Mostrando 22,281 - 22,300 Resultados de 23,568 Para Buscar '"crisis"', tiempo de consulta: 0.19s Limitar resultados
  1. 22281
    por Reimers, Fernando M.
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Leading Learning During a Time of Crisis. Higher Education Responses to the Global Pandemic of 2020 -- 1.1 A High-Impact Global Event -- 1.2 Impact of the Pandemic on Educational Opportunity -- 1.3 Response of Educational Institutions to the Pandemic and Why Universities Would Want to Help -- 1.4 Why Study How Universities Collaborated with Schools During the Pandemic -- 1.5 The Current Study -- 1.6 Summary of the Cases -- 1.6.1 Brazil: Fundação Getulio Vargas -- 1.6.2 Chile: Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC)…”
    Libro electrónico
  2. 22282
    por Audisio, Nelson Jose
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Crecimiento en las Pymes; 5.2.1. Empresas con crisis de Crecimiento; 5.2.2. Racionabilidad de la Misión como Guía del Crecimiento; 5.2.3. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 22283
    por Nguyen, Duc Khuong
    Publicado 2014
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Appendix List of Countries(A) Bank Deposit Interest Rate; (B) Rate of return on stocks; References; 5 Understanding the Relationship Between Liquidity and Inflation in the Post Crisis Period in India: from Bank Dealers' Perspectives; 1 Introduction; 2 The Scenario; 3 The Existing Literature on Economic Games; 4 Features of the Game in Decision Making of a Dealer in the Government Security Desk; 4.1 Zero-Sum Game; 4.2 Pure Strategy and Nash Equilibrium; 4.3 Decision Tree and Sequential Game; 5 Forecasting Liquidity; 6 Decision Making of a Dealer in the Equity Desk; 6.1 Axiom I; 6.2 Axiom II…”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 22284
    Publicado 2015
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 2 Corporate and Sharī'ah Governance of Islamic Banks 2.1 Corporate Governance Gains Prominence; 2.2 Hisba System and an Islamic Perspective on Corporate Governance; 2.3 OECD and Islamic Principles of Corporate Governance; 2.4 Importance of Corporate Governance to Banking Sector; 2.5 The Financial Crisis and Corporate Governance Challenges; 2.6 Developing Countries and Corporate Governance Issues; 2.7 Corporate Governance Concerns for Islamic Banks; 2.8 IFSB and AAOIFI Issue Guidance; 2.9 Adapted Corporate Governance Understanding; 2.12 Sharīah Governance Model…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 22285
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…That 50% thing / Following the path of safety-critical systems / The importance of formal specification / Risk and rot in sociotechnical systems / SRE in crisis / Expected risk limitations / Beyond local risk: accounting for Angry Birds / A word from software safety nerds / Incidents: a window into Gaps / The third age of SRE…”
    Libro electrónico
  6. 22286
    Publicado 2012
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Le cas espagnol au XIX siècle / Stéphane Michonneau -- Conditions et enjeux d'une économie de l'edilité en Espagne à la fin du XIX siècle / Alexandre Fernandez -- Un "mal año" en la España del siglo XVIII. Clima, desastre y crisis en 1783 / Armando Alberola Romá -- Conscription et résistances à la conscription dans les philippines du XIX siècle / Xavier Huetz de Lemps -- La politique forestière espagnole. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 22287
    Publicado 2022
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…: Disabled Young People's Experiences of the COVID-19 Crisis -- Introduction -- "I know full well in this COVID-19 pandemic that my life is not one that will be saved": managing discourses of human worth -- "How are disabled people expected to protect themselves?"…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 22288
    Publicado 2010
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Delivering quality products on time. ii. Crisis Management iii. The constantly moving target iv. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 22289
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The neighbourhood as the EU's buffer zone / Andreas Marchetti -- The EU and the European Neighbourhood Policy: The re-making of Europe's Identity / Jan Zielonka -- Strategic narratives of EU foreign policy and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Alister Miskimmon -- The challenges of a changing eastern neighbourhood / Elena Korosteleva -- The challenges of a changing southern neighbourhood / Thomas Demmelhuber -- Coherence, cohesiveness and consistency in the European Neighbourhood Policy / Tanja Börzel and Bidzina Lebanidze -- European Neighbourhood Policy decision-making at critical junctures: EU institutions, the Member States and neighbourhood countries / Mark Furness -- EU Member States and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Amelia Hadfield -- The European Parliament as an actor in its own right in the in the EU's neighbourhood / Cristian Nitoiu -- Financial instruments and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Anna-Sophie Maass -- The European Neighbourhood Policy between bilateralism and region-building / Federica Bicchi, Gergana Noutcheva and Benedetta Voltolini -- The EU and civilian missions in the neighbourhood / Dimitris Bouris and Madalina Dobrescu -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and the politics of sanctions / Clara Portela -- Ukraine in the European Neighbourhood Policy: A paradoxical partner / Kataryna Wolczuk -- EU-Belarus relations in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Giselle Bosse -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and Moldova: A resilient oligarchic system wedged between the EU and Russia / Florent Parmentier -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and the South Caucasus / Licìnia Simao -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and EU-Maghreb relations / Irene Fernández Molina -- EU-Mashreq relations: Differentiation, conditionality and security / Peter Seeberg -- Israel and Palestine and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Sharon Pardo and Patrick Müller -- Libya and Syria: At the crossroads of European Neighbourhood Policy and EU crisis management / Nicole Koenig -- Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements / Bernard Hoekman -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and energy / Bernd Weber -- Migration: Moving to the centre of the European Neighbourhood Policy / Florian Trauner and Jean-Pierre Cassarino -- Counter-terrorism cooperation and the European Neighbourhood Policy / Chantal Lavallée, Sarah Léonard and Christian Kaunert -- Aid in the European Neighbourhood Policy / Fabienne Bossuyt, Hrant Kostanyan, Jan Orbie and Bruno Vandecasteele -- Perceptions of the European Neighbourhood Policy and of its values and norms promotion / Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués -- European Neighbourhood Policy mechanisms: Conditionality, socialisation and differentiation / Laure Delcour and Eduard Soler I Lecha -- Geopolitics and democracy in the European Neighbourhood Policy / Anna Khakee and Richard Youngs -- Democracy promotion by functional cooperation / Tina Freyburg and Sandra Lavenex -- Human rights in the European Neighbourhood Policy / Rosa Balfour -- The promotion of civil society / Silvia Colombo and Natalia Shapovalova -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and Islamist actors in the southern neighbourhood / Michelle Pace and Sarah Wolff -- The neighbours of the EU's neighbours: Overcoming geographical silos / Sieglinde Gstöhl and Erwan Lannon -- The European Neighbourhood Policy and the CFSP/CSDP: From the European Security Strategy to the…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 22290
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bergeron, Tracey O'Sullivan, Samantha Oostlander, Pascale Dangoisse, Amélie Doucet & Philippe Rodrigues-Rouleau -- Of governmental priorities, human rights, and social control : prison responses to the COVID-19 pandemic / Adelina Iftene -- Extending the boundaries of the psychiatric hospital : the use and misuse of psychiatric coercion during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec and Ontario / Emmanuelle Bernheim -- Punishing mobility : curfews and homelessness in Quebec during the COVID-19 pandemic / Véronique Fortin & Céline Bellot -- Bodies across borders : a history of cross-border travel for abortion services in Poland and Canada / Christabelle Sethna & Krystyna Dzwonkowska-Godula -- Borders drawn across bodies : advocating for maternal health in times of crisis / Sarah J. Lazin -- Keeping border restrictions light enough to travel : a humanitarian perspective on Canada's border control measures during COVID-19 / Jason Nickerson & Joseph Belliveau -- "Where you live shouldn't determine whether you live" : Canada and the line between rhetoric and reality in global COVID-19 vaccine access / Adam R. …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 22291
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…From Great Expectations to Dwindling Status: Brazilian Diplomacy’s Response to Post-Cold War Upheavals (Antônio Carlos Lessa and Rogério de Souza Farias) -- 12. Crisis Prevention and Stabilization Made in Germany: Meeting the Demands of Modern Diplomacy? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 22292
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…LewisPart II: The built environmentFraming essay II - Anne Tietjen and Jens Kaae Fisker7 Spatial planning and rural quality of life - Mark Scott8 Rural placemaking for sustained community well-being - Anne Tietjen and Gertrud Jørgensen9 The creation of child-friendly spaces for nourishing rural areas: A South-African reflection - Elizelle Juanee Cilliers and Menini Gibbens10 Art in rural placemaking - Meiqin Wang11 The contribution of affordable housing to rural quality of life in England - Nick Gallent12 Planning for quality of life as the right to spatial production in the rurban void - Nils BjörlingPart III: Civil societyFraming essay III - Evald Bundgård Iversen13 The role of civil society in securing self-assessed quality of life in rural areas - Evald Bundgård Iversen, Michael Fehsenfeld and Bjarne Ibsen14 Rural youth: Quality of life, civil participation, and outlooks for a rural future - Anders Melås, Maja Farstad and Svein Frisvoll15 The role of civil society in cultural heritage, digitalisation, and the quality of rural life - David Beel and Claire Wallace16 Volunteering neighbourhood mothers: A capability approach to voluntarism, inclusion and quality of life in rural Norway - Kjersti Tandberg and Jill Merethe Loga17 A comparison of health-related quality of life in rural and metropolitan areas of Australia: The Contribution of Sport and Physical Activity - Rochelle Eime, Jack Harvey, Melanie Charity and Hans WesterbeekPart IV: Measuring rural quality of lifeFraming essay IV - Henrik Lauridsen Lolle18 Differences in subjective well-being between rural and urban areas in Denmark - Henrik Lauridsen Lolle19 Subjective well-being in urban and rural Italy: Comparing two survey waves (2008-2018) - Federica Vigano, Enzo Grossi and Giorgio Tavano Blessi20 Subjective wellbeing in rural and urban areas under the Covid-19 crisis in France - Marta Pasqualini21 Using a new method to map quality of life - Rolf Lyneborg Lund22 Outdoor recreation and the wellbeing of rural residents: Insight from Scotland - Kathryn Colley, Margaret Currie & Katherine N. …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 22293
    Publicado 1435
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Catalán / Bernardo Gordonio] [Al fin]: Entenedor es que nos avem ordenat per la gracia de Deu IIII hobres molt ha per aquesta obra e si eran haudes aço saria hobre de perfet magisteri co es a saber, lo Libell de regiment de agudes, e lo Libell de crisi e deis dies cretichs, el libell qui es entitolat Taula dels engins, e sens elle no es res fet, e Libell de graduacio (h . 67 v.-70 r.) . 7 . …”
  14. 22294
    Publicado 2018
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Comienzan las dificultades y las deficiencias en la realización del programa de la Unidad Popular -- Acción del imperialismo yanqui: el bloqueo invisible -- La Unidad Popular se polariza en un ala reformista que tiene su base de apoyo en el Partido Comunista moscovita y en el presidente Allende, y un ala radicalizada, particularmente el sector mayoritario del Partido Socialista, que aspiraba a ser revolucionaria -- En defecto del trotskismo, el Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) y el Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR), aparecían como la extrema izquierda en el proceso de la Unidad Popular -- Capítulo 4 -- Crisis de la "vía chilena" y surgimiento del poder popular -- Fidel Castro visita a Salvador Allende para convalidar el reformismo de la "vía chilena" y la reacción desata de inmediato la más violenta contraofensiva -- Ante las serias dificultades que se presentaban, Salvador Allende se detuvo, buscando apoyo en las Fuerzas Armadas y tratando de conciliar con la oposición, mientras que la polarización interna de la Unidad Popular parecía amenazar con una fractura -- Reforma y revolución: ¿conciliar o avanzar? …”
    Libro electrónico
  15. 22295
  16. 22296
  17. 22297
    Publicado 2020
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Obama en Siria: petróleo y la crisis financiera de Estados Unidos y su dólar? ; 18. …”
    Libro electrónico
  18. 22298
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Del capitalismo gestionado por el Estado a la crisis neoliberal(pp. 109-128) -- 5 NANCY FRASER: Fortunas del Feminismo. …”
    Libro electrónico
  19. 22299
    Publicado 1995
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Effects of Past Global Change on Life -- Copyright -- Studies in Geophysics -- Preface -- Contents -- Effects of Past Global Change on Life -- Overview and Recommendations -- OVERVIEW -- INTRODUCTION -- METHODS -- SHIFTS BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL STATES -- Periodic Cycles -- Nonperiodic Cycles -- The Eocene-Oligocene Transition -- The Younger Dryas Cooling -- The Terminal Ordovician Transition -- Unidirectional Shifts -- RATES OF TRANSITION -- Sudden Shifts and Gradual Trends -- The Nature of Thresholds -- PATTERNS OF BIOTIC RESPONSE -- Migration -- Extinction -- Evolutionary Turnover -- Delayed Recovery -- RECOMMENDATIONS -- REFERENCES -- Background -- 1 Oxygen and Proterozoic Evolution: An Update -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- THE EARLY PROTEROZOIC EON -- Geochemical Evidence for Atmospheric Change -- Paleontological Evidence for Evolutionary Innovation -- Biological Reasons for Linkage -- Summary of the Paleoproterozoic Earth -- THE END OF THE PROTEROZOIC EON -- Paleontological Data -- Biological Reasons for Linkage to Environmental Change -- Geochemical Data -- Summary of the Latest Proterozoic Record -- CONCLUSIONS -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- 2 Impact of Late Ordovician Glaciation-Deglaciation on Marine Life -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- DATA SUMMARIES -- THE TIME FRAME -- THE PALEOGEOGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK -- GEOCHEMICAL EVIDENCE OF DEEP OCEAN VENTILATION -- PATTERNS IN EXTINCTION AND RERADIATION -- Graptolites -- Shelly Faunas -- ENVIRONMENTAL-ORGANISMAL CHANGES: A SUMMARY -- REFERENCES -- 3 Global Change Leading to Biodiversity Crisis in a Greenhouse World: The Cenomanian-Turonian (Cretaceous) Mass Extinction -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- HIGH-RESOLUTION APPROACH TO DOCUMENTING ANCIENT ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE -- THE CENOMANIAN-TURONIAN (C-T) MASS EXTINCTION-AN ANCIENT GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY CRISIS IN A CHAOTIC GREENHOUSE WORLD…”
    Libro electrónico
  20. 22300
    por Cochrane, Rexmond C. 1912-1986
    Publicado 1978
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The National Academy of Sciences -- Copyright -- Foreword -- Contents -- 1 The Academy's Antecedents -- The European Academies and the Royal Society -- The American Philosophical Society -- The American Academy of Arts and Sciences -- The College of Physicians of Philadelphia -- Concern for a National University -- The Columbian Institute -- The National Institute -- 2 Scientists and Scientific Organizations in Mid-Century America -- The Smithson Bequest -- Bache and Henry -- The Program of the Smithsonian -- Growth and Spread of Scientific Societies -- Louis Agassiz and His Influence on American Science -- The American Association for the Advancement of Science -- 3 The Incorporation and Organization of the Academy -- The Lazzaroni" and Their Influence -- The Outbreak of the Civil War -- The Permanent Commission -- The Drafting of the Academy Bill -- Reaction to the New Academy -- The Organization Meeting -- 4 The Government Calls upon the Academy -- ALEXANDER DALLAS BACHE (1863-1867) -- Early Problems and Activities -- The Illness and Death of Bache -- 5 Postbellum Years and the Crisis within the Academy -- JOSEPH HENRY (1868-1878) -- Crisis within the Academy -- The Hall Expedition to the Arctic -- Dearth of Government Requests -- The Philosophical Society and the Cosmos Club -- The Committee on Weights and Measures -- Removal of Restriction on Membership -- The Silliman-Whitney Controversy -- The Centennial Observance -- Illness and Death of Henry -- Establishment of the U.S. …”
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