Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Autotools (Electronic resource) 2
- Computer networks 2
- Cross-platform software development 2
- Management 2
- Open source software 2
- UNIX (Computer file) 2
- Alimentació 1
- Application software 1
- Caputxins 1
- Cloud computing 1
- Computer architecture 1
- Computer software 1
- Convents 1
- Costums i pràctiques 1
- Cuina catalana 1
- Cuina monàstica 1
- Datenverkehr 1
- Deployment 1
- Development 1
- Docker 1
- Història 1
- Information technology 1
- Kubernetes 1
- Logging 1
- Monaquisme 1
- Monitoring 1
- O'Reilly Velocity Conference 1
- Pilot 1
- Security measures 1
- Service Proxy 1
1Publicado 2017“…With application developers busily adopting container technologies, the time has come for network engineers and operators to prepare for the unique challenges brought on by cloud-native applications. Lee Calcote walks you through available container connectivity options, explaining their function and when they should be used and comparing their performance characteristics…”
2Publicado 2018“…This practical ebook explains how a service mesh provides a configurable infrastructure layer that makes service-to-service communication flexible, reliable, and fast. Author Lee Calcote, Head of Technology Strategy at SolarWinds, demonstrates how service meshes work and provides a path to help you build or convert applications using this architecture. …”
Libro electrónico -
3Publicado 2020“…Autotools is the first book to offer programmers a tutorial-based guide to the GNU build system. Author John Calcote begins with an overview of high-level concepts and a hands-on tour of the philosophy and design of the Autotools. …”
Libro electrónico -
5Publicado 2020“…With the Istio service mesh, you’ll be able to manage traffic, control access, monitor, report, get telemetry data, manage quota, trace, and more with resilience across your microservice. In this book, Lee Calcote and Zack Butcher explain why your services need a service mesh and demonstrate step-by-step how Istio fits into the life cycle of a distributed application. …”
Libro electrónico -
6Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Conté: Simplicitat i austeritat dels àpats caputxins -- Les pitances dels frares -- Les herbes aromàtiques i les espècies -- Els plats de tardor i d'hivern -- Enciamades i amanides primaverals i d'estiu -- La cuina d'aprofitament -- El pa i les sopes casolanes -- Guisar els naps i la carbassa -- L'escarola, el romesco i els calçots -- Cols, coliflors i carxofes -- Sobre els armolls i altres hortalisses -- La ceba és "la reina" dels nostres sofregits -- Llegums a la cuina pairal i conventual -- Formatge, ous i botifarra -- Arròs, cargols i bolets -- Els guisats de peix i el bacallà -- La carn d'olla -- El pernil cuit i la galantina -- La fruita, la xocolata i altres postres -- El vi, el vermut i la ratafia…”
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9por Calcote, Lee“…Sie verwalten den Datenverkehr, steuern und überwachen Zugriffe, erstellen Berichte, rufen Telemetriedaten ab, managen Kontingente, führen Traces durch und vieles mehr – und alles mit einer hohen Ausfallsicherheit für Ihre Microservices Biographical note: Lee Calcote ist Wegbereiter für innovative Produkte und Technologien, der sich leidenschaftlich dafür einsetzt, Ingenieure mit Lösungen zu versorgen. …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
10Publicado 2018“…Highlights include: Kubernetes sessions, such as Bridget Kromhout's (Microsoft) intro level Kubernetes 101 tutorial; Bridget Lane's (Gannett USA Today) look at the hidden costs of Kubernetes; and Lee Calcote's (SolarWinds) tutorial on building secure microservices with Istio and Kubernetes. …”