Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- History 684
- Society & social sciences 408
- United States 396
- Management 359
- Research 327
- Social aspects 327
- Humanities 319
- Law, Politics & Government 315
- Historia 303
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 275
- Català 268
- Prevention 264
- Development 244
- Leadership 238
- Politics and government 230
- Religion 227
- Government policy 216
- Església Catòlica 214
- Ús terapèutic 212
- Philosophy 209
- Ús 203
- Computer Science 202
- Law and legislation 194
- Medical care 186
- Història 183
- Law - Non-U.S 181
- Finance 180
- Evaluation 176
- Psychological aspects 176
- Technological innovations 176
22521Publicado 2023“…Upon completion, we will gain a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT/prompt engineering techniques that will enable us to effectively utilize ChatGPT to enhance software development productivity and acquire skills to design systems, write programs, and create documents with the assistance of ChatGPT. …”
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22522Publicado 2023“…He has consulted for companies such as Dell, Target, Lockheed Martin, and government agencies including the US House of Representatives. In addition to traditional classroom training and consulting, Mark releases video tutorial training for aspiring programmers on his website, and …”
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22523Publicado 2023“…En segon lloc, aquesta tesi fa ús del punt de vista del comportament organitzacional per considerar com el lideratge i l'alta direcció dins d'aquests organismes responen als desafiaments a la realitat. …”
Accés lliure
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22524Publicado 2023“…En segon lloc, aquesta tesi fa ús del punt de vista del comportament organitzacional per considerar com el lideratge i l'alta direcció dins d'aquests organismes responen als desafiaments a la realitat. …”
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22525Publicado 2023“…Whether you seek to generate new income streams, build websites, achieve financial independence, start your own business, or explore the world of freelancing, this course provides the perfect platform to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Join us and embark on a journey of self-improvement and professional growth in the exciting realm of web development and programming. …”
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22526Publicado 2018“…And it was our Publicity Chair Anita Crescenzi, who helped us with not only the outreach efforts, but also with the registration system. …”
Libro electrónico -
22527Publicado 2023“…The way to define objects in Python is using the class keyword and the special init method, which enable us to create or instantiate a new object called an instance. …”
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22528Publicado 2019“…Finalment, el desenvolupament d'eines digitals de retoc (i el seu ús massiu), han contribuït a l'establiment de perfils de bellesa irreals i inassolibles. …”
Accés lliure
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22529Publicado 2020“…El procés ha generat un important coneixement científic entorn de l'ús d'un llenguatge artístic, el de la pintura mural en grisalla i policroma, gairebé desconegut en l'art conventual mallorquí de l'època moderna. …”
Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Otras Fuentes: Biblioteca Universidad de Deusto)Libro -
22530Publicado 2019“…El present estudi d’investigació parteix de la voluntat de posar de manifest que els grans conjunts residencials no han arribat al seu límit d’ús i existència, i que en conseqüència hi ha molt a fer per tal de prevenir, frenar i erradicar els processos de degradació iniciats i consolidats en alguns casos extrems, tant des d’un punt de vista físic de l’edificació existent i de l’entorn urbà com social de la població resident. …”
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Libro electrónico -
22531Publicado 2014“….; 5) His commitment almost solitarily to the U.S. prison model; 6) Creation of institutions: the reformatory for adults in Ocaña, Alicante and Segovia, the progressive system, probation; and finally 7) His genuine contribution and his legacy to the Spanish prison system. …”
Libro electrónico -
22532Publicado 2021“…Beyond that, the texts assembled here allow us to discern the different variations, starting points, approaches and emphases as well as different styles of dispositif exploration. …”
Libro electrónico -
22533Publicado 2022“…Els resultats es van analitzar en quatre àrees (l'àrea de la influència del professor, l'àrea de les creences i actituds de l'estudiant, l'àrea de les interaccions entre els estudiants, l'àrea del marc pedagògic) amb un enfocament en els aspectes socioafectius de l'ensenyament i aprenentatge: l'entusiasme del professor (EP), un benefici futur (BF), l'ús de l'humor (UH), la consciència emocional (CE), un parell més competent (PMC), la integració al grup (IAG), les activitats sincròniques (AS) i les activitats col·laboratives (AC). …”
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22534Publicado 2023“…Finally, we will also cover some basics of machine learning that will help us start our deep learning journey. By the end of the course, we will be able to confidently use the NumPy stack in deep learning and data science. …”
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22535Publicado 2018“…Finally, we would like to thank all the volunteers that made the event possible: the technical committee who worked with us to create an exciting program for the conference; the 120 members of the Technical Program Committee, as well as the other 43 members of our PhD Students Review Committee and all the additional reviewers for all the different tracks, as well as the volunteers that supported the organization of the event…”
Libro electrónico -
22536Publicado 2018“…We also encourage attendees to attend the keynote presentations; these valuable and insightful talks guide us to a better understanding of the future.Running Recommendations: Personalisation Opportunities for Health and Fitness, Barry Smith (University College Dublin, Ireland)Robots that Listen to People's Hearts: the Role of Emotions in the Communication between Humans and Social Robots, Ana Paiva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)Interpreting User Input Intention in Natural Human Computer Interaction, Yuanchun Shi (Tsinghua University, China)…”
Libro electrónico -
22537Publicado 2024“…Subratlla la importància d'una participació variada amb els intermediaris i l'ús estratègic de les funcions d'orquestració per optimitzar el rendiment de les startups.Aquesta tesi avança en la nostra comprensió de l'orquestració de xarxes, la intermediació d’innovació i el seu impacte en l'ecosistema emprenedor. …”
Accés lliure
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22538Publicado 2001“…But the current volume also makes other historical topics easily accessible to us today. There are articles about the reorganisation of the Austrian book trade after World War One, articles he wrote articles for countless exhibition catalogues. …”
Libro electrónico -
22539por Sazak, Gozde“…In the Russian ‘successor-predecessor’ tradition, that is, working together with the most important teacher of the subject, she proposed for us to perform the tradition of publishing a book together with her as my predecessor. …”
Publicado 2020
Libro electrónico -
22540Publicado 2014“…RYAN, President and CEO, Center for Creative Leadership "Murphy and Kram show us why you can't go it alone--no matter how talented or hardworking you are--and that the best route to cultivating great mentors is learning to be a great mentee." -- SHEILA HEEN, coauthor of Thanks for the Feedback and Difficult Conversations "A perennial resource for people at all phases of their careers." -- RANDY EMELO, President and CEO, Triple Creek River "Life is tough enough--make it easier by reading this book and following the authors' insights." -- RICHARD BOYATZIS, PhD, coauthor of Primal Leadership…”
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