Mostrando 21 - 37 Resultados de 37 Para Buscar '"World Economic Forum"', tiempo de consulta: 0.14s Limitar resultados
  1. 21
    Publicado 2018
    “…The inspiration portion came from keynote luminaries like World Economic Forum AI expert Omoju Miller, University of Cambridge distributed systems researcher Martin Kleppmann, and chaos engineering wizard Crystal Hirschorn (Condé Nast International). …”
  2. 22
    Publicado 2021
    “…Most importantly, Japan lags far behind Norway when it comes to the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Report. Rather than taking a narrow approach that takes as its starting point the assumption that Norway has so much 'more' to offer in terms of gender equality, the authors attempt to show that a comparative perspective of two countries in the West and East can be of mutually benefit to both contexts in the advancement of gender equality. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 23
    por Hellum, Anne
    Publicado 2023
    “…Today, the Nordic countries top the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Index -but they have still not succeeded in closing the gender gap. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 24
    Publicado 2019
    Libro electrónico
  5. 25
    Publicado 2024
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Planificación de destinos Capítulo 1 La competitividad turística a través del World Economic Forum y el modelo de Rasch: el caso de España 35 Eduardo Parra López, José Alberto Martínez González y Vidina Tais Díaz Padilla Introducción 35 Estado de la cuestión 37 Metodología 39 Resultados 40 Discusión y conclusiones 45 Bibliografía 46 Capítulo 2 Una propuesta de indicadores para medir la sostenibilidad de los destinos a nivel subnacional 51 Ainhoa Piñas Intxausti y Asunción Fernández-Villarán Introducción 51 Aproximación al concepto destino turístico 51 Los indicadores como herramienta de medición de la sostenibilidad en destinos turísticos 52 Análisis de las aproximaciones teóricas de indicadores 53 Propuesta de indicadores a nivel subnacional 55 Conclusiones 62 Referencias 63 Capítulo 3 La sostenibilidad política en los planes de desarrollo turístico en Argentina 65 Claudina González y Carmen Staniak La sostenibilidad política definida. 66 Antecedentes de la planificación turística en Argentina. 67 La sostenibilidad política puesta en cuestión. 68 Algunas reflexiones finales. 73 Referencias bibliográficas 76 Sección 2. …”
  6. 26
    Publicado 2022
    “…According to the World Economic Forum, creativity is considered to be the third-most-important skill for employees, behind complex problem-solving and critical thinking. …”
    Libro electrónico
  7. 27
    por Guidetti, Oliver
    Publicado 2024
    “…Psybersecurity: Human Factors of Cyber Defence is a clarion call to action in the face of a stark reality: over 90% of cyber attacks exploit human vulnerabilities, as highlighted by the 2022 Global Risks Report from the World Economic Forum…”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 28
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Cause Related Marketing -- Caux Round Table Principles -- Centre for Corporate Governance (Nairobi) -- CERES -- CH2 Building, Melbourne -- Chapman Report (2006) (Australia) -- Cheating -- Chief Executive Officer -- Chief Sustainability Officer -- Christianity and CSR -- Christine Parker -- Civil Regulation -- Climate Change -- Clinton Global Initiative -- Club of Rome -- Co-determination -- Co-operation -- Co-ownership -- Coalation of Environmentally -- Responsible Economies -- Code of 'best practice' and norms of behavior -- Colin Scott -- Collaborative Advantage -- Collective bargaining/trade unions -- Combined Assurance -- Combined Code (June 2008) -- Command and Control -- Commonwealth Association of CG -- Communicating with Stakeholders -- Communities of Practice -- Community -- Community activism -- Community of practice -- Community outrage -- Community relations -- Company Directors and CSR -- Competition -- Competitive advantage -- Compliance/Legal Compliance -- Compliant Finance -- Comply-or-explain -- Comprehensive Environmental Responses , Compensation and Liability Act -- Confucian Ethics -- Consumer Driven Corporate Responsibility -- Consumerism Consumers' protection -- Core Principles of CSR Approaches Corporate -- Corporate Activism -- Corporate Citizenship -- Corporate codes of conduct -- Corporate giving -- Corporate Governance -- Corporate Governance as a Tool for Alleviating -- Developmental Issues -- Corporate Governance Reporting -- Corporate killing -- Corporate manslaughter -- Corporate Mission, Vision and Values -- Corporate moral agency -- Corporate negligence -- Corporate outrage -- Corporate Political Connection -- Corporate Reputation -- Corporate Responsibility Index -- Corporate Responsibiliy Maturity -- Corporate Secretaries -- Corporate Social Entrepreneurship -- Corporate Social innovation -- Corporate Social -- Irresponsibility -- Corporate Social Marketing -- Corporate Social Opportunity -- Corporate Social Performance -- Corporate Social Performance Measurement -- Corporate social responsibility -- Corporate Social Responsibility Report -- Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy -- Corporate social responsiveness (Carroll, Frederick and Ackerman) -- Corporate Strategy -- Corporate Sustainability -- Corporation as Psychopath -- Corporatism -- Corruption and National Development -- Cost-benefit analysis -- Cradle to cradle -- Cradle to grave -- Critical reflection in corporate management -- Critiques of Corporate Social Responsibility -- Cross-cultural attitudes to CSR -- CSR and Africa -- CSR and Catholic Social Teaching -- CSR and Corruption -- CSR and Poverty -- CSR and Spirituality -- CSR Butterfly effect -- CSR Communication -- CSR Continuum - core business to broader goals -- CSR Europe -- CSR Evolutionary Journey - CSR Journey, CSR Organisational Evolutions -- CSR Frameworks -- CSR Innovation -- CSR Lifecycle -- CSR Measurement -- CSR: Australian Standard AS8003 [world first] -- CSRwire -- Cultural differences in values/ethics and decision-making -- Culture and Organization Performance -- Cultures, businesses, and global CSR -- Customer value creation -- Dame Anita Roddick -- Data protection -- David Henderson -- Decent work -- Definitions of social responsibility -- Deming 14 points model -- Demographic change -- Design for Environment (sep entry Hannover Principles) -- Development -- Dialogue -- Director Competencies and Skills -- Director Interlocks -- Director Role Position Description -- Disability -- Disclosure (CSR reporting) -- Discrimination -- Distributive Justice -- Diversity -- Dividend -- Dow Jones Sustainability Index -- Downsizing -- Due Diligence -- Duties of employees (comlpy with contract, comply with law, respect employers property) -- E-Waste -- Earth Summitt (separate entry on Rio declaration and on Agenda 21) -- Earthscan (publisher) -- EC Non-Discrimination Law -- Eco-Efficiency -- Eco-innovation -- Ecolabel -- Ecological economics -- Ecological footprint -- Ecology (separate entries on human and industrial) -- Econology -- Economic Globalization -- Economic sociology -- Economic Sociology of the CSR Movement -- Ecopreneurship -- Ecosystem -- Ecotoxity -- Education -- Elkington, John -- Embedded CSR -- Emissions trading -- Employability -- Employee participation/'ownership -- Employee Surveillance -- Employee volunteer programmes -- Employers' Forum on Age -- Employers' Forum on Disability -- EMS -- Endemic -- Energy Biofuels -- Energy—renewable -- Energy-solar -- Engagement/Stakeholder Engagement -- Enlightened Self-Interest -- Enron -- Environmental Accounting -- Environmental Audit -- Environmental ethics -- Environmental governance -- Environmental impact assessment -- Environmental law -- Environmental Management System -- Environmental protection agencies (all countries) -- Environmental Report Verification -- Environmental sustainability index (World economic forum) -- Environmental, Social and Governance Factors in Investment -- Environmental, Social and Governance Risk -- Environmentally Sensitive Accounting -- Equal Opportunity -- Equal Pay -- Equator Principles -- Ethic of responsibility to other stakeholders -- Ethical absolutism v. ethical relativism -- Ethical Corporation -- Ethical CSR -- Ethical Egoism & CSR -- Ethical problems in financial markets -- Ethical Theories -- Ethical Trading Initiative -- European Corporate Governance Institute -- European Multistakeholder Forum -- European Union Directive - The 8th Company Law Directive on Disclosure & Transparency -- European Urban Charter 1992 and 1998 -- Evolution of Corporate Governance Reports in the UK and Ireland -- Executive remuneration and CSR -- Externalities -- Externally Driven Business Case (EDBC) -- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) -- Exxon Mobil -- Exxon Valdez -- Factor 4 / Factor 10 -- Fair Pensions -- Fair Trade -- Fair wages -- Family Business and Corporate Social Responsibility -- Fiduciary duty -- Filial Piety & CSR -- Financial Regulations -- Financial Reporting Council (UK) -- Five Capitals Framework (Forum for the Future) -- Forest Stewardship Council -- Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid (Prahalad) -- Franchising Fraud prevention, detection and auditing -- Free range/cage-free/crate free/ethically raised -- Freedom of conscience -- Freedom of speech -- Friedman, Milton -- FTSE4Good Index -- G20.…”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 29
    “…It was carried out in collaboration with the World Economic Forum under the aegis of the OECD Central Asia Initiative, a regional programme that contributes to economic growth and competitiveness in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. …”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 30
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine andSitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  11. 31
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine andSitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  12. 32
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine andSitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  13. 33
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine and Sitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  14. 34
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine andSitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  15. 35
    Publicado 2016
    “…She authored the O'Reilly title "Lean Branding"; contributes regularly to Smashing Magazine and Sitepoint; and is a member of the Global Shaper program at the World Economic Forum. She holds a business degree from American University and a M.A. in design management from the Savannah College of Art and Design…”
  16. 36
    Publicado 2021
    “…Felix Staeritz, CEO FoundersLane, Member of the World Economic Forum Digital Leaders Board and bestselling author of FightBack, Germany…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 37
    Publicado 2023
    “…He has advised state and national governments, Fortune 100 companies, and groups as varied as the World Economic Forum, SXSW, and MIT Media Lab. He has also authored half a dozen technology books (including two tech books for babies) and spoken on every continent except Antarctica. …”
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