Tabla de Contenidos:
“…Front Matter -- Copyright page -- Figures and Maps -- Notes on Contributors -- Prologue / Defining the Boundaries of Tolerance and Intolerance -- Ideology, Pragmatism, and Coexistence / Resisting Biconfessionalism and Coexistence in the Common Territories of the Western Swiss Confederation* / The Persecution of Witches and the Discourse on Toleration in Early Modern Germany / Coexistence and Confessionalization / Concubinaries as Citizens / Mapping Memory and Arbitrating Good Neighbors -- Imagined Conversations / Anabaptists and Seventeenth-Century Arguments for Religious Toleration in Switzerland and the Netherlands* / Celebrating Peace in Biconfessional Augsburg / Discord via Toleration / Parish Clergy, Patronage Rights, and Regional Politics in the Convent Churches of
Welver, 1532–1697* / Epilogue / Back Matter -- Index…”
Número de Clasificación:
Libro electrónico