Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 1,003
- China 370
- History 357
- Política y gobierno 283
- Comunismo 262
- Economic conditions 213
- Misiones 199
- Politics and government 157
- Història 149
- Jesuitas 148
- Filosofía 143
- Relaciones 143
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 140
- Foreign relations 136
- Economic policy 134
- Economic development 120
- Política 114
- Economía 112
- -Historia 110
- Economics 110
- Development 106
- Filosofía china 99
- Civilización y cultura 98
- Computer Science 98
- Política exterior 97
- Relaciones exteriores 95
- Descripción y viajes 92
- Economic aspects 90
- Política económica 87
- Social aspects 84
13521Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Schamp) -- Chapter 17: China’s Southern Borderlands and ASEAN Higher education. …”
Libro electrónico -
13522por Oliker, OlgaTabla de Contenidos: “…Szayna; Introduction; The Ethnic Factor in the CASC States; Preconditions for Ethnic Conflict; Kazakhstan: an Example of a Nationalizing State; Catalysts to Ethnic Violence; Potential for Ethnic Violence in the CASC Region; Final Observations; Chapter Seven - Conflict in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Implications of Foreign Interests and Involvement: Olga Oliker; Introduction; Russia; Turkey; The European Union and its Member States; Iran; China; Afghanistan; The United States; India and Pakistan…”
Publicado 2002
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13523Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…Credibility; Changing Extraregional Roles; China; Russia; Conclusion; CHAPTER FOUR - Domestic Reverberations of the War: Internal Challenges to Regime Stability; The Iraq War Is Not the Main Driver of Increased Sectarian Tensions; Sectarianism Has Spread in the Gulf, but Regimes Are Mostly to Blame…”
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13524Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…McNeill PART IV ENVIRONMENTAL THOUGHT AND ACTION 453 25 Environmentalism in Brazil: A Historical Perspective 455 Jose Augusto Padua 26 Environmentalism and Environmental Movements in China since 1949 474 Bao Maohong 27 Religion and Environmentalism 493 Joachim Radkau 28 The Environmentalism of the Poor: Its Origins and Spread 513 Joan Martinez-Alier Index 530…”
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13525Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Front Matter -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- Introduction: A Global Dialogue on the Pandemic -- COVID-19 Governance, Politics and the Ambivalence of States -- COVID-19 Governance: State Expansion, Capitalist Resilience and Democracy -- Three Political Regimes, Three Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis -- Universal Social Protection Floors: A Joint Responsibility -- Labour Activism and State Repression in Indonesia -- Harmoniously Denied: China's Censorship on COVID-19 -- State Repression in the Philippines during COVID-19 and Beyond -- Normality Was the Problem -- Crisis, Inequalities and Solidarities -- Divided We Stand: What the Pandemic Tells Us about the Contemporary US -- The Data Gaps of the Pandemic: Data Poverty and Forms of Invisibility -- Necropolitics and Biopower in the Pandemic: Death, Social Control or Well-being -- COVID-19 in the Urban Peripheries: Perspectives from the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro -- Generational Inequalities in Argentina's Working-Class Neighbourhoods -- Pandemic Pedagogical Lessons and Educational Inequalities -- Social Work with Homeless People in Belgium -- Community Spaces in India: Constructing Solidarity during the Pandemic -- Social Movements, Mutual Aid and Self-Reliance during COVID-19 -- Social Movements in the Emergence of a Global Pandemic -- COVID-19 and the Reconfiguration of the Social Movements Landscape -- Social Movements as Essential Services in Toronto -- Creating a Hyperlocal Infrastructure of Care: COVID-19 Mutual Aid Groups in the UK -- 'Solidarity, Not Charity': Emotions as Cultural Challenge for Grassroots Activism -- Self-Reliance as an Answer to the Pandemic: Hopes from India's Margins -- Social Movements and Self-Reliance: Community Mobilization in South Africa -- Resilience, Reworking and Resistance in New York City -- 'The COVID Will Not Kill the Revolution': Protest Movements in the Pandemic -- 'Defund the Police': Strategy and Struggle for Racial Justice in the US -- A Matter of Survival: The Lebanese Uprising in Times of Pandemic -- Hong Kong: From Democratic Protests to Medical Workers' Strikes in a Pandemic -- Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia: A Return to Authoritarianism after the Revolutions? …”
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13526Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Using documents from ancient China to teach mathematical proof: Karine Chemla -- 19. …”
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13527por Mennicken, AndreaTabla de Contenidos: “…3 The People's Algorithms: Social Credits and the Rise of China's Big (Br)other -- The Earlier Chinese Dream -- Personal Dossiers -- Social Credit -- The Total Information System -- The Future Now -- Bigger Than Big Other -- References -- 4 Accounting for Who We Are and Could Be: Inventing Taxonomies of the Self in an Age of Uncertainty -- Corporeal Accounting Within Immaterial Capitalism -- Calculation and the Living Body -- The Quantified Self -- Well-Being, Performance and Emotions as Core Issues of Leibschreiben (Writing the Body) -- The Emerging Taxonomies of the Self…”
Publicado 2021
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13528por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentTabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Vorwort -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Einführung Rentensysteme unter Druck -- Zusammenfassung -- Kapitel 1 - Jüngste Rentenreformen und ihr Verteilungseffekt -- Einleitung -- Jüngste Rentenreformen -- Verteilungseffekt der Rentenreformen -- Schlussfolgerungen und Politikimplikationen -- Kapitel 2 - Die Bedeutung von Wohneigentum, Finanzvermögen und öffentlichen Dienstleistungen für einen angemessenen Lebensstandard im Alter -- Einleitung -- Angemessenheit -- Messung der Angemessenheit der Lebensstandards -- Lebensstandard im Ruhestand: Einkommen und Armut im Alter -- Die Rolle des Vermögens für die Angemessenheit von Ruhestandseinkommen -- Zusammenfassung und Schlussfolgerungen -- Anhang 2.A1B erechnung der regelmäßigen Rentenzahlungen -- Anhang 2.A2 Zusätzliche Abbildung -- Kapitel 3 - Aufbau der Altersvorsorgesysteme -- ARCHITEKTUR DER NATIONALEN ALTERSVORSORGESYSTEME -- GRUNDRENTE, SOZIALRENTE UND MINDESTRENTE -- VERDIENSTABHÄNGIGE RENTEN -- REGELRENTENALTER, FRÜHVERRENTUNG UND SPÄTVERRENTUNG -- EFFEKTIVES ALTER BEI AUSTRITT AUS DEM ERWERBSLEBEN -- Kapitel 4 - RENTENANSPRÜCHE -- METHODIK UND ANNAHMEN -- BRUTTOERSATZQUOTEN -- BRUTTOERSATZQUOTEN: ÖFFENTLICHE UND PRIVATE SYSTEME -- STEUERLICHE BEHANDLUNG VON RENTENEINKOMMEN UND RENTNERN -- NETTOERSATZQUOTEN -- NETTOERSATZQUOTEN: ÖFFENTLICHE UND PRIVATE SYSTEME -- ANLAGERISIKO UND PRIVATE ALTERSVORSORGE -- BRUTTORENTENVERMÖGEN -- NETTORENTENVERMÖGEN -- VERÄNDERUNG DES RENTENVERMÖGENS -- PROGRESSIVITÄT DER RENTENFORMELN -- ZUSAMMENHANG ZWISCHEN RENTENANSPRÜCHEN UND VERDIENST -- GEWICHTETE DURCHSCHNITTSWERTE: RENTENNIVEAUS UND RENTENVERMÖGEN -- ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DER RENTENEINKOMMEN -- Kapitel 5 - Einkommen und Armut ältererMenschen -- DIE EINKOMMEN ÄLTERER MENSCHEN -- EINKOMMENSARMUT IM ALTER -- Kapitel 6 - Finanzierung derRenteneinkommenssysteme -- RENTENBEITRÄGE -- ÖFFENTLICHE RENTENAUSGABEN -- AUSGABEN FÜR ÖFFENTLICHE UND PRIVATE RENTENLEISTUNGEN -- LANGFRISTIGE PROJEKTIONEN DER ÖFFENTLICHEN RENTENAUSGABEN -- Kapitel 7 - Demografischer undwirtschaftlicher Kontext -- GEBURTENZIFFERN -- LEBENSERWARTUNG -- UNTERSTÜTZUNGSQUOTIENT -- DURCHSCHNITTSVERDIENSTE UND VERDIENSTVERTEILUNG -- Kapitel 8 - Private Altersvorsorge undöffentliche Pensionsreservefonds -- ERFASSUNGSGRAD DER PRIVATEN ALTERSVORSORGE -- INSTITUTIONELLE STRUKTUR PRIVATER ALTERSVORSORGESYSTEME -- VERSORGUNGSLÜCKE -- VERMÖGEN DER PENSIONSFONDS UND ÖFFENTLICHEN PENSIONSRESERVEFONDS -- ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DER PORTFOLIOS DER PENSIONSFONDS UND ÖFFENTLICHEN PENSIONSRESERVEFONDS -- ANLAGEERGEBNISSE DER PENSIONSFONDS UND ÖFFENTLICHEN PENSIONSRESERVEFONDS -- BETRIEBSKOSTEN UND GEBÜHREN DER PENSIONSFONDS -- DECKUNGSGRAD DER SYSTEME MIT LEISTUNGSPRIMAT -- Kapitel 9 - Renten auf einen Blick 2013:Länderprofile -- Überblick über die Länderprofile -- Argentinien -- Australien -- Belgien -- Brasilien -- Chile -- China -- Dänemark -- Deutschland -- Estland -- Finnland -- Frankreich -- Griechenland -- Indien -- Indonesien -- Irland -- Island -- Israel -- Italien -- Japan -- Kanada -- Korea -- Luxemburg -- Mexiko -- Neuseeland -- Niederlande -- Norwegen -- Österreich -- Polen -- Portugal -- Russische Föderation -- Saudi-Arabien -- Schweden -- Schweiz -- Slowakische Republik -- Slowenien -- Spanien -- Südafrika -- Tschechische Republik -- Türkei -- Ungarn -- Vereinigtes Königreich -- Vereinigte Staaten…”
Publicado 2014
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13529por Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Tabla de Contenidos: “…by Jean-Jacques Deschamps -- Prospects for the Participation of Commercial Banks in Providing Credit to the Agriculture and Food Sectors in Russia in View of the Financial Crisis by Jury Trushin -- Session III: Complementary Commercial Credit Schemes in the Agricultural Sector -- Leasing, Trade Credit and Commodity Financing in OECD Countries by Glenn Pederson -- The Impact of FDI in the Downstream Sector on Agricultural Finance, Investment, and Production: Evidence from the CEEC by Hamish Gow -- The Impact of FDI in the Upstream and Downstream Sectors on Investment in Agriculture in the NIS by Christian Foster -- Practice and Problems of Agricultural Crediting by Private Food Market Operators by Arkadiy Zlochyevskiy -- Grain Receipts in Economies in Transition: An Introduction to Financing of Warehouse Receipts by Eusebio Martin -- Agricultural Insurance in a Transition Economy by Jerry Skees -- Session IV: Credit Subsidies and Credit Guarantees in Agriculture -- Preferential Credits in Countries in Transition from the Perspective of a Commercial Bank by Gerard Van Empel -- Credit Support Schemes Provided by the Support and Guarantee Fund for Farmers and Forestry in the Czech Republic by Tomas Doucha -- The Agricultural Credit Guarantee System in Japan by Takao Yurugi -- The Activities of the Rural Credit Guarantee Foundation in Hungary by Aniko Ulrich -- Agricultural Loan Guarantee Fund for Nizhny Novgorod Oblast: Key Design Issues by Vera Matusevich -- Country Notes -- -Belarus by Teresa Degtyareva -- Brazil by Marcelo Guimaraes -- Bulgaria by Experts from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Agrarian Reform (MAFR) and State Fund for Agriculture -- China by Shaojun Yang -- Croatia by Vesna Matijasevic -- Estonia by Katrin Noorkoiv -- Indonesia by Dibyo Prabowo -- Kazakhstan by Muratbek Takambayev -- Slovak Republic by Zuzana Chrastinova…”
Publicado 1999
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13530Publicado 1994Tabla de Contenidos: “…Some Information Regarding Chemical Safety Both in Occupational and Environmental Medicine in China; 29. Environmental Chemical Safety…”
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13531Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Joris Van Bladel 17-28 -- Kapitel 2 Der Ukraine-Krieg als regionale Konfrontation Jakob Wöllenstein 29-44 -- Kapitel 3 Russlands Narrative und Desinformation im Krieg gegen die Ukraine Susanne Spahn 45-66 -- Kapitel 4 Russlands außenpolitische Determinanten: Expansionspolitik und "Imperialismus" seit 1991 Olha Husieva 67-92 -- Kapitel 5 Russlands diktierter Nicht-Frieden im Donbas 2014-2022: Warum die Minsker Abkommen zum Scheitern verurteilt waren Hugo von Essen, Andreas Umland 93-116 -- Kapitel 6 Deutschlands Ostpolitik bis zum Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine Joachim Krause 117-154 -- Kriegsgeschehen und Entwicklungen 155-180 -- Kapitel 8 Operativ-taktisches Vorgehen der russischen Armee im Ukraine-Krieg 2022 Markus Reisner 181-200 -- Kapitel 9 Die Verteidigung der Ukraine gegen Russlands Angriffskrieg in 2022 Oleksiy Melnyk, Olha Husieva 201-226 -- Kapitel 10 Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine: Eine völker- und menschenrechtliche Einordnung Christina Binder 227-242 -- Kapitel 11 Die Cyberdimension in Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine Arthur de Liedekerke, Kira Frankenthal 243-254 -- Kapitel 12 Der Ukraine-Krieg als exogener Schock für das Russlandbild und die Bündnissolidarität in der deutschen Bevölkerung Timo Graf 255-280 -- Zeitenwende für Deutschlands Sicherheitspolitik 281-290 -- Kapitel 14 Europas Reaktion auf den russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine und Deutschlands Platz in der europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur Angela Mehrer, Jana Puglierin 291-304 -- Kapitel 15 Die sicherheitspolitische Autonomie Europas und der hegemoniale Schatten der NATO Markus Kaim, Ronja Kempin 305-318 -- Kapitel 16 Die Rolle und die strategische Entscheidung Chinas im Ukraine-Krieg Sarah Kirchberger 319-332 -- Kapitel 17 Zeitenwende ohne Stärke? …”
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13532Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…The influence of traditions on behaviour, self-perception and relationshipsImpacts of social identity; Coaching appropriately in a culturally diverse context; Choosing a coaching model for diversity; Summary; 06 Coaching in Brazil; Introduction; Heritage and its influence on behaviour, self-perception and relationships; Developing culturally appropriate coaching; Evaluating the impact of Brazilian coaching; Conclusion; 07 Coaching in China; Introduction; Heritage traditions; The influence of traditions on behaviour, self-perception and relationships; Developing culturally appropriate coaching…”
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13533Artificial intelligence and international human rights law developing standards for a changing worldPublicado 2024Tabla de Contenidos: “…AI in court: The promotion and regulation of information technology in China's smart court movements / Peng Wang and Guannan Qu…”
Libro electrónico -
13534Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Nigel Goring-Morris -- Transforming food practices in the Epipalaeolithic and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant Brian Boyd -- Like a bull in a china shop: identity and ideology in Neolithic Cyprus Alain Le Brun -- House form and cultural identity in Chalcolithic Cyprus Gordon Thomas -- Cyprus at the dawn of the first millennium BC: cultural homogenisation versus the tyranny of ethnic identifications Maria Iacovou -- Part three: Space and diversity -- Crossing cultural divides: transmissions and transformations in space Joanne Clarke -- Identifying ethnicity from Prehistoric pottery in Ancient Egypt and the Southern Levant Eliot Braun -- The frontier of Egypt in the Early Bronze Age: prelimary soundings at Tell al-Sakan (Gaza Strip) Pierre de Miroschedji Moain Sadeq -- Cultural homogenisation and diversity in Canaan during the 13th and 12th centuries BC Ann E. …”
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13535Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…--Conclusions--EU-LAC Relations in Times of US-China Competition--Introduction--The international structure in dispute--Wake-up calls to strengthen autonomy: Old and new dependencies…”
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13536por Schaeffler, JimmyTabla de Contenidos: “…International DVR Growth; 7.1 Canada; 7.2 Asia; 7.3 Australia; 7.4 South Korea; 7.5 Taiwan; 7.6 China; 7.7 Japan; 7.8 India; 7.9 Europe; 7.10 England; 7.11 France; 7.12 Germany; 7.13 South America; 7.14 Brazil; 7.15 Mexico; 7.16 Summary; 8. …”
Publicado 2009
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13537por Dearie, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…Gradually But Significantly Reduce the Federal Budget Deficit and National Debt Enact Comprehensive Competitiveness-Enhancing Tax Reform; Increase the Research and Development Tax Credit-and Make It Permanent; Return Federal Funding of R&D to 2 Percent of GDP; Jump-Start America's Trade Agenda; Negotiate a U.S-China Free Trade Agreement; Combine and Modernize Unemployment Insurance and Trade Adjustment Assistance; Conclusion; Appendix: Summary of Recommendations; Establish a Preferential Tax and Regulatory Framework to Cultivate New Business Formation and Growth…”
Publicado 2013
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13538Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…The design and construction of an Intelligent Management System on the investigation and evaluation of life styleThe idea of intelligent management of community residents physique health in the era of Big Data - Setting Shanghai as an example; The strategic games of competitive sport intelligence in the Big Data era; Fundamental and applied sciences; Four types of Positive-definite Quaternion Matrices and their properties; Research into an index system and a mathematical model for evaluating the sense of happiness amongst waterway staff in China…”
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13539Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…4 Transforming research libraries: Piano, piano, si va lontanoStarting at the top; Leading organizational transformations; An enabling vision; Creating opportunities for others to do the right things; The acquisition of knowledge, professional networks, and partners; Transformative, collaborative priorities; The continuing involvement of the user community; Piano, Piano si va lontano: toward lasting transformations; Selected references and bibliography; 5 The transformation of academic libraries in China; Yesteryear's libraries; Today's libraries; Staffing: recovery…”
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13540Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pfeiffer""""A12 Global Trends in Emerging Viral Diseases of Wildlife Origin--Jonathan Sleeman and Hon Ip""; ""A13 Role of Poultry in Spread of Novel H7N9 Influenza Virus in China--Mary J. Pantin-Jackwood, Patti J. Miller, Erica Spackman, David E. …”
Libro electrónico