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  1. 8401
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Andrea Padrón Villalba -- Reflexiones en torno a las proyecciones de la inteligencia artificial en la Administración de Justicia / Enrique César Pérez-Luño Robledo -- La Administración de Justicia bajo el prisma de la inteligencia artificial / Selena Tierno Barrios -- ODR, Plataformas colaborativas de comercio electrónico / Bibiana Beatriz Luz Clara -- Visor judicial vs. Eje: ¿solución a consolidar? / Yolanda Murillo Paños -- La configuración normativa de la E-justicia en España hasta la Ley Orgánica 4/2018 / Diana Carolina Wisner Glusko -- Blockchain y Administración de Justicia: ¿un reto posible de alcanzar? …”
  2. 8402
    por Carme Chaparro
    Publicado 2017
    Texto completo en Odilo
  3. 8403
    Publicado 2019
    Libro electrónico
  4. 8404
    Publicado 2021
    “…Por otra parte, este libro analiza aspectos del consentimiento informado que contribuyen a elaborar argumentaciones razonables para que el demandante apalanque sus pretensiones o para que el funcionario judicial sustente su sentencia, gracias a un análisis detallado de la responsabilidad y sus presupuestos…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 8405
    por OECD
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…political interference may undermine the effectiveness of the public administration -- The current form of decentralisation creates incentives for patronage instead of spending on public goods -- The judicial system is formally strong but remains inefficient and too exposed to interference -- Lack of accountability and financial mismanagement in POEs may undermine macroeconomic stability -- Property rights need to be strengthened through better registration procedures and greater awareness about existing laws -- Faster procedures, better institutional design and awareness campaigns about land rights can enhance property registration -- Securing property rights is paramount to future development -- Lack of human resources and harmonised methodological standards impede the quality of statistical products -- Planet conserving nature -- Mismanagement of natural resources could hamper Kosovo's future development path -- Kosovo's rich ecosystem and biodiversity are threatened -- Serious gaps exist in the sustainable management of minerals -- Environmental quality of life must be improved -- Air pollution is a serious threat -- Waste management remains a challenge -- Water mismanagement could hurt Kosovo's development -- Implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation remains weak -- The energy supply is unsustainable, insufficiently diverse and inefficient -- A high dependency on domestic and heavily polluting coal production -- Energy supply is unreliable -- Energy efficiency needs to be improved and the social and environmental impact of energy production reduced -- References -- Notes -- Part V Assessing opportunities and constraints in North Macedonia -- Assessing opportunities and constraints in North Macedonia -- 12 Overview: Identifying strategic opportunities for North Macedonia -- Towards a vision for North Macedonia in 2030: high quality of life, including access to quality education and health care for all citizens, built on sustainable economic development through an innovative local industry in combination with environment ... -- Assessing North Macedonia's development performance -- People towards better lives for all -- Prosperity boosting productivity -- Partnerships and financing financing sustainable development -- Peace and institutions strengthening governance -- Planet conserving nature -- Suggestions for strategic priorities for North Macedonia -- References -- Notes -- 13 Impact of COVID-19 in North Macedonia -- Evolution of the pandemic -- Policy responses and economic impact -- Dimensions of vulnerability to further socio-economic impact from COVID-19 -- Material well-being and social protection -- Health and non-material well-being -- References -- 14 Multi-dimensional analysis of development in North Macedonia -- People towards better lives for all -- Improving well-being for all -- LGBTI communities face continued discrimination and little acceptance in a rather conservative society -- Prioritising quality jobs and equal participation for all -- Young people and women are excluded from the labour market and society as a whole -- Labour market institutions need to be strengthened -- Boosting education quality at all levels -- Improving health and social protection coverage for all -- The rising burden of lifestyle diseases and adverse child health outcomes need to be addressed by increased healthcare funding and more efficient organisation, especially in public PHC -- Despite recent reforms, the current social protection system is not fully financially sustainable due to a low formal worker contribution base -- Prosperity boosting productivity -- Weak linkages between the FDI sector and the rest of the economy have mitigated the structural transformation of the economy -- Weak FDI spillovers and productivity growth have negatively affected economic growth and job creation -- Strengthening human capital can help turning FDI into stronger economic growth and quality jobs -- Firms face significant skills gaps and weak capacities for innovation and technology adoption -- North Macedonian firms do not invest sufficiently in innovation or meet quality standards necessary for GVC integration -- Boosting skills is essential for productivity growth and GVC integration -- Political and regulatory uncertainty and corruption discourage investment and enterprise growth -- Partnerships and financing financing sustainable development -- The fiscal space has narrowed, limiting the scope for further provision of economic stimulus -- Revenue performance is constrained by high informality, low tax rates and high exemptions -- Current expenditures are high and crowd out capital spending -- Financing is constrained, particularly for SMEs -- Peace and institutions strengthening governance -- Lagging fiscal capacity, a complex system of transfers and inefficient territorial organisation may hamper decentralisation reforms -- The approach to regional development is confusing and creates inefficiencies -- The judicial system suffers from undue external interference -- Agricultural land is still very fragmented, undermining productivity and sustainability -- North Macedonia has made significant progress in strengthening statistical capacity, but the lack of a census and prevailing gaps in social statistics prevent accurate policy design -- Planet conserving nature -- North Macedonia is highly exposed and vulnerable to multiple hazards -- North Macedonia is vulnerable to earthquakes, floods and extreme temperatures -- Complex institutional organisation for disaster management and lack of disaster risk reduction (DRR) integration into sectoral planning produce inefficiencies in practice -- The environmental quality of life of all Macedonians is deteriorating -- Air pollution is a serious threat -- Waste management remains a challenge in North Macedonia -- The efficiency of water management needs to be improved -- The enforcement and implementation of environmental legislation remains weak -- North Macedonia is highly dependent on coal, and energy supply is not sufficiently secure and efficient -- North Macedonia highly depends on domestic and heavily polluting coal production, and energy imports -- Energy supply is unreliable in North Macedonia -- Energy production is not efficient and has an environmental impact -- References -- Notes -- Part VI Assessing opportunities and constraints in Serbia -- Assessing opportunities and constraints in Serbia -- 15 Overview: Identifying strategic opportunities for Serbia -- Towards a vision for Serbia in 2030: a healthy, cohesive, more inclusive and equal society and a clean environment built on economic and social development through education, skills and digitalisation in combination with good governance, democracy, d.…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 8406
    por Parks, Dave
    Publicado 2011
    “…Finally, it looks at the potential roadblocks—political and judicial, as well as economic—that may derail some of the provisions. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 8407
    por Akhgar, Babak
    Publicado 2014
    Libro electrónico
  8. 8408
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Volum 2007, Conté "Arquitectura": Visita de obras / Antonio Cruz ; Sede judicial de la Junta de Andalucía, Antequera, Málaga / Ignacio Laguillo y Harald Schönegger arquitectos ; Viviendas en Sant Andreu de la Barca / Joan Pascual Argenté ; Museo Nacional de Escultura, Valladolid / Fuensanta Nieto y Enrique Sobejano ; Edificio de Viviendas y oficinas en la manzana de los laboratorios Uriach / Eduard Gascón, TAC Arquitectes ; Edificio Corporativo en el sector 22@, Barcelona / Fermín Vázquez ( b720 Arquitectos), Carlos Rubio Caravajal y Enrique Alvarez-Sala (R&AS Arquitectos) ; Edificio plurifamiliar para treinta viviendas en la Ronda de Dalt / Juan Trias de Bes ; CEIP Ferrer i Guàrdia en Granollers / BAAS Jordi Badia ; Vivienda unifamiliar entre medianeras en Sant Feliu de Llobregat / DataAE, Claudi Aguiló, Albert Domingo y Martí Sanz ; Edificio de oficinas en Madrid / Jerónimo Junquera y Liliana Obal ; Centro de educación especial A.P.S.A. en Arganda del Rey / Picado-de Blas Arquitectos, Rubén Picado y María José de Blas ; Hotel en Barcelona / Alfredo Arribas ; Ciudad deportiva del Fútbol Club Barcelona, Sant Joan Despí / Enric Batlle y Joan Roig ; Instituto de enseñanza secundaria Els Ports, Morella / Helio Piñón y Nicanor García ; Residencias universitarias de las Laranjeiras, Ponta Delgada / Pedro Costa y Célia Gomes ; Edificio entre medianeras de veinte viviendas en el ensanche de Barcelona / Jon Montero ; Vivienda en Gandarío / Carlos Quintáns ; Vivienda unifamiliar en Vistahermosa, Alicante / Alfredo Payá Benedito ; Ampliación Bibilioteca del campus del Barrio Viejo, Convento de Sant Domènec, Universitat de Girona / Jordi Bosch Genover y Joan Tarrús Galter ; Vivienda unifamiliar en Tamariu / Jordi Garcés ; Parque de investigación Biomédica de Barcelona / Manuel Brullet y Albert de Pineda ; Viviendas en Sant Pere de Ribes / Lluis Clotet e Ignacio Paricio ; Viviendas en La Mina del Morro, Bilbao / Francisco Burgos y José María de Lapuerta ; Vivienda unifamiliar en Bunyola, Mallorca / Francisco Cifuentes ; Rehabilitación del Caserío Gernika, Vitoria-Gasteiz / Javier Bárcena y Luis Zufiaur ; Crematorio para tanatorio San José en Valladolid / Primitivo González ; Residencia para la tercera edad y centro de dia, Durango / Roberto Ercilla y Miguel Angel Campo ; Bar en Belém / JoÂo Pedro Falcâo de Campos y José Ricardo Vaz ; Estadio de Fútbol de Palencia / Francisco José Mangado ; Edificio de viviendas de protección pública en Terrassa / FFPV Arquitectura, Franc Fernández, Carles Puig y Xavi Vancells ; Centro cívico en Custóias / Guilherme Machado ; Centro de Salud en Muros, A Coruña / Jesús Irisarri y Guadalupe Piñera ; Subestación eléctrica Amate, Sevilla / RGR Arquitectos, Pura García Márquez, Ignacio Rubiño y Luis Rubiño ; Parque Arqueológico Minas prehistóricas de Gavà / Dani Freixes, Eulàlia González, Vicenç Bou y Vicente Miranda ----- Conté "Interiorismo": Objetos aisaldos / Hans Ibelings ; Sede de la fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Vigo / Luis M. …”
  9. 8409
    Publicado 2016
    “…Los límites fueron claros: el Presidente jamás haría por sí solo la ley, ni intervendría en el poder judicial, ni en la administración municipal. Los jueces, mediante su interpreta…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 8410
    por Repetto, Alfredo L.
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La verdad en el proceso judicial; II La postura filosófica; 1. El realismo clásico…”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 8411
    por Rubio Correa, Marcial
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos:
    Libro electrónico
  12. 8412
    por Linkgua
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…De la fuerza pu ́blicaTI ́TULO VIII. DE LA FUNCIO ́N JUDICIAL; Capi ́tulo 1. De los principios generales; Capi ́tulo 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 8413
    Publicado 2019
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…De la fuerza pu ́blicaTI ́TULO VIII. DE LA FUNCIO ́N JUDICIAL; Capi ́tulo 1. De los principios generales; Capi ́tulo 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 8414
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Colombia sobre supuestas violaciones a derechos soberanos y espacios marítimos en el mar Caribe(pp. 135-154) -- Política migratória brasileira e covid-19(pp. 157-184) -- Falsas noticias y covid-19: el acceso a la información y la salud como pilares de los derechos humanos en Brasil y Colombia(pp. 185-206) -- Alcance y aplicabilidad del principio de las responsabilidades comunes pero diferenciadas en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica(pp. 207-224) -- Análisis del contexto de la minería ancestral y tradicional en los municipios de Segovia y Remedios en el departamento de Antioquia: violación sistemática de los derechos humanos(pp. 225-252) -- Facial Recognition and Human Rights in the European Union and Latin America(pp. 253-278) -- Panorámica de la protección internacional de la identidad cultural de los pueblos indígenas desde el derecho ambiental(pp. 279-306) -- Contribuições da "Cidade Inteligente" no Direito Ambiental e Internacional: em busca de soluções(pp. 307-322) -- El pluralismo cosmopolita reforzado como reivindicación indígena(pp. 323-348) -- A reading on the right to freedom of the press in South America from the United Nations and inter-American systems for the protection of human rights(pp. 349-364) -- Remoción arbitraria de magistrados de las salas de lo constitucional en países centroamericanos: perspectivas desde la realidad hondureña y salvadoreña y el rol del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos para el restablecimiento de la independencia judicial y el Estado de derecho(pp. 365-394) -- O Negacionismo ao Genocídio Armênio no Século XXI: Uma Análise dos Tratados de Sèvres, Lausanne e suas Relações com o Negacionismo Turco(pp. 397-416) -- La asistencia militar: una figura de garantía de los derechos humanos en Colombia(pp. 417-442) -- Acuerdo de cooperación entre el Gobierno de Colombia y la Oficina del Fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional: ¿pacto de no agresión?…”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 8415
    por Lluch, Xavier Abel
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…La construcción de la decisión judicial; Bibliografía; Capítulo II El objeto de la prueba; 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 8416
    por Scaffardi, Lucia
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- References -- Part II: Edible Insects -- Legislative and Judicial Challenges on Insects for Human Consumption: From Member States to the EU, Passing Through the Court ... -- 1 Marketing Edible Insects in the EU: Sustainability, Food Security, Food Safety and Regulatory Issues -- 2 The First Attempt to Regulate Insects-as-Food and the Doubts Regarding the Scope of Application of 1997 Novel Foods Legislat... -- 3 Shadows from the Past: Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 Between Clarifications and Persistent Doubts -- 4 A Relevant Decision Influencing the Application of 2015 Regulation ́s Transitional Measures: The CJEU Provides Clarifications…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 8417
    por Benns̉sar Moy,̉ Antoni
    Publicado 2012
    Libro electrónico
  18. 8418
    por Institute of Medicine (U.S.).
    Publicado 1991
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Patient Outcomes Research Teams: Managing Conflict of Interest -- Copyright -- Acknowledgments -- Preface -- Contents -- Summary -- INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE STUDY -- DEFINING CONFLICT OF INTEREST -- MODELS FOR ADDRESSING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -- POINTS TO CONSIDER -- 1 Introduction -- OUTCOMES RESEARCH -- THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE STUDY -- STRUCTURE OF THE REPORT -- 2 Patient Outcomes Research Teams -- THE MEDICAL TREATMENT EFFECTIVENESS PROGRAM -- PORT RESEARCH TOPICS -- PORT STRUCTURE -- PORT METHODS -- SPECIAL ASPECTS OF PORT RESEARCH -- SUMMARY -- 3 Conflict of Interest -- DEFINING CONFLICT OF INTEREST -- FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS THAT MAY GIVE RISE TO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -- Equity and Other Financial Relationships -- Industry Support for University Research -- ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -- ADDRESSING CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -- Legislative Support for Technology Transfer -- EFFECTS OF UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION -- RELEVANT EFFORTS IN OTHER SECTORS -- Regulation or Federal Employees -- FDA Federal Advisory Committees -- The United States Pharmacopeial Convention -- Professional Associations -- National Research Council -- National Institutes of Health Grants Policy -- Academic Association and Institutional Guidelines -- AAMC Guidelines -- AAHC Guidelines -- Academic Institutional Guidelines -- Medical Publications -- Judicial and Legal Approaches -- SUMMARY -- 4 Sources of Concern About Conflicts of Interest in PORTs -- ELEVEN ISSUES OF SPECIAL CONCERN -- PORTs as Hybrid Entities: Research and Quasi-Regulatory Functions -- PORTs as a Public Trust for Development of Scientific Knowledge -- PORTs as a Quasi-Regulatory Process -- Protecting PORT Credibility -- Expectations of Cost Savings -- Concentration of Expertise -- Subjective Judgments and Multidimensional Outcome Assessments…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 8419
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Un diálogo ibérico con ocasión de los 40 años de la Constitución española / João Carlos Loureiro -- 5. La tutela judicial efectiva en la Constitución Española de 1978 y su influencia en el continente americano / Patricio Maraniello -- 6. …”
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  20. 8420
    por García Morillo, Joaquín
    Publicado 1995