Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 188
- Economic conditions 151
- Australia 120
- Politics and government 111
- Economic policy 100
- Education 96
- Aboriginal Australians 92
- Management 76
- Social aspects 76
- Social conditions 75
- Business & Economics 69
- Law 69
- Government policy 68
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 65
- Research 61
- Law and legislation 54
- Computer Science 47
- australia 47
- Study and teaching 46
- Economics 44
- Social life and customs 44
- Economic history 43
- Historia 43
- Social Issues/Migration/Health 42
- Història 41
- Public administration 41
- Australian 40
- Employment 39
- Economic aspects 38
- Design 37
4981por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme (FITS) in Australia -- Description -- Scope and definitions -- Actors covered -- Decisions and public officials covered -- Types of activities covered -- Exceptions/exemptions -- Disclosure regime -- Initial registration -- Frequency of disclosures -- Specific obligations during voting periods -- Registry administration, compliance and enforcement -- Violations and sanctions -- References -- Annex C. …”
Publicado 2024
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4982por Rao, M. B. 1927-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Chapter 1: Biotechnology -- Introduction -- Definition -- Transformation into New Products -- Agricultural Biotechnology -- Evolution of New Technologies -- Benefits Arising Out of Biotechnology -- Genetic Manipulation -- DNA -- New Food Products -- Genetic Engineering -- Recombinant DNA Technology (rDNA) -- Biotechnology and Medicine -- Research and Stem Cells -- Biotechnology and Vaccines -- Plant Biotechnology -- Commercialization of Biotechnology -- Patenting of New Inventions -- Safety Concerns About (GM) Products -- Ethical Concerns -- Biotechnology: Janus-Faced -- Developments in India -- GM Products in the USA -- Bio Products in EC -- Chapter 2: Biotechnology Laws and Practices in Some Countries -- The United States of America (USA) -- The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) -- Consumer Concerns -- Labelling of GM Products -- Environmental Concerns -- Commercialization in the USA -- European Union (EU) -- Labelling Requirements in the EUA -- Japan -- China -- The United Kingdom (UK) -- Canada -- Australia -- India -- The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RDAC) -- The Instutional Bio Safety Committee (IBSC) -- The Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) -- The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) -- Agricultural Research and Biotechnology Research in India -- GM Crops in India -- Safety Concerns and Release of GMOs -- Chapter 3: Biotechnology and Patent Law -- Patenting of Substances Found in Nature -- Patent Law Requirements Blurred by the Advent of Biotechnology -- Patent Law in the USA -- United States Supreme Court's Decision in Chakraborty's Case -- Patenting 'the Harvard Mouse' -- The Utility Requirement -- Obviousness -- Case Law -- Sufficient Disclosure/Written Description -- Case Law -- Conception of a DNA Molecule and Sufficiency of a Written Description…”
Publicado 2007
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4983por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Assessed jurisdiction's comments on the assessment of effectiveness in practice -- Note -- Australia -- Overall findings -- AEOI legal framework -- Effectiveness of AEOI in practice -- General context -- Findings and conclusions on the legal frameworks -- CR1 Domestic legal framework: Jurisdictions should have a domestic legislative framework in place that requires all Reporting Financial Institutions to conduct the due diligence and reporting procedures in the CRS, and that provides for the effective... -- CR2 International legal framework: Jurisdictions should have exchange relationships in effect with all Interested Appropriate Partners as committed to and that provide for the exchange of information in accordance with the Model CAA…”
Publicado 2022
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4984por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Integration of anticipatory practices into the mainstream practices -- Lack of time for alternatives exploration due to misalignment of the Government Programme and budget development -- Medium-term strategic planning with a system thinking approach -- Identifying and addressing emergent issues -- Cross-sectoral tools for dynamic monitoring and evaluating -- Spending reviews for dynamic evaluation -- Rapid cross-sector analysis -- Pilot case findings and key considerations -- References -- Notes -- 11 Child well-being in Finland's welfare service counties -- Introduction -- Child well-being: A uniquely anticipatory domain -- The changing nature of childhood -- Changing policy and measurement considerations for childhood -- Uncertainty and complexity in child well-being policy -- Existing anticipation for child well-being in Finland -- National Child Strategy -- Reform of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services (SOTE reform) -- Child-oriented budgeting pilot -- Itla -- Finland's national foresight system -- Report to Parliament by the Ombudsman for Children 2022 -- National Social and Healthcare Innovation and Strategy Network -- Family Centres and One-Stop Guidance Centres -- International cases -- Foresight and anticipatory approaches to well-being -- The Netherlands -- Whole government approach -- Scotland -- Ireland -- New Zealand -- National-local co-ordination -- Australia -- Norway -- Overall findings from international cases -- Gap analysis -- Lack of systematic ways of working -- Implementation difficulties -- Silos and fragmented knowledge -- Connection with actors and users -- Opportunities for action -- Objectives -- Stronger sense of companionship -- Coherent and concerted action -- Purpose-driven anticipation with a well-being focus -- Better situation awareness and context -- Mechanisms…”
Publicado 2022
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4985Publicado 1995Tabla de Contenidos: “…Relationships of Climatic Patterns to Vegetational Patterns -- SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS -- Hierarchical Organization -- Ecosystem Persistence -- Long-Term Species Replacement Dynamics: Evolutionary Implications -- REFERENCES -- 9 The Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic History of Vegetation and Climate at Northern and Southern High Latitudes: A Comparison -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- PALEOGEOGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK -- SUMMARY OF HIGH-LATITUDE VEGETATIONAL CHANGES -- Northern Cretaceous -- Albian-Cenomanian and Arrival of Angiosperms -- Turonian-Coniacian-Santonian -- Campanian-Maastrichtian -- Southern Cretaceous -- Albian-Cenomanian and Early Angiosperms -- Turonian-Coniacian-Santonian -- Campanian-Maastrichtian -- Northern Cenozoic -- Paleocene -- Eocene -- Oligocene-Miocene-Pliocene -- Southern Cenozoic -- Paleocene -- Eocene -- Oligocene-Miocene-Pliocene -- COMPARISON OF NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN HIGH-LATITUDE VEGETATION -- Cretaceous Evolutionary Trends -- Northern and Southern Floras: Deciduous Versus Evergreen -- Cenozoic Vegetational Changes -- Possible Future Changes -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- 10 The Impact of Climatic Changes on the Development of the Australian Flora -- ABSTRACT -- UNIQUENESS OF THE AUSTRALIAN SYSTEM -- GEOLOGICAL AND PLATE TECTONIC SETTING -- MODERN VEGETATION OF AUSTRALIA -- FACTORS AFFECTING VEGETATION AND TAXON-BASED CHANGES -- MAJOR TERTIARY CLIMATIC CHANGES -- PLANT MEGAFOSSIL EVIDENCE FOR CLIMATIC CHANGE -- DISCUSSION -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- 11 Global Climatic Influence on Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- LAND MAMMAL FAUNAS AND THEIR RESPONSE TO CLIMATIC CHANGE -- Chronofaunas and Turnover Pulses -- Importance of Immigrants -- Recognition of Land Mammal Biomes -- MAMMALIAN FAUNAL SUCCESSION IN NORTH AMERICA -- Paleocene Chronofauna: Tropical Forest…”
Libro electrónico -
4986por CohenMiller, AnnaTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Introduction -- Theorizing Contemporary Working-Class Masculinities and Social Change -- Masculinities in Higher Education -- The First-In-Family Males Project -- Findings -- Becoming Themselves: Acclimatizing to University Life -- Being Themselves: Connecting at University -- Experiences With Class Prejudice -- Discussion and Recommendations -- Conclusion -- Funding -- References -- 3 Gendered Precarity, Intersectionality and Barriers to Higher Education for Women Seeking Asylum in Australia -- Introduction -- Gendered Precarity and Intersectionality -- Precarity -- Intersectionality -- Gender -- Background of the Study -- Methodology -- Co-Researchers - Women Seeking Asylum -- Guided Conversations and Collaborative Analysis -- Gendered Precarity Among Women Seeking Asylum -- Existence -- Status -- Gender Roles: "[There Is] Still a Man Behind" -- Time -- Family Responsibilities: Extra Burden On Women…”
Publicado 2022
Libro electrónico -
4987Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Pulplog Plantation in Western Australia on Economic Profitability and Harvester Productivity Reprinted from: Forests 2017, 8, 415, doi: 10.3390/f8110415 -- Tomoya Inada, Kaoru Kitajima, Suryo Hardiwinoto and Mamoru Kanzaki The Effect of Logging and Strip Cutting on Forest Floor Light Condition and Following Change Reprinted from: Forests 2017, 8, 425, doi: 10.3390/f8110425 -- Anil Koirala, Anil Raj Kizha and Sandra M. …”
Libro electrónico -
4988Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…The semantics of Englishes and Creoles: Pacific and Australian perspectives -- 15.1 Introduction -- 15.2 The "language" concept and its critics -- 15.3 Words and coding -- 15.4 Results -- 15.4.1 The Australia-Pacific Network -- 15.4.2 A case study in 'people' -- 15.5 Discussion -- 15.6 Concluding remarks -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 16. …”
Libro electrónico -
4989Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Intro -- Table of contents -- Conventional signs and abbreviations -- Country tables -- Australia -- Table 1.a. Consolidated stocks, by instrument and by sector, Year 2014 -- Table 2.1.a. …”
Libro electrónico -
4990Publicado 2008Seriada digital
4991Publicado 2023“…The book includes contributions from Australia, England, Iceland, Portugal, and Scotland, as well as a number of chapters from the Irish context, mostly emanating from projects funded under Ireland's Higher Education Authority's Programme for Access to Higher Education (PATH): Strand 1 - Equity of Access to Initial Teacher Education. …”
Libro electrónico -
4992por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…In many OECD countries, profits have grown faster than wages, making an unusually large contribution to price pressures and reducing the labour share -- Data from Europe and Australia show that in the last year unit profits increased more than unit labour costs in several sectors beyond the energy one -- With no indication of a price-wage spiral in recent data, there is room to adjust wages at least for the most vulnerable -- 1.3. …”
Publicado 2023
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4994por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Developments in individual OECD and selected non-member economies -- Argentina -- Renewed virus outbreaks have led to the retightening of containment measures -- Economic activity is recovering slowly -- Policies have supported household incomes and firms -- Growing macroeconomic imbalances limit the recovery -- Reducing imbalances and facilitating structural change are key for the recovery -- Australia -- Virus outbreaks were successfully contained -- Activity has rebounded, but the recovery remains uneven -- Fiscal policy support is unwinding -- Domestic demand will drive growth -- Policies should remain supportive and focus on enabling reallocation -- Austria…”
Publicado 2021
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4995Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 2.2 Critical Considerations in Widening Participation -- 2.3 Best Practice in Widening Participation -- 2.4 Building Aspirations and Community Collaboration -- 2.5 Providing Opportunities and Alternative Pathways -- 2.6 Institutional Reform by Higher Education Providers -- 2.7 Conclusions -- References -- 3 Building Bridges: The Story Behind Australia's Largest Widening Participation Collaboration -- 3.1 Development and Aims of Bridges to Higher Education -- 3.1.1 Background -- 3.1.2 Bridges: Establishing Priorities -- 3.1.3 Bridges Structure: Effective, Efficient, and Equitable -- Management Committee -- 3.1.4 Activities and Reach -- 3.2 Pathways to Dreaming: Western Sydney University -- 3.3 U@Uni Summer School: University of Technology, Sydney -- 3.4 Leap-Robotics: Macquarie University -- 3.5 Compass: Film Production and Editing/Stop Motion Animation: University of Sydney -- 3.6 Meet the Professor: Australian Catholic University -- 3.6.1 Impacts -- Impact of Bridges With Respect to Its Objectives -- Academic Preparedness and Outcomes -- Awareness, Confidence, and Motivation -- School and Community Capacity…”
Libro electrónico -
4996por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Policy and other assumptions underlying the projections -- 2 Developments in individual OECD and selected non-member economies -- Argentina -- Economic activity is stagnating -- Fiscal and monetary policies are tightening -- Growth is slowing and risks are tilted to the downside -- Structural reforms to boost productivity could reduce imbalances -- Australia -- Inflationary pressures are rising due to global factors and a tight labour market…”
Publicado 2022
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4997por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Taux moyen net d'imposition des personnes physiques -- Progressivité -- Familles -- Tableaux indiquant les impôts sur le revenu, les cotisations de sécurité sociale et les prestations en espèces -- Notes -- Partie II Informations détaillées par pays, pour 2021 -- Partie II Informations détaillées par pays, pour 2021 -- Australia (2020-2021 Income tax year) -- 1. Personal income tax system -- 1.1. …”
Publicado 2022
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4998por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Informations détaillées par pays, pour2019 -- Australia (2018-19 Income tax year) -- 1. Personal income tax system -- 1.1. …”
Publicado 2020
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4999por OECDTabla de Contenidos: “…Informations détaillées par pays, pour 2018 -- Australia (2017-18 Income tax year) -- 1. Personal income tax system -- 1.1. …”
Publicado 2019
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5000Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…Incertidumbre en la producción lechera de Australia, Nueva Zelanda y mundial en 2023 por escenario -- Figura 1.20. …”
Libro electrónico