Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Risk management 20
- Application software 17
- Development 16
- Data processing 14
- History 14
- Iglesia católica 14
- C# (Computer program language) 13
- Teología 13
- Finance 12
- Mathematical models 12
- Teología moral 12
- Derecho canónico 11
- Java (Computer program language) 11
- Programming 11
- Python (Computer program language) 11
- Tecnología 11
- JavaScript (Computer program language) 10
- Agricultura 9
- Computer programming 9
- Technology 9
- Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August 8
- Web site development 8
- Agriculture 7
- Biografías 7
- Design 7
- Financial risk management 7
- Management 7
- Open source software 7
- Science 7
- Ciencias 6
701Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…MANAGING AN INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM IN A NETWORK SECURITY MONITORING FRAMEWORK -- Configuring the Intrusion Detection System -- Rules and Filters -- Managing Sensors -- Sensor Check -- External Detection -- Internal Detection -- Manual Changes to Rules -- /usr/bin/rule-update -- /etc/nsm/rules/downloaded.rules -- /etc/nsm/rules/local.rules -- /etc/nsm/pulledpork/disablesid.conf -- /etc/nsm/pulledpork/pulledpork.conf -- /var/log/nsm/sid_changes.log -- /etc/nsm/templates/snort/snort.conf -- /etc/nsm/HOSTNAME-INTERFACE/snort.conf -- /etc/nsm/rules/bpf.conf -- /etc/nsm/securityonion.conf -- /etc/nsm/pulledpork/enablesid.conf -- /etc/nsm/pulledpork/dropsid.conf -- /etc/nsm/pulledpork/modifysid.conf -- /etc/nsm/rules/threshold.conf -- Log Files -- After the Changes -- Useful File Manipulation Commands -- How to Add Rules -- How to Disable a Single Rule or Range Rules -- Edit the /etc/nsm/pulledpork/disablesid.conf File -- 9. …”
Libro electrónico -
702Publicado 2017Tabla de Contenidos: “…. -- Chapter 4: Data and Classes -- Introduction -- How to use StringVar() -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- How to get data from a widget -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Using module-level global variables -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- How coding in classes can improve the GUI -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Writing callback functions -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Creating reusable GUI components -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Chapter 5: Matplotlib Charts -- Introduction -- Creating beautiful charts using Matplotlib -- Getting ready -- How to do it... -- How it works... -- Installing Matplotlib using pip with whl extension -- Getting ready -- How to do it...…”
Libro electrónico -
703Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Case study 3: monthly data -- Case study 4: quarterly data -- Case study 5: annual data -- 2.3 - Missing Data, Solutions, and Transformations -- 2.3.1 - Variable transformation into logs and first differences -- 2.3.2 - Panel data estimations -- 2.3.3 - Interpretation of the cointegration equation -- 2.4 - Principal Component Analysis as a Method of the Variable Number Reduction -- 3 - Part 2: Variable Selection With Bayesian Analysis -- 3.1 - Introduction to Bayesian Inference -- 3.1.1 - Prior information, data, and posterior inference -- 3.1.2 - Literature review: Bayesian statistics in the EGN context -- 3.2 - Bayesian Estimation and Prediction -- 3.2.1 - Bayesian estimation, credible intervals, and its interpretation -- 3.2.2 - Posterior predictive inference -- 3.2.3 - Hypothesis testing -- 3.2.4 - Bayesian Hypothesis testing and Bayes factors -- 3.2.5 - An extension of hypothesis testing -- - Model selection -- 3.2.6 - A particular problem: variable selection -- 3.2.7 - The robust prior -- 3.2.8 - Prior over the model space -- 3.2.9 - Posterior inferences in variable selection -- 3.2.10 - BayesVarSel an R package for Bayesian Variable Selection -- 3.3 - Selecting Influential Variables in the EGN -- 3.3.1 - Data and sources -- 3.3.2 - Model and variable selection -- 3.3.3 - Results -- - Aggregate growth results -- 4 - Concluding Remarks -- 4.1 - Part 1 -- 4.2 - Part 2 -- References -- Further Readings -- Chapter 7 - Current Issues in Time-Series Analysis for the Energy-Growth Nexus (EGN) -- Asymmetries and Nonlinearities Case S... -- 1 - Introduction -- 1.1 - The EGN in Pakistan -- 2 - Literature Review -- 2.1 - The Up-to-Date Evolution of Bivariate Analysis in the EGN -- 2.2 - The Evolution of the Multivariate Framework in the EGN -- 3 - The Modeling, Data, and Methodology…”
Libro electrónico -
704Publicado 2015Tabla de Contenidos: “…Chapter 9: Using Operators and Expressions in Access -- Introducing Operators -- Types of operators -- Mathematical operators -- Comparison operators -- String operators -- Boolean (logical) operators -- Miscellaneous operators -- Operator precedence -- The mathematical precedence -- The comparison precedence -- The Boolean precedence -- Using Operators and Expressions in Queries -- Using query comparison operators -- Understanding complex criteria -- Using functions in select queries -- Referencing fields in select queries -- Entering Single-Value Field Criteria -- Entering character (Text or Memo) criteria -- The Like operator and wildcards -- Specifying non-matching values -- Entering numeric criteria -- Entering true or false criteria -- Entering OLE object criteria -- Using Multiple Criteria in a Query -- Understanding an Or operation -- Specifying multiple values with the Or operator -- Using the Or cell of the QBE pane -- Using a list of values with the In operator -- Using And to specify a range -- Using the Between...And operator -- Searching for null data -- Entering Criteria in Multiple Fields -- Using And and Or across fields in a query -- Specifying Or criteria across fields of a query -- Using And and Or together in different fields -- A complex query on different lines -- Chapter 10: Going Beyond Select Queries -- Aggregate Queries -- Creating an aggregate query -- About aggregate functions -- Group By -- Sum, Avg, Count, StDev, Var -- Min, Max, First, Last -- Expression, Where -- Action Queries -- Make-table queries -- Delete queries -- Append queries -- Update queries -- Crosstab Queries -- Creating a crosstab query using the Crosstab Query Wizard -- Creating a crosstab query manually -- Using the query design grid to create your crosstab query -- Customizing your crosstab queries -- Optimizing Query Performance…”
Libro electrónico -
705Publicado 2004Tabla de Contenidos: “…Setting up ClearCase -- Start now -- Setting up a playground environment -- The playground -- Moving on to a serious test environment -- Minimal test environment -- Setting up your environment -- Network infrastructure -- Setting up ClearCase -- Servers first -- Server connections -- Registry server -- ClearCase registry -- ClearCase region -- Accessing VOBs or views from another region -- ClearCase registry services in a nutshell -- License server -- VOB and view servers -- About sizing of a server -- Prepare for change -- Changing the license server -- Changing the registry server -- Moving a VOB to another server -- Moving a view to another server -- Relocating the release area -- UNIX servers and Windows clients -- SMB (CIFS) on the UNIX server -- NFS in the clients -- NAS or SAN for storage areas -- Use of snapshot views -- Clients -- Client for Samba or TAS specials -- Handling the 04:30am storm -- Backup and recovery -- VOBs -- Views -- Registry -- License and var -- Release area -- Restore -- MultiSite as backup -- Standard maintenance -- Disaster recovery for ClearCase -- Migrating code into ClearCase -- Rollout to users -- Training -- Hands-on -- Staging -- Successful rollout -- Get help -- Part 3 Implementing ClearQuest for UCM -- Chapter 8. …”
Libro electrónico -
706por Lucas, Michael, 1967-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Installation Preparations -- OpenBSD Hardware -- Supported Hardware -- Proprietary Hardware, Blobs, and Firmware -- Processors -- Memory (RAM) -- Hard Drives -- Virtualization -- Multiple Operating Systems -- Getting OpenBSD -- Official CDs -- Internet Downloads -- Mirror Site Layout -- Release Directories -- Boot Media -- Choosing Install Media -- Local Installation Servers -- File Sets -- Partitioning -- Standard OpenBSD Partitions -- Root Partition -- Swap Space -- /tmp Directory -- /var Partition -- /usr Partition -- /usr/X11R6 Partition…”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
707por Creighton, Ryan HensonTabla de Contenidos: “…-- Somebody get me a bucket -- Time for action - declare a variable to store the Screen midpoint -- What just happened - we've gone too var -- Using all three dees -- Time for action - follow the y position of the mouse -- A keep-up game for robots -- Once more into the breach -- Time for action - re-visit the Unity Language Reference -- Our work here is done -- Time for action - add the sample code to your Script -- One final tweak -- What's a quaternion? …”
Publicado 2013
Libro electrónico -
708Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…-- 1 Introducing modern Java -- 1.1 The language and the platform -- 1.2 The new Java release model -- 1.3 Enhanced type inference (var keyword) -- 1.4 Changing the language and the platform -- 1.4.1 Sprinkling some sugar -- 1.4.2 Changing the language -- 1.4.3 JSRs and JEPs -- 1.4.4 Incubating and preview features -- 1.5 Small changes in Java 11 -- 1.5.1 Collections factories (JEP 213) -- 1.5.2 Remove enterprise modules (JEP 320) -- 1.5.3 HTTP/2 (Java 11) -- 1.5.4 Single-file source-code programs (JEP 330) -- Summary -- 2 Java modules -- 2.1 Setting the scene -- 2.1.1 Project Jigsaw -- 2.1.2 The module graph -- 2.1.3 Protecting the internals -- 2.1.4 New access control semantics -- 2.2 Basic modules syntax -- 2.2.1 Exporting and requiring -- 2.2.2 Transitivity -- 2.3 Loading modules -- 2.3.1 Platform modules -- 2.3.2 Application modules -- 2.3.3 Automatic modules -- 2.3.4 Unnamed module -- 2.4 Building a first modular app -- 2.4.1 Command-line switches for modules -- 2.4.2 Executing a modular app -- 2.4.3 Modules and reflection -- 2.5 Architecting for modules -- 2.5.1 Split packages -- 2.5.2 Java 8 Compact Profiles -- 2.5.3 Multi-release JARs -- 2.6 Beyond modules -- Summary -- 3 Java 17 -- 3.1 Text Blocks -- 3.2 Switch Expressions -- 3.3 Records -- 3.3.1 Nominal typing -- 3.3.2 Compact record constructors -- 3.4 Sealed Types -- 3.5 New form of instanceof -- 3.6 Pattern Matching and preview features…”
Libro electrónico -
709Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Motor Control -- 3.8.3. VAR Compensators and Static Switching Systems -- 3.8.4. …”
Libro electrónico -
710por Inden, MichaelTabla de Contenidos: “…5.5.3 Zeichencodierungen bei der Ein- und Ausgabe -- 5.5.4 Speichern und Laden von Daten und Objekten -- 5.5.5 Dateiverarbeitung mit dem NIO -- 5.5.6 Neue Hilfsmethoden in der Klasse Files in JDK 11 -- 5.6 Fehlerbehandlung -- 5.6.1 Einstieg in die Fehlerbehandlung -- 5.6.2 Checked Exceptions und Unchecked Exceptions -- 5.6.3 Besonderheiten beim Exception Handling -- 5.6.4 Exception Handling und Ressourcenfreigabe -- 5.6.5 Assertions -- 5.7 Weitere Neuerungen in JDK 9, 10 und 11 -- 5.7.1 Erweiterung der @Deprecated-Annotation in JDK 9 -- 5.7.2 Syntaxerweiterung var in JDK 10 und 11 -- 5.7.3 Versionsverarbeitung mit JDK 9 und 10 -- 5.8 Weiterführende Literatur -- II Bausteine stabiler Java-Applikationen -- 6 Das Collections-Framework -- 6.1 Datenstrukturen und Containerklassen -- 6.1.1 Wahl einer geeigneten Datenstruktur -- 6.1.2 Arrays -- 6.1.3 Das Interface Collection -- 6.1.4 Das Interface Iterator -- 6.1.5 Listen und das Interface List -- 6.1.6 Mengen und das Interface Set -- 6.1.7 Grundlagen von hashbasierten Containern -- 6.1.8 Grundlagen automatisch sortierender Container -- 6.1.9 Die Methoden equals(), hashCode() und compareTo() im Zusammenspiel -- 6.1.10 Schlüssel-Wert-Abbildungen und das Interface Map -- 6.1.11 Erweiterungen am Beispiel der Klasse HashMap -- 6.1.12 Erweiterungen im Interface Map in JDK 8 -- 6.1.13 Collection-Factory-Methoden in JDK 9 -- 6.1.14 Unveränderliche Kopien von Collections mit Java 10 -- 6.1.15 Entscheidungshilfe zur Wahl von Datenstrukturen -- 6.2 Suchen und Sortieren -- 6.2.1 Suchen -- 6.2.2 Sortieren von Arrays und Listen -- 6.2.3 Sortieren mit Komparatoren -- 6.2.4 Erweiterungen im Interface Comparator mit JDK 8 -- 6.3 Utility-Klassen und Hilfsmethoden -- 6.3.1 Nützliche Hilfsmethoden -- 6.3.2 Dekorierer synchronized und unmodifiable -- 6.3.3 Vordefinierte Algorithmen in der Klasse Collections…”
Publicado 2020
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711Publicado 2016Tabla de Contenidos: “…Mikrocontroller -- 1.3 Embedded Betriebssysteme -- 1.4 Die Architektur von Linux -- 1.4.1 Erläuterungen -- 1.5 Beliebte Linux-Distributionen -- 1.6 Linux installieren -- 1.6.1 Parallele Installation von Linux Mint zum vorhandenen Betriebssystem -- 1.6.2 Installation von Linux Mint in VirtualBox -- 1.7 Erfahrungen Linux Mint + VirtualBox -- 1.7.1 Größe der virtuellen Festplatte ändern -- 1.7.2 Zielpartition für VirtualBox festlegen -- 1.7.3 Umziehen der virtuellen Maschine -- 1.7.4 Nicht genügend Arbeitsspeicher -- 1.8 Weiterführende Literatur -- Kapitel 2: Netzwerkanbindung -- 2.1 Datenaustausch zwischen Host und Embedded System -- 2.1.1 Samba -- 2.1.2 FileZilla -- 2.1.3 Daten austauschen mit scp -- 2.2 Verzeichnisstruktur von Linux/Raspbian -- 2.2.1 /bin -- 2.2.2 /boot -- 2.2.3 /dev -- 2.2.4 /etc -- 2.2.5 /home -- 2.2.6 /lib -- 2.2.7 /lost+found -- 2.2.8 /media -- 2.2.9 /mnt -- 2.2.10 /opt -- 2.2.11 /proc -- 2.2.12 /root -- 2.2.13 /run -- 2.2.14 /sbin -- 2.2.15 /selinux -- 2.2.16 /srv -- 2.2.17 /sys -- 2.2.18 /tmp -- 2.2.19 /usr -- 2.2.20 /var -- 2.3 Neue Benutzer und Gruppen einrichten -- 2.3.1 Einen User hinzufügen bzw. entfernen -- 2.3.2 Gruppen hinzufügen bzw. entfernen -- 2.4 Weiterführende Literatur -- Kapitel 3: Shell-Programmierung -- 3.1 Erste Schritte -- 3.1.1 Die Kommandos »man« und »info« -- 3.2 Geschichte der Shells -- 3.3 Die Bourne-again-Shell - bash -- 3.3.1 Ein- und Ausgabeumleitung -- 3.3.2 Shell-Variablen -- 3.3.3 Kommentare -- 3.3.4 Systemkommandos in Shellscripts -- 3.3.5 Mehrere Kommandos in einer Zeile -- 3.3.6 Bedingungen/Vergleiche -- 3.3.7 Funktionen in Shellscripts…”
Libro electrónico -
713Publicado 2014Tabla de Contenidos: “…International reserves in months of import -- International reserve and short-term debt -- International reserve and broad money -- 8.4 Data Description -- 8.5 Empirical Models and Results -- 8.6 Conclusion -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Part Tow: Market Developments and Governance Issues -- 9 Singapore's Financial Market: Challenges and Future Prospects -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Growth of the Financial Sector -- 9.2.1 Singapore's Financial Sector Success Factors -- 9.2.2 The Development, Regulatory, and Supervisory Phases -- The development phase -- The regulatory phase -- The supervisory phase -- 9.3 The Prospects -- 9.4 The Challenges -- 9.4.1 The Flood, the Reservoir, and Finance -- 9.4.2 High-Frequency Trading and H -- 9.4.3 Asian Crisis: Lesson Learned -- 9.4.4 Spain's Banking Crisis -- 9.5 The Instability Paradox -- 9.6 Micro- and Macroprudential Policies -- 9.7 Conclusion -- References -- 10 Wealth Management: A Comparison of Switzerland, Singapore, and Hong Kong -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Switzerland -- 10.3 Singapore -- 10.4 Hong Kong -- 10.5 A Comparison of Switzerland, Singapore, and Hong Kong -- 10.6 Voices of Practitioners in Singapore -- 10.7 Conclusion -- References -- 11 Asian Market Reactions to US Macroeconomic News Surprises -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Data -- 11.2.1 Stock Market Data -- 11.2.2 Announcement Data -- 11.3 Methodology -- 11.4 Empirical Results -- 11.5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgment -- References -- 12 Monetary Policy in Taiwan: The Implications of Liquidity -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Financial Innovation and the Divisia Monetary Aggregate in Taiwan -- 12.3 Data and Methodology -- 12.3.1 Divisia Aggregation -- 12.3.2 Divisia Money and the Official Aggregates -- 12.3.3 Data -- 12.4 Results and Discussions -- 12.4.1 Data Selection -- 12.4.2 VAR Identification -- 12.5 Conclusion -- References…”
Libro electrónico -
714Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…Group compensation 13.2.2. Nonlinear loads 13.3. VAR compensation 13.3.1. A synchronous condenser 13.3.2. …”
Libro electrónico -
716por Almond, ChrisTabla de Contenidos: “…. -- 6.7.2 Exportfs: /< -- path> -- : Invalid argument -- 6.7.3 Exportfs: /var/< -- logfile> -- : Too many levels of symbolic links... -- 6.8 Mount problems -- 6.8.1 General mount problem -- 6.8.2 Pseudo-root and nfs4cl problems -- 6.8.3 'vers' mount option error: "...Program not registered" -- 6.8.4 'vers' mount option error: "...server < -- name> -- not responding" -- 6.8.5 Mount command hangs - no system response -- 6.8.6 Mount with sec=krb5: "vmount: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action" -- 6.8.7 Mount with sec=krb5: "RPC: 1832-016 Unknown host..."…”
Publicado 2004
Libro electrónico -
717Publicado 2010Tabla de Contenidos: “…B.13 Background() -- B.14 BackgroundDetect() -- B.15 Bridge() -- B.16 Busy() -- B.17 ChangeMonitor() -- B.18 ChanIsAvail() -- B.19 ChannelRedirect() -- B.20 ChanSpy() -- B.21 CheckGroup() -- B.22 ClearHash() -- B.23 Congestion() -- B.24 ContinueWhile() -- B.25 ControlPlayback() -- B.26 Curl() -- B.27 Cut() -- B.28 DAHDIBarge() -- B.29 DAHDIRAS() -- B.30 DAHDIScan() -- B.31 DAHDISendKeypadFacility() -- B.32 DateTime() -- B.33 DBdel() -- B.34 DBdeltree() -- B.35 DBget() -- B.36 DBput() -- B.37 DeadAGI() -- B.38 Dial() -- B.39 Dictate() -- B.40 DigitTimeout() -- B.41 Directory() -- B.42 DISA() -- B.43 DumpChan() -- B.44 DUNDiLookup() -- B.45 EAGI() -- B.46 Echo() -- B.47 EndWhile() -- B.48 EnumLookup() -- B.49 Eval() -- B.50 Exec() -- B.51 ExecIf() -- B.52 ExecIfTime() -- B.53 ExitWhile() -- B.54 ExtenSpy() -- B.55 ExternalIVR() -- B.56 FastAGI() -- B.57 Festival() -- B.58 Flash() -- B.59 FollowMe() -- B.60 ForkCDR() -- B.61 GetCPEID() -- B.62 GetGroupCount() -- B.63 GetGroupMatchCount() -- B.64 Gosub() -- B.65 GosubIf() -- B.66 Goto() -- B.67 GotoIf() -- B.68 GotoIfTime() -- B.69 Hangup() -- B.70 HasNewVoicemail() -- B.71 HasVoicemail() -- B.72 IAX2Provision() -- B.73 ICES() -- B.74 ImportVar() -- B.75 Incomplete() -- B.76 JabberSend() -- B.77 JabberStatus() -- B.78 KeepAlive() -- B.79 Log() -- B.80 LookupBlacklist() -- B.81 LookupCIDName() -- B.82 Macro() -- B.83 MacroExclusive() -- B.84 MacroExit() -- B.85 MacroIf() -- B.86 mailboxExists() -- B.87 Math() -- B.88 MD5() -- B.89 MD5Check() -- B.90 MeetMe() -- B.91 MeetMeAdmin() -- B.92 MeetMeChannelAdmin() -- B.93 MeetMeCount() -- B.94 Milliwatt() -- B.95 MinivmAccMess() -- B.96 MinivmDelete() -- B.97 MinivmGreet() -- B.98 MinivmNotify() -- B.99 MinivmRecord() -- B.100 MixMonitor() -- B.101 Monitor() -- B.102 Morsecode() -- B.103 MP3Player() -- B.104 MSet() -- B.105 MusicOnHold() -- B.106 NBScat()…”
Libro electrónico -
718por OECD“…Aptuveni piektā daļa iedzīvotāju ziņo par atteikšanos no veselības aprūpes pakalpojumiem izmaksu dēļ; gaidīšanas laiki uz galvenajiem diagnostikas un ārstēšanas pakalpojumiem (piemēram, vēža aprūpi), var būt ilgi; un galveno ārstēšanas procedūru iekļaušana valsts finansēto pabalstu grozā ne vienmēr atspoguļo jaunāko paraugpraksi…”
Publicado 2018
Libro electrónico -
720Publicado 2021“…Dei 24 kapitla utforskar Vinjes liv og forfattarskap slik at lesarane kjem tett på dei spørsmåla han var oppteken av, og dei skrivemåtane han utvikla. …”
Libro electrónico