Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Internet 2,829
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 800
- Computer networks 610
- Internet programming 605
- Revistes 582
- Computer Science 497
- Internet marketing 453
- Application software 445
- Security measures 411
- Development 399
- recursos en Internet 340
- Electrical & Computer Engineering 330
- Computer security 324
- Internet of things 317
- Telecommunications 317
- Web site development 314
- Operating systems (Computers) 312
- Management 304
- Marketing 298
- Web sites 274
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 265
- Aspectos sociales 251
- Design 246
- Social aspects 244
- Information technology 242
- Comercio electrónico 228
- Data processing 225
- Marketing en Internet 211
- Diseases 210
- Medios de comunicación social 206
24201Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…3.3 The Integration of System Design Activities3.4 Selected Design Engineering Disciplines; 3.5 SOS Integration and Interoperability Requirements; 3.6 Summary; Questions and Problems; Chapter 4: Engineering Design Methods and Tools; 4.1 Conventional Design Practices; 4.2 Analytical Methods; 4.3 Information Technology, the Internet, and Emerging Technologies; 4.4 Current Design Technologies and Tools; 4.5 Computer-Aided Design (CAD); 4.6 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM); 4.7 Computer-Aided Support (CAS); 4.8 Summary; Questions and Problems; Chapter 5: Design Review and Evaluation…”
Libro electrónico -
24202por Buechler, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…Exploring the Fun Zone; Step 1: Select a Topic; Step 2: Round Up the Source Files; Newspapers, Clippings, Books, and Magazine Articles; Other People's Stuff; Sources on the Internet; Building Your Project; Step 3: Import the Source Material; Step 4: Review Your Clips in the Collection; Step 5: Make a Great Introduction; Step 6: Add Clips to the Body; Step 7: Add the Ending; Step 8: Finish It; 7. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
24203por Robbins, Jennifer NiederstTabla de Contenidos: “…How the WebWorks; The Internet Versus the Web; Serving Up Your Information; A Word About Browsers; Web Page Addresses (URLs)…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
24204Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Best App for International NewsBest App for National News; Best App for Local News; Best App for Sports News and Scores; Best App for Business News; Best App for Reading Web News; Best App for Reading Web Pages Offline; Best App for Public Service Channels; Best App for Internet Radio; Best App for Traditional Radio; Best App for Streaming Your Music; Best App for Belting Out a Tune; Best App for Learning Chords; Best App for Getting Your Groove On; Best App for Requesting an Encore; Best App for Drawing and Painting; Best App for Virtual Sculpting; Best App for Temporary Brushwork…”
Libro electrónico -
24205por Shoup, Kate, 1972-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Change Your Calendar's AppearanceSchedule an Appointment; Schedule an Event; Plan a Meeting; Attach a File to a Calendar Entry; Open a Calendar Entry; Edit a Calendar Entry; Create Additional Calendars; View Calendars in Overlay Mode; Create a Group Schedule; Send a Calendar Snapshot; View a Calendar Snapshot; Publish a Calendar on Office Online; View and Subscribe to a Calendar on Office Online; Subscribe to an Internet Calendar; Save a Calendar as a Web Page; Print a Calendar; Chapter 9: Using Outlook's Task Component; Create a New Task; Attach a File to a Task Entry; Sort Tasks…”
Publicado 2007
Libro electrónico -
24206por White, Kevin M.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Monitoring Applications and Processes -- Application Troubleshooting -- Managing Dashboard -- Understanding Boot Camp -- Configuring Boot Camp -- Switching Between Systems -- What You've Learned -- References -- Review Quiz -- Chapter 7 Network Configuration -- Fundamental Network Concepts -- Networks in Action -- Basic Network Configuration -- Using Network Locations -- Using Hardware Network Interfaces -- Using Virtual Network Interfaces -- Using Network Protocols -- Network Troubleshooting -- What You've Learned -- References -- Review Quiz -- Chapter 8 Network Services -- Understanding Network Services -- Using Network Applications -- Using File-Sharing Services -- Using Host-Sharing Services -- Sharing an Internet Connection -- Securing Network Services -- Troubleshooting Network Services -- Understanding Directory Services -- Configuring Network Directory Services -- Managing Network Authentication -- Troubleshooting Directory Services -- What You've Learned -- References -- Review Quiz -- Chapter 9 Peripherals and Printing -- Understanding Peripherals -- Using Bluetooth Peripherals -- Peripherals that Synchronize -- Troubleshooting Peripherals -- Configuring Printing and Faxing -- Managing Print Jobs -- Sharing Printers and Faxes -- Advanced Printing Management -- Troubleshooting the Printing System -- What You've Learned -- References -- Review Quiz -- Chapter 10 System Startup -- Understanding the Startup Sequence -- Sleep Modes, Logout, and Shutdown -- Troubleshooting Startup -- What You've Learned -- References -- Review Quiz -- Index…”
Publicado 2010
Libro electrónico -
24207por Rosen, Rami. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…""The Netlink Message Header""""NETLINK_ROUTE Messages""; ""Adding and Deleting a Routing Entry in a Routing Table""; ""Generic Netlink Protocol""; ""Creating and Sending Generic Netlink Messages""; ""Socket Monitoring Interface""; ""Summary""; ""Quick Reference""; ""Chapter 3: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)""; ""ICMPv4""; ""ICMPv4 Initialization""; ""ICMPv4 Header""; ""Receiving ICMPv4 Messages""; ""Sending ICMPv4 Messages: “Destination Unreachableâ€?""…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
24208por Diehm, SusanneTabla de Contenidos: “…2.4 Schlagwortliste anlegen2.4.1 Foren finden; 2.5 Meilenstein 1 ist erreicht; Kapitel 3: Ihre virtuelle Visitenkarte; 3.1 Die Unternehmenswebsite; 3.1.1 Checkliste: Kriterien für eine gute Website; 3.1.2 Jetzt geht es los: Texten für die Website; 3.2 Home: Die Startseite; 3.2.1 Unternehmensphilosophie; 3.3 Produkte und Angebot; 3.4 Meilenstein; Kapitel 4: Werben mit Emotionen; 4.1 Das Team als Sympathieträger; 4.2 Meilenstein; Kapitel 5: Pressearbeit im Internet; 5.1 Die Presseseite; 5.2 Journalistische Grundformen; 5.3 Vom »Kleinen Schwarzen« zum Komplettoutfit - Die Pressemitteilung…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
24209por Kopec, David. authorTabla de Contenidos: “…; Retrieving a Web Site; The Web's Place on the Internet; Defining a Web Site's Look; Non-HTML on the Web; Web Browsers; Domains, IP Addresses, and IP Routing; A Little More HTTP; A Full Web Transaction; Summary; Chapter 8: Using Dart to Interact with HTML; The DOM; Tagging the Tags; Responding to Events from the DOM; BMI Calculator; Images…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
24210Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Chat Face-to-Face Using FaceTime""""Chapter 6: Networking and Social Networking""; ""Using Airplane Mode""; ""Monitor Your Cellular Network Usage""; ""Control Cellular Data and Background Refresh""; ""Connect Your iPhone to a Different Carrier""; ""Turn Data Roaming On or Off""; ""Connect Bluetooth Devices to Your iPhone""; ""Share Items via AirDrop""; ""Share Internet Access via Personal Hotspot""; ""Connect to Wi-Fi Networks and Hotspots""; ""Set Up Your Social Network Accounts""; ""Share Your Updates Using Twitter""; ""Post Updates on Facebook""; ""Sign In to Game Center""…”
Libro electrónico -
24211Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…9.6 Ihre Internetpräsenz: Effektives Präsentationsmedium -- 9.7 Die sinnvolle Gestaltung des Schaufensters -- 9.8 Die Mappenpräsentation bei Werbeagenturen und Verlagen -- Kapitel 10: Fotografie und Recht -- 10.1 Basiswissen Fotorecht -- 10.2 Fotos vor Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet schützen -- 10.3 Muster-Verträge -- Kapitel 11: Auftragsabwicklung -- 11.1 Das Angebot -- 11.2 Die Auftragsbestätigung -- 11.3 Die Abwicklung des Fotojobs -- 11.4 Die Rechnung -- 11.5 Das Mahnwesen -- Kapitel 12: Steuer-Infos und -Tipps -- 12.1 Umsatzsteuer -- 12.2 Die Gewinnermittlung -- Kapitel 13: Berufsaussichten in der kommerziellen Fotografie -- Anhang A: Berufsfotografen berichten -- Anhang B: Übungsaufgabe zur Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung mit kommentierten Lösungen -- Anhang C: Hochschulen für angehende Fotografen in Deutschland -- Anhang D: Die wichtigsten privaten Fotoschulen in Deutschland -- Anhang E: Fotografen- und Interessenverbände -- Weiterführende Links, nützliche Adressen und Literatur-Empfehlungen…”
Libro electrónico -
24212por Malviya, RishabhaTabla de Contenidos: “…-- 5.3 Introduction to Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications -- 5.4 Natural Language Processing -- 5.5 The Internet of Things -- 5.6 Prospective AI Advantages in Orthopedics -- 5.7 Diagnostic Application of AI -- 5.8 Prediction Application With AI -- 5.9 Conclusion -- 6 Significance of Artificial Intelligence in Spinal Disorder Treatment -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Machine Learning -- 6.3 Methods Derived From Statistics -- 6.4 Applications of Machine Learning in Spine Surgery -- 6.5 Application of AI and ML in Spine Research -- 6.6 Conclusion -- 7 Osteoporosis Biomarker Identification and Use of Machine Learning in Osteoporosis Treatment -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Biomarkers of Bone Development -- 7.3 Biomarkers for Bone Resorption -- 7.4 Regulators of Bone Turnover -- 7.5 Methods to Identify Osteoporosis -- 7.6 Conclusion -- 8 The Role of AI in Pediatric Orthopedics -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Strategy Based on Artificial Intelligence -- 8.3 Several Applications of Artificial Intelligence -- 8.4 Conclusion -- 9 Use of Artificial Intelligence in Imaging for Bone Cancer -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Applications of Machine Learning to Cancer Diagnosis -- 9.3 Artificial Intelligence Methods for Diagnosing Bone Cancer -- 9.4 Methodologies for Constructing Deep Learning Model -- 9.5 Clinical Image Applications of Deep Learning for Bone Tumors -- 9.6 Conclusion -- References -- Index…”
Publicado 2024
Libro electrónico -
24213por Pattison, TedTabla de Contenidos: “…AJAX Web Parts; Building Rich Internet Applications with ASP.NET AJAX; Functions as Objects; Prototypes as Class Definitions; Class Registration and Inheritance; Global Namespace Functions; Creating a JavaScript Component with ASP.NET AJAX; Web Service Endpoints for WSS AJAX Components; HTTP Handlers as Data Sources; Building AJAX Web Part Parts for WSS; AJAX Web Parts; Introducing the SharePoint AJAX Toolkit; XmlWebPart in the SharePoint AJAX Toolkit…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
24214por Lammle, ToddTabla de Contenidos: “…1.6 Describe the impact of applications (Voice over IP and Video over IP) on a network1.7 Interpret network diagrams; 1.8 Determine the path between two hosts across a network; 1.9 Describe the components required for network and Internet communications; 1.10 Identify and correct common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3, and 7 using a layered model approach; 1.11 Differentiate between LAN/WAN operation and features; Review Questions; Answers to Review Questions; Chapter 2: Configure, verify, and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and interswitch communications…”
Publicado 2008
Libro electrónico -
24215por Westfall, JonTabla de Contenidos: “…Rolling it All Together: Simple CalcSummary; Chapter 8 Building Visually Rich Internet Applications; Finding and Using Icons and Stock Photography; Iconfinder; Find Icons; Using an Icon; deviantART; iStockphoto; Guidance on Using Photos in Web Apps; Web Fonts; Google Web Fonts; Font Issues to Consider; CSS Frameworks; 1140px Grid; Less Framework 4; 320 and Up; Comparing Frameworks: About Jon!!…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24216por Tosatto, DanieleTabla de Contenidos: “…Direct Attached Storage Storage Area Network (SAN); Network Attached Storage (NAS); Storage protocols; Network File System (NFS); Fibre Channel (FC); Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI); Storage in XenServer; Storage Repository (SR); Virtual Disk Images (VDIs); Storage attributes; Physical Block Devices (PBDs); Virtual Block Devices (VBDs); Creating Storage Repositories; Creating a Storage Repository; Creating a new NFS VHD Storage Repository; Creating a new software iSCSI Storage Repository; Creating a new hardware HBA Storage Repository; Creating a new StorageLink Repository…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24217por Dulaney, Emmett A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…2.4 Explain common TCP and UDP ports, protocols, and their purpose2.5 Compare and contrast wireless network standards and encryption types; 2.6 Install, configure, and deploy a SOHO wireless/wired router using appropriate settings; 2.7 Compare and contrast Internet connection types and features; 2.8 Identify various types of networks; 2.9 Compare and contrast network devices and their functions and features; 2.10 Given a scenario, use appropriate networking tools; Review Questions; Chapter 3: Laptops; 3.1 Install and configure laptop hardware and components…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24218por Coleman, David D.Tabla de Contenidos: “…CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide; Contents; Foreword; Introduction; Assessment Test; Chapter 1 Overview of Wireless Standards, Organizations, and Fundamentals; History of WLAN; Standards Organizations; Federal Communications Commission; International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Internet Engineering Task Force; Wi-Fi Alliance; International Organization for Standardization; Core, Distribution, and Access; Communications Fundamentals; Understanding Carrier Signals…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24219por Cone, Steve, 1950-Tabla de Contenidos: “…It's About TimeLoyalty in the Not-for-Profit World; Chapter 12: The Single Most Powerful Way to Get Customers to Love You; Getting Your Promotional Letter Read or E-Mail Every Time; The Absolute Power of Membership . . . and Something American Express Does Right; Chapter 13: Making Sense of Media Planning; Print Media; Zig When Everyone Else Zags; TV and Radio Placement; You Can Avoid Consumer Ad Skipping; The Next Giant Leap in Ad Watching; Has Radio Seen Its Best Days?; The Internet; Global Media Planning and Placement; Chapter 14: Making Social Networking Work for You…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
24220por Pogue, David, 1963-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Special Software, Special Problems; ACDSee; Acrobat Reader; ACT; Ad Subtract (Pop-up Stopper); Adobe [your favorite program here]; America Online; AIM (AOL Instant Messenger); Children's Software; Easy CD Creator; Encarta; Eudora; Excel; Firefox; Games; Google Desktop Search; ICQ; Internet Explorer; iTunes; Limewire; McAfee VirusScan; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Money; Microsoft Office; Microsoft Publisher…”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico