabling Global Illumination; Exercise: Systematically Increasing Photons per Sample and Radius; 2.3.4 Gi and Fg Combined; Exercise: Applying Final Gather to a Global Illumination Scene; 2.3.5 Ambient Occlusion; 2.3.6 Render Presets; Chapter 3: Mental Ray® and Lights…”
Libro electrónico -
55Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 15.1: Introduction -- 15.2: Color Theories -- 15.3: Colorimetry -- 15.4: Color Spaces for Digital Photography -- 15.5: Color Management in the Tristimulus World -- 15.6: Goethe-Hering Theory -- 15.7: Monochrome and Monotone Images -- 15.8: Color Constancy and the Land Theory -- 15.9: Color Opponent Cells in the Retina and Brain -- Chapter 16: Image Capture and Processing -- 16.1: Introduction -- 16.2: Capturing Photons with Image Sensors -- 16.3: CCD and CMOS Image Sensors -- 16.4: Encoding of Color -- 16.5: How Film/Sensor Speed (ISO) Is Defined -- 16.6: How the Dynamic Range Is Determined -- 16.7: Exposure Settings for High Image Quality -- 16.8: Saving and Storing the Image -- 16.9: Image Processing and Manipulation -- 16.10: Artifacts Resulting from Inadequate Periodic Sampling -- 16.11: Gamma Correction -- 16.12: Capturing the Light Field -- 16.13: Does the Sensor Really Determine the Resolution of My Digital Camera? …”
Libro electrónico -
56Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- About the Authors -- PART ONE History of the Carbon Process and Carbon Transfer Printing Step-by-Step -- Chapter 1 History of the Carbon Transfer Process -- Monochrome Carbon Transfer -- Three-color Carbon -- Timeline of the History of Carbon Printing -- Chapter 2 Overview, and Making your First Carbon Transfer Print -- Step 1-Make the Carbon Tissue -- Step 2-Sensitize and Dry the Carbon Tissue -- Step 3-Expose the Tissue to a Negative with Ultraviolet Light -- Step 4-Mate the Tissue with a Temporary or Final Substrate -- Step 5-Develop the Print -- Step 6-Clear and Finish the Print -- Chapter 3 Supplies and Materials -- Introduction -- Negative Preparation -- Carbon Tissue Preparation -- Final Supports for the Print -- Sensitizing the Tissue -- Exposing the Tissue -- Mating the Tissue to Substrate -- Development -- Print Finishing -- Chapter 4 The Working Environment -- Lighting -- Humidity and Temperature -- The Wet Area -- The Drying Area -- Drying Unsensitized Printing Materials -- Drying Sensitized Tissue -- The Printing Area -- Chapter 5 Negatives for Carbon Printing -- Introduction -- Section One-Notes on Basic Densitometry -- The Characteristic Curve -- Using Transmission Step Scales -- Procedures for Testing with a Step Wedge -- Determine Base Minimum Printing Time with a Step Wedge -- Calculating Exposure Scale (ES) -- Section Two-Crafting the Analog Film Negative for Carbon Printing -- In-camera Film Negatives -- Section Three-Digital Negatives -- Getting Started with QTR -- Printing with QTR Profiles -- Install QTR -- Install your Printer -- Create a Custom QuadTone RIP Profile for Carbon Printing -- Step 1-Determine a Standard Print Time -- Step 2-Print an Ink Separation Image to Determine Inks and Proportions -- Step 3-Create a Custom QTR Profile…”
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57Publicado 2016“…Furthermore, it had barely been clarified that, despite the name "monochromes", these works are completely polychrome. …”
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58Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…18.3.9 Aspect Ratio / 454 -- 18.3.10 Moments / 455 -- 18.4 Boundary Descriptors / 456 -- 18.4.1 Chain Code, Freeman Code, and Shape Number / 459 -- 18.4.2 Signatures / 461 -- 18.4.3 Fourier Descriptors / 462 -- 18.5 Histogram-based (Statistical) Features / 464 -- 18.6 Texture Features / 466 -- 18.7 Tutorial 18.1: Feature Extraction and Representation / 470 -- 18.8 Problems / 474 -- 19 VISUAL PATTERN RECOGNITION 475 -- 19.1 Introduction / 475 -- 19.2 Fundamentals / 476 -- 19.2.1 Design and Implementation of a Visual Pattern Classifier / 476 -- 19.2.2 Patterns and Pattern Classes / 478 -- 19.2.3 Data Preprocessing / 479 -- 19.2.4 Training and Test Sets / 480 -- 19.2.5 Confusion Matrix / 480 -- 19.2.6 System Errors / 481 -- 19.2.7 Hit Rates, False Alarm Rates, and ROC Curves / 481 -- 19.2.8 Precision and Recall / 482 -- 19.2.9 Distance and Similarity Measures / 485 -- 19.3 Statistical Pattern Classification Techniques / 487 -- 19.3.1 Minimum Distance Classifier / 488 -- 19.3.2 k-Nearest Neighbors Classifier / 490 -- 19.3.3 Bayesian Classifier / 490 -- 19.4 Tutorial 19.1: Pattern Classification / 491 -- 19.5 Problems / 497 -- PART II VIDEO PROCESSING -- 20 VIDEO FUNDAMENTALS 501 -- 20.1 Basic Concepts and Terminology / 501 -- 20.2 Monochrome Analog Video / 507 -- 20.2.1 Analog Video Raster / 507 -- 20.2.2 Blanking Intervals / 508 -- 20.2.3 Synchronization Signals / 509 -- 20.2.4 Spectral Content of Composite Monochrome Analog Video / 509 -- 20.3 Color in Video / 510 -- 20.4 Analog Video Standards / 512 -- 20.4.1 NTSC / 513 -- 20.4.2 PAL / 513 -- 20.4.3 SECAM / 514 -- 20.4.4 HDTV / 514 -- 20.5 Digital Video Basics / 514 -- 20.5.1 Advantages of Digital Video / 515 -- 20.5.2 Parameters of a Digital Video Sequence / 516 -- 20.5.3 The Audio Component / 517 -- 20.6 Analog-to-Digital Conversion / 517 -- 20.7 Color Representation and Chroma Subsampling / 520 -- 20.8 Digital Video Formats and Standards / 521 -- 20.8.1 The Rec. 601 Digital Video Format / 522 -- 20.8.2 The Common Intermediate Format / 523.…”
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