Mostrando 1,861 - 1,880 Resultados de 2,311 Para Buscar '"Union Institute ', tiempo de consulta: 0.13s Limitar resultados
  1. 1861
    Publicado 2013
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…World War I and the pre-World War I era -- First and second bank of the United States / Eric Lomazoff -- The panic of 1873 / Elmus Wicker -- Gold resumption and the deflation of the 1870s / Sierre Siklos and Richard Burdekin -- Great merger wave / AnthonY O'Brien -- The panic of 1893 / Mark Carlson -- The panic of 1907 / Ellis Tallman -- The founding of the federal reserve system / Mark Toma -- World War I / Jari Eloranta -- The classical gold standard / Kris Mitchener -- The interwar era and World War II -- The 1920s / Martha Olney -- The crash of 1929 / Howard Bierman -- The British abandonment of the gold standard / Michael Kitson -- The Great Depression 1929-33 / Randall Parker -- The Great Depression, microeconomics of the new deal / Price Fishback -- The Great Depression, macroeconomics of the new deal / Lee Ohanian -- Monetary policy during the Great Depression / Jim Butkiewicz -- World War II / Robert Higgs -- Post-World War II era -- The Marshall plan / Nick Crafts -- Urban riots of the 1960s / Bill Collins -- The great inflation / Robert Hetzel -- History of oil shocks / James Hamilton -- The rise and fall of the Phillips curve in the 1960s and 1970s / Arnold Kling --The Rise and Fall of the Bretton Woods System / Barry Eichengreen -- The 1980s disinflation / Allan Meltzer -- The rise of China / Loren Brandt -- The rise of India / Areendam Chanda -- The bust and stagnation of Japan / Etsuro Shioji -- The fall of the Soviet Union / Rick Ericson -- The development of trade institutions and the advent of globalization / by Teresa Gramm -- The contemporary era -- World hyperinflations / Steve Hanke and Nicholas Krus -- The financial panic of 2008 / Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick -- Monetary policy in the crisis of 2008 and beyond / W.D. …”
    Enlace del recurso
    Libro electrónico
  2. 1862
    Publicado 2016
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Politicisation of the National Union of Ghana Students and its effects on student representation / Ransford EV Gyampo, Emmanuel Debrah and Evans Aggrey-Darkoh -- 12. …”
    Libro electrónico
  3. 1863
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…The National Context - Towards the European Union; 3. Governance, Planning and Regulation; 3.1 Terms, concepts and functions; 3.2 The distribution of functions between national and institutional levels; 3.3 Governance and management of TEIs; 3.4 Recommendations; 4. …”
    Libro electrónico
  4. 1864
    Publicado 2006
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Why bibliography / Names are important / General works on sexual orientation and the law : introduction / Legal status of lesbians and gay men / Expansion of constitutional LGB to LGBT rights / LGBTQ rights : election/voting politics and ballot initiatives / Constitutional interpretations and general principles / First amendment : the rights of bakers, LGBT students and minors / DOMA's demise and its implications / Privacy and equal protection / Foreign law / Comparative law / Immigration and asylum : striving for recognition / Asylum, immigration, and gender identity : scholarship and strategies for advocacy / International law / Employment discrimination / Continuing) evolution of Title VII as it applies to sexual orientation / Military employment : navigating the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell / Distinct topics in public sector employment / Hate crimes against LGBTQ communities and persons / LGBTQ athletes and discrimination in sport / Marriage, civil unions, dissolution / From queer to paternity : parenting, pregnancy, custody, and adoption / Wills & trusts & estates / Same-sex intimate partner abuse and domestic violence : how it affects the LGBTQ community / LGBT youth/students / Health issues / Elder law / Being LGBTQ in the big house : treatment of LGBTQ individuals by the criminal justice system and correctional institutions / Transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) inmates / Gender identity and the law : scholarship regarding the gender binary and gender outlaws generally / Gender-affirming health care, autonomy, and bias in insurance and the law / Family law and gender identity : legal issues arising when marrying and parenting while trans / Gender identity discrimination in the workplace and education : Title VII and Title IX / Gender identity and domestic legal status / Gender identity and foreign status / Intersex issues : early genital surgery, binary sex classifications, discrimination, and sex-segregated athletic events / Beyond L & G : exploring the spectrum / State-by-state comparison of laws and regulations…”
    Libro electrónico
  5. 1865
    Publicado 2021
  6. 1866
    Publicado 2016
    Libro electrónico
  7. 1867
    Publicado 2021
    “…Non-governmental funding sources (e.g., banks, credit unions, venture capital) are also examined in depth, with sound advice on approaching each. …”
    Libro electrónico
  8. 1868
    Publicado 2016
    “…In The Power of Systems, Egle Rindzeviciute introduces readers to one of the best-kept secrets of the Cold War: the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, an international think tank established by the U.S. and Soviet governments to advance scientific collaboration. …”
    Libro electrónico
  9. 1869
    Publicado 2023
    “…The report highlights efforts to engage with the European Union and its members, and identifies opportunities for building institutional learning processes…”
    Libro electrónico
  10. 1870
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) -- The institutional landscape in which international organisations operate -- World Health Organization (WHO) -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO) -- World Intellectual Property Rights Organization (WIPO) -- Universal Postal Union (UPU) -- International Maritime Organization (IMO) -- Assessing the success of international regulatory co-operation as provided by international organisations -- World Customs Organization (WCO) -- World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) -- International Monetary Fund (IMF) -- How do international organisations ensure the quality of their rule-making process? …”
    Libro electrónico
  11. 1871
    por Peter, Henry
    Publicado 2023
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Foreword -- Introduction -- PART I: The Social Enterprise Movement -- The social enterprise movement and the birth of hybrid organizational forms as policy response to the growing demand for firm altruism -- Social enterprises in the European Union: gradual recognition of their importance and models of legal regulation -- The Governance Patterns of Social Enterprises Two Proposals to Reconcile the US and European Approaches -- Social Enterprises and Tax: Living Apart Together? …”
    Libro electrónico
  12. 1872
    Publicado 2021
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…Implications for the Labour Market -- Economic Policies for Non-Cyclical Crises -- Digitalisation and Competition in the European Union -- Restarting COVID-19-Affected Economies -- Creative and Cultural Sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Financial Perspectives in Turbulent Times -- The Impact of Fiscal Freedom, Government Effectiveness and Human Development Index on the VAT GAP in the European Union -- Fiscal Pressure in Romania and the Influence of the Value Added Tax -- Is the Digitalisation of Tax Institutions a Solution for Voluntary Tax Compliance? …”
    Libro electrónico
  13. 1873
    Publicado 2000
    “…Les grandes politiques lancées par les traités de Maastricht et Amsterdam (Union économique et monétaire, politique étrangère, sécurité intérieure, politiques sociales) reposent de plus en plus sur une " coopération ouverte " entre gouvernements, où les institutions communautaires peinent à trouver leurs marques. …”
    Libro electrónico
  14. 1874
    Publicado 1951
  15. 1875
    Libro electrónico
  16. 1876
    Publicado 2007
    Tabla de Contenidos: “…About the Authors -- Introduction -- List of Contributors -- Further Reading -- Abbey of Theleme -- Agora -- Alternative Geopolitics -- Amazons -- America -- Amish -- Anabaptists -- Anarchism -- Anti-Capitalism -- Appropriate Technology -- Arcadia -- Arts and Crafts -- Atlantis -- Attac -- Auroville -- Auto-Didacticism -- Autonomia -- Bakunin, Mikhail -- Ball, John -- Bartering -- Battle of Seattle -- Blac(k) Bloc -- Blake, William -- Bookchin, Murray -- Bournville -- Bray, John Francis -- Brethren of the Free Spirit -- Brook Farm -- Bureaucracy -- Captain Swing -- Carnival -- Cathars -- Centri Sociali -- Chipko Movement -- Christiania -- Christianopolis -- City of the Sun -- City State -- Cockaigne (or Cockaygne) -- Collectivism -- Commons -- Commonwealth -- Commune -- Communism -- Communitarianism -- Community -- Community Credit -- Community Gardens -- Community-Supported Agriculture -- Cooperative City -- Cooperatives -- Credit Unions -- Crystal Waters -- Cuba -- Cult -- Decroissance / Degrowth -- Deep Ecology -- Democracy -- Diggers -- Direct Action -- Disobbedienti -- Dispossessed, The -- Dissenters -- Dissenting Academies -- Dystopia -- Ecofeminism -- Ecotopia -- Ecovillages -- Eden -- El Dorado -- Employee Ownership -- Empowerment -- Environmentalism -- Erewhon -- Esop -- Fair Trade -- Farmers' Markets -- Fascism -- Federalism -- Feminism -- Feminist Utopias -- Findhorn -- Focolare -- Fourier, Charles -- Free Schools -- Free State Project -- Freeland -- Freire, Paulo -- Friendly Societies -- Gandhi, Mohandas K -- Garden Cities -- Godwin, William -- Golden Age -- Goldman, Emma -- Grameen Bank -- Grassroots -- Guerrilla -- Guilds -- Gulliver's Travels -- Hayden, Dolores -- Herland -- Illich, Ivan -- Industrial Democracy -- Indymedia (Independent Media Centre) -- Intentional Community -- Internationals -- Islamic Finance -- Island -- Isle of Pines -- John Lewis Partnership -- Kalmar -- Kibbutz -- Kingdom of Heaven On Earth -- Kropotkin, Peter -- Le Corbusier -- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich -- Lets (Local Exchange and Trading Schemes) -- Levellers -- Liberalism -- Libertarianism -- Llano Del Rio -- Localization -- Looking Backward -- Luddites -- Luxemburg, Rosa -- Management -- Mao Tse-Tung -- Markets -- Marx, Karl -- Massachusetts Bay Colony -- Mechanics' Institutes and Mutual Improvement Societies -- Millenarianism -- Minarchism or Minimal Statism -- Monasticism -- Mondragòn -- MST (Movimento Dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) -- Multitude -- Mutualism -- Network -- New Atlantis -- New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis -- New Jerusalem -- New Lanark -- New Model Army -- News from Nowhere -- Non-Conformism -- Non-Violent Resistance -- Nozick, Robert -- Oceana -- Oneida -- Open Source Software -- Owen, Robert -- Paradise -- Paris Commune -- Peasants' Revolt -- Permaculture -- Pirate Utopia -- Plutarch -- Polis -- Port Sunlight -- Porto Alegre -- Protectionism -- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph -- Quakers -- Quality of Working Life (QWL) -- Rand, Ayn -- Ranters -- Rawls, John -- Republic, The -- Revolution -- Robinson Crusoe -- Rochdale Pioneers -- Romanticism -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques -- Ruskin, John -- Sade, Marquis De -- Saint-Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de -- Saltaire -- Schumacher, E.F -- Science Fiction -- Scott Bader Commonwealth -- Secret Societies -- Self-Sufficiency -- Shakers -- Shangri-La -- Situationist -- Slow Food -- Small States -- Smallness -- Smith, Adam -- Social Capital -- Social Ecology -- Social Economy -- Socialism -- Soviet Union -- Soviets -- Spanish Anarchist Militias -- Squatting -- Stirner, Max -- Subsistence Work -- Suma -- Summerhill -- Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage -- Sustainability -- Syndicalism -- Terrorism -- Therapeutic Communities -- Time Banks -- Tolstoy (or Tolstoi), Leo -- Tower Colliery -- Trade Unions -- Travellers -- Tute Bianche -- Twin Oaks -- Utopia -- Via Campesina -- Villages -- Voyage to Icaria -- Walden -- Walden Two -- Wells, Herbert George -- Wikipedia -- Woman On the Edge of Time -- Worker Self-Management -- World Social Forum -- Zakât (or Zakaat, or Zakah) -- Zapatistas…”
    Libro electrónico
  17. 1877
    Revue européenne des études hébraïques REEH = European journal of Hebrew studies = [Ketav-ʻet le-ḥeḳer ha-ʻIvrit be-Eropah]
    Revue européenne des études hébraïques : REEH = European journal of Hebrew studies = כתב־עת לחקר העברית באירופה.
    Publicado 1996
  18. 1878
    Publicado 1853
    Seriada digital
  19. 1879
    Publicado 2023
    Libro electrónico
  20. 1880
    Publicado 2020
    “…La force d'évocation négative du syntagme suffit pourtant à éclairer la mise en tension de l'Union et des États qui la constituent. Confrontée à un défi dont on mesure qu'il met à l'épreuve l'unité même de l'Union, celle-ci a fait le choix, somme toute classique, de la novation institutionnelle. …”
    Libro electrónico