Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Euro 230
- Economic conditions 127
- Economics 110
- Economic policy 99
- Política monetaria 96
- Business & Economics 75
- Economic History 54
- History 40
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 39
- Unión Europea 30
- International trade 27
- Economic history 26
- Finance 26
- Història 26
- Computer Science 24
- Modelos econométricos 22
- Euro (Moneda) 21
- Moneda 21
- Accounting 19
- Empresas 19
- National income 19
- Politics and government 19
- Service industries 19
- Integración económica 18
- Relaciones exteriores 18
- Unions monetàries 18
- Historia 16
- Monetary policy 16
- Contabilidad 15
- Precios 15
1481por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Tendances récentes du financement des PME et de l'entrepreneuriat -- Climat des affaires et contexte macroéconomique -- Les échanges internationaux et l'investissement des entreprises -- Les conditions financières -- Prêts aux PME -- Les nouveaux prêts aux PME -- L'encours de prêts aux PME -- La part des prêts aux PME -- Les crédits à court et à long terme -- Conditions de crédit pour les PME -- Taux d'intérêt -- Sûretés exigées -- Taux de rejet -- Demandes de prêts des PME -- Données d'enquête complémentaires sur les conditions de crédit -- Zone euro -- États-Unis -- Japon -- Royaume-Uni -- Financement contre nantissement d'actifs -- Crédit-bail et location-vente -- Affacturage -- Autofinancement -- Financement par apport de fonds propres -- Le capital-risque -- La dette privée -- Les introductions en bourse -- Le financement en ligne « alternatif » -- Le tutorat-investissement -- Retards de paiement, faillites et prêts improductifs -- Retards de paiement -- Les faillites -- Les prêts improductifs -- Réponses des pouvoirs publics en 2017-2018 -- Des dispositifs de garantie de crédit en forte expansion ou en cours de réforme pour mieux répondre aux besoins des bénéficiaires -- De plus en plus de politiques publiques visant à lutter contre les retards de paiement -- Approches réglementaires et mesures ciblées visant à promouvoir le développement des technologies financières -- Création ou développement de fonds publics de capital-risque -- Recommandations concernant l'amélioration des données -- Notes -- Références…”
Publicado 2019
Libro electrónico -
1482Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Services des administrations publiques n.c.a. -- ZONE EURO (16) -- Tableau 1. Total services -- Tableau 2. …”
Libro electrónico -
1483por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Services des administrations publiques n.c.a. -- ZONE EURO (16) -- Tableau 1. Total services -- Tableau 2. …”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
1484por Pascual, FranciscoTabla de Contenidos: “…5.10 PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS -- 5.11 COMPARTIR LIBROS -- 5.12 ORDENACIONES -- 5.13 AUTOCALCULAR -- 5.14 HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL EURO -- 5.15 CARACTERES ESPECIALES Y SÍMBOLOS -- 5.16 TEXTO EN COLUMNAS -- 5.17 AGRUPAR CELDAS Y ESQUEMAS -- 5.18 SUBTOTALES -- 5.19 AÑADIR IMÁGENES -- 5.20 EDITAR IMÁGENES -- 5.21 DIBUJAR -- 5.21.1 Seleccionar figuras -- 5.21.2 Mover figuras -- 5.22 WORDART -- 5.23 DIAGRAMAS SMARTART -- 5.24 CAPTURAS -- 5.25 PERSONALIZAR LA CINTA DE OPCIONES -- 5.26 BARRA DE HERRAMIENTAS DE ACCESO RÁPIDO -- 5.26.1 Agregar y eliminar botones a la barra -- 5.27 EJERCICIOS -- 5.27.1 Comentarios -- 5.27.2 Insertar y eliminar celdas -- 5.27.3 Añadir y eliminar hojas -- 5.27.4 Desarrollo de un libro con varias hojas -- 5.27.5 Protección de datos -- 5.27.6 Protección de datos II -- 5.27.7 Ordenaciones -- 5.27.8 Rótulos -- 6 FUNCIONES CON EXCEL -- 6.1 TRATAMIENTO DE LAS FUNCIONES -- 6.1.1 Rangos en las funciones -- 6.2 FUNCIONES MATEMÁTICAS -- 6.3 FUNCIONES DE FECHA Y HORA -- 6.4 FUNCIONES DE TEXTO -- 6.5 FUNCIONES LÓGICAS Y DE INFORMACIÓN -- 6.6 EJERCICIOS -- 6.6.1 Aplicación de funciones -- 6.6.2 Hotel -- 7 GRÁFICOS MATEMÁTICOS -- 7.1 CREACIÓN DE UN GRÁFICO -- 7.2 EDICIÓN DE GRÁFICOS -- 7.3 LOS ELEMENTOS DEL GRÁFICO -- 7.3.1 Relleno -- 7.3.2 Color de borde -- 7.3.3 Sombra -- 7.3.4 Iluminado y bordes suaves -- 7.3.5 Bordes suaves -- 7.3.6 Formato 3D -- 7.3.7 Giro 3D -- 7.3.8 Efectos artísticos -- 7.3.9 Correcciones de imágenes -- 7.3.10 Color de imagen -- 7.3.11 Recortar -- 7.3.12 Tamaño -- 7.3.13 Propiedades -- 7.3.14 Cuadro de texto -- 7.3.15 Texto alternativo -- 7.4 EJERCICIOS -- 7.4.1 Gráfico para Notas de un alumno -- 7.4.2 Gráfico para Gastos -- 8 TRABAJO SENCILLO CON BASES DE DATOS -- 8.1 ORDENACIÓN Y FILTROS -- 8.1.1 Filtros avanzados -- 8.2 IMPORTAR BASES DE DATOS A UNA HOJA DE EXCEL -- 8.3 FUNCIONES DE BASE DE DATOS -- 8.4 CONSULTAS EN INTERNET…”
Publicado 2014
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
1485por David K. EitemanTabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.4 The Globalization Process -- Summary Points -- Mini-Case: Crowdfunding Kenya -- Questions -- Problems -- Internet Exercises -- Chapter 2 The International Monetary System -- 2.1 History of the International Monetary System -- 2.2 Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rates -- 2.3 The Impossible Trinity -- 2.4 A Single Currency for Europe: The Euro -- 2.5 Emerging Markets and Regime Choices -- Summary Points -- Mini-Case: The Internationalization (or Not) of the Chinese Renminbi -- Questions -- Problems -- Internet Exercises -- Chapter 3 The Balance of Payments -- 3.1 Fundamentals of BOP Accounting -- 3.2 The Accounts of the Balance of Payments -- 3.3 BOP Impacts on Key Macroeconomic Rates -- 3.4 Trade Balances and Exchange Rates -- 3.5 Capital Mobility -- Summary Points -- Mini-Case: Global Remittances -- Questions -- Problems -- Internet Exercises -- Chapter 4 Financial Goals and Corporate Governance -- 4.1 Business Ownership -- 4.2 Publicly Traded Versus Privately Held: The Global Shift -- 4.3 Corporate Governance -- Summary Points -- Mini-Case: Volkswagen's Defeat Devices and Stakeholder Control -- Questions -- Problems -- Internet Exercises -- PART 2 Foreign Exchange Theory and Markets -- Chapter 5 The Foreign Exchange Market -- 5.1 Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market -- 5.2 Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market -- 5.3 Transactions in the Foreign Exchange Market -- 5.4 Foreign Exchange Rates and Quotations -- Summary Points -- Mini-Case: The Venezuelan Bolivar Black Market…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
1486por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Dépenses totales des administrations publiques dans la zone euro, l'OCDE et la Grèce -- Tableau A.2. Dépenses totales des administrations publiques (données consolidées) -- Tableau A.3. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
1487por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Subventions liées à l'environnement, en milliers d'euros, par catégorie, 2000 -- Tableau 16. Vue d'ensemble des tarifs d'achat garantis pour l'électricité produite.... -- Tableau 17. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
1488por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Biens et services des administrations publiques, n.i.a. -- Zone euro (19) -- Tableau 1. Total services -- Tableau 2. …”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
1489por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Récapitulatif des résultats et projections à court terme -- Encadré 3. Le passage à l'euro fiduciaire est-il neutre pour l'économie ? -- II. …”
Publicado 2001
Libro electrónico -
1490por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Le sterling vis-à-vis de l'euro et du dollar -- Tableau A1. Différentes estimations de la valeur « d'équilibre » de la livre -- Annexe III : Les répercussions du choc pétrolier -- Graphique A3. …”
Publicado 2002
Libro electrónico -
1491Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Evaluation and conclusion -- Acknowledgement -- Endnotes -- References -- Chapter 17: The noetic process (citta vithi): A Therāvāda Buddhist view -- Introduction -- The no-substance ontology of Buddhism -- Noetic processes in Buddhism -- The meaning of Abhidhamma1 -- Analysis of the process of consciousness -- Manodvāra vīthi -- The concept of citta -- Manas -- Conclusion -- Endnotes -- Classical texts quoted -- Section 4: Affect, Motivation and Creativity -- Introduction -- Chapter 18: Psychology of emotions: Some cultural perspectives -- The lived reality of emotions -- The changing contours of the emotional world -- Psychological thoughts on emotions: The Euro-American tradition -- Understanding the culture-emotion interface -- The quest for basic emotions -- Cultural variations in the components of emotions -- Culture-specific patterns of emotions -- Emotions in the Indian thought -- Typology of emotions -- The concepts of and rasa -- The making of rasa -- Emotion of bhakti -- Conclusion -- Appendix: List of bhāvas -- References -- Chapter 19: Why am I here? …”
Libro electrónico -
1492Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Meaning of Money -- Functions of Money -- Unusual Forms of Money -- CENTRAL BANKS AND THE CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY -- Federal Reserve Banks -- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System -- Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) -- The European Central Bank -- Control of the Money Supply -- MEASURING MONEY -- The Federal Reserve's Monetary Aggregates -- Where Are All the U.S. Dollars and the Euros? -- The Fed's Use of M1 Versus M2 in Practice -- QUANTITY THEORY OF MONEY -- Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange -- From the Equation of Exchange to the Quantity Theory of Money -- The Classical Dichotomy -- Quantity Theory and the Price Level -- Quantity Theory and Inflation -- APPLICATION: Testing the Quantity Theory of Money -- HYPERINFLATION -- POLICY AND PRACTICE: The Zimbabwean Hyperinflation -- INFLATION AND INTEREST RATES -- APPLICATION: Testing the Fisher Effect -- THE COST OF INFLATION -- Costs of Anticipated Inflation…”
Libro electrónico -
1493por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Monetary policy will turn more neutral and fiscal support will moderate -- Growth is to return to its gradually slowing pre-pandemic path -- Turning crisis into an opportunity to initiate key reforms -- Colombia -- A second wave of COVID-19 infections hit Colombia in early 2021 -- Economic activity has slowed following a tightening of mobility restrictions -- Policy support remains significant with a strong focus on the most vulnerable -- The recovery will gain traction in the second half of 2021 -- Tax and benefit reforms could make the recovery more inclusive -- Costa Rica -- Vaccination is progressing gradually -- Activity in the free trade zone remains robust -- Social transfers helped mitigate the social impact of the recession -- The recovery will progress gradually -- Structural reforms should continue -- Czech Republic -- The pandemic has been difficult to control -- A further tightening of containment measures undermined the economic recovery -- Policy remains very accommodative -- Sustained economic recovery should start in mid-2021 -- Policy should facilitate job transition and boost a green recovery -- Denmark -- Denmark has been relaxing its containment measures -- The virus and containment measures interrupted the recovery -- Fiscal stimulus in 2021 is largely focused on green measures -- A rebound is projected in the second half of 2021 -- Targeted and structural measures can underpin future growth -- Estonia -- New measures have been taken to tame the second wave -- The resurgence of the pandemic has damped the recovery -- Effective economic support has been reinstated -- A strong recovery is down the road -- Policies need to address looming poverty and climate challenges -- Euro area -- The epidemiological situation remains difficult -- Activity has remained subdued, held back by services…”
Publicado 2021
Libro electrónico -
1494Publicado 1999Tabla de Contenidos: “…Wachstumsverlangsamung in einem von der makroökonomischen Politik her günstigen Umfeld -- Überblick -- Der Wachstumszyklus hat seinen Höhepunkt überschritten -- Das Wachstum wurde 1998 von den Exporten und den Investitionen getragen -- Abbildung 1 Makroökonomische Ergebnisse -- Tabelle 1 Nachfrage und Produktion -- Tabelle 2 Leistungsbilanz -- Abbildung 2 Verbraucherpreisauftrieb -- Der private Konsum wurde durch die steigenden Haushaltseinkommen gestützt -- Abbildung 3 Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Erwerbsbevölkerung -- Mit der Verschlechterung des Geschäftsklimas flachte das Wachstum im zweiten Halbjahr ab -- Abbildung 4 Entwicklung des Geschäftsklimas -- Monetäre Bedingungen und konjunkturelle Einflußfaktoren -- Eine nach wie vor gute Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bei günstiger Lohn-und Preisentwicklung -- Tabelle 3 Löhne und Preise -- Abbildung 5 Indikatoren der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit -- Die monetären Bedingungen sind wachstumsstützend -- Die Geldpolitik während des Übergangs zum Euro -- Abbildung 6 Entwicklung der Zinssätze -- Tabelle 4 Kapitalbilanz -- Umsetzung der Geldpolitik unter den Bedingungen des Eurosystems -- Kurzfristige Aussichten und Risiken -- Die Wachstumsverlangsamung wird sich voraussichtlich in Grenzen halten ... -- Tabelle 5 Wirtschaftliche Vorausschätzungen bis 2000 -- ... wobei es jedoch erhebliche Risikofaktoren gibt -- II. …”
Libro electrónico -
1495por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Streamlining the tax and benefit system and supporting the green transition -- Costa Rica -- Exports have been driving growth amid high inflation -- Fiscal prudence and tight monetary policy will continue -- Growth will gradually strengthen after slowing in 2023 -- Pushing ahead with structural reform would increase growth and equity -- Croatia -- Surging energy prices and uncertainty are stalling the strong rebound -- Fiscal and monetary conditions will remain supportive -- Rising investment will rekindle growth -- Addressing skills shortages and improving the economy's resilience will help sustain growth -- Czech Republic -- The economy has slowed markedly -- A tight macroeconomic policy stance is warranted -- High uncertainty will continue to weigh on growth -- Strengthening labour supply and accelerating the green transition would support growth -- Denmark -- The economy has cooled -- Fiscal and monetary policies will remain prudent -- Strong inflation will dent economic growth -- Containing inflationary pressures is a priority -- Estonia -- The economy is slowing -- Balancing adequate support to the vulnerable with the need to tame inflation -- The economy is projected to slow amid high inflation and uncertainty -- Policies need to maintain incentives for energy savings, strengthen the energy network and facilitate the green transition -- Euro area -- Disruption of energy supplies and high inflation are weighing on the outlook -- Fiscal policy needs to avoid providing stimulus in a time of high inflation -- Growth will slow sharply in 2023, gradually resuming afterwards -- Supporting long-term resilience and the green transition -- Finland -- An economic downturn has begun -- Fiscal policy is mildly expansionary but will become neutral in 2024 -- The economy is heading into a short-lived recession…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
1496por Varma, SumatiTabla de Contenidos: “…INTERNATIONAL TRADE CREDIT -- TRADE PROMOTION IN INDIA -- Organizations for Export Promotion -- Export Incentives -- Marketing Assistance -- Market Development Assistance -- Market Access Initiative -- Foreign Exchange -- Trade Fairs and Exhibitions -- Export Risk Insurance -- Production Assistance/Facilities -- Special Economic Zones (SEZs) -- Export Processing Zones -- Free Trade Zone (Ftz) -- Export-oriented Unit (Eou) -- Export Houses -- Special Economic Zone -- KEY TERMS -- DISCUSSION QUESTIONS -- Chapter 8 REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION -- INTRODUCTION -- LEVELS OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION -- Free Trade Area (FTA) -- Customs Union -- Common Market -- Economic Union -- Political Union -- EFFECTS OF INTEGRATION -- Trade Creation and Trade Diversion -- Reduced Import Prices -- Increased Competition and Economies of Scale -- Higher Factor Productivity -- REGIONAL TRADING AGREEMENTS-A GLOBAL OVERVIEW -- European Union (EU) -- Euro -- NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (NAFTA) -- NAFTA Provisions -- Importance of NAFTA -- CARICOM -- MERCOSUR -- ANDEAN PACT -- ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS (ASEAN) -- Objectives of ASEAN -- ASEAN Achievements -- ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION FORUM (APEC) -- SOUTH ASIAN ASSOCIATION FOR REGIONALCOOPERATION (SAARC) -- CLOSER ECONOMIC RELATIONS (CER) -- AFRICA -- COMMODITY ARRANGEMENTS -- Multi Fibre Arrangement (MFA) -- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) -- KEY TERMS -- DISCUSSION QUESTIONS -- Chapter 9 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM -- INTRODUCTION -- BASICS OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE -- Exchange Rate Determination -- Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Systems -- Currency Convertibility -- EVOLUTION OF THE MONETARY SYSTEM -- The Gold Standard (1876-1914) -- The Inter-war Years and World War II (1914-44) -- The Bretton Woods System (1944-73) -- The Post-Bretton Woods System:1973-Present…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
1497por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Performances macroéconomiques -- Tableau 1. Portugal et zone euro : principaux indicateurs -- Tableau 2. Demande et production : tendances récentes -- Le ralentissement économique s'est accentué en 2002 -- Graphique 2. …”
Publicado 2003
Libro electrónico -
1498Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Brief Contetns -- Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- List of Focus boxes -- About the authors -- Preface -- Publisher's acknowledgements -- INTRODUCTION -- Chapter 1 A tour of the world -- 1.1 The crisis -- 1.2 The United States -- 1.3 The euro area -- 1.4 China -- 1.5 Looking ahead -- Key terms -- Questions and problems -- Further reading -- Appendix: Where to find the numbers -- Chapter 2 A tour of the book -- 2.1 Aggregate output -- 2.2 The unemployment rate -- 2.3 The inflation rate -- 2.4 Output, unemployment and the inflation rate: Okun's law and the Phillips curve -- 2.5 The short run, the medium run and the long run -- 2.6 A tour of the book -- Summary -- Key terms -- Questions and problems -- Further reading -- Appendix: The construction of real GDP and chain-type indexes -- THE CORE -- THE SHORT RUN -- Chapter 3 The goods market -- 3.1 The composition of GDP -- 3.2 The demand for goods -- 3.3 The determination of equilibrium output -- 3.4 Investment equals saving: an alternative way of thinking about the goods-market equilibrium -- 3.5 Is the government omnipotent? …”
Libro electrónico -
1499por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Wage restraint is only slowly restoring external balance in the euro area -- 2. Recent changes in the composition of employment and job quality -- Changes in the composition of employment -- Figure 1.9. …”
Publicado 2016
Libro electrónico -
1500por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…September 2000: "Danish Voters Say No to Euro", v... -- 3. Für repräsentative Projekte, siehe -- 4. …”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico