Tabla de Contenidos:
“…The direction of shadow -- Sunday morning -- Interruption of flight -- Yellow bird -- What the wind said to the girl who was afraid -- The fall -- The tenderness -- The hammered
dulcimer -- Complaint -- Eve, after eating -- Man walking -- Black horses -- The growth -- Manners, 1977 -- A spider -- The man by the river -- Banquet -- To night -- On the nature of beauty -- Romantic relief -- Negation -- Landscape -- A wind in place -- Crater -- On a worm descending a thread -- A story of swans -- God put the noose around my neck -- The grasshopper -- The end of spring -- In the abstract -- Ambivalence -- The chant -- A forward spring -- Rattlesnake -- In the valley -- After a line of Plato…”
Número de Clasificación:
Libro electrónico