Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Eucaristía 63
- Historia 54
- Espiritualidad 53
- History 50
- Meditaciones 47
- Història 44
- Catequesis 32
- Management 28
- Politics and government 26
- Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (España) 26
- Ensenyament 24
- Biblia 23
- Social aspects 22
- Català 21
- Sacerdotes 21
- Education 19
- Vida cristiana 19
- Economía 18
- Empreses 18
- Crítica e interpretación 17
- Marías de los Sagrarios 17
- Eucarista- 16
- Finance 16
- Literatura 16
- Application software 15
- Development 15
- Filosofía 15
- Responsabilitat social 15
- -Espiritualidad 14
- -Meditaciones 14
3281Publicado 2025Tabla de Contenidos: “…4 Managing International Sport Federation Performance in a Glocalised World -- 4.1 From Growing Sport to Overall Performance -- 4.1.1 Societal Performance at the Heart of Organisational Performance -- 4.1.2 Towards New Reporting and Accountability Tools -- 4.2 Strategic Capacity -- 4.2.1 Power Structures -- 4.2.2 The Quality of the Federal Network -- 4.2.3 Federations' Business Sectors and Models -- 4.3 Operational Capacity -- 4.3.1 Key Success Factors -- Professionalisation of Federation Management -- Organisational Culture -- The Partnership Approach -- 4.3.2 Failure Factors -- Deficient Information Systems -- Insufficient Control of Management Practices -- Inertia Caused By Political Manoeuvring and Electoral Systems -- 4.4 Conclusion -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Chapter 5 The Financialisation and Regulation of Professional Team Sports -- 5.1 The Central Role of Regulation By Professional Leagues -- 5.1.1 Convergence Between American and European Approaches to Regulation -- 5.1.2 Success Factors for the Regulation of Professional Leagues -- 5.2 Professional Clubs' Performance Management -- 5.2.1 Geomarketing and Sources of Revenue: The Key Variable -- 5.2.2 Four Types of Expertise: Marketing, Managerial, Sporting, Social -- Operationalising and Measuring the Independent Variables -- The Model's Dependent Variables -- 5.3 New Growth Levers and Their Limits -- 5.3.1 For Clubs -- Training and Transfers (Mostly Football) -- Large Stadium/Multifunctional Arena -- Shareholders and New International Investors -- Listing On the Stock Exchange -- Multi-Club Ownership of Professional Sports Clubs -- Leisure and Entertainment Parks - From Real to Virtual -- Diversifying Clubs' Brands -- Internationalising the Brand…”
Libro electrónico -
3282Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…4.2 Trader Activities and Pollution Risks -- 4.2.1 Activities and pollution risks - desktop study -- 4.2.2 Prioritisation of risk areas -- 4.2.3 Verification through site visits -- 4.3 Normalisation of Risks -- 4.4 Derived Site Management Responses for the Identified Residual Risks -- 4.4.1 Surface Water Action Plan -- 4.4.2 SUDS retrofit measures -- 4.5 Relative Contribution to Wider Catchment Pollution -- 4.6 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 5: Green industry concept and practices -- 5.1 Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Industry -- 5.2 Green Industry Concept -- 5.3 Green Industry Practices -- 5.3.1 Environmental accounting (EA) -- 5.3.2 Eco-industrial park (EIP) -- Planning the new industrial park -- Transforming existing industrial parks -- 5.3.3 Stormwater management -- 5.4 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 6: The restructuring of industrial estates in the Netherlands: The use of a new decision support model for a process analysis of the inner harbor area of Enschede -- 6.1 A Major Challenge for Society -- 6.2 A 'Real Life' Example: Restructuring of an Industrial Estate in the Harbor of the City of Enschede -- 6.2.1 A brief introduction to the city and the industrial estate -- 6.2.2 A growing sense of a need to act, and the first restructuring activities -- 6.2.3 Lack of progress and desired results -- 6.3 Developing an Overview and an Understanding: A Question-Based Process Decision Support Model -- 6.3.1 Complex decision-making taking place in arenas -- 6.3.2 A process model for supporting practitioners in their decision-making -- 6.4 The Application of the Decision Support Model to the Inner Harbor Area of Enschede -- 6.4.1 Initial design should focus on interests and involvement of actors -- 6.4.2 Outcomes of the first session: Rich information, but lack of completeness and overview…”
Libro electrónico -
3284Publicado 2011“…By favouring a long-term perspective and focusing on localized case studies, these chapters examine electoral competition and the panoply of arenas of mobilization in which it was played out: from political families to avant-garde parties. or student movements, through the new post-war parties, the Church, diaspora networks or even the arenas of mobilization of football teams…”
Libro electrónico -
3287Publicado 1996Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro
3292por Universidad de Sevilla.
Publicado 1986Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto, Universidad Loyola - Universidad Loyola Granada, Biblioteca Central de Capuchinos de España)Libro -