Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Cáncer 637
- Cancer 629
- aspectos psicológicos 337
- Medicine 291
- Oncology 282
- Càncer 278
- Neoplasms 219
- cancer 168
- Cáncer de pulmón 140
- Treatment 139
- Medicina 122
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 97
- inflammation 96
- Research & information: general 86
- tratamiento 85
- Diseases 84
- Research 84
- Medical 82
- Cáncer de mama 81
- Oncología 73
- Health Sciences 67
- breast cancer 65
- Tumors 62
- Diagnosis 60
- apoptosis 60
- Breast 59
- Medical care 52
- Biology, life sciences 50
- Familia y cáncer 50
- Medical Oncology 49
4901Publicado 2016“…Some of the companies you’ll learn about include: Lola, a travel industry transformer using a "making humans cool again" AI approach; Zipline, a drone transport company that carries medicines to remote Rwandan locations; Grail, a genomics-computation leader developing cancer-detecting blood tests; Gigster, an on-demand software development platform; and Bonsai, the AI platform open to anyone. …”
4902Publicado 2023“…Her dream was to develop synthetic mRNA and use this to cure cancer, strokes, and influenza. Eventually, after years of toil, rejection, and criticism from colleagues, she and fellow researcher Drew Weissman demonstrated that it is possible to trigger an immune response in the body with mRNA without the body turning against the mRNA itself. …”
Libro electrónico -
4903Publicado 2022“…These properties can help us to better understand the processes and phenomena in mammalian stem cell biology, such as natural chimerism and cancer, aging and senescence, immunity and autoimmune responses, which are all difficult to explain or understand in the human context. …”
Libro electrónico -
4904Publicado 2012“…Using client case studies and contributions from a global team of movement marketing forerunners—among them, political guru Mark McKinnon; Lee Clow, creative chief at TBWA/Chiat/Day; Apple evangelist Guy Kawasaki; and Marty Cooke, who helped make yellow LIVESTRONG bracelets synonymous with the fight against cancer—Goodson details why and how individuals and companies are embracing the movement phenomenon. …”
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4905Publicado 2012“…—Mitch Joel, President of Twist Image and author, blogger, and podcaster at Six Pixels of Separation About the Book: Covering subjects ranging from the best-tasting breakfast cereal to the latest developments in cancer treatment, personal interactions are occurring with increased frequency on social media. …”
Libro electrónico -
4906Publicado 2022“…The Johns Hopkins Wavelengths book series brings readers inside their stories, illustrating how their pioneering discoveries and innovations benefit people in their neighborhoods and across the globe in artificial intelligence, cancer research, food systems' environmental impacts, health equity, planetary science, science diplomacy, and other critical arenas of study. …”
Libro electrónico -
4907Publicado 2023“…Her dream was to develop synthetic mRNA and use this to cure cancer, strokes, and influenza. Eventually, after years of toil, rejection, and criticism from colleagues, she and fellow researcher Drew Weissman demonstrated that it is possible to trigger an immune response in the body with mRNA without the body turning against the mRNA itself. …”
Libro electrónico -
4908Publicado 2020“…Consistent with this, there has been an increase in the development of novel drugs and biomaterials aimed at inducing immunomodulatory responses in targeted innate immune cell populations to be used in the context of tissue regeneration, cancer, autoimmune disease etc. Thus, a thorough understanding of immunomodulatory mechanisms of innate immune cells will guide the development of novel therapeutic strategies aimed to control inflammation-mediated pathologies. …”
Libro electrónico -
4909por Pontiggia, Rodrigo Martín“…Para cumplir con el objetivo principal del trabajo, se diseñaron y sintetizaron ribozimas cabeza de martillo para reducir los niveles de expresión del receptor de estrógeno en células de cáncer de mamas, pudiendo cuantificar la relación actividad/resistencia en un contexto celular. …”
Publicado 2009
Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Enlace del recurso
Tesis -
4910Publicado 2018“…La segunda parte se ocupa de las aplicaciones del mindfulness a la psicoterapia y la salud en capítulos específicos dedicados a: • La contextualización del mindfulness en la psicoterapia actual, y más en particular en las terapias de tercera generación • La bibliografía científica actual sobre las intervenciones con mindfulness en relación con distintos problemas clínicos y de salud en general: el estrés y la ansiedad • La depresión • Distintas condiciones psicopatológicas graves como los trastornos de personalidad, bipolares y psicóticos, las adicciones, los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y del neurodesarrollo • Las enfermedades somáticas (cáncer, dolor crónico y trastornos somatomorfos, enfermedades neurológicas, diabetes e hipertensión) • Las relaciones con la psicología positiva y la inteligencia emocional • La aplicación en ámbitos educativos • El mindfulness, la empatía y el poder terapéutico de la compasión • La evaluación del mindfulness • La formación del instructor y del terapeuta de mindfulness En definitiva, se trata de una obra cuyo fin es servir a los profesionales y no profesionales interesados en una visión rigurosa del mindfulness…”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro -
4911Publicado 2020“…La ruta de salvación contra el yihadismo puede tener en Irán a un importante aliado cuando el presidente iraní Rouhaní ha insistido, frente al triunfo tectónico de Trump, que Irán y Rusia continuarán cooperando hasta la eliminación del terrorismo Lo trascendental es erradicar el cáncer del yihadismo y sus metástasis. A ello apunta la nueva colaboración geoestratégica entre el populista Trump y el zar Vlady Putin, mediante un G-2 que aún no se atreve a pronunciar su nombre, y al que se puede adherir China en un G-3 creativo [Fuente: eLibro]…”
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
4912Publicado 2017“…A vast number of reviews have already been published in this area; thus, in an effort to not duplicate what has already been written, we will focus on recent discoveries particularly in disease models that are epidemic in Western society: intestinal chronic inflammatory diseases including GVHD and its relationship with the microbiome, chronic infectious diseases, allergies, autoimmune diseases, neuroinflammation and cancers. We will also focus on the basic cellular roles of macrophages, T cells and B cells. …”
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4913por Bacholle-Bošković, Michèle“…Fort de ses considérations sur la sœur défunte, l’avortement et le cancer, de son examen poussé des traces en tous genres et de son étude...…”
Publicado 2016
Electrónico -
4914Publicado 2017“…Those objectives-- broad public health goals used to guide a diverse range of government, research and community-based stakeholders--include Non Communicable Diseases (including adult and childhood obesity-related ones; cancer), Infectious Diseases (e.g., tuberculosis; HIV; emerging diseases--particularly mosquito borne illnesses), Maternal and Child Health, Mental Health Disorders, and Motor Vehicle Accidents. …”
Libro electrónico -
4915por Bluma, Lars“…Loin du spectacle de la mort collective, en effet, le travail à la mine est générateur de maladie et d’agonie silencieuse : silicose, ankylostomiase, sidérose et cancers dessinent les contours d’une catastrophe de masse, bien plus meurtrière, vécue à l’échelle individuelle par ceux qui perdent leur vie à la gagner depuis deux siècles. …”
Publicado 2016
Electrónico -
4916Publicado 2020“…The use of micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) for studying the hydrophobic character of modified Monomethyl Auristatin E derivatives, as Novel Candidates for the Design of Antibody–Drug Conjugates, which are promising state-of-the-art biopharmaceutical drugs for selective drug-delivery applications and the treatment of diseases such as cancer. 9. The use of recycled diatomaceous earth as the extraction phase in solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in river water samples, with separation/detection performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)…”
Libro electrónico -
4917Publicado 2017“…You'll learn how AI is working in medicine, with presentations on how AI uses cellular images to discover new drugs; how AI applies to healthcare's biggest opportunity—clinical variation; and how AI is helping cure cancer. From AI researchers in the transportation sector, you'll hear how affordable and reliable sensors enable computer-vision-based autonomous driving and how to train vision models for object detection. …”
4918Clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of intracoronary brachytherapy and drug eluting stentsPublicado 2004“…Taxol-based drugs, such as 7-hexaonyltaxol or paclitaxel are cytotoxic drugs that interfere with cell proliferation, and are currently used in cancer chemotherapy. Following the recent approval of two types of drug-eluting stents in Europe and North America, drug eluting stents are rapidly disseminating throughout the health care systems in several countries. …”
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4919Publicado 2017“…Key Features: Contains extensively revised and updated content throughout, while maintaining the same practical, easy-to-use format as the previous edition.Covers benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases not often included in other texts, as well as in-depth discussions of pathophysiologic processes and molecular mechanisms wherever possible.Features more than 3,000 high-quality illustrations, including gross and microscopic photographs (many new to this edition), electron micrographs, radiographs, and line drawings.Includes separate chapters on hereditary polyposis, cancer syndromes, motility disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as neuroendocrine, hematopoeitic, and mesenchymal neoplasms. …”
Libro electrónico -
4920Publicado 2020“…The centerpiece of the book is a neural network designed for cancer detection. You'll discover ways for training networks with limited inputs and start processing data to get some results. …”
Libro electrónico