Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
Materias dentro de su búsqueda.
- Historia 725
- History 691
- Society & social sciences 408
- United States 396
- Management 359
- Research 327
- Social aspects 327
- Humanities 319
- Law, Politics & Government 315
- Filosofía 281
- Engineering & Applied Sciences 275
- Prevention 264
- Català 261
- Development 244
- Leadership 238
- Politics and government 233
- Religion 228
- Government policy 217
- Església Catòlica 213
- Philosophy 209
- Ús terapèutic 205
- Computer Science 202
- Law and legislation 196
- Ús 189
- Medical care 186
- Política y gobierno 186
- Law - Non-U.S 181
- Finance 180
- Psychological aspects 177
- Technological innovations 177
19661por Viega, JohnTabla de Contenidos: “…; Acknowledgments; How to Contact Us; Safari® Books Online; The Security Industry Is Broken; Security: Nobody Cares!…”
Publicado 2009
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19662Publicado 2023Tabla de Contenidos: “…[Auswärtsspiele] Internationale PerspektivenSabine Küster: Spirit, Empowerment und Erfolg -- Megan Rapinoe und die US-Frauen-NationalmannschaftBerit Johannsen: Fußball und safety: Eine framesemantische Perspektive auf Diskurse über trans Sportler*innenThomas Innertsberger: Antidiskriminierung im österreichischen Männerfußball -- von zögerlichen Anfängen zur langsam wachsenden Mobilisierung?…”
Tesis -
19663por Copeland, RickTabla de Contenidos: “…Table of Contents; Preface; Audience; Assumptions This Book Makes; Contents of this Book; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Introduction to SQLAlchemy; What Is SQLAlch; The Object/Relational "Impedance Mismatch"; SQLAlchemy Philosophy; SQLAlchemy Architecture; Engine; Connection Pooling; SQL dialect management; MetaData Management; Types System; SQL Expression Language; Object Relational Mapper (ORM); Chapter 2. …”
Publicado 2008
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19664por Crockford, DouglasTabla de Contenidos: “…JavaScript: The Good Parts; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; 1. Good Parts; Analyzing JavaScript; A Simple Testing Ground; 2. …”
Publicado 2008
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19665por York, DanTabla de Contenidos: “…; Content Updates; May 3, 2012; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; How to Contact the Author; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. …”
Publicado 2011
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19666Publicado 2009Tabla de Contenidos: “…Imitating with Polynomials; How to Obtain a Taylor Expansion; Taylor Expansion of Various Functions; What Does Taylor Expansion Tell Us?; Exercises; Chapter 6: Let's Learn About Partial Differentiation!…”
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19667por Person, John L.Tabla de Contenidos: “…How Can This Information Possibly Be of Any Help to Us?Compelling Evidence; Conclusion: COT Option Strategy; Bullish; Bearish; Chapter 4 Comparative Relative Strength; What is it used for?…”
Publicado 2013
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19668por Wiley Publishing, Inc.Tabla de Contenidos: “…Photo Inspiration: Secrets Behind Stunning Images; Contents; Introduction; Abstract; Sunrise; Carousel of the Drop; Spoon and Forks; Coastlines; Time Travelers; Distant Galaxy; Action; I Feel So Small; Pink Panther; Freedom; Finished; Surfer; Architecture; Patches of Light; "Y"; Working in the Future; En Attendant Godot; Helical Stair; Children; Autumn; World's Best Father: 4th of July; The Autumn Has Come; Expanding the Horizon of Imagination; Rain Painting; Let Us Sing; Showertime; Documentary; Where Am I?; The Man and the Sulphur; Luggage Carrier; Train; Old Memories; Big Sister…”
Publicado 2011
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19669por Beckman, Karen Redrobe, 1971-Tabla de Contenidos: “…Animating Uncommon Life: U.S. Military Malaria Films (1942-1945) and the Pacific Theater - Bishnupriya Ghosh16. …”
Publicado 2014
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19670por McDougall, J. S.Tabla de Contenidos: “…; How to Use This Book; The QR Codes; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Chapter 1. The Radio Contest; Advanced Strategies; Landing a Big Fish; Trivia Questions; Chapter 2. …”
Publicado 2012
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19671Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; How to Contact Us; 1/Introduction; Intended Audience; What Is Physical Computing?…”
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19672por Allan, AlasdairTabla de Contenidos: “…; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. The Hardware; Available Sensor Hardware; Differences Between iPhone and iPad; Device Orientation and the iPad; Going beyond basic support; Detecting Hardware Differences; Camera Availability; Audio Input Availability; GPS Availability; Magnetometer Availability; Setting Required Hardware Capabilities; Persistent WiFi; Background Modes…”
Publicado 2011
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19673Publicado 2011Tabla de Contenidos: “…Copyright; Table of Contents; Preface; Audience; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Up and Running with Elastic Beanstalk; What Is Elastic Beanstalk?…”
Libro electrónico -
19674Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Narración de experiencia : recuperación de memoria del proceso, organiativo del Cabildo IndIgena Yanacoa de Santiago de Cali / Adriana Anacona Muñoz -- "Gotitas de amor" en el Centro de Reclusión Jamundi Valle / Alba Delcy martinez norena [y] luz karime giraldo garcia --MetodologIa de intervenciOn social caso comuna 7 de Santiago de Cali / Juan Carlos CerOn Espinosa, Jorge Elicer Olaya GarcerA [y] Alfonso lucas rojas muNoz -- InclusiOn social de la poblaciOn estuantil afrodesceniente : la experincea del Centro de Estudios Afrodescenite de la Universidad Santiago de Cali (CEAFRO) / Luis carlos Granja Escobar [y] MarIa de JesUs VitOn de Antonio --Experiencia de educomunicacIon como estraegia en procesos de resocializaicOn de jOvenes infractores de el CFI Buen Pastor, Cal i / Olga Behar Leiser, Sandro Javier Buitrao Parias, Marisol JOrdAn TRacez [y] Johana Castillo MuNoz -- La extensiOn como aporte a la responsablidad social en la atenciOn a la poblaciOn con discapacidad / Patricia MuNoz borga -- DeterminaciOn de vitaminas hidrosolubles y liposoubles en el fruto zapote (Quarahea Cordata Malvaceae) / Jaime NarvAez Camacho [y] JOrge Castillo -- desarrollo de una herramienta para el protopiado rApido de prOtesis, orteis y sistemas de ciurgia robOtica / Juan M. …”
Libro electrónico -
19675Publicado 2019Tabla de Contenidos: “…Travelogs of Jewish intellectuals visiting post-war Germany, 1945-1950 -- (Un)Mögliche Begegnungen: Die Deutschen in Zeugnissen polnisch-jüdischer Displaced Persons in der US-Zone (1945-1950) -- Schocken und Merkur. Kontinuitäten des Unternehmens von der NS-Zeit bis in die Nachkriegszeit -- "You can't go home again." …”
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19676Publicado 2022Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 Difficult Decisions -- Making Difficult Decisions -- How We Make Decisions Now -- Key Points -- Chapter 2 The Moral-Ethical-Role Responsibility Triangle -- Morals versus Ethics: Election -- Jean and Paula -- Win as Much as You Can -- Do the Right Thing -- Key Points -- Chapter 3 Morals -- Communicating Your Morality and Asking about Morality -- Knowing the Sources of Your Morality -- Reflecting on the Sources of Your Morality -- Understanding the Parameters and Boundaries of Your Morality -- A Moral Exercise -- Exercise: Morality and Your Leadership Narrative -- Key Points -- Chapter 4 Ethics -- Characteristics of Ethics -- Ethics Are Contextually Dependent and Are, Therefore, Not Uniform -- Ethics Can Change over Time -- Ethics Are about Shared Social Acceptability, but They Are Not about Popularity -- The Ethics of Leading Politically -- Waiving Ethics -- An Exercise in Exceptions -- Ethics and Judgment -- An Ethics Exercise -- Key Points -- Chapter 5 Role Responsibilities -- Who You Are Charged to Serve -- Stakeholder Mapping -- Socioemotional Role -- Understanding Dynamic Roles -- A Role Exercise -- Key Points -- Chapter 6 Using the Triangle to Make Difficult Decisions -- Decision-Making Ecosystem and Its Associated Expectations -- Thoughtful Learning and Development for the Leader -- The Importance of Deep Consideration of What Truly Matters to Us -- What and How to Communicate to Audiences with Varied Needs and Perspectives -- The Tissue Test -- Key Points -- Chapter 7 I Think I Know What I Think -- Now What? …”
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19677Publicado 2006Tabla de Contenidos: “…Koob -- What can human brain imaging tell us about vulnerability to addiction and to relapse? …”
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19678Publicado 2013Tabla de Contenidos: “…Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Drug Laws and Drug Law Enforcement: A Review and Evaluation Based on 111 Years of Experience; Introduction; Opium Smoking; The Harrison Narcotic Act (1914); ""Tightening Up" the Harrison Act; The Economics of the Black Market; Closing the Borders to Smuggling; Cocaine and the Amphetamines; The Marijuana Tax Act (1937); Operation Intercept; Curbing Drug Production Abroad; Curbing U.S. Marijuana Production; The Future; The Deviance Model of Drug-Taking Behavior: A Critique; Survey and Other Prevalence Data…”
Libro electrónico -
19679Publicado 2012Tabla de Contenidos: “…/ Alexandra Kent -- "Pretend I was Mummy" : children's production of authority and subordinance in their pretend play interaction during disputes / Charlotte Cobb-Moore -- Being doggy : disputes embedded in preschoolers' family role-play / Polly Björk-Willén -- Working towards trouble : some categorial resources for accomplishing disputes in a correctional youth facility / Jakob Cromdal, Karin Osvaldsson -- Tattling and dispute resolution : moral order, emotions and embodiment in the teacher-mediated disputes of young second language learners / Asta Cekaite -- Challenging and orienting to monolingual school norms in Turkish American children's peer disputes and classroom negotiations at a U.S. Turkish Saturday school / Seyda Deniz Tarim, Amy Kyratzis -- "A problem of versions" : laying down the law in the school playground / Maryanne Theobald, Susan Danby -- Conditional threats in young children's peer interaction / Amelia Church, Sally Hester -- When verbal disputes get physical / Amanda Bateman -- School bullying and the micro-politics of girls' gossip disputes / Ann-Carita Evaldsson, Johanna Svahn -- The logic of conflict : practices of social control among inner city Neapolitan girls / Heather Loyd -- When "yes" turns to "no" : young children's disputes during computer game playing in the home / Christina Davidson -- Disputes, stakes and game involvement : facing death in computer gaming / Björn Sjöblom, Karin Aronsson…”
Libro electrónico -
19680Publicado 2018Tabla de Contenidos: “…Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- List of Illustrations -- Map of the Gulf -- Acknowledgements -- List of Contributors -- 1 Introduction: World History in the Gulf as a Gulf in World History -- Part I Gulf Cosmopolitanism -- 2 The Cosmopolitan Figure as Ethical Exemplar: Notes from a Tenth-century Gulf Encyclopedia -- 3 The Gulf: A Cosmopolitan Mobile Society – Hormuz, 1475–1515 CE -- 4 From Jerusalem to the Karûn: What can Mandæan Geographies Tell Us? -- Part II The Gulf and the Indian Ocean -- 5 Merchant Communities and Cross-cultural Trade between Gujarat and the Gulf in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries -- 6 The Banians of Muscat: A South Asian Merchant Community in Oman and the Gulf, c. 1500–1700 -- 7 Khaliji Hindustan: Towards a Diasporic History of Khalijis in South Asia from the 1780s to the 1960s -- Part III East Africans in the Khalij and the Khalij in East Africa -- 8 Africans and the Gulf: Between Diaspora and Cosmopolitanism -- 9 East Africa, the Global Gulf and the New Thalassology of the Indian Ocean -- Part IV Diversity and Change: Between Sky, Land and Sea -- 10 Astrology as a Node of Connectivity between the Pre-modern Mediterranean and Gulf -- 11 Ships of the Gulf: Shifting Names and Networks -- 12 The Role of Indian Ocean Trade Inland: The Buraimi Oasis -- Part V Recent Gulf Archaeology -- 13 Pearl Fishing and Globalisation: From the Neolithic to the Twentieth Century CE -- 14 An Archaeology of Glass and International Trade in the Gulf -- Part VI Heritage and Memory in the Gulf -- 15 From History to Heritage: The Arabian Incense Burner -- 16 Doha’s Msheireb Heritage House Museums: A Discussion of Memory, History and the Indian Ocean World -- 17 Omani Identity amid the Oil Crisis -- Index…”
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