Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Programming 11
- Asteroides 7
- Video games 7
- Computer games 6
- Astronomy 5
- Astronomía 5
- Design 5
- Artículos periodísticos 4
- Cosmology 3
- Historia 3
- Història 3
- Universo 3
- Android (Electronic resource) 2
- Astronomia 2
- Biografia 2
- Cometes 2
- Cometes (Astronomia) 2
- Computer Science 2
- Computer programming 2
- Descripcions i viatges 2
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 2
- Exploration 2
- Game Development 2
- Infants 2
- Law and legislation 2
- Marginados sociales 2
- Novela irlandesa 2
- Planetary science 2
- Política i govern 2
- Política y gobierno 2
125por Freistetter, Florian, 1977-“…"El autor, astrónomo y divulgador científico, escribió su tesis doctoral sobre los asteroides y ha trabajado en los observatorios universitarios de Viena, Jena y Heidelberg. …”
Publicado 2015
Libro -
126por Jordan, Lucas L.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Actor Subclasses: Viper02Actor Subclass: Asteroid02; Drawing Actors on the Screen; Updating the UIView for Each Actor; Placing UIImageView in the Screen; Actor State and Animations; The Tumbling Effect; The Rotating Effect; Summary; Chapter 6 Create Your Characters: Game Engine, Image Actors, and Behaviors; Understanding the Game Engine Classes; The GameController Class; Setting Up GameController; Calling displayLinkCalled and updateScene; Updating updateScene; Calling doAddActors and doRemoveActors; Adding and Removing Actors; Sorting Actors; Managing the UIView; The Actor Class…”
Publicado 2012
Libro electrónico -
127por Horton, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Player 1 UP; A closer look at the games; Tappy Defender; Tough retro platformer; Asteroids simulator; Setting up your development environment; Installing the JDK; Installing Android Studio; Summary; Chapter 2: Tappy Defender - First Step; Planning the first game; Backstory; The game mechanics; Rules for the game; The design; Control; Model; View; Design pattern reality check; The game code structure; The Android Activity lifecycle; The Android Studio file structure…”
Publicado 2015
Libro electrónico -
128por Jordan, Lucas L.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Implementing the ClassesMoving the Spaceship; Responding to a User Tap; Understanding CADisplayLink and NSRunLoop; Abstracting the UI; Understanding Actors; Example2Controller Overview; A Simple Actor; Actor Subclasses: Viper02; Actor Subclass: Asteroid02; Drawing Actors on the Screen; Updating the UIView for Each Actor; Placing UIImageView in the Screen; Actor State and Animations; The Tumbling Effect; The Rotating Effect; Summary; Chapter 6 Create Your Characters: Game Engine, Image Actors, and Behaviors; Understanding the Game Engine Classes; The GameController Class…”
Publicado 2011
Libro electrónico -
129Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…What others are playing with HTML5Coca-Cola's Ahh campaign; Asteroid-styled bookmarklet; X-Type;; What we are going to create in this book; Preparing the development environment; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started with DOM-based Game Development; Preparing the HTML documents for a DOM-based game; Time for action - installing the jQuery library; New HTML5 doctype; Header and footer; The best practice to place the JavaScript code; Choosing the jQuery file; Running jQuery inside a scope; Running our code after the page is ready; Downloading the image assets…”
Libro electrónico -
130por Space Science Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research CouncilTabla de Contenidos: “…-- PLANETARY EXPLORATION AND THE NEED FOR SPACE DATA -- RESEARCH TOPICS -- Formation and Evolution of Biogenic Elements and Compounds -- Nucleosynthesis and Ejection to the Interstellar Medium -- Chemical Evolution in the Interstellar Medium -- Protostellar Collapse -- Chemical Evolution in the Solar Nebula -- Growth of Planetesimals from Dust -- Accumulation and Thermal Processing of Planetoids -- Prebiotic and Chemical Evolution -- Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transduction -- Early Life -- Replication and Transcription -- Translation -- Clays and Other Minerals as Catalysts -- Lipids and Compartments -- Early Biological Evolution -- The Evolution of Complex and Higher Organisms -- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) -- SPACE MISSIONS -- Introduction -- Pre-1995 Planetary Missions -- Venus -- Mars -- Comets and Asteroids -- Outer Planets -- Planetary Missions After 1995 -- Sample Return Missions: The Next Step -- Targets and Strategies for Future Missions -- Sample Return from Mars -- Comet Sample Return -- In Situ Studies of Titan -- CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- 3 Global Biology / Biospheric Science -- BACKGROUND -- BIOSPHERE-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTIONS -- Biosphere-Climate Interactions -- Biosphere-Atmospheric Chemistry Interactions -- GLOBAL ECOLOGY -- Global Ecology Models and Data Handling -- 4 Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) -- DEFINITION -- RESEARCH OBJECTIVES -- ACCOMPLISHMENTS -- 5 Space Biology -- THE PROBLEMS -- WORK TO DATE -- FUTURE WORK…”
Publicado 1988
Libro electrónico -
131por Ripero, JoseTabla de Contenidos: “…Métodos de cronometrajeOcultaciones lunares rasantes; Ocultaciones de estrellas por asteroides; Planetas; Marte; Júpiter; Saturno; Urano, Neptuno y Plutón; Cometas; Asteorides; Meteoros; CAPÍTULO 3; CIELO PROFUNDO; 1. …”
Publicado 2001
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca)Libro electrónico -
132Publicado 2020Tabla de Contenidos: “…Especial consideración del ámbito latinoamericano / Juan Manuel Rodríguez Barrigón -- Las empresas y los tratados bilaterales de inversión: especial consideración de los recursos hídricos / Jesús Estacio Ferro -- Los conflictos tributarios en el ámbito internacional: los estados y la "doble imposición" / Fernando Oltra Santa Cruz -- O papel da empresa no espaço exterior: questões jurídicas relativas à exploração mineira de asteroides / Bruno Reynaud de Sousa, Christos Ch. Kypraios -- Responsabilidade e prestação de contas das empresas no direito internacional / Maria de Assunção do Vale Pereira -- Ordens jurídicas distintas e os riscos de fragmentação do direito internacional: o caso Mox Plant / Fernando Horta Tavares -- A convenção da OCDE sobre o combate à corrupção e sua influência no setor empresarial português / Izabel de Albuquerque Pereira -- O papel dos rótulos ecológicos na responsabilização ambiental das empresas: uma perspetiva internacional / Tiago de Melo Cartaxo -- O papel das auditorias sociais na promoção internacional dos direitos dos trabalhadores / José Luís Jacinto -- Las iniciativas estatales y regionales sobre el control de las cadenas de suministro globales: la solución californiana / Lorena Sales Pallarés, María Chiara Marullo…”
Libro electrónico -
133por Mediavilla Perez, Maria JesusTabla de Contenidos: “….- COMETAS Y FRAGMENTOS COMETARIOS.; 3.- ASTEROIDES Y FRAGMENTOS PLANETARIOS.; 4.- EL FRENO ATMOSFÉRICO.; 5.- CUERPOS EXTRATERRESTRES Y EXTINCIONES MASIVAS.; SEGUNDA PARTE LA RADIACIÓN EN LA ATMÓSFERA; CAPÍTULO 6: LA ENERGÍA DEL SOL; 1.- LA TRANSFERENCIA DE CALOR.; 1.1.- La conducción de calor.; 1.2.- La convección.; 1.3.- Radiación de energía.; 1.4.- Emisión de radiación solar y terrestre.; 2.- LA RADIACIÓN SOLAR EN LA ATMÓSFERA.; 2.1.- Absorción de radiación en la atmósfera…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
134Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Bayesian Priors and Working with Probability Distributions -- C-3PO's Asteroid Field Doubts -- Determining C-3PO's Beliefs -- Accounting for Han's Badassery -- Creating Suspense with a Posterior -- Wrapping Up -- Exercises -- Part III: Parameter Estimation -- 10. …”
Libro electrónico -
136Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…FocusTrack (Mini 3 Pro Only) -- QuickShots -- QuickShot Quick Start -- Dronie -- Rocket -- Circle -- Helix -- Boomerang -- Asteroid (Mini 3 Pro Only) -- Hyperlapse -- More On Cruise Control (Mini 3 Pro Only) -- MasterShots (Mini 3 Pro Only) -- Using MasterShots -- Editing QuickShots and Other Videos -- Stills from Video -- Tips for Movie Making -- Shooting Script -- Storyboards -- Composition -- Next Up -- Chapter 9. …”
Libro electrónico -
137Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Understanding the Scene Optimizer and its Operating Modes -- Creating a Custom Optimization Strategy for the Asteroid Belt -- Summary -- Extended Topics -- Chapter 13: Converting the Application to a PWA -- Technical Requirements -- Hosting Requirements -- Options for Hosting your PWA -- Resources and Reading -- Introduction to PWAs -- SSL -- Service Workers -- Web Manifest -- Converting the Space-Truckers application into a PWA -- Putting the "P" in PWA -- Using the PWABuilder Extension -- Using IndexedDB to Persist Scores -- Learning about IndexedDB -- Using IndexedDB -- Recap -- Storing and Displaying High Scores -- The Heist -- The Muscle -- The Safe Cracker -- The Brains -- The Job -- The Integration -- Summary -- Extended Topics -- Chapter 14: Extended Topics, Extended -- AR and VR with WebXR -- An Abridged History of AR/VR on the WWW -- Building Tomorrow, Today with the WebXR Experience Helper -- Further Reading -- A Tour of the Babylon.js Native Project -- Choosing Babylon Native -- The Evolution of a Babylon Native App -- Further Reading -- Incorporating 3D Content into a Website -- Babylon.js and CMS -- Tracing out a Path to Advanced Rendering -- Ray Tracing and its History by Erich Loftis -- Summary -- Index -- About Packt -- Other Books You May Enjoy…”
Libro electrónico -
138por Castillo González, BereniceTabla de Contenidos: “…La Tierra en el Sistema Solar -- 1.1 El Sistema Solar: componentes y leyes que lo rigen -- 1.1.1 Los planetas -- Asteroides -- Cometas -- Meteoritos -- Nota interesante -- 1.1.2 Leyes de Kepler y Ley Universal de la Gravitación -- 1a Ley -- 2a Ley -- 3a Ley -- 1.2 El Sol: su importancia para la Tierra -- 1.2.1 Estructura del Sol -- Núcleo -- Zona radiactiva -- Zona o región convectiva -- Fotosfera -- Capa inversora -- Cromosfera -- Destellos solares (ráfagas) -- Corona -- Campo magnético -- 1.2.2 El Sol como fuente de energía -- Nota informativa o curiosa -- 1.2.3 Influencia de la actividad solar en la Tierra -- Llamaradas solares -- Partículas energéticas -- Tormentas geomagnéticas -- Eyecciones de masa coronal -- Nota informativa -- 1.3 La Tierra: importancia de su ubicación y comportamiento como planeta -- 1.3.1 La forma de la Tierra -- 1.4 La Luna: efectos sobre la Tierra -- 1.4.1 Influencia de la Luna sobre la Tierra…”
Publicado 2014
Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada)Libro electrónico -
139por Silva, Vladimir, 1969-“…Pro Android Games teaches you how to build cool games like Space Blaster and the classic Asteroids from scratch on the latest Android platform. …”
Publicado 2009
Libro electrónico -
140Publicado 2012“…Planetary Science is an open access journal that publishes original contributions on subjects ranging from the study of planets in the solar system, and planet and star formation, to the origin and evolution of the solar and extrasolar planetary systems. Also covered are asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and near-Earth objects, including the terrestrial impact hazard and solar system-terrestrial relationships, and related topics concerning the physical and chemical properties of the material constitution of these bodies. …”
Revista digital