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  1. 22741
    Publicado 2017
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- 12.6.8 Instruction Formats for Ethics and Values Applications (Level-6) -- 12.6.9 Instruction Formats for National, Cultural, Crisis, Social, Applications (Level-7) -- Conclusions -- References -- 13 Action (VF) → (*) ← Object (NO) Based Processors and Machines -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Human Transactions and Social Progress -- 13.3 Instructions and Processors for Humanistic Functions -- 13.3.1 Opc-Opr Based Traditional Computer Systems -- 13.3.2 Opc-Opr Based Objects Oriented Opu Systems -- SPSO processors and machines -- MPMO processors and machines -- 13.4 Architectural Configurations of Advanced Processors -- 13.4.1 The Knowledge Processor Unit and System -- 13.4.2 The Medical Processor Unit -- 13.4.3 The Concept Processor Unit and Concept Machine -- 13.4.4 The Wisdom Processor Unit and Machine -- 13.5 Social Processing -- 13.5.1 Basic Concepts for Design of Spus -- 13.5.2 Commonality Between Communications and Interactions -- 13.5.3 Conceptual Framework for Spu Design -- specialized features of spus -- 13.5.4 Interactivity Between Human Beings -- 13.5.5 Gestures/Tokens Exchanged With Kbs and Convolutions -- 13.5.6 The Effects of the Social Media Characteristics -- 13.5.7 Programing Framework for the Social Processes -- 13.5.8 Configuration of a Microprogram-Based Spu -- 13.5.9 Architecture of a μ-P Based Social Computer…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 22742
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…3 - Biomass energy conversion through pyrolysis: A ray of hope for the current energy crisis -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Biomass pyrolysis-mechanism of product conversion -- 2.1 Conversion of cellulose -- 2.2 Conversion of hemicellulose -- 2.3 Conversion of lignin -- 3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 22743
  4. 22744
    por OECD
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…statistical capacity has improved significantly, but the access to administrative data and sound quality-management frameworks lag behind -- Planet conserving nature -- Albania is vulnerable to natural hazards -- Albania faces earthquakes, floods, droughts and extreme temperatures -- Albania has improved disaster-prevention legislation, but implementation remains a challenge -- Preserving the quality of Albania's environmental resources is crucial for development -- Air pollution is a serious concern -- Solid waste management and recycling are lacking -- Managing water services is a considerable challenge and will increase in importance -- Better enforcement and implementation of environmental legislation is key -- Transparent decision-making processes in environmental matters and an open dialogue with civil society and other stakeholders are important -- The high reliance on hydropower gives Albania the most renewable energy profile in the region, but it cannot be expanded without environmental burden -- References -- Notes -- Part III Assessing opportunities and constraints in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Assessing opportunities and constraints in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 6 Overview: Identifying strategic opportunities for Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Assessing Bosnia and Herzegovina's development performance -- People towards better lives for all -- Prosperity boosting productivity -- Partnerships and financing financing sustainable development -- Peace and institutions strengthening governance -- Planet conserving nature -- Suggestions for strategic priorities for Bosnia and Herzegovina -- References -- 7 Impact of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Evolution of the pandemic -- Policy responses and economic impact -- Dimensions of vulnerability to further socio-economic impact from COVID-19 -- Material well-being -- Health and non-material well-being -- References -- Note -- 8 Multi-dimensional analysis of development in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- People towards better lives for all -- Improving well-being for all -- Strengthening the productive potential and equal participation of all citizens, especially women and youth -- Young people and women find themselves outside the labour market -- Women's participation in society is not yet equal -- Labour market institutions need to be strengthened and working conditions improved -- Boosting education quality -- Improving health and social protection outcomes -- Healthcare governance is fragmented, inefficient and not financially sustainable, leading to subpar and inequitable health outcomes -- The social protection financing model is unsustainable and does not provide equal access to benefits for the most needy -- Prosperity boosting productivity -- Weak investment and productivity have constrained economic growth in the post-crisis period -- A fragmented internal market and high bureaucratic burden create a challenging environment for private-sector development -- The large and inefficient SOE sector creates unfair competition for private enterprises -- Infrastructure gaps impede connectivity with the Western Balkans and beyond -- The lack of a skilled workforce and the lack of technology adoption limit the potential for economic upgrading and expansion of the tradable sector -- Partnerships and financing financing sustainable development -- Low domestic savings and limited external financing have constrained investment -- Strong fiscal performance has created ample fiscal space for combatting the COVID-19 crisis -- Strong revenue performance has not translated into quality public services and infrastructure due to high expenditures on wages and transfers and low investment -- Access to finance is limited for SMEs, particularly start-ups and microenterprises -- Peace and institutions strengthening governance -- The decentralisation framework is asymmetric -- Overly complex institutional design undermines the independence, efficiency and transparency of the judiciary -- Personal connections are inevitable in getting things done but may create social exclusion, distort the labour market and weaken administrative capacity -- Fragmented law enforcement and incoherent legislation frustrate anti-corruption efforts -- Poor governance can explain poor SEO performance -- Bosnia and Herzegovina's statistical capacity requires improvement -- Planet conserving nature -- Bosnia and Herzegovina is vulnerable to natural hazards and climate change -- Bosnia and Herzegovina's rich biodiversity and forest coverage is not sufficiently protected -- High levels of air pollution threaten human health, the economy and the environment -- Inadequate waste management poses a risk to the environment and damages natural resources -- Water management must be improved in Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure a stable drinking water supply in the long run -- Management of public utility services is too fragmented, and prices are set below operational costs -- Bosnia and Herzegovina's environmental legislation is improving, but enforcement remains a challenge -- Bosnia and Herzegovina's high carbon intensity and low energy efficiency are reflected in high GHG emissions -- Bosnia and Herzegovina is heavily reliant on subsidised coal and does not sufficiently incentivise renewable energies -- Outdated energy infrastructure, SOE monopolies and lengthy procedures are key challenges in the energy sector -- References -- Notes -- Part IV Assessing opportunities and constraints in Kosovo -- Assessing opportunities and constraints in Kosovo -- 9 Overview: Identifying strategic opportunities for Kosovo -- Towards a vision for Kosovo in 2030: strong economic growth and rising living standards contributing to healthier and longer lives built on equal access to quality education, strong human capital, respect for the environment and democratic and effect ... -- Assessing Kosovo's development performance -- Sustainable development: summary of Kosovo's performance and key constraints -- Suggestions for strategic priorities for Kosovo -- References -- 10 Impact of COVID-19 in Kosovo -- Evolution of the pandemic -- Policy responses and economic impact -- Dimensions of vulnerability to further socio-economic impact from COVID-19 -- Material well-being and social protection -- Health and non-material well-being -- References -- 11 Multi-dimensional analysis of development in Kosovo -- People towards better lives for all -- Improving well-being for all -- Regional inequalities are evident in access to basic infrastructure, and minority groups risk being left behind -- Prioritising quality jobs for all -- Young people and women find themselves outside the labour market -- Labour market institutions need to be strengthened and working conditions improved -- Boosting education quality -- Improving health and social protection coverage -- Kosovo's health system fails to deliver quality results and access to care -- The equity and targeting of Kosovo's social protection schemes can be improved -- Ensuring social inclusion of women beyond the labour market -- Achieving social cohesion -- Prosperity boosting productivity -- Kosovo's growth model over the past decade has undermined competitiveness and discouraged productivity-enhancing investment and job creation -- Domestic demand has largely driven economic growth over the past decade -- Investment has supported the growth of non-tradable services and real estate -- Low productivity and high wage growth have limited job creation and weakened competitiveness -- Towards more sustainable growth -- A more reliable electricity supply can improve investment prospects -- Strengthening governance and improving the business environment will reduce the cost of doing business in Kosovo and enhance trust in institutions -- Corruption and weak contract enforcement -- The administrative and bureaucratic burden remains high -- Partnerships and financing financing sustainable development -- Kosovo's economy needs more diversified financing for investment and growth -- Revenue performance has been weak on account of the low tax rates, limited tax base and inefficient tax collection -- Government current expenditures have crowded out investment in priority areas for development -- Access to finance is particularly constrained for SMEs -- Peace and institutions strengthening governance -- An overly complicated structure and…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 22745
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Examples of methods and learning related to complex adaptive systems -- 7.4. First example: crisis management -- 7.5. Second example: urban organizations -- 7.6. …”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 22746
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Figure 6.3 A child interacting with ECHOES shares his joy with one of the researchers -- Figure 6.4 A screenshot from the Dynamico app -- Figure 6.5 Using a combination of auditory and vibratory feedback to convey graphical information -- Figure 7.1 English-as-a-second-language teaching with the help of a social robot -- Figure 7.2 A class with a robot assistant -- Figure 7.3 Classrooms in Australia and Japan were connected by a telepresence robot in real time -- Figure 7.4 A telepresence robot facilitated the second-language learning of students -- Figure 7.5 Senior people can give a lecture from their homes by making use of a telepresence robot -- Figure 7.6 Experimental setup -- Figure 7.7 TELESAR VI. (2019) -- Figure 8.1 TDSS workflow and information -- Figure 8.2 The LAPS process -- Figure 8.3 Making it rain in ECHOES -- Figure 9.1 Hierarchical cluster analysis of K-12 student subject-specific grades identifies student dropout -- Figure 9.2 Only a small fraction of a schooling organisation's early warning systems are composed of predictor identification -- Figure 10.1 SImCityEDU: Pollution Challenge (GlassLab) -- Figure 10.2 Crisis in Space (ACTNext) -- Figure 10.3 PEEP - Project Education Ecosystem Placement (Imbellus)…”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 22747
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The 1990s Swiss banking crisis -- Figure 1.17. Stock of residential loans relative to total bank loans and GDP -- Figure 1.18. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 22748
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Chapter 4 Flattener #1 - Geopolitics: The Two Sides of the Energy Security Coin -- The oil weapon -- The revenge of the oil economy -- The Arab Spring -- Iraq 2014, the crisis that brought prices . . . down! -- The Venezuelan Spring -- Reserve nationalism and barriers of entry -- The gas weapon -- Russia versus Ukraine and the west? …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 22749
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Disciplinamiento, continuidades y rupturas en un contexto reformista / Miguel Molina Martínez -- Los "méritos" de la riqueza : Fernando Ignacio de Arango, de cura de Charcas a obispo de Tuy, pasando por consejero de Indias / Francisco Andújar Castillo -- Un presule e la crisi : Ferdinando de Andrada arcivescovo di Palermo (1644-1648) / Daniele Palermo -- Los libros prohibidos en la biblioteca del conde de Gondomar y su misión en Inglaterra / Porfirio Sanz Camañes -- Libros que cruzan mares. …”
  10. 22750
    por Fernando, A. C., 1940-
    Publicado 2011
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…SEBI's Poor Performance-Suggestions for Improvement -- Conclusion -- Keywords -- Discussion Questions -- Notes -- Suggested Readings -- Chapter 6: Corporate Governance and Other Stakeholders -- Introduction -- Corporate Governance and Employees -- Wealth Creation Requires Capital and Labour -- Corporate Governance and Customers -- The Society Bears The Hidden Taxation -- The Stakeholder Alliance -- Customer's Information Needs -- Consumer Protection Acts -- Consumer Protection Act 1986 -- Corporate Governance and Institutional Investors -- Types of Institutional Investors in India -- Factors Influencing Investment Decisions -- Findings of the Study Conducted by Pitabas Mohanty -- Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee and Institutional Investors -- The McKinsey Survey on Corporate Governance -- Corporate Governance and Creditors -- Creditor Monitoring and Control -- Adequate Information -- Creditor Incentives -- Debt Collection -- Kinds of Debts Provided to Corporates -- Diffused Debt -- Concentrated Debt -- Corporate Governance and the Community -- Practical Steps to Corporate Social Responsibility -- Corporate Governance and the Government -- Conclusion -- Keywords -- Discussion Questions -- Notes -- Suggested Readings -- Case Study: The Tylenol Crisis: How Ethical Practices Saved Johnson &amp -- Johnson from Collapse -- Chapter 7: Board of Directors: A Powerful Instrument in Corporate Governance -- Introduction -- Corporate Management Structure -- Company Director and the Board -- Who is a Director? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 22751
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Epigraphic writing and literate mentality -- Bibliography -- Runic sources -- Manuscripts -- Secondary Sources -- Online Sources -- Literary Networks and the Periphery of Niðaróss in the ­Fifteenth Century -- Background -- Centre and periphery -- The manuscript E 8822 as an observation point -- Niðaróss - centre and periphery in the fifteenth century -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Manuscripts -- Secondary Sources -- The Making of a Centre in the Periphery: Writing and Rhetoric at the Archdiocese of Niðaróss -- The emergence of a cult -- The Latin literate culture of Niðaróss -- Vernacular texts in the centre -- Texts during crisis -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Primary Sources -- Manuscripts -- Secondary Sources -- Aesthetic energeia - An Outline -- 1. …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 22752
    por Moreno, Ángeles
    Publicado 2023
    “…El libro enseña cómo construir, desarrollar y liderar comunicaciones excelentes, teniendo en cuenta el impacto sobre la reputación y el efecto de la cultura organizacional, la gestión de crisis o la mediatización a través de los nuevos medios digitales. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 22753
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1.2 HARMONIZING ENERGY AND CLIMATE POLICIES -- 1.2.1 Defining Energy Security -- 1.3 OUR APPROACH -- 1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK -- REFERENCES -- 2 - European Union Energy Policy Evolutionary Patterns -- 2.1 INTRODUCTION -- 2.2 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EU ENERGY POLICY -- 2.2.1 The Arab-Israeli War and the Oil Crisis -- 2.2.2 Chernobyl and the Rise of Environmental Concerns -- 2.2.3 The Kyoto Protocol: Towards a Global Approach to Environmental Problems -- 2.3 CURRENT ENERGY REGIME AND MAIN CHALLENGES FOR ENERGY SECURITY -- 2.3.1 EU Energy Consumption and Dependence -- 2.3.2 The Challenges for Energy Security -- 2.4 PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE EUROPEAN UNION CLIMATE AND ENERGY STRATEGIES -- 2.4.1 The Consolidation of Contemporary European Energy Strategies -- 2.4.2 Renewable Energy Policy -- 2.4.3 Energy Efficiency Policy -- 2.4.4 Market Integration -- 2.4.5 Energy Networks -- 2.4.6 Security of Energy Supply -- 2.4.7 Energy Technology and Innovation Policy -- 2.5 CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- 3 - A Study of Russia as Key Natural Gas Supplier to Europe in Terms of Security of Supply and Market Power -- 3.1 INTRODUCTION -- 3.2 CURRENT LOOK AT NATURAL GAS IN THE EU -- 3.2.1 EU Natural Gas Consumption Over the Peak? …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 22754
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…El sindicalismo después del fordismo: ¿de verdad los sindicatos están en crisis? -- 3.2.1. ¿Auge y caída del sindicalismo? …”
    Acceso con credenciales UPSA
    Libro electrónico
  15. 22755
    por Sharma, Reetika
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Think Yourself -- Chapter 3: Africa and its Challenges -- Darfur Crisis -- Problems in Eastern Africa (Ethiopia-Eretria and Somalia) -- Civil Wars in West Africa -- Issues in Central and South African region -- Learning Points... -- Think Yourself -- Chapter 4: Balkan States -- Yugoslavia in late 80s and after that -- Kosovo Independence -- Learning Points... -- Think Yourself -- Part Three: International Organizations -- Chapter 1: An Overview of International Organizations -- Historical Background -- Classification of International Organizations -- Features of an International Organization -- Roles and Functions of International Organizations -- India in International Organizations -- Learning Points... -- Think Yourself -- Chapter 2: United Nations -- Objectives…”
    Libro electrónico
  16. 22756
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- ...a challenge which the revised Integration Act aims to tackle -- Few immigrants have employment once the civic integration programme ends -- Settlement patterns -- Immigrants are concentrated in and around the Flemish centre cities -- Within cities, immigrants are overrepresented in disadvantaged neighbourhoods -- The accessibility of housing steers immigrants towards poorer neighbourhoods -- Even when immigrants leave concentrated neighbourhoods, they often remain trapped in lower-quality housing -- Increasing asylum inflows have led to an accommodation crisis... -- ...and policy gaps interrupt the housing pathways of refugees -- Social assistance -- Social assistance is the only social protection scheme to which newly arrived migrants can have rapid access -- Non-EU nationals have considerably higher rates of receipt and longer periods of receipt compared to EU and Belgian nationals…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 22757
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…s Holistic Approach to Information Security -- Chapter 3 Cybersecurity Leadership: Insights and Best Practices -- The Essential Traits of a Cybersecurity Leader -- Building and Leading Effective Cybersecurity Teams -- Adapting to Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity Leadership -- Strategic Decision-making in Cybersecurity Leadership -- Developing the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Leaders -- Personal Development for Cybersecurity Leaders -- Incident Management and Crisis Leadership -- Leading Cybersecurity Culture and Awareness -- The Ethical Dimension of Cybersecurity Leadership -- Balancing Business Objectives and Cybersecurity -- Learning from Military Leadership -- Future Trends and Preparing for What's Next -- Chapter Conclusion -- Case Study: The Transformation of Cybersecurity Leadership at CyberFusion Inc…”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 22758
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Surveys Of STD And TB Clinics And Clinics Serving Women Of Reproductive Age -- Data Management -- Neonatal Screening -- ESTIMATES OF NATIONAL HIV PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE -- The Components Model -- The Epidemiological Model -- Sample Survey Method -- CONCLUSION -- Attributes Of An HIV Monitoring System -- Other Uses Of Data On HIV -- References -- 2 Sexual Behavior And Aids -- STATUS OF THE RESEARCH FIELD -- NEEDED DATA -- Data Needed To Understand The Epidemic's Future Course -- Data Needed To Understand The Epidemic's Dynamics -- THE KINSEY STUDIES -- Quality Of The Kinsey Data -- The Interviews -- Sampling -- Utility Of The Kinsey Data -- Kinsey And The Issue Of Sexual Normality -- After The Kinsey Studies -- TRENDS IN HETEROSEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENCE AND YOUNG ADULTHOOD -- Kinsey's Findings -- Studies After Kinsey -- Further Trends During The 1970s -- ADULT HETEROSEXUAL BEHAVIORS -- Details Of Survey Execution -- 1988 General Social Survey -- Los Angeles Times Survey -- Survey Results -- Condom Use And Risk Perception -- Special Studies -- Couples Study Data -- White And Afro-American Women In Los Angeles -- TRENDS IN SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AMONG PERSONS OF THE SAME GENDER -- The Kinsey Research -- From Kinsey To The AIDS Epidemic -- 1970 Kinsey Institute Data On Same-Gender Sexual Behavior -- Research On Same-Gender Male Sex Since The Onset Of The Aids Crisis -- Trends In Same-Gender Sexual Behavior -- Anal Intercourse -- Condom Use -- Other Sexual Activities -- Celibacy, Monogamy, And Multiple Partners -- FEMALE PROSTITUTION -- Social Context Of Prostitution -- Prostitution And Aids -- The Customers Of Prostitutes -- METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN SURVEYS OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- Accuracy Of Self-Reported Data On Sexual Behavior -- Sampling Gay And Bisexual Men -- Developing Reliable Survey Instruments -- Measurement Time Frames…”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 22759
    por Montaner, Josep Maria, 1954-
    Publicado 2002
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Gehry (p. 56); El museo Guggenheim de Bilbao (p. 58); Aspiraciones surrealistas en la pintura y la arquitectura de Clorindo Testa (p. 60); Los conceptos de la abstracción (p. 64); Los métodos generales de la abstracción (p. 66); Música y literatura abstractas (p. 70); El elementarismo neoplasticista (p. 72); Abstracción suprematista y tectónica constructivista (p. 74); Las neovanguardias (p. 76); Arte conceptual: abstracción y procesos (p. 78); Mecanismos racionalistas: la medida, el detalle técnico, el prototipo, la repetición modular y las megaestructuras (p. 82); Las formas del racionalismo: la nueva objetividad alemana y holandesa (p. 86); El uso de prototipos en la arquitectura de Le Corbusier y Mies (p. 88); Racionalidad mecánica máxima en la casa de Wittgenstein (p. 90); La repetición modular en la base de las arquitecturas high-tech (p. 92); Megaestructuras y Archigram (p. 92); Crisis y fortuna del racionalismo (p. 94); Evolución del concepto de realismo (p. 98); Realismo y existencialismo posbélicos (p. 98); Imágenes de la realidad: fotografía y cine (p. 102); La arquitectura como función social (p. 104); El espacio empírico: Alvar Aalto y Álvaro Siza Vieira (p. 104); Espacio existencial: Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Gaston Bachelard (108); El retorno del arte figurativo (p. 110); Las formas de la mímesis: Lina Bo Bardi y Latinoamérica (p. 112); Valoraciones críticas del realismo (p. 114); Cultura pop: complejidad y comunicación (p. 118); Teorías de la complejidad (p. 118); Formas de la cultura pop (p. 118); Formas de la contradicción: Robert Venturi (p. 120); Formas de la ambigüedad: Andy Warhol y el pop norteamericano (p. 122); Arquitectura como lenguaje y sistema comunicativo: Charles Jencks, la crítica literaria (p. 124); Posmodernismo, neohistoricismo antiurbano y consumismo metropolitano (p. 128); La crítica radical: las formas de la acción (p. 132); Dispersión de experiencias teóricas y formales (p. 132); La Escuela de Francfort (p. 132); Manfredo Tafuri (p. 134); El arte de acción (p. 136); La Internacional Situacionista (p. 138); La sociedad del espectáculo según Guy Debord (p. 140); Las formas de la acción (p. 142); Propuestas radicales de refundación y Apocalipsis (p. 142); La crítica tipológica: las formas de la permanencia (p. 148); El concepto de tipo (p. 148); Los inicios de la crítica tipológica en arquitectura (p. 150); El precedente de Louis Kahn: las formas intemporales (p. 150); La estructura de la ciudad (p. 150); Arquetipos (p. 152); Lingüística estructuralista y viaje iniciático (p. 154); Bodegones: arte y arquitectura como lenguas muertas (p. 158); Las diversas interpretaciones del concepto de tipo (p. 158); Fenomenologías minimalistas: estructuras habitables (p. 162); El minimalismo, principio operativo del siglo xx (p. 162); Mecanismos minimalistas (p. 162); Zen (p. 168); La Biblioteca de Francia en París (p. 174); El Museo Brasileño de Escultura en São Paulo (p. 176); La obra como estructura (p. 178); Las teorías de la Gestalt (p. 180); Los límites del minimalismo (p. 182); La cultura del fragmento: el collage y el montaje (p. 186); Antecedentes de lo fragmentario (p. 186); Blade Runner y la cultura del fragmento y la superposición (p. 188); Colin Rowe: Ciudad Collage y sistema figura-fondo (p. 190); Andamiaje y collage en la arquitectura de James Stirling, Hans Hollein y Arata Isozaki (p. 192); Influencia de los principios del montaje cinematográfico en la obra de Bernard Tschumi (p. 194); Rem Koolhaas y el "manhattanismo" (p. 194); Coleccionistas, bricoleurs y montadores (p. 198); Arquitecturas del caos (p. 204); Los pensamientos del caos (p. 204); Geometrías fractales: Benoît Mandelbrot (p. 204); La teoría de los pliegues: Gilles Deleuze (p. 206); Las formas del colapso: Peter Eisenman (p. 208); El Museo Judío en Berlín (p. 212); Fortuna de pliegues y fractales (p. 214); 12. …”
  20. 22760