Mostrando 359,881 - 359,900 Resultados de 360,644 Para Buscar '"m²"', tiempo de consulta: 0.76s Limitar resultados
  1. 359881
    por AA., VV
    Publicado 2018
    Libro electrónico
  2. 359882
    por Pérez Chávez, José
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…a) Enajenación de la casa habitación del contribuyente -- b) Herencias o legados -- c) Enajenación de derechos parcelarios -- 2.Ingresos que obtienen las personas físicas por enajenación de bienes inmuebles -- a) Ingresos gravables -- b) Ingresos no gravables -- c) Deducciones autorizadas -- d) Disminución de pérdidas y reglas para disminuirlas -- CASO PRACTICO -- e) Terreno y construcción adquiridos en distinta fecha -- f) Construcciones no comprobadas -- g) Costo de bienes obtenidos en premios o donaciones hechas por la Federación, estados, municipios u organismos descentralizados -- h) Costo de bienes adquiridos por prescripción -- i) Separación del valor del terreno y la construcción -- j) Enajenación de inmuebles de copropietarios -- k) Costo de bienes adquiridos por herencia, legado o donación -- l) Enajenación de inmuebles por empresarios personas físicas -- m) Obligación de los notarios, corredores, jueces y demás fedatarios -- n) Pago provisional por enajenación de inmuebles -- CASOS PRACTICOS -- o) Retención y entero del pago provisional del ISR en enajenación de bienes inmuebles consignada en escritura pública -- 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 359883
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Anónimo, El poeta Federico García Lorca habla de los clubs teatrales -- Pedro Massa, «Muy antiguo y muy moderno»: el poeta García-Lorca y su tragedia «Bodas de sangre» -- José Pérez Doménech, Eduardo Ugarte dice que el teatro actual es de pura receta -- Anónimo, Vilanos en el aire -- Anónimo, Vilanos en el aire -- Ambrosio Garrachón, Frente a un gran poeta -- Anónimo, Los espectadores de excepción de «El amor brujo» opinan -- Anónimo, Vilanos en el aire -- María Teresa León, El teatro internacional: música y bailes españoles -- Ricardo P. de Alcocer, La Barraca en Valencia: el Teatro Universitario -- Anónimo, Vilanos en el aire -- José Salustiano Serna, Charla amable con Federico García Lorca -- Ricardo Fernández Cabal y Francisco Pérez Herrero, Charla con Federico García Lorca -- Enrique Moreno Báez, La Barraca: entrevista con su director, Federico García Lorca -- Anónimo, Vilanos teatrales -- M., El poeta que ha estilizado los romances de plazuela -- Segunda parte. 1933-1934 -- Anónimo, «Vengo de torero herido a dar cuatro conferencias» -- Anónimo, En el Conte Grande pasaron ayer por Montevideo el actor [sic] de «Bodas de sangre» y el escenógrafo Fontanals -- Anónimo, Llegó anoche Federico García Lorca -- Pablo Suero, Crónica de un día de barco con el autor de «Bodas de sangre» -- Erre, Pasó ayer por Montevideo una de las figuras más representativas de la intelectualidad española -- Anónimo, Charlando con García Lorca -- Pablo Suero, La Barraca de García Lorca -- Alberto F. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 359884
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 1 Manipulations on Matrixes -- 1.1 Matrix Properties -- 1.1.1 Elementary Operations -- 1.2 Eigen-Decompositions -- 1.3 Eigenvectors in Everyday Life -- 1.3.1 Conversations in a Noisy Restaurant -- 1.3.2 Power Control in a Cellular Communication System -- 1.3.3 Price Equilibrium in the Economy -- 1.4 Derivative Rules -- 1.4.1 Derivative with respect to x∈ Rn -- 1.4.2 Derivative with respect to x∈ Cn -- 1.4.3 Derivative with respect to the Matrix X∈Rm×n -- 1.5 Quadratic Forms -- 1.6 Diagonalization of a Quadratic Form -- 1.7 Rayleigh Quotient -- 1.8 Basics of Optimization -- 1.8.1 Quadratic Function with Simple Linear Constraint (M=1) -- 1.8.2 Quadratic Function with Multiple Linear Constraints -- Appendix A: Arithmetic vs. …”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 359885
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 3.1.2 Softmax and probability distributions -- 3.1.3 Interpreting the success of active learning -- 3.2 Algorithms for uncertainty sampling -- 3.2.1 Least confidence sampling -- 3.2.2 Margin of confidence sampling -- 3.2.3 Ratio sampling -- 3.2.4 Entropy (classification entropy) -- 3.2.5 A deep dive on entropy -- 3.3 Identifying when different types of models are confused -- 3.3.1 Uncertainty sampling with logistic regression and MaxEnt models -- 3.3.2 Uncertainty sampling with SVMs -- 3.3.3 Uncertainty sampling with Bayesian models -- 3.3.4 Uncertainty sampling with decision trees and random forests -- 3.4 Measuring uncertainty across multiple predictions -- 3.4.1 Uncertainty sampling with ensemble models -- 3.4.2 Query by Committee and dropouts -- 3.4.3 The difference between aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty -- 3.4.4 Multilabeled and continuous value classification -- 3.5 Selecting the right number of items for human review -- 3.5.1 Budget-constrained uncertainty sampling -- 3.5.2 Time-constrained uncertainty sampling -- 3.5.3 When do I stop if I'm not time- or budget-constrained? -- 3.6 Evaluating the success of active learning -- 3.6.1 Do I need new test data? …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 359886
    por Tuhls, G. O.
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 6.2.2 Formatvorlagen auf handformatierte Texte anwenden -- 6.2.3 Einen Absatz mit mehreren Absatz-Formatvorlagen formatieren -- 6.3 Formatvorlagen bearbeiten -- 6.3.1 Eigenschaften einer Formatvorlage anzeigen -- 6.3.2 Formatvorlagen erstellen und ändern -- 6.3.3 Formatvorlage aus handformatiertem Text erstellen -- 6.3.4 Überschriften-Formatvorlagen -- 6.3.5 Formatvorlage löschen -- 6.4 Dokumentvorlagen -- 6.4.1 Das Mysterium -- 6.4.2 Formatvorlagen wiederverwenden -- 6.5 Formatfehler finden…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 359887
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Masse monétaire au sens large : M2 -- Graphique 13. Taux de change nominaux (monnaie nationale/couronne slovaque) -- Tableau 13. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 359888
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Des pans entiers de l'économie ne sont toujours pas soumis à la loi sur la concurrence -- La réglementation provinciale peut affecter l'influence de la loi sur la concurrence -- Les institutions responsables de la concurrence doivent se faire mieux connaître pour pouvoir m... -- Il est nécessaire de remédier aux importants problèmes techniques -- Mais il est encourageant de constater que le débat s'oriente vers une application générale... -- Gérer le partage des compétences entre le gouvernement fédéral et les provinces constitue un vé... -- La coopération et la concertation sont essentiels: les mécanismes sont déjà en place et peuvent... -- Encadré 6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 359889
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Encours d'IDE à la fin de 1998 par pays d'origine -- Tableau M. Encours d'IDE par secteur de destination -- Tableau N. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 359890
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 8.2.2 - Types of CCF Model -- 8.2.3 - The BETAPLUS Model -- - Checklists and scoring of the (A) and (B) factors in the model -- - Assessment of the diagnostic interval factor (C) -- - 'M out of N' redundancy/voting -- 'one out of six' voting -- 'five out of six' voting -- 8.3 - Fault Tree Analysis -- 8.3.1 - The Fault Tree…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 359891
    por Ghosh, Smarajit
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Electromagnetism -- Direction of Current in a Conductor -- Direction of Magnetic Flux in a Conductor -- Flux Distribution of an Isolated Current-carrying Conductor -- Force Between Two Current-carrying Conductors -- Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field -- Generation of Induced enf and Current -- Faraday's Laws -- Lenz's Law -- Induced emf -- Dynamically Induced emf -- Statically Induced emf -- Magnetic Circuits -- Magnetomotive Force -- Magnetic Field Intensity -- Magnetic Flux -- Single-phase Circuits -- Series R-L Circuit -- Series R-C Circuit -- Series L-C-R Circuit -- Power Triangle -- Complex Power -- Three-phase Circuits -- Advantages of Three-phase System -- Phase Sequence -- Interconnection of Three Phases -- Star and Delta Connections -- Voltages, Currents and Power in Star Connections -- Voltages, Currents and Power in Delta Connections -- For Star Connections -- Measurement of Three-phase Power -- Principle of Energy Conversion -- Energy in the Coupling Field -- Energy in the Field -- Co-energy -- Electrical Energy Input to the system -- Estimation of Mechanical Forces in an Electromagnetic System -- Case 1: Motion of the Moving Part is Very Slow -- Case 2: Motion of the Moving Part Instantaneously -- Estimation of Magnetic Force in Linear Systems -- Doubly Excited Systems -- Cylindrical Rotating Machine -- Case 1: Synchronous Motor/Machine -- Case 2: ωm = ωs − ωr -- Chapter 1: Transformers -- 1.1 Definition -- 1.2 Basic Principle -- 1.3 Types of Transformers -- 1.4 Construction of Single-phase Transformer -- 1.4.1 Core Type -- 1.4.2 Shell Type -- 1.4.3 Spiral Core Type -- 1.5 Transformer Windings -- 1.5.1 Concentric Windings -- 1.5.2 Sandwich Windings -- 1.6 Terminals and Leads -- 1.7 Bushings -- 1.8 Tapping -- 1.9 Cooling of Transformer -- 1.10 Transformer Oil…”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 359892
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The context monitoring feedback loop (M-FL) -- 2.5.5. The Autonomic Computing Reference Architecture (ACRA) -- 2.6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 359893
    por Abu-Rub, Haithem
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1: Introduction to High Performance Drives 1.1 Preliminary Remarks 1.2 General Overview of High Performance Drives 1.3 Challenges and Requirements for Electric Drives for Industrial Applications 1.4 Organization of the Book References Chapter 2: Mathematical and Simulation Models of AC Machines 2.1 Preliminary Remarks 2.2 DC Motors 2.2.1 Separately Excited DC Motor Control 2.2.2 Series DC Motor Control 2.3 Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 2.3.1 Space vector representation 2.3.2 Per unit model of Induction Motor 2.3.3 Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) 2.4 Mathematical Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Problems References Chapter 3: Pulse Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC-AC Converter 3.1 Preliminary Remarks 3.2 Classification of Pulse Width Modulation Schemes for Voltage source inverter 3.3 Pulse Width Modulated Inverters 3.3.1 Single Phase Half Bridge Inverters Matlab/Simulink Model of Half Bridge Inverter 3.3.2 Single Phase Full Bridge Inverters Matlab/Simulink Model of Single-phase Full-Bridge Inverter 3.4 Three-phase PWM voltage source inverter 3.4.1 Carrier based Sinusoidal PWM 3.4.2 Third Harmonic Injection Carrier-based PWM 3.4.3 Carrier-based PWM With Offset Addition 3.4.4 Space Vector PWM 3.4.5 Discontinuous Space Vector PWM 3.4.6 Matlab/Simulink Model for space vector PWM 3.4.7 Space Vector PWM in Over-modulation Region 3.4.8 Artificial Neural Network Based PWM 3.5 Relationship Between Carrier-based PWM and Space Vector PWM 3.6 Multi-level Inverters 3.6.1 Diode Clamped Multi-level Inverters 3.6.2 Flying Capacitor Type Multi-level Inverter 3.6.3 Cascaded H-Bridge Multi-level Inverter 3.7 Impedance Source or Z-Source Inverter 3.7.1 Circuit Analysis 3.7.2 Carrier-based Simple Boost PWM control of a Z-source Inverter 3.7.3 Carrier-based Maximum Boost PWM control of a Z-source Inverter 3.7.4 Matlab/Simulink model of Z-source inverter 3.8 Quasi Impedance Source or qZSI Inverter 3.8.1 Matlab/Simulink model of qZ-source inverter 3.9 Dead Time Effect in a Multi-phase Inverter 3.10 Summary References Chapter 4: Field Oriented Control of AC Machines 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Induction Machines Control 4.2.1 Control of Induction Motor using V/f method 4.2.2 Vector Control of Induction Motor [4.1-4.16] 4.2.3 Direct and Indirect Field Oriented Control 4.2.4 Rotor and stator flux computation 4.2.5 Adaptive flux observer 4.2.6 Stator Flux Orientation 4.2.7 Field Weakening Control 4.3 Vector Control of Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Vector Control of DFIG connected with the Grid (abModel) 4.3.3 Simulation Results 4.4 Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 4.4.1 Introduction 4.4.2 Vector Control of PMSM in dq axis 4.4.3 Vector Control of PMSM in a-baxis using PI controller 4.4.4 Scalar Control of PMSM Exercises Additional tasks Possible tasks for DFIG References Chapter 5: XXXXXXXXXX Chapter 6: Nonlinear Control of Electrical Machines Using Nonlinear Feedback 6.1 Introduction 6.2 dynamic system linearization using non-linear feedback 6.3 Nonlinear Control of Separately Excited DC Motor 6.3.1 Matlab/Simulink Nonlinear Control Model 6.3.2 Nonlinear Control Systems 6.3.3 Speed Controller 6.3.4 Control for variable m 6.3.5 Field Current Controller 6.3.6 Simulation Results 6.4 Multiscalar model (MM) of induction motor 6.4.1 Multiscalar variables 6.4.2 Nonlinear linearization of induction motor fed by voltage controlled VSI 6.4.3 Design of system control 6.4.4 Nonlinear linearization of induction motor fed by current controlled VSI 6.4.5 Stator oriented nonlinear control system (based on Ys,is) 6.4.6 Rotor-Stator Fluxes based Model 6.4.7 Stator Oriented Multiscalar Model 6.4.8 Multiscalar Control of Induction Motor 6.4.9 Induction Motor Model 6.4.10 State Transformation 6.4.11 Decoupled IM Model 6.5 MM of double fed induction machine (DFIM) 6.6 Nonlinear Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 6.6.1 Nonlinear Control of PMSM for a dq motor model 6.6.2 Nonlinear Vector Control of PMSM in a-baxis 6.6.3 PMSM in a-b(x-y) axis 6.6.4 Transformation 6.6.5 Control System 6.6.6 Simulation Results Problems References Chapter 7: Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive System 7.1 Preliminary remarks 7.2 Advantages and Applications of Multi-phase drives 7.3 Modelling and Simulation of a Five-phase Induction motor drive 7.3.1 Five-phase Induction motor model Phase variable model Model transformation Machine model in an arbitrary common reference frame Matlab/Simulink model of main fed five-phase induction motor drive 7.3.2 Five-phase Two-level Voltage source Inverter Model 7.3.2.A Ten-Step Mode of Operation 7.3.2.A.1 Fourier analysis of the five-phase inverter output voltages 7.3.2.A.2 Matlab/Simulink Modelling for Ten-step Mode 7.3.2.A.3 Prototype of a five-phase VSI for ten-step operation 7.3.2.A.4 Experimental Results for Ten-Step mode 7.3.2.A.5 PWM mode of operation of five-phase VSI 7.3.3 PWM Schemes of a Five-phase VSI Carrier-based Sinusoidal PWM scheme Matlab/Simulink simulation of Carrier-based sinusoidal PWM 5th Harmonic Injection Based pulse width modulation scheme Matlab/Simulink simulation of 5th harmonic injection PWM Offset addition based pulse width modulation scheme Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Scheme Matlab/Simulink model of SVPWM 7.4 Indirect Rotor Field Oriented Control of Five-phase induction motor 7.4.1 Matlab/Simulink Model of Field oriented control of five-phase Induction machine 7.5 Field Oriented Control of Five-phase induction motor with current control in the Synchronous reference frame 7.6 Model Predictive Control (MPC) 7.6.1 MPC Applied to a Five-phase Two-Level VSI 7.6.2 Matlab/Simulink of MPC for Five-phase VSI 7.7 Summary 7.8 Bibliography Chapter 8: Sensorless Speed Control of AC Machines 8.1 Preliminary Remarks 8.2 Sensorless Control of Induction Motor 8.2.1 Observer 1 8.2.2 Observer 2 8.2.3 Observer 3 8.2.4 MRAS- (closed loop) speed estimator 8.2.5 The use of power measurements 8.3 Sensorless Control of PMSM 8.3.1 Control system of PMSM 8.3.2 Adaptive backstepping observer 8.3.3 Model Reference Adaptive System for PMSM 8.3.4 Simulation Results 8.4 MRAS-Based Sensorless Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive 8.4.1 MRAS-BASED SPEED ESTIMATOR 8.4.2 Simulation Results References Chapter 9: Selected Problems of Induction Motor Drives with Voltage Inverter and Inverter Output Filters 9.1 Drives and filters - overview 9.2 Three phase to two phase transformations 9.3 Voltage and current common mode component 9.3.1 Matlab/Simulink model of induction motor drive with PWM inverter and common mode voltage 9.4 Induction motor common mode circuit 9.5 Bearing current types and reduction methods 9.5.1 Common mode choke 9.5.2 Common mode transformers 9.5.3 Common mode voltage reduction by PWM modifications 9.6 Inverter output filters 9.6.1 Selected structures of inverter output filters 9.6.2 Inverter output filters design 9.6.3 Motor choke 9.6.4 Matlab/Simulink model of induction motor drive with PWM inverter and differential mode (normal mode) LC filter 9.7 Estimation problems in the drive with filters 9.7.1 Introduction 9.7.2 Speed observer with disturbances model 9.7.3 Simple observer based on motor stator models 9.8 Motor control problems in the drive with filters 9.8.1 Introduction 9.8.2 Field oriented control 9.8.3 Nonlinear field oriented control 9.8.4 Nonlinear multiscalar control 9.9 Predictive current control in the drive system with output filter 9.9.1 Control system 9.9.2 Predictive current controller 9.9.3 EMF estimation technique 9.10 Problems 9.11 Questions 9.12 References Index…”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 359894
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.3.1 Bayesian Sufficiency and the Principle -- 9.3.2 Bayesian Analysis and Likelihood Principle -- 9.3.3 Informative and Conjugate Prior -- 9.3.4 Non-informative Prior -- 9.4 Bayesian Estimation -- 9.4.1 Inference for Binomial Distribution -- 9.4.2 Inference for the Poisson Distribution -- 9.4.3 Inference for Uniform Distribution -- 9.4.4 Inference for Exponential Distribution -- 9.4.5 Inference for Normal Distributions -- 9.5 The Credible Intervals -- 9.6 Bayes Factors for Testing Problems -- 9.7 Further Reading -- 9.8 Complements, Problems, and Programs -- Part III Stochastic Processes and Monte Carlo -- Chapter 10 Stochastic Processes -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Kolmogorov's Consistency Theorem -- 10.3 Markov Chains -- 10.3.1 The m-Step TPM -- 10.3.2 Classification of States -- 10.3.3 Canonical Decomposition of an Absorbing Markov Chain -- 10.3.4 Stationary Distribution and Mean First Passage Time of an Ergodic Markov Chain -- 10.3.5 Time Reversible Markov Chain -- 10.4 Application of Markov Chains in Computational Statistics -- 10.4.1 The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm -- 10.4.2 Gibbs Sampler -- 10.4.3 Illustrative Examples -- 10.5 Further Reading -- 10.6 Complements, Problems, and Programs -- Chapter 11 Monte Carlo Computations -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Generating the (Pseudo-) Random Numbers -- 11.2.1 Useful Random Generators -- 11.2.2 Probability Through Simulation -- 11.3 Simulation from Probability Distributions and Some Limit Theorems -- 11.3.1 Simulation from Discrete Distributions -- 11.3.2 Simulation from Continuous Distributions -- 11.3.3 Understanding Limit Theorems through Simulation -- 11.3.4 Understanding The Central Limit Theorem -- 11.4 Monte Carlo Integration -- 11.5 The Accept-Reject Technique -- 11.6 Application to Bayesian Inference -- 11.7 Further Reading -- 11.8 Complements, Problems, and Programs…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 359895
    Publicado 2025
    Tabla de Contenidos: “… Upcycling Plastic Waste to PHAs -- 5.4 Upcycled Product Applications -- 5.5 Conclusion and Future Prospects -- References -- 6 High-Energy Methane Storage Systems Based On Nanoporous Carbon Adsorbent From Biomass Wastes -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Experimental Details -- 6.2.1 Materials -- Adsorbent -- Adsorbate -- 6.2.2 Methods -- Characterization of the Porous Structure of Carbon Adsorbents -- Methane Adsorption Measurements -- Adsorption Performance of the ANG System -- 6.3 Results and Discussion -- 6.3.1 Effect of Compaction On the Porous Structure of C-1 Activated Carbon -- 6.3.2 The Kinetics Characteristics of Methane Adsorption in C-1 -- 6.3.3 Adsorption Performance of the ANG System Loaded With Granulated C-1 and Compacted M-C-1 Carbon Adsorbents -- Adsorption Capacity of the ANG System -- Effect of Cyclic Operation On the Compacted Monolith Carbon Adsorbent -- Heat Effects in the ANG System -- 6.4 Summary: ANG Storage System Prototypes -- References -- 7 Utilization of Plastic Waste in Designing Tiles for Societal Usage: A Step Towards a Circular Economy -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.1.1 Why It Is Important to Recycle Plastic? …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 359896
    por Ayala Taco, Jaime Paúl
    Publicado 2017
    Libro electrónico
  17. 359897
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Save and Load Variables in the Workspace -- 4.1.3 Current Folder -- 4.2 MATLAB m-Files -- 4.2.1 Scripts -- 4.2.2 Commenting Code -- 4.3 MATLAB Debugging Mode -- 4.4 MATLAB Help Documentation -- 5. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 359898
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.22 Edward de Bono -- 3.23 Eliyahu M. Goldratt -- 3.24 Eugene L. Grant -- 3.25 Bill Conway -- 3.26 Yasutoshi Washio -- Further Reading -- Chapter 4: Leadership and TQM -- 4.1 What is Leadership? …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 359899
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Data Descriptions and Sources -- References -- 5 The Effect of Bank Mergers on Shareholder Value and Performance in Japan -- 5.1 Literature Review -- 5.2 M&amp…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 359900
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Date de promulgation des premières lois sur l'accès à l'information dans les pays M... -- Encadré 4. Finlande : L'accès à l'information, garant de la transparence de l'élaboration des po... -- Encadré 5. …”
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