Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 983
- Crisis económicas 815
- Història 395
- History 376
- Crisis financieras 316
- Crisis 289
- Política y gobierno 288
- Economics 287
- Filosofía 285
- Economía 276
- Crisis econòmiques 242
- Economic conditions 234
- Política 195
- Economic policy 168
- Politics and government 168
- Política económica 163
- Social aspects 140
- Crisis económica 131
- Management 130
- Crítica e interpretación 129
- Capitalismo 121
- Derecho 118
- Iglesia Católica 113
- Finance 112
- Crisi financera global, 2007-2009 109
- Economic aspects 106
- Aspectos sociales 103
- Leadership 103
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 103
- Política i govern 102
21101por Archetti, CristinaTabla de Contenidos: “…Spaces and objects that make up the self -- Leaving Leeds -- Living spaces' transitions -- The body -- Mind-body relationships -- The pain diary I (Leeds, September 2013) -- The pain diary II (Oslo, February 2017) -- Yoga conflicts (July 2017) -- Reading breasts -- Genes, conferences, and academic children -- References -- Folder 5 Media, social wallpaper, and the cycle of silence -- Talking to walls -- Limbo (2010) -- Bias at the royal wedding -- The Italian constitutional crisis -- The importance of filler dialogue -- When even emoticons are pronatalist -- Researching childlessness…”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
21102Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…A reconstruction of answers by Sergey Bulgakov and Nikolai Berdyaev / Katharina Anna Breckner -- Towards a new understanding of immanence and transcendence: the concept of kairos in the writings of Nikolai Berdyaev and Paul Tillich / Monika Woźniak -- Religion in public life according to Nikolai Berdyaev / Halina Rarot -- Religious revival and post-secular society according to Pavel Florensky / Nikolai Pavliuchenkov -- The philosophy of culture of Semen Frank and its significance for the post-secular world / Teresa Obolevitch -- The Way journal (1925-1941) and the question of freedom in the context of European post-secular culture / Olga Tabatadze -- Overcoming the secular: Viktor Nesmelov's teaching on personhood as the justification of the radical theological commitment in the dialogue between faith and reason / Alexei Nesteruk -- The crisis of the classical anthropological model: the anthropological mission of post-secularism according to Sergey Horujy / Roman Turowski -- Christian philosophical mysticism in the poetry of "Leningrad's underground" as a challenge to Soviet secularism / Zhanna Sizova…”
Tesis -
21103por Ortiz de Urbina Gimeno, ÍñigoTabla de Contenidos: “…En defensa de los oficiales de cumplimiento: desmitificando su responsabilidad penal en Colombia / Mauricio Cristancho Ariza, Estanislao Escalante -- Derecho penal corporativo y compliance: criterios de imputación penal en las empresas / Paula Andrea Ramírez Barbosa -- Delincuencia empresarial, derechos humanos y seguridad humana: reflexiones desde el derecho penal económico y de la empresa / Julio Ballesteros Sánchez -- Despojo de tierras, empresas y derechos humanos / Alexandra Valencia Molina -- Dos ideas para luchar contra la corrupción / Andrea Liliana Prieto Larrotta -- El rol del derecho penal y la crisis financiera / Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni -- Derecho penal y mercado: apuntes para su conceptualización y para un programa de investigación en clave de criminología crítica / Aura Helena Peñas Felizzola -- Criminología, megacorporaciones y psicosis planetaria / David Valencia Villamizar, Diego Galvis Muñoz…”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
21104por Cohen, William A.Tabla de Contenidos: “…26: If you Conduct Marketing Research, Conduct it Right27: Be Careful in Using a Bribe; 28: There are no Irrational Customers, Only Irrational Marketers; 29: Where the Best Innovations Come From; 30: Drucker's Theory of Abandonment; 31: The Mysteries of Supply-Side Innovation; Part Four | Organizaton; 32: The Purpose of your Business is not to Make a Profit; 33: Social Responsibility is a Win-Win; 34: There are Only Two Organizational Functions; 35: Ignorance is Good; 36: What to do when an Organization Faces a Crisis; 37: The Ultimate Requirement for Running a Good Organization…”
Publicado 2014
Libro electrónico -
21105por Vakkur, Nicholas V.Tabla de Contenidos: “…WorldCom as a Basis for the Sarbanes-Oxley ActChapter 3 The Enactment Process; Introduction; The Enactment Process; Create a Crisis; Build a Consensus; Presume Success; Dismiss the Critics; The Law's Effects; Current Arguments in Favor of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; Institutional Precedents; Chapter 4 CEO Perception; Summary; Introduction; Summary of Relevant Literature; Survey; Results; Discussion; Appendix to Chapter 4; Survey Instrument; Chapter 5 Sarbanes-Oxley's Effect on Investor Risk; Summary; Introduction; Extending CAPM; Hypotheses…”
Publicado 2013
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Publicado 1987
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21107Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- Finding position, intention and direction -- Looking for advantages -- Making strategic decisions and choices -- Adapting to your competitive environment -- Part 4 Winning with strategy -- Winning strategy games -- Creating new markets -- Getting ahead of your strategic group -- Growing your business (again and again) -- Going global without going broke -- Knowing what you can do best -- Part 5 Making your strategy work -- Managing your strategy process -- Meetings for strategic minds -- Managing change, making strategy work -- Understanding what can go wrong -- Saving your company from failure -- Part 6 The Strategy Book tool kit -- The basic (powerful) strategy questions -- SWOT analysis -- Porter's 5 forces of competition -- Porter's generic strategies -- Burgelman's strategy dynamics model -- Porter's value chain -- Core competencies and resource-based view -- Nonaka and Takeuchi's knowledge spiral -- McKinsey's 7-S framework -- Scenario planning -- Ansoff's growth grid -- BCG's product portfolio matrix -- Kim and Mauborgne's blue ocean -- Greiner's growth (and crisis) model -- Treacy and Wiersema's value disciplines -- Cummings and Wilson: orientation and animation -- Lewin's force field analysis -- Kotter's eight phases of change -- Kaplan and Norton's balanced scorecard…”
Libro electrónico -
21108Publicado 1984Tabla de Contenidos: “…""Pathological Outcomes"" ""EXPLANATORY MODELS OF THE BEREAVEMENT PROCESS""; ""Classical Psychoanalytic Theory""; ""Current Psychodynamic Perspectives""; ""Interpersonal and Attachment Theory Models""; ""Crisis Theory""; ""Cognitive and Behavioral Theories""; ""CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""REFERENCES""; ""Reactions to Particular Types of Bereavement""; ""CHAPTER 4 Reactions to Particular Types of Bereavement ""; ""DEATH OF A SPOUSE""; ""DEATH OF A CHILD""; ""Stillbirths""; ""PERINATAL DEATH""; ""Sudden Infant Death""; ""The Death of an Older Child""…”
Libro electrónico -
21109Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…German Diplomats and Bureaucrats in the League of Nations, Michael Jonas , Helmut Schmidt Universität, Germany -- Part IV: Leadership and Administration -- Chapter 11: Secretaries-General and Crisis Management - Trygve Lie and the UN, Ellen Ravndal , University of Stavanger, Norway…”
Libro electrónico -
21110Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Kirschenbaum, Mark Sample, Daniel J. Cohen ""; ""The Crisis of Audience and the Open-Access Solution / John Unsworth ""; ""Open-Access Publishing / Kathleen Fitzpatrick ""…”
Libro electrónico -
21111por Cutrona, Carolyn E.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Spousal Support as an Impediment to Recovery; Conclusions; Chapter 6 - Social Support Therapy with Couples; Social Support is Important; Understand and Respect Differences; Other People Can Provide Support Too; Clear Communication is Important; Use Support Skills During Arguments; Moments of Intimacy-Sharing Private Thoughts-Are Important; Cope Together with Crisis or Tragedy; When One Partner is Ill, Both Partners Need Support; Conclusions; Chapter 7 - Future Research Directions; Conceptual Issues; Social Support and the Developmental Course of Relationships; Understanding Social Support Transactions; Intervention Studies; Conclusions; References; Index; About the Author…”
Publicado 1996
Libro electrónico -
21112Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…La EIB: tensiones entre las potencialidades de un programa decolonial y la crisis del proyecto cultural indígena -- Capítulo 3. …”
Libro electrónico -
21113Publicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…(Supply Chain) - Delivering in a Crisis -- Building the Right External Relationships -- Believing in Your Information -- Counting on Internal Relationships…”
Libro electrónico -
21114Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Iryna Bogdanova and Anqi Wang -- Tumult in the trading system : the China paradox, declining US institutional power, and the crisis at the WTO / Kristen Hopewell -- China's relations with the Global South in the World Trade Organization / Clara Weinhardt -- China and the BRICS in WTO E-commerce and fisheries negotiations : competition and convergence / Wei Liang and Ka Zeng -- The impact of the WTO dispute settlement system on China : effectiveness, challenges and broader issues / Weihuan Zhou -- China and WTO reform / Bernard Hoekman, Xinquan Tu and Robert Wolfe -- The politics of preferential trade liberalization with China / Damian Raess -- Trade as a foreign policy issue : a bilateral micro perspective / Tanja Schweinberger & Thomas Sattler -- The post-accession treatment of Chinese goods exports by WTO members / Simon J. …”
Libro electrónico -
21115Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Contents -- List of Figures, Tables and Boxes -- List of Abbreviations -- Notes on the Contributors -- Introduction: The Integration of Development and Environmental Agendas -- The Green Goals -- Governing the Climate Crisis: Three Challenges for SDG 13 -- Interview with Miranda Schreurs and Jens Marquardt: Ending the North/South Divide in Climate Action -- Key Logics of International Forest Governance and SDG 15 -- Interview with Daniela Kleinschmit: The Value of Nature -- Protecting Life below Water: Competing Normative, Economic and Epistemic Orders (SDG 14) -- Interview with Alice B.M. …”
Libro electrónico -
21116Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…Utopías y populismos nacionalistas para tiempos de crisis / Ángel Duarte Montserrat -- La calle como plataforma de comunicación. …”
Libro -
21117por Mankiw, N. Gregory, 1958-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Common currency areas and european monetary union 37. The financial crisis and sovereign debt…”
Publicado 2014
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
21118Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 1: Everything is becoming science fiction -- Chapter 2: A machine that can make almost anything; Printing three-dimensional things; The ten principles of 3D printing -- Chapter 3: Nimble manufacturing: Good, fast, and cheap; Somewhere between mass production and the local farmer's market; The blank canvas of the 21st century -- Chapter 4:Tomorrow's economy of printable products; Like ants with factories; The experience economy; A future economy of printable products -- Chapter 5: Printing in layers; A manufacturing process at heart; Two families of printers; Cleaning up design files; The raw materials -- Chapter 6: Design software, the digital canvas; A word processor for drawing; Today's design software; What you design is not (necessarily) what you print; The next generation of design software: digital capture -- Chapter 7: Bioprinting in "living ink"; The printer of youth; Tissue engineering; CAD for the body; The future -- Chapter 8: Digital cuisine; Digital gastronomy; Feeding the quantified self; Processed food -- Chapter 9: A factory in the classroom; Make to learn: Children's engineering -- Not a national crisis ... but learning should be enjoyable; Now let's see you draw that abstract equation on a graph; Barriers to classroom adoption; The road ahead -- Chapter 10: Unleashing a new aesthetic; Computers that act like nature; Printing wavy walls and custom gargoyles -- Chapter 11: Green, clean manufacturing; A tale of two plastic toys; Greener manufacturing; 3D printing a more beautiful landfill -- Chapter 12: Ownership, safety, and new legal frontiers; Printing weapons, drugs, and shoddy products; Rip, mix, and burn physical things; Exclusivity vs. the freedom to innovate -- Chapter 13: Designing the future tea. …”
Libro -
21119Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…una relectura de la politización popular en el País Vasco en el siglo XIX / Alexandre Dupont -- La crisis de la ciudad liberal : repertorios, espacios y conflictos urbanos -- El motín de 1918 ¿obreras o "revoltosas"? …”
Libro -
21120Publicado 2015“…En un mundo sin liderazgos e inmerso en una considerable crisis de pensamiento, el papa Francisco se ha constituido, sin dudarlo, no sólo en uno de los líderes con mayor capacidad de influencia en el mundo, sino en aquel que cuenta con mejor valoración entre los hombres del planeta. …”